A Crime to Remember...the speck murders....what would you do?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Today they had a program on ID Discovery called a Crime to Remember...this episode was the richard speck murders where he entered a house for nursing students and raped, tortured and murdered 8 of the 9 nursing students. It was a famous case at the time and shocked the nation when it happened.

Richard Speck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now...my question for the anti gunners...and you know who you are......was it a good thing that none of those 9 women had a gun to stop the attack? Considering that the one who survived hid under a bed and listened to the rape, torture and murder of her friends....who he stabbed and bludgeoned to death.....

Now here is where the rubber of your beliefs hits the road of reality. If you had a chance to go back in time and give those women a gun......to use against speck...would you? Since you do not believe that normal people should own or carry guns.....would you give them a gun to save their lives?
i am old enough to remember those murders......yes if one of them had been armed....they might not have died ....i am still against the arming of america however and have put my foot down....no cc for me...i am not gonna be bullied....i have guns and i just do not want to carry
i am old enough to remember those murders......yes if one of them had been armed....they might not have died ....i am still against the arming of america however and have put my foot down....no cc for me...i am not gonna be bullied....i have guns and i just do not want to carry

No one says you have to carry...as long as you don't tell everyone else they can't.
o i am all for anyone wanting to carry who meets the regs but i think we should tighten them up a bit...where background checks are given time to be completed....etc and so forth....we have the laws they just really arent enforced....
o i am all for anyone wanting to carry who meets the regs but i think we should tighten them up a bit...where background checks are given time to be completed....etc and so forth....we have the laws they just really arent enforced....

I will ask you then....how do background checks keep criminals or mass shooters from getting guns?
and i assure you ...where i live....there are few like me....most are like my son...he carries and his g/f is getting her permit...they live in a zone where police cant get to quickly...45 minutes to an hour is not odd for the area.....so he is arming her...he is covering bases....he told her not to wait till someone comes in the door..that if she tells them to leave...to hit 911 as she is telling them to leave and if they do not leave immediately then open fire...empty her pistol and then go to his nightstand and get his....and hold in case there is another person or another attack...i was shocked at how detailed his instructions to her were...he also does not like the fact that i refuse to carry a pistol at home...i overly depend on the dogs....the other day a delivery guy walked up the drive....and knocked on the slider before i knew it...dogs didnt do a damn thing till he knocked on the door then they got all shit faced and acted like cujo...but there went my first line of defense.....

in public i know nearly every man is carrying and damn near 50% of the women....and they are just waiting for a reason to use their guns ......i should not say that....really....some have the hero complex but most are just doing it out of hard felt reasons....this county has always been more like the wild west...
and i assure you ...where i live....there are few like me....most are like my son...he carries and his g/f is getting her permit...they live in a zone where police cant get to quickly...45 minutes to an hour is not odd for the area.....so he is arming her...he is covering bases....he told her not to wait till someone comes in the door..that if she tells them to leave...to hit 911 as she is telling them to leave and if they do not leave immediately then open fire...empty her pistol and then go to his nightstand and get his....and hold in case there is another person or another attack...i was shocked at how detailed his instructions to her were...he also does not like the fact that i refuse to carry a pistol at home...i overly depend on the dogs....the other day a delivery guy walked up the drive....and knocked on the slider before i knew it...dogs didnt do a damn thing till he knocked on the door then they got all shit faced and acted like cujo...but there went my first line of defense.....

in public i know nearly every man is carrying and damn near 50% of the women....and they are just waiting for a reason to use their guns ......i should not say that....really....some have the hero complex but most are just doing it out of hard felt reasons....this county has always been more like the wild west...

Actually, the west wasn't that wild..that is hollywood.
o i am all for anyone wanting to carry who meets the regs but i think we should tighten them up a bit...where background checks are given time to be completed....etc and so forth....we have the laws they just really arent enforced....

I will ask you then....how do background checks keep criminals or mass shooters from getting guns?

I would not expect an answer to that question as it does not compute for the far left drones!

It is funny how they want an open border, but no one to have a firearm legally in this country..
Guy sells cigarettes or steals cigars and is gunned down. White guy wastes a congregation at a church, murders a cop, a judge, and even a member of Congress and they are still alive.
1. Eric Garner was selling cigarettes illegally. He was NOT gunned at all.

2. Michael Brown wasn't gunned down for stealing cigars. He was PROPERLY gunned down for attacking a cop.

3. Do you get ANYTHING right ?

o i am all for anyone wanting to carry who meets the regs but i think we should tighten them up a bit...where background checks are given time to be completed....etc and so forth....we have the laws they just really arent enforced....

I will ask you then....how do background checks keep criminals or mass shooters from getting guns?

had to ask that didnt ya? that is the problem how do you close that loophole? seems the majority of mass shooters are getting their guns legally or had their guns prior to it...

as i have said in the past....i have purchased one rifle in my life...the rest are inherited....and i have no reason to register any of them....i am the gray area....i realize we need to do something about gun violence but i have no clue where to start or how to start....esp when i am one of those saying .......dont you even think about touching or registering my guns....
Guy sells cigarettes or steals cigars and is gunned down. White guy wastes a congregation at a church, murders a cop, a judge, and even a member of Congress and they are still alive.
1. Eric Garner was selling cigarettes illegally. He was NOT gunned at all.

