A Covid Primer for Trump Voters

In a real pandemic, we would know it. Take the Spanish flu of 1918. There was no constant reminders by the media and no lockdown. No, the real actual death rates where our reminders. But that isn't happening NOW. Why this lockdown now? Corona19 is 98% survivable, its not like the flu of 1918, which was almost certainly a death sentence. Corona 19 is little better than the common flu.
I'm praying,,,,,, God took the wrong Trump a month or 2 ago,, Maybe he's making up for it
Not to sound ghoulish, but what happens if Trump dies between now and November 3rd?

White House in Chaos: Koch Brothers In Position for the Next Phase
Pence takes over
I'm praying,,,,,, God took the wrong Trump a month or 2 ago,, Maybe he's making up for it
Not to sound ghoulish, but what happens if Trump dies between now and November 3rd?

White House in Chaos: Koch Brothers In Position for the Next Phase
Pence takes over
Really? Do you even believe in god? This entire phony corona19 lockdown is destroying western economy for a disease that is 98% survivable? This is NOT SARS or EBOLA or even the Spanish flu of 1918. No! So where are you going with this?

Deflection is duly noted.
What deflection?
You said many victims of the Trump pandemic were over 70 and would have died anyway.
Trump is over 70 and fat as a greedy capitalist pig.
Trump will die.

You keep ignoring the fact that 7,700+ people die everyday in the US, many States are below 100% in excess mortality. 100% being the expected deaths in a given period. People being kept hat home and not commuting to work and school has reduced the overall death rate. Well unless you live in a commiecrat city, their murder rates are going through the roof. Their covid death rate was through the roof as well.

yeah kinda like you are hihgjacker.takes one to know one
How would you rate Trump's handling of the Covid pandemic?

'It’s a hoax. There's no pandemic': Trump's base stays loyal as president fights Covid

"'I agreed with the president that it was wrong to shut down the country because of coronavirus,' said Karen White, an office manager who voted for him in 2016. 'The damage to our economy was just too great. But he was wrong to question masks. I wish he hadn’t done it. He made things worse and now I have to wonder if he would even have it if he had just listened to what his own advisers were saying.'":auiqs.jpg:

Fauci said at the end of Feb that masks were useless, he also said in mid Mar that Americans had very little to worry about. Palousey and Denazio were telling people to come to China town or go out and have fun and live your lives. Cumo said NY was well equipped and his citizens had nothing to worry about.

So Trump was listening to the scientist, who's stories have been changing consistently. Yet you commies don't seem to mind that a bit.

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Trump isn't in charge of blue States, Democrats are. Democrat governors who have now murdered hundreds of thousands of Americans
Which Democratic governor did this?

What might have been: Massive USPS coronavirus face mask operation called off

Well, since Obama and Biden depleted the PPE supply, that wouldn't have been possible.

But it's funny how you rely on one data point, but that date point doesn't work in correlating the spread either in comparing States in the US or countries in Europe to their mask policy.

Masks seem like straws, purely political. Wash your hands and don't touch your face is a lot more effective, just like with the flu
yeah kinda like you are hihgjacker.takes one to know one
How would you rate Trump's handling of the Covid pandemic?

'It’s a hoax. There's no pandemic': Trump's base stays loyal as president fights Covid

"'I agreed with the president that it was wrong to shut down the country because of coronavirus,' said Karen White, an office manager who voted for him in 2016. 'The damage to our economy was just too great. But he was wrong to question masks. I wish he hadn’t done it. He made things worse and now I have to wonder if he would even have it if he had just listened to what his own advisers were saying.'":auiqs.jpg:

Fauci said at the end of Feb that masks were useless, he also said in mid Mar that Americans had very little to worry about. Palousey and Denazio were telling people to come to China town or go out and have fun and live your lives. Cumo said NY was well equipped and his citizens had nothing to worry about.

So Trump was listening to the scientist, who's stories have been changing consistently. Yet you commies don't seem to mind that a bit.


True, but only because you care about something that Georgie doesn't. Facts ...
Funny how Republicans are less concerned and Democrats caused most of the deaths in their blue States.

So what do you take from that insight, Georgie?
Democrats don't control the White House.

How long before you start calling Trump a RINO?

Democrats depleted the stock of PPEs.

Democrats run the blue States where most of the deaths occurred.

You still haven't contradicted the basic facts. The deaths are overwhelmingly on Democrat heads.

I'd prefer to address this as an American issue. But since you want to point fingers, point them in the right direction. At you
rump is in no danger of dying. He is just fine. But if a democrat assassin put a bullet in him the democrats would undoubtedly say it was covid.
Is he currently in the hospital?
If so, is he suffering from a hoax or from terminal stupidity?

'It’s a hoax. There's no pandemic': Trump's base stays loyal as president fights Covid

Well, since you just misquoted Trump in attacking him, the terminal stupidity is yours.

Trump didn't call the Biden virus a hoax, liar. He called the media reaction to it a hoax.

