A Covid Primer for Trump Voters

4 Million Americans are involved in car crashes each year that are serious enough to require medical attention or worse.

Think how many lives would be saved, how many hospital beds would be freed up and how much less stress the health care profession would be under if we simply paused vehicle traffic for a year.
If America ever devolves sufficiently to have georgephillip's favored government, nobody could afford a car.
I mentioned this to my sister (Trump has corona 19), she says "I know, I hope he dies". I am confused by liberal democrats. One minute they are beneficent and nice, the next, they are mean spirited assholes. What is with these people anyway? Are they just mean spirited hacks pretending to be openminded?
They love and support everybody who thinks exactly like they do.

Anyone who disagrees is the enemy.
Trump didn't brag...those are your words....he did what any leader would do and that was to calm fears and panic.....you discredited yourself snowflake by saying he "bragged".....don't you remember the empty store shelves?.....dumb thread....
Not my words, Loon.
Maybe you should've read the link before TRUMPING yourself? (again)

"SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
A COVID Primer for Your Trump-Loving Friends

"Now that we’ve passed this grim milestone and are still losing around 1,000 people a day, and Donald Trump acknowledged—bragged—to Bob Woodward last winter that he knew COVID is both deadly and airborne, many Trump-lovers are starting to look for factual information about the virus."
4 Million Americans are involved in car crashes each year that are serious enough to require medical attention or worse.

Think how many lives would be saved, how many hospital beds would be freed up and how much less stress the health care profession would be under if we simply paused vehicle traffic for a year.
How would GDP react to that?
4 Million Americans are involved in car crashes each year that are serious enough to require medical attention or worse.

Think how many lives would be saved, how many hospital beds would be freed up and how much less stress the health care profession would be under if we simply paused vehicle traffic for a year.
How would GDP react to that?

You are putting profit over people
He's a FORMER college athlete, douchebag. He is now in his 30s. Furthermore, he's a weight lifter and probably used steroids at some point in his career. Who knows what other conditions he may have.
Think his heart will last longer than Trump's?:abgg2q.jpg:

A COVID Primer for Your Trump-Loving Friends - CounterPunch.org

"A group of researchers in Germany did follow-up studies on people who were, on median, 71 days out from their diagnosis, with a mean age of 49 years old and who considered themselves recovered from the infection.

"They reported in the American Medical Association’s peer-reviewed journal JAMA Cardiology that 78 percent of 'recovered' patients had heart damage that was visible on MRIs and other scanning technologies.

"Even more alarming, fully 60 percent still—months after their illness—had 'ongoing myocardial inflammation' (inflammation of the heart muscle).

"Because the virus has never before infected humans and we’re less than a year into it, nobody knows if this heart damage and ongoing heart inflammation will be lifelong or if people will heal from it at some point."
What's your point, asshole?
Trump didn't brag...those are your words....he did what any leader would do and that was to calm fears and panic.....you discredited yourself snowflake by saying he "bragged".....don't you remember the empty store shelves?.....dumb thread....
Not my words, Loon.
Maybe you should've read the link before TRUMPING yourself? (again)

"SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
A COVID Primer for Your Trump-Loving Friends

"Now that we’ve passed this grim milestone and are still losing around 1,000 people a day, and Donald Trump acknowledged—bragged—to Bob Woodward last winter that he knew COVID is both deadly and airborne, many Trump-lovers are starting to look for factual information about the virus."
Another big fat lie.
Trump didn't brag...those are your words....he did what any leader would do and that was to calm fears and panic.....you discredited yourself snowflake by saying he "bragged".....don't you remember the empty store shelves?.....dumb thread....
Not my words, Loon.
Maybe you should've read the link before TRUMPING yourself? (again)

"SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
A COVID Primer for Your Trump-Loving Friends

"Now that we’ve passed this grim milestone and are still losing around 1,000 people a day, and Donald Trump acknowledged—bragged—to Bob Woodward last winter that he knew COVID is both deadly and airborne, many Trump-lovers are starting to look for factual information about the virus."
Another big fat lie.
What’s comical is this Langley shill is the one that’s lying tooting the governments propaganda on the inflated death rates and what’s even far more comical the trump supporters I have noticed have been telling the facts about the hoax virus for the past 8 months,it’s the dem lovers that are not looking at the facts,what a troll this highjacker account of George’s is.Lol
In 2017, an average of 7,708 deaths occurred each day.
How exactly does that apply to the additional 1000 deaths a day America is currently experiencing from Covid-19?
I'm really pissed at China for being responsible for all the deaths, not only in this country but throughout the world.
And, there are rumors from a Dr that was in the know saying that it could have been knowingly released.
In 2017, an average of 7,708 deaths occurred each day.
How exactly does that apply to the additional 1000 deaths a day America is currently experiencing from Covid-19?
I'm really pissed at China for being responsible for all the deaths, not only in this country but throughout the world.
And, there are rumors from a Dr that was in the know saying that it could have been knowingly released.
Of course it was knowingingly released.you don’t think the CIA created this whole thing? They are ALWAYS behind major travesty’s,they Killed jfk,they did 9/11; they are ALWAYS starting wars with other countries,of COURSE it was knowingly released and by them dude.
In 2017, an average of 7,708 deaths occurred each day.
How exactly does that apply to the additional 1000 deaths a day America is currently experiencing from Covid-19?

Prove those aren't people who would have died anyway. Many were well beyond 70 yoa.

He can’t,look how he has evaded facts in this entire thread not addressing any of them that the numbers are inflated the flu virus is five times more deadly.lol
How many other countries have politicized the pandemic.....weaponized it?
Another example of US tribal politics?

"It’s hard to find a more extreme test of our tribal political attachments than the current pandemic, where Trump continues to downplay the risks of the virus in the face of near-universal opposition from medical experts.

"It also raises a thorny issue: In the midst of a pandemic, partisanship appears to be shaping people’s perceptions of their risk and personal behaviors — to the point that our divided politics actually affects our health."

Republicans And Democrats See COVID-19 Very Differently. Is That Making People Sick?
How many other countries have politicized the pandemic.....weaponized it?
Another example of US tribal politics?

"It’s hard to find a more extreme test of our tribal political attachments than the current pandemic, where Trump continues to downplay the risks of the virus in the face of near-universal opposition from medical experts.

"It also raises a thorny issue: In the midst of a pandemic, partisanship appears to be shaping people’s perceptions of their risk and personal behaviors — to the point that our divided politics actually affects our health."

Republicans And Democrats See COVID-19 Very Differently. Is That Making People Sick?

Funny how Republicans are less concerned and Democrats caused most of the deaths in their blue States.

So what do you take from that insight, Georgie?

What are Republicans doing right that Democrats are doing wrong?
What goes around comes around Karma
This rather old saying, 'chickens have come home to roost', is normally used to mean that the bad things that someone has done in the past have come back to bite or haunt the individual. ... The bad deeds that one may commit in one's lifetime are being compared with chickens.
I'm praying

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