A Dangerous Newcomer To The Left's War on Trump & America

Trump is a fuck up

The left is merely pointing it out
Yo boiy was a failure from the get go...


Obama left office with a 60% approval rating.


He's on path to hold the record with the worst job approval rating after his first 100 days in office....

Goat/boy, Trump has 8 yrs to go, obongo had the media on his side...
Trump is a fuck up

The left is merely pointing it out
Yo boiy was a failure from the get go...


Obama left office with a 60% approval rating.


He's on path to hold the record with the worst job approval rating after his first 100 days in office....

Goat/boy, Trump has 8 yrs to go, obongo had the media on his side...

Doubtful he'll last 8 years, but we'll see.

Still, he's on path to become the president with the worst approval rating recorded in our history, going into his first 100 days...

Trump ......... 39%
Obama ......... 64%
Bush43 ........ 62%
Clinton ....... 55%
Bush41 ........ 58%
Reagan ........ 67%
Carter ........ 67%
Ford .......... 47%
Nixon ......... 62%
Johnson ....... 80%
Kennedy ....... 83%
Eisenhower .... 72%
Truman ........ 87%
FYI on the moving shit thing, my father does this all the time, he's a neat freak - kind of like Trump. It's OCD. I have a touch myself, like I stack fliers on the counters at businesses all the time, without even thinking about it. I also re-sort the bags in the shopping cart behind the cashier/bagger, I didn't even realize I was doing it until my current husband pointed it out like 10 years ago (I'm 43 and I've been doing it my whole life lol) My father's worse off than me, like he goes around behind the maid putting stuff back /exactly/ where it goes. Even my husband has a touch of it, like occasionally he'll walk into a room and freak out "Who's been moving shit around in here?!?" (I'm like, "Everyone, you live with four other people. It's the laundry room, jus' sayin." - picking on him) he also flips his shit if I rearrange stuff in my garage (note I said /my/ garage, his is over there, mine is fucking mine, but he bitches if I move stuff around without "telling him"... yes we have fought about that lol)

Anyway, I suppose I could see the "in an important situation" idea because I'm totally guilty of grabbing business cards and stacking them during interview's for jobs, mostly because I wanted things to go well which means things needed to be tidy and "just so" (no I cannot tell you how "just so" is, because it changes and you "just know" when it's "right" heh) I think only one of the interviewers I've had counted it as a 'bad' thing and that was just because her idea of "just so" and mine were conflicted - we had a laugh about it after a couple meetings and agreed it was best if we "remained friends" rather than seeing how bitchy we got constantly "fixing each other's messes" lol
Shareblue wants to address the grass roots! What Brock will do what every leftist does. He will carefully and slowly explain to the grass roots that they are ignorant dolts who desperately need liberals to do their thinking for them. He will expect cheers and appreciation for bringing such wisdom to the grass roots.

Meanwhile the grass roots will ignore him and Shareblue will join Air America.
its not the lefts war, its a fuck up by The Hair Club President.

he pissed off everyone between the devil and god during the primaries, political karma has him by the balls.

the hard core conservatives shoved healthcare up his ass, the media is making hay with the never ending shit he brought on himself, and our intelligence agencies are going to walk on his grave because he insulted them ever chance he got.

he's in the big league now, being a 2nd rate reality tv show host may have got him a handful of pussy, but his little hands aren't big enough to deal with the real world he's in now.

F' Trump


I hope he stirs the pot good and gets it just right.


bullshit op ..

Soros invested big money on Trump.

ememy my rt foot
The right is just pissed because they tried to destroy Obama for eight years and FAILED!!! :laugh2:

Yeah, it took a bit longer, pretty soon everything that POS signed will only be good for ass wipe.
Good for a bump...

Clinton Friend and Media Matters Founder David Brock Suffers Heart Attack

BY: Jack Heretik
March 22, 2017


David Brock, the founder of left-wing news outlet Media Matters for America and a longtime friend of the Clintons, suffered a heart attack on Tuesday.

Brock was a conservative journalist before becoming a major influential figure for many liberal groups, the Washington Examinerreports.


Clinton Friend and Media Matters Founder David Brock Suffers Heart Attack
Good for a bump...

Clinton Friend and Media Matters Founder David Brock Suffers Heart Attack

BY: Jack Heretik
March 22, 2017


David Brock, the founder of left-wing news outlet Media Matters for America and a longtime friend of the Clintons, suffered a heart attack on Tuesday.

Brock was a conservative journalist before becoming a major influential figure for many liberal groups, the Washington Examinerreports.


Clinton Friend and Media Matters Founder David Brock Suffers Heart Attack

Yeah! Tell me where is will be buried so I can piss on his grave.
Good for a bump...