You hate truth, it gets in the way of your talking lies.

In all seriousness, what is the point of misquoting Trump in attacking him? How would that EVER change someone's mind about anything to say something he didn't say and then bash him with it?

Or are you just a dick?
How does 4% of the world's population account for 20% of global cases and deaths?
View attachment 395753
Start here:

"SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
A COVID Primer for Your Trump-Loving Friends

"America’s first COVID death was on February 29 of this year, roughly 200 days ago. In that time, more than 200,000 Americans have died of the disease, the equivalent of 1,000 people a day.

"That’s how many people would have died if between February 29 and today three fully-loaded jumbo jets had crashed every single day, even on weekends, for 200 days.

"Now that we’ve passed this grim milestone and are still losing around 1,000 people a day, and Donald Trump acknowledged—bragged—to Bob Woodward last winter that he knew COVID is both deadly and airborne, many Trump-lovers are starting to look for factual information about the virus.

"With this handy list, you can help them out."
You cant figure out why there are more cases in the US than anywhere else? Let me give you a hint. Here is a list of countries with the most international airports.

  1. United States (13,513 airports)
  2. Brazil (4,093)
  3. Mexico (1,714)
  4. Canada (1,467)
  5. Russia (1,218 )
  6. Argentina (1,138)
  7. Bolivia (855)
  8. Colombia (836)
  9. Paraguay (799)
  10. Indonesia (673)
rump is in no danger of dying. He is just fine. But if a democrat assassin put a bullet in him the democrats would undoubtedly say it was covid.
Is he currently in the hospital?
If so, is he suffering from a hoax or from terminal stupidity?

'It’s a hoax. There's no pandemic': Trump's base stays loyal as president fights Covid
Trump didn't say that, you fucking dumbass. Some truck driver did.

That's what you get from shoving your head in a huge vat of propaganda like the Gaurdian
Trump supporters have been part of the largest mass murder plot in the history of the US. Bigger than the Abombs dropped on Japan.
Righties may have killed the President. Crazy.
I agree, if by "Righties" you mean "Communist China".

But you don't. Because you're retarded.
Why not just blame the bat?
Because the bat didn't do anything wrong.

Communist China did.

Get it?
I mentioned this to my sister (Trump has corona 19), she says "I know, I hope he dies". I am confused by liberal democrats. One minute they are beneficent and nice, the next, they are mean spirited assholes. What is with these people anyway? Are they just mean spirited hacks pretending to be openminded?
Tens of thousands of Americans have died unnecessarily from Covid-19 because Trump is not smart enough to manage an effective national response to a nation-wide pandemic; if any American deserves to die from this virus, it is Trump.
So, you're angry that Trump didn't do dictator stuff, even though you oppose him being a dictator.
Masks seem like straws, purely political. Wash your hands and don't touch your face is a lot more effective, just like with the flu

It seems like out of all the lies and hyperbole and fearmongering, every last bit of what can be said that is actually true about dealing with the #CoronaHoax2020 virus, can be suffixed with “just like with the flu”.
Well if the numbers are to believed... People should actually be looking deeper into the death rate per day if let’s say the death rate in the country has increased dramatically after this virus started effecting us then they may have a point but if the death rate per day is extremely similar to what it should be then there is no case here... So let us say for e Xample that the normal death rate per day in the United States is for arguments sake 7800 per day and with the virus it is still in that neighborhood then this is a non factor...If it is much much higher then of course it is not same goes for other countries as well....
Excess deaths is not an easy calculation, apparently?

US deaths soared in early weeks of pandemic, far exceeding number attributed to COVID-19

"In the early weeks of the coronavirus epidemic, the United States recorded an estimated 15,400 excess deaths, nearly two times as many as were publicly attributed to COVID-19 at the time, according to an analysis of federal data conducted for The Washington Post by a research team led by the Yale School of Public Health."
Well if the numbers are to believed... People should actually be looking deeper into the death rate per day if let’s say the death rate in the country has increased dramatically after this virus started effecting us then they may have a point but if the death rate per day is extremely similar to what it should be then there is no case here... So let us say for e Xample that the normal death rate per day in the United States is for arguments sake 7800 per day and with the virus it is still in that neighborhood then this is a non factor...If it is much much higher then of course it is not same goes for other countries as well....
Excess deaths is not an easy calculation, apparently?

US deaths soared in early weeks of pandemic, far exceeding number attributed to COVID-19

"In the early weeks of the coronavirus epidemic, the United States recorded an estimated 15,400 excess deaths, nearly two times as many as were publicly attributed to COVID-19 at the time, according to an analysis of federal data conducted for The Washington Post by a research team led by the Yale School of Public Health."

So you're arguing that Democrat governors in blue States actually murdered even more people than we knew? You could be right
Why are covid reported deaths high in the US you ask? Its very simple. The politicians tied reported covid deaths to more government funds for hospitals. 92 year old male with emphysema, heart disease and copd dies of covid. Here's 40,000 dollars from the government.
They did the same with the reservations.

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