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A Country Divided

Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?
Then quit throwing loudmouths up like Ann Coulter Donald Trump and Ted Nugent
And Michael Moore and Bill Maher and...

Hypocrisy is in the DNA of every liberal. It takes the place that honesty holds in decent people. Liberalism is destroying western civilization just as it has been predicted it would.

There's a slow train coming around the bend.
Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?
Then quit throwing loudmouths up like Ann Coulter Donald Trump and Ted Nugent
And Michael Moore and Bill Maher and...

Hypocrisy is in the DNA of every liberal. It takes the place that honesty holds in decent people. Liberalism is destroying western civilization just as it has been predicted it would.

There's a slow train coming around the bend.
Are you kidding the rich are doing great and the economy is roaring back. What have you been doing? Now we can get into the debt and how that might be the end of us but then we'd have to start talking about taking back the Federal Reserve's from Bankers whove controlled it since 1913. And how we spend on war and defense. The great military complex Eisenhower warned us about. Or all the reagen Clinton and bush tax breaks to the rich or NAFTA.

I honestly don't have time to explain everything you need to understand but seem to not
The very construction of American democracy is forced compromise. The founders understood division among people is natural. How to coral that division and keep a functioning government and nation was the challenge.

That's what the Constitution does, it tempers the rule of mob.

Very True. It also protects all citizens regardless of their beliefs, minority or majority. I find it interesting that our politicans have set up this battlefield when so many before them found a way to compromise. Slick Willy and The Gipper both got legislation through opposed congresses because they knew how to create rapport and not distance their foes. I found a website I hope will help change it. At least I'm going to use it this election season. dc-rapsheet.com
The country isn't divided. The truth is that the country has shifted to more liberal values and some on the right just hate that fact.

The truth of the matter is that 7 years ago today, a gay Republican with a pre-existing condition couldn't marry, get health insurance OR carry a gun in national parks. Under a liberal President they can now enjoy all 3 of those things.

Rights have been expanded even for our Republican friends. The union really is a little more perfect today than it was 7 years ago.

60% of the country now stands for marriage equality.

75% of the country, including over 60% of registered Republican voters think taxes on the top earners need to be raised modestly.

75% of the country, including 60% of registered Republican voters want Social Security and Medicare to be strengthened, not privatized.

70% of the country, including at least half of registered Republicans do not want boots on the ground in the Middle East.

On all the big ticket items, the country is more united today than it was 7 years ago. You just wouldn't know it because of Republican gerrymandering that has caused the House of Representatives to appear like it reflects reality, when it most certainly does not.
While we are busy bickering with one another, our common interests are being targeted by an expansionist Islam. Likewise, as Europe and the rest of the world is in turmoil, Muslims continue to spread their fundamentalist ideology and recruit our spoiled and disillusioned children. While we raze our own cultures and societies they quietly move in and reproduce at more than twice the rate of the native born citizens.

The world is about to go dark and Americans are so wrapped up in our petty first world problems that most of us are oblivious to the full scale invasion that's occurring all around us. But by all means, let's keep fighting over who sleeps with who and how racist America has become even as a black POTUS presides over a divided nation.

Snap out of it, people. We are being played. If you can't see that, then you're part of the problem.

Stop being part of the problem.

We have forums for that as well. Jihadi militants are a problem around the world not just the middle east or US. Too many muslims don't really understand their faith and are enticed by the idea of righting the wrong, except they seeking to blame others instead of starting with straightening out the mess inside themselves.
Too much video game mentality, that war is a virtual game and the higher the body count the better your score, or in their case the closer they get to heaven.
While we are busy bickering with one another, our common interests are being targeted by an expansionist Islam. Likewise, as Europe and the rest of the world is in turmoil, Muslims continue to spread their fundamentalist ideology and recruit our spoiled and disillusioned children. While we raze our own cultures and societies they quietly move in and reproduce at more than twice the rate of the native born citizens.

The world is about to go dark and Americans are so wrapped up in our petty first world problems that most of us are oblivious to the full scale invasion that's occurring all around us. But by all means, let's keep fighting over who sleeps with who and how racist America has become even as a black POTUS presides over a divided nation.

Snap out of it, people. We are being played. If you can't see that, then you're part of the problem.