Clinton Friend and Media Matters Founder David Brock Suffers Heart Attack

BY: Jack Heretik
March 22, 2017


David Brock, the founder of left-wing news outlet Media Matters for America and a longtime friend of the Clintons, suffered a heart attack on Tuesday.

Brock was a conservative journalist before becoming a major influential figure for many liberal groups, the Washington Examinerreports.


Clinton Friend and Media Matters Founder David Brock Suffers Heart Attack

Yeah! Tell me where is will be buried so I can piss on his grave.
The cocksucker probably bought a heart from some 3rd world country...
Good for a bump...

Clinton Friend and Media Matters Founder David Brock Suffers Heart Attack

BY: Jack Heretik
March 22, 2017


David Brock, the founder of left-wing news outlet Media Matters for America and a longtime friend of the Clintons, suffered a heart attack on Tuesday.

Brock was a conservative journalist before becoming a major influential figure for many liberal groups, the Washington Examinerreports.


Clinton Friend and Media Matters Founder David Brock Suffers Heart Attack

Yeah! Tell me where is will be buried so I can piss on his grave.
The cocksucker probably bought a heart from some 3rd world country...

I seriously hope he kicks the bucket.
Good for a bump...

Clinton Friend and Media Matters Founder David Brock Suffers Heart Attack

BY: Jack Heretik
March 22, 2017


David Brock, the founder of left-wing news outlet Media Matters for America and a longtime friend of the Clintons, suffered a heart attack on Tuesday.

Brock was a conservative journalist before becoming a major influential figure for many liberal groups, the Washington Examinerreports.


Clinton Friend and Media Matters Founder David Brock Suffers Heart Attack

Yeah! Tell me where is will be buried so I can piss on his grave.
The cocksucker probably bought a heart from some 3rd world country...

I seriously hope he kicks the bucket.
You're one sick fuck, I'll grant you that.
Good for a bump...

Clinton Friend and Media Matters Founder David Brock Suffers Heart Attack

BY: Jack Heretik
March 22, 2017


David Brock, the founder of left-wing news outlet Media Matters for America and a longtime friend of the Clintons, suffered a heart attack on Tuesday.

Brock was a conservative journalist before becoming a major influential figure for many liberal groups, the Washington Examinerreports.


Clinton Friend and Media Matters Founder David Brock Suffers Heart Attack

Yeah! Tell me where is will be buried so I can piss on his grave.
The cocksucker probably bought a heart from some 3rd world country...

I seriously hope he kicks the bucket.
You're one sick fuck, I'll grant you that.

The best thing that could happen to this country is for more douche bags like him to experience a premature death.
Good for a bump...

Clinton Friend and Media Matters Founder David Brock Suffers Heart Attack

BY: Jack Heretik
March 22, 2017


David Brock, the founder of left-wing news outlet Media Matters for America and a longtime friend of the Clintons, suffered a heart attack on Tuesday.

Brock was a conservative journalist before becoming a major influential figure for many liberal groups, the Washington Examinerreports.


Clinton Friend and Media Matters Founder David Brock Suffers Heart Attack

Yeah! Tell me where is will be buried so I can piss on his grave.
The cocksucker probably bought a heart from some 3rd world country...

I seriously hope he kicks the bucket.
You're one sick fuck, I'll grant you that.

The best thing that could happen to this country is for more douche bags like him to experience a premature death.
I can see where sick fucks' believe that.
These old white f**kwad's who loath their own race (soros, brock) are funding the alt left hate need to be under scrutiny...

June 15, 2017
The left's war on patriots and traditional America
By Seth Ian


This hate and disdain for everything this president and his supporters represent shows a division in what a brighter future for America looks like.

The leftists believe that our borders should be open and that illegal aliens should not be sent home. They believe that multiculturalism is always good and that America has a lot to apologize for. The left and its antifa, Black Lives Matter, and stooges in the mainstream media would like to drown out the opinions of the rest of America.

Despite the intimidation, condescension, and occasional violence from the left, patriots should continue to elect representatives who stand for this country's values. We should stand with the president in supporting his travel ban, a wall with Mexico, and our troops.

What happened yesterday was tragic. The very values of this republic were under attack. This domestic terrorist sought to inflict damage on the agenda of the president and the Republican Party. Our elected officials should not let him win; they should continue to pursue the agenda they were sent to Washington to pursue. By doing this, we can really together and live out the slogan of this president's campaign: "Make America Great Again."


Read more: Blog: The left's war on patriots and traditional America
These old white f**kwad's who loath their own race (soros, brock) are funding the alt left hate need to be under scrutiny...

