A Covid Primer for Trump Voters

The real George stopped posting here several months ago and some government op saw that and has highjacked his account.
I lost a bet four years ago about the 2016 POTUS election outcome which required me to leave the board for twelve months. You are dead wrong about the threat Covid-19 poses to this world.

Trump taken to Walter Reed medical center and will be hospitalized 'for the next few days'
I mentioned this to my sister (Trump has corona 19), she says "I know, I hope he dies". I am confused by liberal democrats. One minute they are beneficent and nice, the next, they are mean spirited assholes. What is with these people anyway? Are they just mean spirited hacks pretending to be openminded?
Tens of thousands of Americans have died unnecessarily from Covid-19 because Trump is not smart enough to manage an effective national response to a nation-wide pandemic; if any American deserves to die from this virus, it is Trump.
How does 4% of the world's population account for 20% of global cases and deaths?
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"SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
A COVID Primer for Your Trump-Loving Friends

"America’s first COVID death was on February 29 of this year, roughly 200 days ago. In that time, more than 200,000 Americans have died of the disease, the equivalent of 1,000 people a day.

"That’s how many people would have died if between February 29 and today three fully-loaded jumbo jets had crashed every single day, even on weekends, for 200 days.

"Now that we’ve passed this grim milestone and are still losing around 1,000 people a day, and Donald Trump acknowledged—bragged—to Bob Woodward last winter that he knew COVID is both deadly and airborne, many Trump-lovers are starting to look for factual information about the virus.

"With this handy list, you can help them out."
My Mother in law tested positive, she isolated with my wife and I for 14 days, noone had symptoms......
I mentioned this to my sister (Trump has corona 19), she says "I know, I hope he dies". I am confused by liberal democrats. One minute they are beneficent and nice, the next, they are mean spirited assholes. What is with these people anyway? Are they just mean spirited hacks pretending to be openminded?
Tens of thousands of Americans have died unnecessarily from Covid-19 because Trump is not smart enough to manage an effective national response to a nation-wide pandemic; if any American deserves to die from this virus, it is Trump.
I'm praying,,,,,, God took the wrong Trump a month or 2 ago,, Maybe he's making up for it
The majority of the deaths are in Dem run cities and states. I guess Dems really suck and Covid.

80% of the people in this country live in coastal cities, numbnuts.
And of the 100 largest cities in the U.S., 64 have Democrat mayors.
Your statement has nothing to do with COVID and everything to do with mouthing whatever rightwing/Fox Noise bullshit that you hear.
What's your point, asshole?
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

"The president is at the Walter Reed military hospital for what is expected to be a stay of a few days. His campaign manager is among the latest senior aides also found to be infected.

Senator Ron Johnson tests positive as Wisconsin is frazzled by a growth in cases."

Covid-19 Live Updates: Trump Is Hospitalized as More Aides Test Positive
The trend has been down for the last two months, shit for brains.
You are putting profit over people
You wondered about how many hospital beds would be freed up "if we simply paused vehicle traffic for a year." Millions of people would starve to death. How would that affect GDP and public health?
You don't believe the shutdown has affected GDP and public health? Didn't you morons want to shut down our meat packing plants?
Of course it was knowingingly released.you don’t think the CIA created this whole thing? They are ALWAYS behind major travesty’s,they Killed jfk,they did 9/11; they are ALWAYS starting wars with other countries,of COURSE it was knowingly released and by them dude.
If Trump dies from the MAGA virus, will you blame the CIA?:stir:
He can’t,look how he has evaded facts in this entire thread not addressing any of them that the numbers are inflated the flu virus is five times more deadly.lol
A century ago the Spanish Flu killed about 675,000 Americans.
Think ahead one year.
If the MAGA virus has killed more Americans than the Spanish Flu, will you blame Trump or the CIA?

I'm really pissed at China for being responsible for all the deaths, not only in this country but throughout the world.
And, there are rumors from a Dr that was in the know saying that it could have been knowingly released.
Are you mad at Trump for lying to the American people about the threat Covid-19 posed last February?

Book: Trump said of virus, ‘I wanted to always play it down’
No, who wants a president to push the panic button even before the first case appeared?
I'll tell you who....idiots that have TDS
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How many other countries have politicized the pandemic.....weaponized it?
Another example of US tribal politics?

"It’s hard to find a more extreme test of our tribal political attachments than the current pandemic, where Trump continues to downplay the risks of the virus in the face of near-universal opposition from medical experts.

"It also raises a thorny issue: In the midst of a pandemic, partisanship appears to be shaping people’s perceptions of their risk and personal behaviors — to the point that our divided politics actually affects our health."

Republicans And Democrats See COVID-19 Very Differently. Is That Making People Sick?
:clap2: I rest my case, thank you

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