A Conservative's view on waterboarding

When we create the position of torturer, the person that fills this role is basically turned into a monster. Read the news and what do we call people who torture others? what do we do with those who get caught torturing others, (BTK)? In the case of terrorists do we give out medals for exceptional torturing? I can't agree with your assessment that everyone is capable of torture if it is personal enough.

The world has plenty of monsters. Just find a torturer who is already a monster. Problem solved.

(BTW, I didn't say everyone is capable of torture.)

I stand corrected, and apologize for my error.

No biggie. This is a great thread and brings out many different viewpoints. (It also brings out a lot of name-calling and ugliness, but oh well. Maybe that can lead to torture? :cool:) I recently posted a poll about the idea that if some intelligence gleaned from waterboarding was used to find an kill OBL, was it worth it. The results were something like 3:1 in favor of waterboarding.
no, but i don't expect you to understand.

s'all good

I understood perfectly.

You made the comparison.

I brought up medics, you compared them to Mengele.

no, i compared how a prisoner would feel in the presence of an enemy doctor.

thanks for missing the point, again.

And you know how a prisoner feels in the presence of a medic?

When and where were you a POW?
I do have to laugh at this thread as it does point out that a segment feels quite comfortable allowing our people to be slaughtered so that they might feel morally Superior.

While the rest of us will do whatever is necessary to Find Fix and (*&^ over those that would do our nation and people harm.

I don't really care what it takes these asswipes pulled the tail of the dragon and in case you've forgotten this is a war the consequences of not doing what is necessary can be catastrophic. So while you can sit on your ass's and cluck about our evils if you're not going to help stay out of the way.
I understood perfectly.

You made the comparison.

I brought up medics, you compared them to Mengele.

no, i compared how a prisoner would feel in the presence of an enemy doctor.

thanks for missing the point, again.

And you know how a prisoner feels in the presence of a medic?

When and where were you a POW?


So if you were being tortured by the enemy, you'd be like "oh it's no big deal, there's the enemy's doctor there to make sure I'm safe."
I do have to laugh at this thread as it does point out that a segment feels quite comfortable allowing our people to be slaughtered so that they might feel morally Superior.

While the rest of us will do whatever is necessary to Find Fix and (*&^ over those that would do our nation and people harm.

I don't really care what it takes these asswipes pulled the tail of the dragon and in case you've forgotten this is a war the consequences of not doing what is necessary can be catastrophic. So while you can sit on your ass's and cluck about our evils if you're not going to help stay out of the way.

Why do you insult terrorists and their actions when you want us to be the same or worse?
I understood perfectly.

You made the comparison.

I brought up medics, you compared them to Mengele.

no, i compared how a prisoner would feel in the presence of an enemy doctor.

thanks for missing the point, again.

And you know how a prisoner feels in the presence of a medic?

When and where were you a POW?

so unless i've experienced being a prisoner, i have no idea how it would feel?

really? okay, then tell me about YOUR experience as a POW, since you've obviously been there and done that.

i'm all ears.
I do have to laugh at this thread as it does point out that a segment feels quite comfortable allowing our people to be slaughtered so that they might feel morally Superior.

While the rest of us will do whatever is necessary to Find Fix and (*&^ over those that would do our nation and people harm.

I don't really care what it takes these asswipes pulled the tail of the dragon and in case you've forgotten this is a war the consequences of not doing what is necessary can be catastrophic. So while you can sit on your ass's and cluck about our evils if you're not going to help stay out of the way.

Why do you insult terrorists and their actions when you want us to be the same or worse?

In case you've forgotten and obviously you have our actions are defensive in nature I'm sorry you care so little for our Nation that you would simply allow millions to be killed so you can sit on your ass and feel morally superior because you didn't do everything you could to end this crap.

Unlike you Drock apparently I place a higher value on the lives of our people and that of Our nation than that of the Terrorists that want to kill them.

Taking necessary actions Drock allow simpering asswipes to sit back and cluck about how evil we are for protecting you from the Tools of Islam who could care less about you or anyone else.
I do have to laugh at this thread as it does point out that a segment feels quite comfortable allowing our people to be slaughtered so that they might feel morally Superior.

While the rest of us will do whatever is necessary to Find Fix and (*&^ over those that would do our nation and people harm.

I don't really care what it takes these asswipes pulled the tail of the dragon and in case you've forgotten this is a war the consequences of not doing what is necessary can be catastrophic. So while you can sit on your ass's and cluck about our evils if you're not going to help stay out of the way.

Well well well, who sounds like a Goose Stepper, now? :eusa_clap:


Vee haft vays of making you taaaalk....
I do have to laugh at this thread as it does point out that a segment feels quite comfortable allowing our people to be slaughtered so that they might feel morally Superior.

While the rest of us will do whatever is necessary to Find Fix and (*&^ over those that would do our nation and people harm.

