A Covid Primer for Trump Voters

Prime "this" Georgie. (points to cawk)
Well every nation on earth has different counting methods, most third world countries aren’t even bothering. We are testing more than any of them. That skews the numbers big time.
We're not testing more than all other countries:

COVID-19 testing rate by country | Statista

"Rate of COVID-19 testing in most impacted countries worldwide as of Oct. 1, 2020
Published by John Elflein, Oct 1, 2020
As of October 1, 2020, the United States had performed the third most COVID-19 tests per one million population among the countries most severely impacted by the pandemic. The U.S. has conducted over 107 million COVID-19 tests in total."

A thousand Americans are dying daily because Trump was too stupid to understand the threat.
George dont tell me YOU of all people have bought into this hoax crisis cooked up by our corrupt government on covid and seriously dont think the CDC is inflating these numbers ruling practically every death like a gunshot wound to the head from a fatal car accident as a result from covid? not YOU of all people?
The MAGA virus is at least as real as the last Great Pandemic this country faced:
How U.S. Cities Tried to Halt the Spread of the 1918 Spanish Flu

What that another fiction?:stir:

Okay I know whats REALLY going on here folks.This is NOT George Phillips the poster that we have known for years.The REAL George Phillips I knew never made asinine retarded posts like this.The real George stopped posting here several months ago and some government op saw that and has highjacked his account.

I'm SERIOUS here,Im NOT joking around or being funny folks,,its the ONLY thing that makes ANY sense.

The real George Phillips I always knew was one of the best posters here at this site,one of the most objective posters i knew,he was brave enough to tell facts about Israel at least half the posters here never wanted to hear on how they start wars all the time,he would tell the truth about how evil and corrupt our government was,how both parties were corrupt and one in the same.

Unlike a lot of trolls here,HE would always do his research and go by facts on what the ALTERNATIVE news reported,HE did not go by what the corporate controlled media said like so many idiots here always do or what this clown poster is doing now..Yet that is EXACTLY what he is doing here.

Guys,just address this phony highjacker of Georges thread as hey troll,cause this as i proved is NOT the objective George Phillips I have always known,the REAL George Phillips I always knew,would not be a coward and evade all those facts of mine i posted that proved this is a hoax and the numbers are totally inflated by the CDC.

HE would never listen to the CDC and our corporate controlled media,HE would also not ignore my facts that prove this is a hoax and evade them like he did,HE would address them and acknowledge i proved him wrong.

Folks the REAL George Phillips does not post here anymore,again his account has OBVIOUSLY been highjacked after he left a long time ago by someone working at Langley. again Im not joking as this may sound.

I'm serious.the REAL George Phillips I always knew,never made retarded asinine posts like this and never evaded facts that proved him wrong and would always address them,this coward did none of that.

How much proof do you all need this is an imposter of George that has highjacked his account? that this poster is not poster from Los angles as George always did,its a shill from Langley or Israel that has highjacked his account. again,im serious,im not joking.

no way in hell is this George Phillips from LA.
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Trump supporters are infamous for being willfully ignorant.
so says the paid shill from Langley who ALWAYS defends the version of the governments.:auiqs.jpg: oh and dont fucking lump me in there as a trump supporter,i have ALWAYS said for the past 11 years sense i been here,BOTH parties are corrupt and one in the same.you vote for either,then your part of the problem.
People should be encouraged to stay home if they don't want the virus. This would not hurt businesses one bit. Those that don't care could go out. Explain how this is a bad thing.

People should be encouraged to stay home if they don't want the virus. This would not hurt businesses one bit. Those that don't care could go out. Explain how this is a bad thing.
Exactly. This is just another flu bug. Those who want to go out should go out. And we shouldn't be shamed or forced into wearing masks.
Well every nation on earth has different counting methods, most third world countries aren’t even bothering. We are testing more than any of them. That skews the numbers big time.

Of course, counting deaths from gunshots, car accidents, heart attacks, and other causes, as #CoronaHoax2020 deaths, even when there's no evidence that the decedent have even been infected with the #CoronaHoax virus, tends to skew numbers a bit as well. It's been very solidly and undeniably proven that this sort of skulduggery has been going on in this country, to inflate the #CoronaHoax2020 numbers. Is this known to be going on in any other country?

those pesky irrefutable facts is something this troll from Langley who highjacked Georges account,has no interest in obviously,he wont admit that and evades those facts because his handler at Langley wont pay him the big books if he acknowledges the truth and stops lying.LOL
How many Americans have already died unnecessarily from Trump's lies about the virus; how many more will die before he does?

You mean the lies Trump told CIA operative Woodward at Langley where you work, that the virus was deadly,those lies? :auiqs.jpg:
I mentioned this to my sister (Trump has corona 19), she says "I know, I hope he dies". I am confused by liberal democrats. One minute they are beneficent and nice, the next, they are mean spirited assholes. What is with these people anyway? Are they just mean spirited hacks pretending to be openminded?
Do you understand that 50,000 Americans die every week of every month of every year?
These type of posts are simply nonsensical political crap - no medical value whatsoever.
Why do you think Trump's contribution to the 1000 Americans who die everyday from Covid-19 represent any medical value whatsoever?
How does 4% of the world's population account for 20% of global cases and deaths?
View attachment 395753
Start here:

"SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
A COVID Primer for Your Trump-Loving Friends

"America’s first COVID death was on February 29 of this year, roughly 200 days ago. In that time, more than 200,000 Americans have died of the disease, the equivalent of 1,000 people a day.

"That’s how many people would have died if between February 29 and today three fully-loaded jumbo jets had crashed every single day, even on weekends, for 200 days.

"Now that we’ve passed this grim milestone and are still losing around 1,000 people a day, and Donald Trump acknowledged—bragged—to Bob Woodward last winter that he knew COVID is both deadly and airborne, many Trump-lovers are starting to look for factual information about the virus.

"With this handy list, you can help them out."

View attachment 395758

Wow! A group photo of Trump and his staff! Was this taken this morning?
He's a FORMER college athlete, douchebag. He is now in his 30s. Furthermore, he's a weight lifter and probably used steroids at some point in his career. Who knows what other conditions he may have.
Think his heart will last longer than Trump's?:abgg2q.jpg:

A COVID Primer for Your Trump-Loving Friends - CounterPunch.org

"A group of researchers in Germany did follow-up studies on people who were, on median, 71 days out from their diagnosis, with a mean age of 49 years old and who considered themselves recovered from the infection.

"They reported in the American Medical Association’s peer-reviewed journal JAMA Cardiology that 78 percent of 'recovered' patients had heart damage that was visible on MRIs and other scanning technologies.

"Even more alarming, fully 60 percent still—months after their illness—had 'ongoing myocardial inflammation' (inflammation of the heart muscle).

"Because the virus has never before infected humans and we’re less than a year into it, nobody knows if this heart damage and ongoing heart inflammation will be lifelong or if people will heal from it at some point."

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