Stop being part of the problem.
We don't have common interests, that's the problem.

Divide the country peacefully. We might then join forces against a common enemy. As it is, liberals are trying to find ways to use that enemy for its own purposes.
There is a huge difference between division of opinion and division of the people. You can have a hell of a debate with someone, pull no punches but at the end of it, slap him on the back and have a beer with him. That was our history. That never happens now.
Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?

We are bitterly divided because nobody really has a majority in the ideology department. Over the past thirty years, conservatives have pretty much defined the narrative, but that is now changing and conservatives are scared to death that they are losing control of the dialogue.
There is a huge difference between division of opinion and division of the people. You can have a hell of a debate with someone, pull no punches but at the end of it, slap him on the back and have a beer with him. That was our history. That never happens now.

Now you just punch him in the face, or shoot him.
Oh, we most certainly do have common interests if you consider things at a global level. We just aren't big thinkers for the most part. We are more interested in our own, often petty, concerns than we are for America as a whole.

Liberalism is a very selfish ideology wrapped in the guise of social justice. In the end it comes down to the hunger for power.

I'm pretty sure that we would dispense with much of our arguing if we believed a real common threat was upon us. I would submit that a real threat IS upon us and too few recognize it because we're too busy trying to further our own selfish agendas.

At this point I have accepted the demise of America as we have known her and have steeled myself for what inevitably lies ahead. I can say with a fair amount of certainty that the 21st century is going to be one of the most defining ones in human history. We will either emerge from it a more advanced people or it will leave us back in a dark age. The way things are going and the fragility of our reliance on electrical power has me betting on the dark ages prevailing. Never in the history of our species have we ever been so vulnerable and yet so unaware.

I doubt I'll be around to see it happen, but America is probably headed for a fall and this generation will be the culprits. We will be remembered as America's Worst Generation, the generation that lost America.

I hope like hell that I'm wrong, but I doubt that I am.
Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?

We are bitterly divided because nobody really has a majority in the ideology department. Over the past thirty years, conservatives have pretty much defined the narrative, but that is now changing and conservatives are scared to death that they are losing control of the dialogue.
Conservatives have controlled the narrative for the past 30 years? My God liberals are deluded. It's unreal what y'all can convince yourselves of.

The rest of us have watched neo-liberalism change America into something its founders never intended and would have fought to the death. Unfortunately, Conservatives have been so wrapped up in social issues that they allowed liberals to tear down the very foundation upon which this republic was built. Conservatives have allowed liberals to win the day and so have forfeited America's future.

The only thing left is war and that too is now more inevitable than ever. At the end of the day the unintended consequences of liberal governance will be the ruin of America and her people.

Congratulations, you won.
I got a person that claims that love between two consenting adults should be able to marry and then says no they can't. So they don't know what they believe..

The person doesn't have the courage to clarify what they really mean.


If one is already married, no.
If one or both have some mental problem and another family member has been given power to make judgements for them, not without that family member's permission.
If they are siblings, no
If they are parent and child, no
In some place if they uncle and niece or first cousins, no if it is illegal in their state.
If there are certain nationality and visa issues, not till they are cleared up

You want clarification, go pay an attorney to explain it to you

You are the idiot that said love and consenting adults should marry, then when I brought up the scenario, you said I was wrong. I followed your guidelines, maybe you need an attorney before you say something stupid.

For a guy that made a sweeping statement, you now have lots of rules. Interesting.

Who determines mental issues and which do you include and which don't you include?

If it is legal in one state, that of uncle, niece and cousins, should it not be legal in all 50 states? Isn't that what the Supreme Court rule on marriage mean? Equal protection?
I got a person that claims that love between two consenting adults should be able to marry and then says no they can't. So they don't know what they believe..

The person doesn't have the courage to clarify what they really mean.


If one is already married, no.
If one or both have some mental problem and another family member has been given power to make judgements for them, not without that family member's permission.
If they are siblings, no
If they are parent and child, no
In some place if they uncle and niece or first cousins, no if it is illegal in their state.
If there are certain nationality and visa issues, not till they are cleared up

You want clarification, go pay an attorney to explain it to you

You are the idiot that said love and consenting adults should marry, then when I brought up the scenario, you said I was wrong. I followed your guidelines, maybe you need an attorney before you say something stupid.