I don't really care what it takes these asswipes pulled the tail of the dragon and in case you've forgotten this is a war the consequences of not doing what is necessary can be catastrophic. So while you can sit on your ass's and cluck about our evils if you're not going to help stay out of the way.

Why do you insult terrorists and their actions when you want us to be the same or worse?

In case you've forgotten and obviously you have our actions are defensive in nature I'm sorry you care so little for our Nation that you would simply allow millions to be killed so you can sit on your ass and feel morally superior because you didn't do everything you could to end this crap.

Unlike you Drock apparently I place a higher value on the lives of our people and that of Our nation than that of the Terrorists that want to kill them.

Taking necessary actions Drock allow simpering asswipes to sit back and cluck about how evil we are for protecting you from the Tools of Islam who could care less about you or anyone else.

I see, so you aren't just advocating for waterboarding, you're advocating for any form of torture.

If we have to pull out intestines to get info, do it, if we have to starve out people, do it, why not just have your dream scenario and have a holocaust of muslims until we get info?

Sorry, I'm a man of principles.
I told you once you can't take the moral high groudn and support killing an unarmed man.

The unarmed man who was the admitted mass murderer? Glad you are supporting OBL now. I guess it took a lot of soul searching?

No he wasn't

October 16, 2001-- An interview with Osama bin Laden was published in a Karachi-based Pakistani daily newspaper, Ummat, on September 28, 2001. In this interview, bin Laden says of the September 11 attacks in the US:
"I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people. Such a practice is forbidden even in the course of a battle.


Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI. When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web page, Tomb said, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”

Surprised by the ease in which this FBI spokesman made such an astonishing statement, I asked, “How this was possible?” Tomb continued, “Bin Laden has not been formally charged in connection to 9/11.” I asked, “How does that work?” Tomb continued, “The FBI gathers evidence. Once evidence is gathered, it is turned over to the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice than decides whether it has enough evidence to present to a federal grand jury. In the case of the 1998 United States Embassies being bombed, Bin Laden has been formally indicted and charged by a grand jury. He has not been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11 because the FBI has no hard evidence connected Bin Laden to 9/11.”

FBI says, it has “No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11”

Can you please post a picture of your, "OBL did not deserve to be Murdered" bumper sticker. It will make you the darling of your neighborhood.
Your slip is showing.

Not my 'slip', just my ability to look at the issue from all sides and apply intelligence and logic to a situation. do you wish you could do the same?

Is that what you call it? I call it a lot of who shot john. Your whole line of questioning comes from a false premise.

Show instances where individuals who are instructed to waterboard others have become mentally unstable. Show examples of those that engage in delivering legal lethal injections in the course of their duty have became "monsters".

Can't show instances yet because not enough time has passed for the torturers. As for the the leathal injection people, I never asked them how they sleep, and to my recollection I don't recall anyone asking them anything along those lines. I do know that they don't advertise what they do for a living. What I do know is that some of the doctors who were asked to administer leathal injections have declined on moral grounds.
Executions halted as doctors balk
Why do you insult terrorists and their actions when you want us to be the same or worse?

In case you've forgotten and obviously you have our actions are defensive in nature I'm sorry you care so little for our Nation that you would simply allow millions to be killed so you can sit on your ass and feel morally superior because you didn't do everything you could to end this crap.

Unlike you Drock apparently I place a higher value on the lives of our people and that of Our nation than that of the Terrorists that want to kill them.

Taking necessary actions Drock allow simpering asswipes to sit back and cluck about how evil we are for protecting you from the Tools of Islam who could care less about you or anyone else.

I see, so you aren't just advocating for waterboarding, you're advocating for any form of torture.

If we have to pull out intestines to get info, do it, if we have to starve out people, do it, why not just have your dream scenario and have a holocaust of muslims until we get info?

Sorry, I'm a man of principles.

But they are telling us that Principles don't count anymore. That it's only results that matter. Welcome to their New World Order.....not too much different than the Islamofacists have in mind.
Why do you insult terrorists and their actions when you want us to be the same or worse?

In case you've forgotten and obviously you have our actions are defensive in nature I'm sorry you care so little for our Nation that you would simply allow millions to be killed so you can sit on your ass and feel morally superior because you didn't do everything you could to end this crap.

Unlike you Drock apparently I place a higher value on the lives of our people and that of Our nation than that of the Terrorists that want to kill them.

Taking necessary actions Drock allow simpering asswipes to sit back and cluck about how evil we are for protecting you from the Tools of Islam who could care less about you or anyone else.

I see, so you aren't just advocating for waterboarding, you're advocating for any form of torture.

If we have to pull out intestines to get info, do it, if we have to starve out people, do it, why not just have your dream scenario and have a holocaust of muslims until we get info?

Sorry, I'm a man of principles.

