A Covid Primer for Trump Voters

People should be encouraged to stay home if they don't want the virus. This would not hurt businesses one bit. Those that don't care could go out. Explain how this is a bad thing.
Exactly. This is just another flu bug. Those who want to go out should go out. And we shouldn't be shamed or forced into wearing masks.

About 6% of the deaths were from covid
The rest died with covid.
Hold that thought.
It's called fraud, moron.
Too much winning?:auiqs.jpg:

"SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
A COVID Primer for Your Trump-Loving Friends

"The New York Times pulled together a startling collection of stories of athletes who have been devastated by COVID infections.

"For example, take the story of former college football player and current Ironman triathlete Ben O’Donnell:

"'[H]e needed a walker just to go out to the mailbox at the end of the driveway. In his first attempt to exercise, two days after he left the hospital, he walked for seven minutes at a speed of 1.2 miles per hour using supplemental oxygen. He has been trying to add a minute of time, and a bit of speed, each day.'"
I don't blame trump it's not his fault. It's a failure by the wealthiest nation on earth to be prepared for something we know is a threat to the well being of the people. Don't be afraid to recognize shortcomings.
Trump lied repeatedly to the American people last February about the threat Covid posed to this country because he was afraid of stock market panic.

Infographic: Earlier Response Could Have Saved Thousands of U.S. Lives

Maybe this is what happens when a corrupt crony capitalist tries to run the country like his business?
How does 4% of the world's population account for 20% of global cases and deaths?
View attachment 395753
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"SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
A COVID Primer for Your Trump-Loving Friends

"America’s first COVID death was on February 29 of this year, roughly 200 days ago. In that time, more than 200,000 Americans have died of the disease, the equivalent of 1,000 people a day.

"That’s how many people would have died if between February 29 and today three fully-loaded jumbo jets had crashed every single day, even on weekends, for 200 days.

"Now that we’ve passed this grim milestone and are still losing around 1,000 people a day, and Donald Trump acknowledged—bragged—to Bob Woodward last winter that he knew COVID is both deadly and airborne, many Trump-lovers are starting to look for factual information about the virus.

"With this handy list, you can help them out."

Well every nation on earth has different counting methods, most third world countries aren’t even bothering. We are testing more than any of them. That skews the numbers big time.
Well every nation on earth has different counting methods, most third world countries aren’t even bothering. We are testing more than any of them. That skews the numbers big time.

Of course, counting deaths from gunshots, car accidents, heart attacks, and other causes, as #CoronaHoax2020 deaths, even when there's no evidence that the decedent have even been infected with the #CoronaHoax virus, tends to skew numbers a bit as well. It's been very solidly and undeniably proven that this sort of skulduggery has been going on in this country, to inflate the #CoronaHoax2020 numbers. Is this known to be going on in any other country?

COVID-19 Survival Rates
How many Americans have already died unnecessarily from Trump's lies about the virus; how many more will die before he does?o_O

Infographic: Earlier Response Could Have Saved Thousands of U.S. Lives

"As revealed yesterday via audio recordings from investigative journalist Bob Woodward, President Trump knew about the true severity of Covid-19 as early as February 6 - in direct contradiction to his public stance and initial action on the public health crisis.

"As the interview with the president on February 7 shows, Mr Trump had spoken with Chinese President Xi Jinping the day before and concluded that the virus is 'more deadly than even your strenuous flus', adding: 'This is five percent versus one percent and less than one percent...this is deadly stuff'"
How does 4% of the world's population account for 20% of global cases and deaths?
View attachment 395753
Start here:

"SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
A COVID Primer for Your Trump-Loving Friends

"America’s first COVID death was on February 29 of this year, roughly 200 days ago. In that time, more than 200,000 Americans have died of the disease, the equivalent of 1,000 people a day.

"That’s how many people would have died if between February 29 and today three fully-loaded jumbo jets had crashed every single day, even on weekends, for 200 days.

"Now that we’ve passed this grim milestone and are still losing around 1,000 people a day, and Donald Trump acknowledged—bragged—to Bob Woodward last winter that he knew COVID is both deadly and airborne, many Trump-lovers are starting to look for factual information about the virus.

"With this handy list, you can help them out."
Yeah, so...3 things HAPPEN that you can't stop:

DEATH, taxes, & shit.

Snowflakes continue to have 'liberal talking point diarrhea' regarding the Trump response to the pandemic, parroting every false accusation and talking point the left gives them.