For a guy that made a sweeping statement, you now have lots of rules. Interesting.

Who determines mental issues and which do you include and which don't you include?

If it is legal in one state, that of uncle, niece and cousins, should it not be legal in all 50 states? Isn't that what the Supreme Court rule on marriage mean? Equal protection?
1. Married in one is married in all. First cousins can marry in some but not others, but once married, see number 1. The same with gays now. That's how it works.
Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?
This is not complicated....

It's the two sides......white conservatives......and everybody else.
White conservatives vs everyone else? Man are you blind.
S'pose you're going to tell me you're not white, or a conservative?
Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?
This is not complicated....

It's the two sides......white conservatives......and everybody else.
White conservatives vs everyone else? Man are you blind.
S'pose you're going to tell me you're not white, or a conservative?
You don't have to tell me you're a liberal.
Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?
This is not complicated....

It's the two sides......white conservatives......and everybody else.
White conservatives vs everyone else? Man are you blind.
S'pose you're going to tell me you're not white, or a conservative?
You don't have to tell me you're a liberal.
I'm a registered Eisenhower/Goldwater Republican, which makes me a fiscal Conservative, and a social Libertarian.

And though Fox News, and talk radio would tell you it's impossible, I don't hate Obama, and I never voted for him.
Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?

Have you ever heard of the Tower of Babble?

Same thing here.

The Ideological Left uses a different Operating System than do human beings.

Human being possess the spirit of God, in which human beings were made. The Ideological Left has rejected God, thus has separated themselves from God's spirit, leaving them only a soul, which quickly becomes possessed with evil... demons and such, which preclude them from being capable of even recognizing the objectivity which rest in God's spirit, and to which we refer as the truth, and the light. They can't see it, feel it, or allow themselves to even think about it.

Their purpose is to consume, destroy, decay... to rot in service to the own puerile needs above any other consideration.

They are in every sense of the word: DISEASE. Spreading Foreign Ideas, Hostile to the very concept of viability... There is absolutely no bottom to their appetite, their greed... they're the epitome of Evil.
Man created God, not the other way around.
Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?
This is not complicated....

It's the two sides......white conservatives......and everybody else.
White conservatives vs everyone else? Man are you blind.
S'pose you're going to tell me you're not white, or a conservative?
You don't have to tell me you're a liberal.
I'm a registered Eisenhower/Goldwater Republican, which makes me a fiscal Conservative, and a social Libertarian.

And though Fox News, and talk radio would tell you it's impossible, I don't hate Obama, and I never voted for him.

No one hates obama... he's too pitiful to hate.

The people I feel the worst for are the hard working black folks, who were too quick, just too eager to see a black man as President. Only to have that choice turn out to embody the worst of every racial stereotype ever devised.

Shiftless, lazy, deceitful, eager to take the property of others and use it toward his own interests... a reprobate in general and a embarrassment to the human race specifically.
This is not complicated....

It's the two sides......white conservatives......and everybody else.
White conservatives vs everyone else? Man are you blind.
S'pose you're going to tell me you're not white, or a conservative?
You don't have to tell me you're a liberal.
I'm a registered Eisenhower/Goldwater Republican, which makes me a fiscal Conservative, and a social Libertarian.

And though Fox News, and talk radio would tell you it's impossible, I don't hate Obama, and I never voted for him.

No one hates obama... he's too pitiful to hate.

The people I feel the worst for are the hard working black folks, who were too quick, just too eager to see a black man as President. Only to have that choice turn out to embody the worst of every racial stereotype ever devised.

Shiftless, lazy, deceitful, eager to take the property of others and use it toward his own interests... a reprobate in general and a embarrassment to the human race specifically.
Seems like the stupid criminal welfare out-of-wedlock baby-making ******* still like him:

"It's also worth noting that we find very little change in the support given to Obama among his strongest demographic subgroup: black Americans. Blacks' approval of Obama has averaged 40 points higher than the national average throughout the Obama administration so far, and for Oct. 1-26, black job approval has been 44 points higher than the national average (85% among blacks, 41% among everyone). In fact, if anything, the trend is for relatively higher support among blacks, with a gap of 42 to 44 percentage points for August through October."
Obama Approval Very Steady Across Gender Race Subgroups

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