2. Michael Brown wasn't gunned down for stealing cigars. He was PROPERLY gunned down for attacking a cop.

3. Do you get ANYTHING right ?

o i am all for anyone wanting to carry who meets the regs but i think we should tighten them up a bit...where background checks are given time to be completed....etc and so forth....we have the laws they just really arent enforced....

I will ask you then....how do background checks keep criminals or mass shooters from getting guns?

had to ask that didnt ya? that is the problem how do you close that loophole? seems the majority of mass shooters are getting their guns legally or had their guns prior to it...

as i have said in the past....i have purchased one rifle in my life...the rest are inherited....and i have no reason to register any of them....i am the gray area....i realize we need to do something about gun violence but i have no clue where to start or how to start....esp when i am one of those saying .......dont you even think about touching or registering my guns....

Though sometimes referred to as the “Gun Show Loophole,”€ the “€œprivate sales”€ include firearms sold at gun shows, through classified newspaper ads, the Internet, and between individuals virtually anywhere.

See the far left wants you to be able to violate another's civil rights by closing said "loophole"..
Guy sells cigarettes or steals cigars and is gunned down. White guy wastes a congregation at a church, murders a cop, a judge, and even a member of Congress and they are still alive.
1. Eric Garner was selling cigarettes illegally. He was NOT gunned at all.

2. Michael Brown wasn't gunned down for stealing cigars. He was PROPERLY gunned down for attacking a cop.

3. Do you get ANYTHING right ?

o i am all for anyone wanting to carry who meets the regs but i think we should tighten them up a bit...where background checks are given time to be completed....etc and so forth....we have the laws they just really arent enforced....

I will ask you then....how do background checks keep criminals or mass shooters from getting guns?

had to ask that didnt ya? that is the problem how do you close that loophole? seems the majority of mass shooters are getting their guns legally or had their guns prior to it...

as i have said in the past....i have purchased one rifle in my life...the rest are inherited....and i have no reason to register any of them....i am the gray area....i realize we need to do something about gun violence but i have no clue where to start or how to start....esp when i am one of those saying .......dont you even think about touching or registering my guns....

First...you should encourage your son and his girlfriend to get more training with their guns......try the NRA home defense course.

There is no loophole. All guns sales through a licensed gun dealer have to go through a federal background check. Individuals, like yourself, who may sell a gun do not have to have a background check done, that is not a loophole, that is two people selling a legal product.

The problem with background checks is that criminals don't do them, and mass shooter go through them....criminals steal their guns or get someone with a clean record to buy the gun for them...mass shooters go through the background check, use 10 round magazines if they are required to by law...and then they murder people....
they have taken classes and shot regularly

okay ...let me ask.....if there is no compromise on this matter how will this country solve the problem of gun violence and one must acknowledge we have one....
Your question is retarded. Why would nurses be carrying in a dormitory in the middle of the night in the 1960's? To protect themselves from a man who would go on to grow titties in jail, and blow other inmates? How did those nurses not see it coming?
Your question is retarded. Why would nurses be carrying in a dormitory in the middle of the night in the 1960's? To protect themselves from a man who would go on to grow titties in jail, and blow other inmates? How did those nurses not see it coming?

Not the question....we are constantly told that these things never happen...since they have never happened to the anti gunners here on U.S., and you know who you are and you have told us these things....

So...we are told that these things are figments of our paranoid, gun owner imagination and that there is no need for any American to have a gun ever.....

My question is this....anti gunners don't think anyone needs a gun......so....if they could go back in time would they give a gun to one or more of these nurses knowing that this attack was going to happen....?

And obviously, knowing what happened we know exactly why a nursing student in a dormitory should have had a pistol......in the 1960s....and today.
that is not his question.....if one of those ladies had been armed....it could have been different that is his question

It doesn't matter. There were no "gun free zones". These ladies were allowed to carry anything they wanted. They weren't afraid of boogeymen around every corner, as some are today. Turns out that shit happens.
that is not his question.....if one of those ladies had been armed....it could have been different that is his question

It doesn't matter. There were no "gun free zones". These ladies were allowed to carry anything they wanted. They weren't afraid of boogeymen around every corner, as some are today. Turns out that shit happens.

Sorry......this is why the internet is so important....

In the old days you could just say...."There were no "gun free zones." and then there would have been no way to quickly show how you were wrong...today we have the internet....

Gun laws in Illinois - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Illinois was the last state to allow the concealed carry of firearms by citizens.[28][17] The state's original handgun carry ban was enacted in 1949, with the ban's most recent revision being enacted in 1962.

so.... in 1942 and then again 1962 there was a hand gun carry ban...when did the rape, torture and murder of the 8 nurses actually happen....?

Richard Benjamin Speck[1] (December 6, 1941 – December 5, 1991) was an American mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital on July 14, 1966.

So.....they weren't afraid of bogeymen around every corner....how did that work out for them?

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