A Man of Principles my ass ya you keep your Principles I'm sure you think appeasement will stop the killing. I would rather more direct course of action be taken. And for the record Drock I'm fine with whatever is done to end the killing I don't feel the least bit sorry for these animals.
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And you have evidence of this?

Yes, someone did actually waterboard another person. That is a fact or we would not be debating it. This someone has a job working for the US, and was trained in the art of waterboarding, we just don't give them a burlap sack and a bucket of water and say have at it. I would call this sufficient evidence.

Nice dodge.

Where's the evidence that the person was turned into a monster.

Come on use the "Logic" that you put behind the "Lonestar". What do you call someone that tortures people like the BTK killer, is he not a monster? what would you consider him? People that put cigarrettes out on children. what do you call them? Do you read the paper at all? how do read about mans inhumanity to man and not call them monsters as they torture and kill one another? Torture is torture no matter the reason or goal involved. A person is the sum of their expieriences and if those expieriences are monstrous what does that make the person?
no, i compared how a prisoner would feel in the presence of an enemy doctor.

thanks for missing the point, again.

And you know how a prisoner feels in the presence of a medic?

When and where were you a POW?


So if you were being tortured by the enemy, you'd be like "oh it's no big deal, there's the enemy's doctor there to make sure I'm safe."

No probably not. But I'm not going to assume I know what's in the minds of pow's. Besides waterboarding isn't torture.
no, i compared how a prisoner would feel in the presence of an enemy doctor.

thanks for missing the point, again.

And you know how a prisoner feels in the presence of a medic?

When and where were you a POW?

so unless i've experienced being a prisoner, i have no idea how it would feel?

really? okay, then tell me about YOUR experience as a POW, since you've obviously been there and done that.

i'm all ears.

I've been in prison but never a POW and I have been interrogated but not waterboarded.

I'm not professing to know what goes on in the minds of a POW as you did.
In case you've forgotten and obviously you have our actions are defensive in nature I'm sorry you care so little for our Nation that you would simply allow millions to be killed so you can sit on your ass and feel morally superior because you didn't do everything you could to end this crap.

Unlike you Drock apparently I place a higher value on the lives of our people and that of Our nation than that of the Terrorists that want to kill them.

Taking necessary actions Drock allow simpering asswipes to sit back and cluck about how evil we are for protecting you from the Tools of Islam who could care less about you or anyone else.

I see, so you aren't just advocating for waterboarding, you're advocating for any form of torture.

If we have to pull out intestines to get info, do it, if we have to starve out people, do it, why not just have your dream scenario and have a holocaust of muslims until we get info?

Sorry, I'm a man of principles.

A Man of Principles my ass ya you keep your Principles I'm sure you think appeasement will stop the killing. I would rather more direct action be taken. And for the record Drock I'm fine with whatever is done to end the killing I don't feel the least bit sorry for these animals.

es ist gut, um Ihre Position zu diesem wissen.

danke schoen

alle hagel unserer glorreichen vaterland!
Not my 'slip', just my ability to look at the issue from all sides and apply intelligence and logic to a situation. do you wish you could do the same?

Is that what you call it? I call it a lot of who shot john. Your whole line of questioning comes from a false premise.

Show instances where individuals who are instructed to waterboard others have become mentally unstable. Show examples of those that engage in delivering legal lethal injections in the course of their duty have became "monsters".

Can't show instances yet because not enough time has passed for the torturers. As for the the leathal injection people, I never asked them how they sleep, and to my recollection I don't recall anyone asking them anything along those lines. I do know that they don't advertise what they do for a living. What I do know is that some of the doctors who were asked to administer leathal injections have declined on moral grounds.
Executions halted as doctors balk

There have been torturers since the dawn of man. Plenty of time has passed.

So you concede that your line of questioning was based on false premises?
I see, so you aren't just advocating for waterboarding, you're advocating for any form of torture.

If we have to pull out intestines to get info, do it, if we have to starve out people, do it, why not just have your dream scenario and have a holocaust of muslims until we get info?

Sorry, I'm a man of principles.

A Man of Principles my ass ya you keep your Principles I'm sure you think appeasement will stop the killing. I would rather more direct action be taken. And for the record Drock I'm fine with whatever is done to end the killing I don't feel the least bit sorry for these animals.

es ist gut, um Ihre Position zu diesem wissen.

danke schoen

alle hagel unserer glorreichen vaterland!

Maybe you need to spend some time and learn Arabic instead.
And you know how a prisoner feels in the presence of a medic?

When and where were you a POW?


So if you were being tortured by the enemy, you'd be like "oh it's no big deal, there's the enemy's doctor there to make sure I'm safe."

No probably not. But I'm not going to assume I know what's in the minds of pow's. Besides ][/B]waterboarding isn't torture.

Are you serious? it's not torture? perhaps we should let parents discipline there children with the waterboarding technique, being that it isn't torture.

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