A Comprehensive Plan To Get Rick Perry Elected..

Would you be in favor of granting BigOil rights to solar and geothermal steam production for a time?

  • Yes, it would be a good idea. It would have excellent ripple effects.

  • Maybe, but I'm not sure about the ripple effects (but I promise I'll look into them!)

  • No, green energy hybridized should never happen. I love oil and all that comes with it.

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Trump says we ought to require Perry take an i.q. test
Rick Perry has trouble articulating when he's on the spot. I'd personally be more wary of a smooth talker who never shuts the fuck up (Trump) and never misses a beat. That's the guy you don't want to trust in a pinch. I like it when Perry stumbles. He should figure a way to make it endearing and that hurdle won't bother him anymore.

This isn't American Idol we're selecting for. It's the leader of a country in very bad shape. I'd rather have a guy who is better at thinking than a guy who has honed the art of flapping his yapper 24/7. Donald Trump is not the answer to our problems. But Rick Perry very well may be.. Put a Perry/Christie ticket out there with a plan like the one in the OP and you'd have to whip middle voters back from the polls as they clamored to get it and cast their vote for that dynamic duo. Bush's hate them? GREAT!!

I live in Texas and even though he come across as idiot when he speaking the man is not a idiot. He is actually a very crafty politician, and would be a decent President but many can not get past the Texas way of talking, so he has no chance.

Most prefer the smooth talking charlatan and not someone that actually has a plan...

Perry best hope is as VP candidate for John Kasich...

How is Perry going to run for President when he's under indictment?
How is Perry going to run for President when he's under indictment?

The same way Chris Christie is, as a folk hero flipping the middle finger to the hard left media who is out to dethrone him. In Texas its the LGBT militia that's after him...something about him squabbling with a powerful lesbian and the organized "we'll teach YOU a lesson Gov. Perry" cult-attack...though if memory serves, the network/host that obsessed nonstop for weeks on Christie's bridgegate scandal was MSNBC/Rachael Maddow.

Either of the two men could gain votes by simply telling their side of the story as victims in their own right of an orchestrated libel campaign.
I'm always impressed at how USMB conservatives believe so many of their candidates would make excellent presidents. They have so much talent!
I'm always impressed at how USMB conservatives believe so many of their candidates would make excellent presidents. They have so much talent!
I voted for B.O. twice. A choice of lesser of two evils both times. This time around I don't want the election to be a choice of the lesser of two evils. You may not have noticed, but this country cannot any further afford a nimwitted buffoon/Cheney puppet or affirmative action president. This country for the next 8 years needs ACTUAL potent and capable leadership that doesn't represent a fringe of either party, but instead what the majority of the country want and need. We need a unifier, not a divider. And that's going to take a governor who has already spent years in the trenches managing a state effectively.

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