A Covid Primer for Trump Voters

Funny how Republicans are less concerned and Democrats caused most of the deaths in their blue States.

So what do you take from that insight, Georgie?
Democrats don't control the White House.

How long before you start calling Trump a RINO?
Did you get yours? I didn't get mine. Also would you link this so we can get the context, also is this
a copyright violation?
What goes around comes around Karma
This rather old saying, 'chickens have come home to roost', is normally used to mean that the bad things that someone has done in the past have come back to bite or haunt the individual. ... The bad deeds that one may commit in one's lifetime are being compared with chickens.
I'm praying
The first October Surprises of 2020 don't make Trump look very smart:muahaha:

Opinion | Here's what connects Trump's positive Covid test to his tax returns
Did you get yours? I didn't get mine. Also would you link this so we can get the context, also is this
a copyright violation?
What might have been: Massive USPS coronavirus face mask operation called off

"In April, the Postal Service 'drafted a news release announcing plans to distribute 650 million masks nationwide, enough to offer five face coverings to every American household,' the Washington Post reports, based on documents obtained by American Oversight, a watchdog group that requested them under FOIA.

  • "What's happening: The idea originated at HHS, 'which suggested a pack of five reusable masks be sent to every residential address in the country, with the first shipments going to the hardest-hit areas,' per The Post.
"Why it matters: Imagine if five months ago, Americans not only got a signal from their government that they should wear masks, but even had them handed to them. Incalculable loss — human and economic — could have been avoided."
Did you get yours? I didn't get mine. Also would you link this so we can get the context, also is this
a copyright violation?
What might have been: Massive USPS coronavirus face mask operation called off
View attachment 396463
"In April, the Postal Service 'drafted a news release announcing plans to distribute 650 million masks nationwide, enough to offer five face coverings to every American household,' the Washington Post reports, based on documents obtained by American Oversight, a watchdog group that requested them under FOIA.

  • "What's happening: The idea originated at HHS, 'which suggested a pack of five reusable masks be sent to every residential address in the country, with the first shipments going to the hardest-hit areas,' per The Post.
"Why it matters: Imagine if five months ago, Americans not only got a signal from their government that they should wear masks, but even had them handed to them. Incalculable loss — human and economic — could have been avoided."
Ahhh, so it was called off. got it
That's why I didn't get mine.
So it's a much ado about nothing
The real George stopped posting here several months ago and some government op saw that and has highjacked his account.
I lost a bet four years ago about the 2016 POTUS election outcome which required me to leave the board for twelve months. You are dead wrong about the threat Covid-19 poses to this world.

Trump taken to Walter Reed medical center and will be hospitalized 'for the next few days'

Hey Langley highjacker of georges account,you keep trolling cowardly evading facts that patriotic whistleblower doctors have exposed how the CDC is inflating the numbers ruling pretty much every death from a gunshot wound to the head to a fatal car accident as a result from covid,that these doctors have proven the hospitals are being paid off to rule these deaths as covid deaths.its something called greed that many humans succumb to dork. :auiqs.jpg:

you obviously have reading comprehension problems account highjacker, because i said that before and that went over your head.:auiqs.jpg:

its amazing how dense you are that you think this is all a conicidence that he just HAPPENED to get it with a little more than a month away from the election,tucker carson nailed it saying thats just a little too fishy and convient for the democrat party.

the elite have been trying to get trump out of office since day one highjacker,they failed in every attempt,the CIA cant pull a JFK and assinate a president out in the open with multiple shooters and put it on a lone gunman patsy in this day and age with cameras and cell phones everywhere,so they are trying this trying to kill off with something trying to disguise it as covid.

AGAIN,the george i know would never troll like this and believe eveything the corporate controlled media told him,he would listen to the whistle blowing doctors,he would not be a cowardly jerk like you are.
I mentioned this to my sister (Trump has corona 19), she says "I know, I hope he dies". I am confused by liberal democrats. One minute they are beneficent and nice, the next, they are mean spirited assholes. What is with these people anyway? Are they just mean spirited hacks pretending to be openminded?
Tens of thousands of Americans have died unnecessarily from Covid-19 because Trump is not smart enough to manage an effective national response to a nation-wide pandemic; if any American deserves to die from this virus, it is Trump.

comedy gold from you as always shill.
Of course it was knowingingly released.you don’t think the CIA created this whole thing? They are ALWAYS behind major travesty’s,they Killed jfk,they did 9/11; they are ALWAYS starting wars with other countries,of COURSE it was knowingly released and by them dude.
If Trump dies from the MAGA virus, will you blame the CIA?:stir:

Facts will come out and prove i will have been correct,you account highjacker, of course will ignore them sense you are believing everything the CIA controlled media tells you instead of looking at facts like the REAL george phillips always did.:icon_rolleyes: the fact that biden who was near him and does not have it,all too coincidental.but you wont stop drinking get the koolaide you and consider the timing off this is farrrrrrr too coincidental of course mr biden fan. LOL
He can’t,look how he has evaded facts in this entire thread not addressing any of them that the numbers are inflated the flu virus is five times more deadly.lol
A century ago the Spanish Flu killed about 675,000 Americans.
Think ahead one year.
If the MAGA virus has killed more Americans than the Spanish Flu, will you blame Trump or the CIA?


