A Covid Primer for Trump Voters

It is easy to get to 20% covid deaths. Just say every death is a covid death. Creamed in a traffic accident? Covid. Overdose? Covid. Murdered in a drive by? Covid.
yeah kinda like you are hihgjacker.takes one to know one
How would you rate Trump's handling of the Covid pandemic?

'It’s a hoax. There's no pandemic': Trump's base stays loyal as president fights Covid

"'I agreed with the president that it was wrong to shut down the country because of coronavirus,' said Karen White, an office manager who voted for him in 2016. 'The damage to our economy was just too great. But he was wrong to question masks. I wish he hadn’t done it. He made things worse and now I have to wonder if he would even have it if he had just listened to what his own advisers were saying.'":auiqs.jpg:
AGAIN,the george i know would never troll like this and believe eveything the corporate controlled media told him,he would listen to the whistle blowing doctors,he would not be a cowardly jerk like you are.

'It’s a hoax. There's no pandemic': Trump's base stays loyal as president fights Covid
It is easy to get to 20% covid deaths. Just say every death is a covid death. Creamed in a traffic accident? Covid. Overdose? Covid. Murdered in a drive by? Covid.
So...if Trump dies from his MAGA virus, will you claim he was murdered, creamed in a traffic accident, or a bleach overdose?

Trump is in no danger of dying. He is just fine. But if a democrat assassin put a bullet in him the democrats would undoubtedly say it was covid.
Prove those aren't people who would have died anyway. Many were well beyond 70 yoa.
Everyone dies "anyway."



Deflection is duly noted.


he has deflected EVERYTIME he has been backed up against the wall with irrefutable facts he cant counter cowardly evading the evidence this account highjacker.LOL

Yeah shill it IS sad how you deflect everytime,that I agree with you on.lol
Well if the numbers are to believed... People should actually be looking deeper into the death rate per day if let’s say the death rate in the country has increased dramatically after this virus started effecting us then they may have a point but if the death rate per day is extremely similar to what it should be then there is no case here... So let us say for e Xample that the normal death rate per day in the United States is for arguments sake 7800 per day and with the virus it is still in that neighborhood then this is a non factor...If it is much much higher then of course it is not same goes for other countries as well....
Well if the numbers are to believed... People should actually be looking deeper into the death rate per day if let’s say the death rate in the country has increased dramatically after this virus started effecting us then they may have a point but if the death rate per day is extremely similar to what it should be then there is no case here... So let us say for e Xample that the normal death rate per day in the United States is for arguments sake 7800 per day and with the virus it is still in that neighborhood then this is a non factor...If it is much much higher then of course it is not same goes for other countries as well....
It’s been proven tooooooooo many times to remember the numbers are not to be believed in the least.lol
evading facts that patriotic whistleblower doctors have exposed how the CDC is inflating the numbers ruling pretty much every death from a gunshot wound to the head to a fatal car accident as a result from covid,that these doctors have proven the hospitals are being paid off
Got a link, Loon?:funnyface:

There have been several threads in the conspiracy section shill that have exposed it the past six months,not my fault you have been too lazy to go there and look at them loon shill. Lol
AGAIN,the george i know would never troll like this and believe eveything the corporate controlled media told him,he would listen to the whistle blowing doctors,he would not be a cowardly jerk like you are.

'It’s a hoax. There's no pandemic': Trump's base stays loyal as president fights Covid
Hey shill got news for you,I am not a trump supporter, I did not want him in office,I wanted Gary Johnson, I only cheered on trump to win cause the alternative of mass murderer hitlery would have been three times worse,same thing in this election,I only want trump elected again cause the alternative of Biden or Harris as potus is much worse. Trump has probably fallen for the lies of the CIA media that the corona hoax has got to him and being naive as he is,thinks a mask will do him any good.
Covid 19 has a 98% survivability rate. You are more likely to die in a car accident or of cancer. We locked down our society over THIS piddly stuff? Something is seriously wrong here.
Did you get yours? I didn't get mine. Also would you link this so we can get the context, also is this
a copyright violation?
What might have been: Massive USPS coronavirus face mask operation called off
View attachment 396463
"In April, the Postal Service 'drafted a news release announcing plans to distribute 650 million masks nationwide, enough to offer five face coverings to every American household,' the Washington Post reports, based on documents obtained by American Oversight, a watchdog group that requested them under FOIA.

  • "What's happening: The idea originated at HHS, 'which suggested a pack of five reusable masks be sent to every residential address in the country, with the first shipments going to the hardest-hit areas,' per The Post.
"Why it matters: Imagine if five months ago, Americans not only got a signal from their government that they should wear masks, but even had them handed to them. Incalculable loss — human and economic — could have been avoided."

whats comedy relief is you believe the government that we should wear face masks over the best doctors in the world who say facemasks are ueless which proves you are NOT the real george phillips and some troll who has highjacked his account the fact the REAL george would not be retarded like that. HE would know that if this virus was as deadly as the CIA media makes it out to be,facemasks would be as effective as much as using a pencil to try and hit a baseball with it. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

HE would know that you would have to wear a suit like you see in the movies when a deadly virus has been released to be able to not be affected by the virus.you keep constantly exposing you are not the REAL george phillips.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301:
The shill highjacker as always,has no answers and is speechless when backed up afpgainsr the wall with nowhere to run.lol
It is easy to get to 20% covid deaths. Just say every death is a covid death. Creamed in a traffic accident? Covid. Overdose? Covid. Murdered in a drive by? Covid.
So...if Trump dies from his MAGA virus, will you claim he was murdered, creamed in a traffic accident, or a bleach overdose?

And you will keep evading facts as you have in your entire worthless thread when proven he WAS murdered if he dies,we both know that shill.lol
Thankfully most of those dying are the elderly, sickly, or otherwise infirm... the folks who have already made themselves expendable by no longer being productive members of Society.

So it’s not really an issue for most of us on the Right.
Something that just occurred to me is I seriously believe this is fake news that trump cleverly planted to get sympathy votes from people around the country undecided.if trump really had it,Biden would have been affected as well the fact he was so close to him.If trump comes out of this all good as new,then my hunch will be correct,

it will,turn out to be either that or if he dies,then the factsin this day and age will prove the CIA indeed killed him,in this day and age,you can’t cover up facts and suppress it for over thirty years from the public as they did with jfk.just ask Bill Clinton,the facts of all the people he had arkansawed off who knew too much of his corruption and drug smuggling in Arkansas for the cia while governor of arkansaw emerged before he even became president.

the shill op from Langley of course is too dense to understand that there is a very strong possibility that the CIA they know they can’t assassinate a president out in broad daylight with multiple shooters and fool the entire world for over thirty years that it was a lone gunman that did it anymore,hat they can’t do that anymore in this day and age with cameras and cell phones everywhere now,so sense the dems And elite have failed in every attempt to get him out office.

they are now trying it looks like by planting something poisonous on him and trying to say it’s from Covid and they did not stop there,they went after others to make the story more believable,not saying it’s true but if he dies, the coverup will not succeed,you can’t suppress facts anymore in this day and age as you could back in the sixtys,a fact the op troll can’t comprehend, I mean the governmen after all,has failed to silence patriotic whistle blower doctors that have risked their livlihoods putting them on the line and have exposed this hoax virus after all.
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