A Conservative's view on waterboarding

It was amazing to see that weatherman on Fox and Friends get his ass handed to him this morning when he tried to prove waterboarding was ok....against John McCain.

McCain said it absolutely WAS torture and that it DIDN'T lead to actionable intelligence about OBL. In fact, he went on to say that it gave LIES that would have been a waste of time and resources.

"Tales from the Dad Side?" what a dumb-ass name for what is surely a dumb-ass book.

The CIA (the ones that actually engaged in waterboarding) says different.

Had people wearing turbans been administering the boarding they may have viewed it differently.
Torture has a strong mental aspect not just physical.
There are really only two POV's on this issue of waterboarding, you are either Ok with it or not. This comes down to a moral principal which a person has regarding torture. The question that must be asked is wether or not we are comfortable with others inflicting pain on another person, on our behalf. Lets face it, how many of us could actually torture someone else? What kind of person can do such a thing, and how as a society could we ask someone to do it on our behalf? When a soldier waterboards a terrorist what are we doing to the soldier, does anyone ever think about that? Perhaps we should let the BTK killer do the waterboarding, he seems right for the job. Do we want someone walking around in our society who tortures people for a living? Do we want this persons identity made public? Can a torturer just stop torturing when they have done it for an extended period of time? Does the torturer get counciling before and after? This is a hell of a thing to ask of someone to do and we should think long and hard before we ask them to do it.

I think most people are capable of torture if the situation is personal enough.
There are really only two POV's on this issue of waterboarding, you are either Ok with it or not. This comes down to a moral principal which a person has regarding torture. The question that must be asked is wether or not we are comfortable with others inflicting pain on another person, on our behalf. Lets face it, how many of us could actually torture someone else? What kind of person can do such a thing, and how as a society could we ask someone to do it on our behalf? When a soldier waterboards a terrorist what are we doing to the soldier, does anyone ever think about that? Perhaps we should let the BTK killer do the waterboarding, he seems right for the job. Do we want someone walking around in our society who tortures people for a living? Do we want this persons identity made public? Can a torturer just stop torturing when they have done it for an extended period of time? Does the torturer get counciling before and after? This is a hell of a thing to ask of someone to do and we should think long and hard before we ask them to do it.

Your slip is showing.
It was amazing to see that weatherman on Fox and Friends get his ass handed to him this morning when he tried to prove waterboarding was ok....against John McCain.

McCain said it absolutely WAS torture and that it DIDN'T lead to actionable intelligence about OBL. In fact, he went on to say that it gave LIES that would have been a waste of time and resources.

"Tales from the Dad Side?" what a dumb-ass name for what is surely a dumb-ass book.

The CIA (the ones that actually engaged in waterboarding) says different.

Had people wearing turbans been administering the boarding they may have viewed it differently.
Torture has a strong mental aspect not just physical.

Torture is subjective.
There are really only two POV's on this issue of waterboarding, you are either Ok with it or not. This comes down to a moral principal which a person has regarding torture. The question that must be asked is wether or not we are comfortable with others inflicting pain on another person, on our behalf. Lets face it, how many of us could actually torture someone else? What kind of person can do such a thing, and how as a society could we ask someone to do it on our behalf? When a soldier waterboards a terrorist what are we doing to the soldier, does anyone ever think about that? Perhaps we should let the BTK killer do the waterboarding, he seems right for the job. Do we want someone walking around in our society who tortures people for a living? Do we want this persons identity made public? Can a torturer just stop torturing when they have done it for an extended period of time? Does the torturer get counciling before and after? This is a hell of a thing to ask of someone to do and we should think long and hard before we ask them to do it.

I think most people are capable of torture if the situation is personal enough.

When we create the position of torturer, the person that fills this role is basically turned into a monster. Read the news and what do we call people who torture others? what do we do with those who get caught torturing others, (BTK)? In the case of terrorists do we give out medals for exceptional torturing? I can't agree with your assessment that everyone is capable of torture if it is personal enough.
It was amazing to see that weatherman on Fox and Friends get his ass handed to him this morning when he tried to prove waterboarding was ok....against John McCain.

McCain said it absolutely WAS torture and that it DIDN'T lead to actionable intelligence about OBL. In fact, he went on to say that it gave LIES that would have been a waste of time and resources.

"Tales from the Dad Side?" what a dumb-ass name for what is surely a dumb-ass book.

The CIA (the ones that actually engaged in waterboarding) says different.

Had people wearing turbans been administering the boarding they may have viewed it differently.
Torture has a strong mental aspect not just physical.

You mean like beheading innocents?
There are really only two POV's on this issue of waterboarding, you are either Ok with it or not. This comes down to a moral principal which a person has regarding torture. The question that must be asked is wether or not we are comfortable with others inflicting pain on another person, on our behalf. Lets face it, how many of us could actually torture someone else? What kind of person can do such a thing, and how as a society could we ask someone to do it on our behalf? When a soldier waterboards a terrorist what are we doing to the soldier, does anyone ever think about that? Perhaps we should let the BTK killer do the waterboarding, he seems right for the job. Do we want someone walking around in our society who tortures people for a living? Do we want this persons identity made public? Can a torturer just stop torturing when they have done it for an extended period of time? Does the torturer get counciling before and after? This is a hell of a thing to ask of someone to do and we should think long and hard before we ask them to do it.

I think most people are capable of torture if the situation is personal enough.