June 15, 2017
The left's war on patriots and traditional America
By Seth Ian


This hate and disdain for everything this president and his supporters represent shows a division in what a brighter future for America looks like.

The leftists believe that our borders should be open and that illegal aliens should not be sent home. They believe that multiculturalism is always good and that America has a lot to apologize for. The left and its antifa, Black Lives Matter, and stooges in the mainstream media would like to drown out the opinions of the rest of America.

Despite the intimidation, condescension, and occasional violence from the left, patriots should continue to elect representatives who stand for this country's values. We should stand with the president in supporting his travel ban, a wall with Mexico, and our troops.

What happened yesterday was tragic. The very values of this republic were under attack. This domestic terrorist sought to inflict damage on the agenda of the president and the Republican Party. Our elected officials should not let him win; they should continue to pursue the agenda they were sent to Washington to pursue. By doing this, we can really together and live out the slogan of this president's campaign: "Make America Great Again."


Read more: Blog: The left's war on patriots and traditional America
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Why should Americans "stand with" and "support" Trump on policies over which they disagree? And remind me again how much better the right treated Obama? Because my recollection is they attacked pretty much everything he said and did.
its not the lefts war, its a fuck up by The Hair Club President.

he pissed off everyone between the devil and god during the primaries, political karma has him by the balls.

the hard core conservatives shoved healthcare up his ass, the media is making hay with the never ending shit he brought on himself, and our intelligence agencies are going to walk on his grave because he insulted them ever chance he got.

he's in the big league now, being a 2nd rate reality tv show host may have got him a handful of pussy, but his little hands aren't big enough to deal with the real world he's in now.

F' Trump
I have had enough of reading your vomit on this forum, troll. You preach hate, treason and sedition every day. Go back to Mexico. Consider yourself ignored.
These old white f**kwad's who loath their own race (soros, brock) are funding the alt left hate need to be under scrutiny...

June 15, 2017
The left's war on patriots and traditional America
By Seth Ian


This hate and disdain for everything this president and his supporters represent shows a division in what a brighter future for America looks like.

The leftists believe that our borders should be open and that illegal aliens should not be sent home. They believe that multiculturalism is always good and that America has a lot to apologize for. The left and its antifa, Black Lives Matter, and stooges in the mainstream media would like to drown out the opinions of the rest of America.

Despite the intimidation, condescension, and occasional violence from the left, patriots should continue to elect representatives who stand for this country's values. We should stand with the president in supporting his travel ban, a wall with Mexico, and our troops.

What happened yesterday was tragic. The very values of this republic were under attack. This domestic terrorist sought to inflict damage on the agenda of the president and the Republican Party. Our elected officials should not let him win; they should continue to pursue the agenda they were sent to Washington to pursue. By doing this, we can really together and live out the slogan of this president's campaign: "Make America Great Again."


Read more: Blog: The left's war on patriots and traditional America
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Why should Americans "stand with" and "support" Trump on policies over which they disagree? And remind me again how much better the right treated Obama? Because my recollection is they attacked pretty much everything he said and did.
Goatboy, your side are the ones deranged with out of control hate, but we all know you guys are what you call us and you prove it every day...
You dumbocrats should medicate yourselves with fentanyl...:chillpill:
These old white f**kwad's who loath their own race (soros, brock) are funding the alt left hate need to be under scrutiny...

June 15, 2017
The left's war on patriots and traditional America
By Seth Ian


This hate and disdain for everything this president and his supporters represent shows a division in what a brighter future for America looks like.

The leftists believe that our borders should be open and that illegal aliens should not be sent home. They believe that multiculturalism is always good and that America has a lot to apologize for. The left and its antifa, Black Lives Matter, and stooges in the mainstream media would like to drown out the opinions of the rest of America.

Despite the intimidation, condescension, and occasional violence from the left, patriots should continue to elect representatives who stand for this country's values. We should stand with the president in supporting his travel ban, a wall with Mexico, and our troops.

What happened yesterday was tragic. The very values of this republic were under attack. This domestic terrorist sought to inflict damage on the agenda of the president and the Republican Party. Our elected officials should not let him win; they should continue to pursue the agenda they were sent to Washington to pursue. By doing this, we can really together and live out the slogan of this president's campaign: "Make America Great Again."


Read more: Blog: The left's war on patriots and traditional America
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Why should Americans "stand with" and "support" Trump on policies over which they disagree? And remind me again how much better the right treated Obama? Because my recollection is they attacked pretty much everything he said and did.
Goatboy, your side are the ones deranged with out of control hate, but we all know you guys are what you call us and you prove it every day...
You dumbocrats should medicate yourselves with fentanyl...:chillpill:
You moron, there's at least as much hate on the right as there is on the left.

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