Democrats in the House Intel Committee should have spotted the trouble in Wuhan and seen the pandemic coming. Instead, Adam Schiff was authoring and submitting false evidence in the Democrats admittedly partisan Impeachment coup attempt, which was also admittedly based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.
- The breakdown /problem here is the fact that Democrats were not working for the American citizens paying their salaries - they were working for the Democratic Party.

There is no explanation needed for why Democrats and snowflakes omit this fact every time they attack the President over the virus response.

The Trump administration was actually ahead oh the WHO, whom we now know was covering China's ass. While Democrats were STILL focused n Impeachment the Trump administration 1) Energized the CDC, 2) Stood Up the Infectious Disease Committee, and issued a declaration of Emergency.

Where were the Democrats?

Democrats were still following their 'Anti-Trump Playbook' which consisted largely in taking every opposite stance omn every issue, no matter what and no matter if they had no idea what the issue was. Thus was the case with the virus...how else can anyone explain how at this time, when the President was already acting....

Joe Biden led the Democrat opposition to the life-saving travel bans. Biden called the bans 'Xenophobic' while Democrats not only wrote legislation to block the bans but to strip the President of other powers he could use to protect the country.


Democrats were telling Americans to go to Chia Town, ride NY subways, lick turn stiles, herd in large numbers, etc.....

THIS undermined the President efforts and put American lives at risk....BUT DAMN THAT TRUMP...

Now, in a massive effort tp re-write history (a very old Democrat trick to make it seem like they did NOIT do what they did), Democrats and snowflakes are saying they NEVER opposed the travel bans - that they were not imposed soon enough and did not totally stop the spread of the virus, which is all Trump's fault. They are saying Biden never called the travel bans 'Xenophobic', that Democrats NEVER attempted to block the travel bans or take any action to eliminate those already in effect.

NOW they are claiming, that while they were telling Americans there was nothing to COVID, the President was wrong to present of strength and calm while the scientists attempted to figure out everything thy did NOT know about the virus.

Democrats NOW want to attack the President for not spreading panic throughout the country (and markets) based on what we now know to be horrifically incorrect numbers and predictions made by what scientists / epidemiologists all agree was the worst model to use to come up with that data that could possibly have been picked.

Democrats and snowflakes NEVER mention any of that in their BS fantasy accusations, narratives, and flat-out lies.
Lol, nothing like the Spanish flu. I truly do feel sorry for the people that can't grasp this. It's astounding how easily people are fooled.
Both pandemics killed hundreds of thousands of Americans in the span of a few months; can you point to any similar biological event in US history?

Compare: 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic Versus COVID-19 | BioSpace

"Another commonality between the Spanish flu’s H1N1 and the COVID-19 coronavirus is that both are considered 'novel,' which is to say, they are so new nobody in either era had any immunity to them.

"One marked difference between the two is the most affected groups in the 1918 pandemic were otherwise healthy adults between the ages of 20 to 40. Mortality was also higher in people younger than five years of age and 65 and older."
I don't blame trump it's not his fault. It's a failure by the wealthiest nation on earth to be prepared for something we know is a threat to the well being of the people. Don't be afraid to recognize shortcomings.
Trump lied repeatedly to the American people last February about the threat Covid posed to this country because he was afraid of stock market panic.

Infographic: Earlier Response Could Have Saved Thousands of U.S. Lives

Maybe this is what happens when a corrupt crony capitalist tries to run the country like his business?

Do you understand that 50,000 Americans die every week of every month of every year?
These type of posts are simply nonsensical political crap - no medical value whatsoever.
How does 4% of the world's population account for 20% of global cases and deaths?
View attachment 395753
Start here:

"SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
A COVID Primer for Your Trump-Loving Friends

"America’s first COVID death was on February 29 of this year, roughly 200 days ago. In that time, more than 200,000 Americans have died of the disease, the equivalent of 1,000 people a day.

"That’s how many people would have died if between February 29 and today three fully-loaded jumbo jets had crashed every single day, even on weekends, for 200 days.

"Now that we’ve passed this grim milestone and are still losing around 1,000 people a day, and Donald Trump acknowledged—bragged—to Bob Woodward last winter that he knew COVID is both deadly and airborne, many Trump-lovers are starting to look for factual information about the virus.

"With this handy list, you can help them out."

In 2017, an average of 7,708 deaths occurred each day.


Forum List