Your faith in what the CIA controlled media tells you about how many deaths are covid related is comedy gold :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

again alternative news sources NOT controlled by the CIA media,will prove i am right,but you only have an interest in what the CIA controlled media says so like the coward you are that you have demonstrated on this whole thread,you will pretend those facts dont exist the same way many sheep in america STILL incredibly after all these years,still think oswald killed JFK afraid of looking at the facts because they are afraid to come to terms with reality they live in a banana republic,you are as dense as the lone gunman theorists are,incapable of critical thinking same as them account highjacker.:laughing0301:
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He can’t,look how he has evaded facts in this entire thread not addressing any of them that the numbers are inflated the flu virus is five times more deadly.lol
A century ago the Spanish Flu killed about 675,000 Americans.
Think ahead one year.
If the MAGA virus has killed more Americans than the Spanish Flu, will you blame Trump or the CIA?


Your faith in what the CIA controlled media tells you about how many deaths are covid related is comedy gold :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

again alternative news sources NOT controlled by the CIA media,will prove i am right,but you only have an interest in what the CIA controlled media says so like the coward you are that you have demonstrated on this whole thread,you will pretend those facts dont exist the same way many sheep in america STILL incredibly after all these years,still think oswald killed JFK afraid of looking at the facts because they are afraid to come to terms with reality they live in a banana republica,you are as dense as the lone gunman theorists are,incapable of critical thinking same as them account highjacker.:laughing0301:
Did you get yours? I didn't get mine. Also would you link this so we can get the context, also is this
a copyright violation?
What might have been: Massive USPS coronavirus face mask operation called off
View attachment 396463
"In April, the Postal Service 'drafted a news release announcing plans to distribute 650 million masks nationwide, enough to offer five face coverings to every American household,' the Washington Post reports, based on documents obtained by American Oversight, a watchdog group that requested them under FOIA.

  • "What's happening: The idea originated at HHS, 'which suggested a pack of five reusable masks be sent to every residential address in the country, with the first shipments going to the hardest-hit areas,' per The Post.
"Why it matters: Imagine if five months ago, Americans not only got a signal from their government that they should wear masks, but even had them handed to them. Incalculable loss — human and economic — could have been avoided."

whats comedy relief is you believe the government that we should wear face masks over the best doctors in the world who say facemasks are ueless which proves you are NOT the real george phillips and some troll who has highjacked his account the fact the REAL george would not be retarded like that. HE would know that if this virus was as deadly as the CIA media makes it out to be,facemasks would be as effective as much as using a pencil to try and hit a baseball with it. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

HE would know that you would have to wear a suit like you see in the movies when a deadly virus has been released to be able to not be affected by the virus.you keep constantly exposing you are not the REAL george phillips.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301:
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He can’t,look how he has evaded facts in this entire thread not addressing any of them that the numbers are inflated the flu virus is five times more deadly.lol
A century ago the Spanish Flu killed about 675,000 Americans.
Think ahead one year.
If the MAGA virus has killed more Americans than the Spanish Flu, will you blame Trump or the CIA?


Your faith in what the CIA controlled media tells you about how many deaths are covid related is comedy gold :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

again alternative news sources NOT controlled by the CIA media,will prove i am right,but you only have an interest in what the CIA controlled media says so like the coward you are that you have demonstrated on this whole thread,you will pretend those facts dont exist the same way many sheep in america STILL incredibly after all these years,still think oswald killed JFK afraid of looking at the facts because they are afraid to come to terms with reality they live in a banana republic,you are as dense as the lone gunman theorists are,incapable of critical thinking same as them account highjacker.:laughing0301:
View attachment 396529

like clockwork,when you cant counter facts,you troll account highjacker.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

everythings all a coincidence to this dork.LOL
My Mother in law tested positive, she isolated with my wife and I for 14 days, noone had symptoms......
At some point, the US will have to find a way to administer universal testing, imho.

To End the Pandemic, Give Universal Testing the Green Light

"South Korea reported its first Covid-19 case the same day as the USA, but had six times the testing capacity per capita. Fortunately, the science behind analyzing Covid-19 antigen tests is widely available—university labs, commercial labs, and the government all have the equipment needed to read them."

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