When we create the position of torturer, the person that fills this role is basically turned into a monster. Read the news and what do we call people who torture others? what do we do with those who get caught torturing others, (BTK)? In the case of terrorists do we give out medals for exceptional torturing? I can't agree with your assessment that everyone is capable of torture if it is personal enough.

And you have evidence of this?
There are really only two POV's on this issue of waterboarding, you are either Ok with it or not. This comes down to a moral principal which a person has regarding torture. The question that must be asked is wether or not we are comfortable with others inflicting pain on another person, on our behalf. Lets face it, how many of us could actually torture someone else? What kind of person can do such a thing, and how as a society could we ask someone to do it on our behalf? When a soldier waterboards a terrorist what are we doing to the soldier, does anyone ever think about that? Perhaps we should let the BTK killer do the waterboarding, he seems right for the job. Do we want someone walking around in our society who tortures people for a living? Do we want this persons identity made public? Can a torturer just stop torturing when they have done it for an extended period of time? Does the torturer get counciling before and after? This is a hell of a thing to ask of someone to do and we should think long and hard before we ask them to do it.

Your slip is showing.

Not my 'slip', just my ability to look at the issue from all sides and apply intelligence and logic to a situation. do you wish you could do the same?
There are really only two POV's on this issue of waterboarding, you are either Ok with it or not. This comes down to a moral principal which a person has regarding torture. The question that must be asked is wether or not we are comfortable with others inflicting pain on another person, on our behalf. Lets face it, how many of us could actually torture someone else? What kind of person can do such a thing, and how as a society could we ask someone to do it on our behalf? When a soldier waterboards a terrorist what are we doing to the soldier, does anyone ever think about that? Perhaps we should let the BTK killer do the waterboarding, he seems right for the job. Do we want someone walking around in our society who tortures people for a living? Do we want this persons identity made public? Can a torturer just stop torturing when they have done it for an extended period of time? Does the torturer get counciling before and after? This is a hell of a thing to ask of someone to do and we should think long and hard before we ask them to do it.

I think most people are capable of torture if the situation is personal enough.

When we create the position of torturer, the person that fills this role is basically turned into a monster. Read the news and what do we call people who torture others? what do we do with those who get caught torturing others, (BTK)? In the case of terrorists do we give out medals for exceptional torturing? I can't agree with your assessment that everyone is capable of torture if it is personal enough.

The world has plenty of monsters. Just find a torturer who is already a monster. Problem solved.

(BTW, I didn't say everyone is capable of torture.)
I think most people are capable of torture if the situation is personal enough.

When we create the position of torturer, the person that fills this role is basically turned into a monster. Read the news and what do we call people who torture others? what do we do with those who get caught torturing others, (BTK)? In the case of terrorists do we give out medals for exceptional torturing? I can't agree with your assessment that everyone is capable of torture if it is personal enough.

And you have evidence of this?

Yes, someone did actually waterboard another person. That is a fact or we would not be debating it. This someone has a job working for the US, and was trained in the art of waterboarding, we just don't give them a burlap sack and a bucket of water and say have at it. I would call this sufficient evidence.
I think most people are capable of torture if the situation is personal enough.

When we create the position of torturer, the person that fills this role is basically turned into a monster. Read the news and what do we call people who torture others? what do we do with those who get caught torturing others, (BTK)? In the case of terrorists do we give out medals for exceptional torturing? I can't agree with your assessment that everyone is capable of torture if it is personal enough.

The world has plenty of monsters. Just find a torturer who is already a monster. Problem solved.

(BTW, I didn't say everyone is capable of torture.)

I stand corrected, and apologize for my error.
There are really only two POV's on this issue of waterboarding, you are either Ok with it or not. This comes down to a moral principal which a person has regarding torture. The question that must be asked is wether or not we are comfortable with others inflicting pain on another person, on our behalf. Lets face it, how many of us could actually torture someone else? What kind of person can do such a thing, and how as a society could we ask someone to do it on our behalf? When a soldier waterboards a terrorist what are we doing to the soldier, does anyone ever think about that? Perhaps we should let the BTK killer do the waterboarding, he seems right for the job. Do we want someone walking around in our society who tortures people for a living? Do we want this persons identity made public? Can a torturer just stop torturing when they have done it for an extended period of time? Does the torturer get counciling before and after? This is a hell of a thing to ask of someone to do and we should think long and hard before we ask them to do it.

Your slip is showing.

Not my 'slip', just my ability to look at the issue from all sides and apply intelligence and logic to a situation. do you wish you could do the same?

Is that what you call it? I call it a lot of who shot john. Your whole line of questioning comes from a false premise.

Show instances where individuals who are instructed to waterboard others have become mentally unstable. Show examples of those that engage in delivering legal lethal injections in the course of their duty have became "monsters".
When we create the position of torturer, the person that fills this role is basically turned into a monster. Read the news and what do we call people who torture others? what do we do with those who get caught torturing others, (BTK)? In the case of terrorists do we give out medals for exceptional torturing? I can't agree with your assessment that everyone is capable of torture if it is personal enough.

And you have evidence of this?

Yes, someone did actually waterboard another person. That is a fact or we would not be debating it. This someone has a job working for the US, and was trained in the art of waterboarding, we just don't give them a burlap sack and a bucket of water and say have at it. I would call this sufficient evidence.

Nice dodge.

Where's the evidence that the person was turned into a monster.

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