A dark day for Trump. The darkest day for the presidency since Watergate.

Yep, that is what I said.

Damn, I guess all those ballots I tabulated yesterday were fake too.

But of course you did.

Well it doesn't matter what you think as long as that big deposit keeps showing up every two weeks.

Now we know you are lying if you are going to tell us you get well paid for being a election professional.

Nice try though buddy!

So, do you live in Alaska or Wyoming?

And I want to know who certified him and in what.

It's none of your fucking business.
^^ Person certified in stupidity.

Ahhh...how cute! Are you going to be my next puppy and follow me around thread to thread trying to get my attention?
Mueller has got Cohen by the balls. Cohen will say anything Mueller wants.

Nothing will come of it.
I think you are wrong, billy. This whole mess has me thinking of my own reactions at the news about Bill Clinton. I just hated the fact the dumb oversexed fool couldn't keep it in his knickers. It was embarrassing. I claimed at the time that if he were my kid, I'd slap the snot out of him. Yet I stayed on his team because I thought he was good for American and Americans. I waffled that it wasn't like footsie with another nation formerly aggressive toward our model of governance. And even today with Trump, the dalliances with the pretty girls is not a primary knuckle-biter for me. But the fact is I intensely dislike this man as President of my country for more reasons than I can count on my fingers and toes. So I am sort of reveling today and sort of embarrassed before the world at the same time. I do believe he knew and accepted the aid of foreign influence on people who thought he'd be a refreshing change. That's like not liking the plumber's union rates so rebelling by hiring your lawn mower to fix your pipes. Trump is a reaction, not a thoughtful choice. And yes, she would have been better, sneaky or not, because she knows the ropes better, and can think beyond herself. Canny is not a bad feature when dealing with others who would enjoy seeing your nation fail.

No one cared about the BJ. Bill lied under oath. That's a crime. What is Trump's crime?

Had Clinton been elected, I believe we would now be in the beginning stages of a second civil war.
I have to disagree about the civil war too, billy. There was no civil war when SCOTUS awarded the Presidency to GWB after Gore won the popular vote, nor during this past election when the gerrymandered EC awarded the highest office in the land to a grifter who is making money hand over fist thru the office, in spite of the 3 mil popular votes to the contrary.

So. Now you know that the presidency is not won by popular vote. Progress.

The Democratic Party is no longer an America-centric party. Americans will take issue with any attempted move toward negating the constitution/installing totalitarianism, whether by popular vote or not. I believe such a move would at the very least conjure an insurgency of millions.

It's the things you can't see that count.
I think there are a lot of things you 'can't' (or wont) see. Like how you think Trump is defending the Constitution. BTW, you old curmudgeon, thanks for cogent arguments instead of bumper-sticker kid stuff.
ANALYSIS: Two of the president's former associates were in court Tuesday. Both guilty of multiple felonies. What happened to draining the swamp?

by Jonathan Allen / Aug.21.2018 / 6:11 PM ET

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — There hasn't been a darker moment for a president — or for the presidency — since Richard Nixon resigned on the verge of impeachment in 1974.

On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, the president's longtime fixer and former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016. Most important, he said he did so at Trump's direction.

In other words, Trump cheated to win the White House, according to one of his closest former associates.
Thoughts on the following?

It wasn't just a bad day for Trump, it was a historically awful day for the presidency.​
This is looking more and more like Watergate
What you might have missed in the Cohen plea

In case you doubt the strength of the case: Did you notice all the other people implicated in Cohen’s plea? There is “Corporation-1,” presumably American Media Inc. (AMI), which owns the National Enquirer (“Magazine-1”). Members of Corporation-1 (including editor in chief, or “Editor-1”) would presumably have information and be able to corroborate Cohen’s account regarding the Karen McDougal payoff. The information document filed against Cohen also notes the existence of a text between Editor-1 and Cohen, corroboration of the arrangement to pay off a second woman, presumably Stormy Daniels. An encrypted phone call is also mentioned, as is an attorney (one more witness!) who represented both women. And let’s not forget the “executives of the Company” [Trump’s] who “grossed up” the reimbursement to Cohen; that’s two or more additional witnesses. We learn that “Executive-1” received the request or reimbursement and shared it with more executives. More witnesses. In Count 7, Cohen is accused of enabling Corporation-1 to make an illegal corporate campaign donation. That means the company and/or its executives might have liability as well. Count 8 mentions campaign executives (who might they be? how many?) who worked with Cohen to effectuate the scheme.

In sum, it’s not Cohen’s word against Trump’s, but rather a raft of witnesses whom prosecutors have or will be able to talk to (some to avoid liability of their own) and documents as well. There is, in short, a ton of evidence out there concerning the campaign finance scheme to make sure two women didn’t mess up Trump’s chances of getting elected. If Trump learned anything from the Paul Manafort trial, it should be that discrediting a single witness doesn’t eradicate piles of complementary evidence. Trump might try discrediting Cohen, but it’s Cohen who has the corroborating documents and witnesses to back him up.
Bill Clinton paid off Paula Jones. Tough to say if it was the right thing to do.

If Trump is guilty of campaign finance violations, he should be punished like Obama was in 2008, when he was fined for $375,000 for violating campaign finance laws.

I m happy to see a tax cheat maybe go to jail. They all should.
And trump should be impeached

Sure, bring his legal violations before Congress and vote on it.

Clinton was impeached and disbarred. Shit happens, right?

If Trump committed impeachable offenses, he should be impeached.

What’s your case for impeachment, specifically?
Watch the news.

And Michael Cohen has more dirt. Stay tuned.

Never before has a presidents lawyer implicated him in a federal crime

What federal crime would that be?
With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

Stop asking me stupid softball questions. Look this shit up yourself.

Trump is now, formally, implicated in a criminal conspiracy to mislead the American public in order to influence an election. Were he not President, Donald Trump himself would almost certainly be facing charges. This news came in what must be considered the most damaging single hour of a deeply troubled Presidency.

Cohen, the President’s longtime adviser, fixer, and, until recently, personal attorney, told a judge that Trump explicitly instructed him to break campaign-finance laws by paying two women not to publicly disclose the affairs they had with Trump.

Funny you guys understood exactly what Bill Clinton did wrong but now you are playing stupid.

The question can no longer be whether the President and those closest to him broke the law. That is settled. Three of the people closest to Trump as he ran for and won the Presidency have now pleaded guilty or have been convicted of significant federal crimes: Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn. The question now becomes far narrower and, for Trump, more troubling: What is the political impact of a President’s criminal liability being established in a federal court? How will Congress respond? And if Congress does not act, how will voters respond in the midterm elections?

With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, the president's longtime fixer and former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016.

Only one problem, that's not illegal. You poor poor libs another swing and a miss. :auiqs.jpg:
You should read the news. Michael Cohen pleaded guilty for doing just that at Trump's direction. Face the truth, Trump is a worm.

Yes he plead guilty to something that's not illegal. You dummies don't get it, what he pled to has not been adjudicated in court. An experienced attorney explained last night that had it been adjudicated in court, its clear as day that's not a crime under federal law. I warned you knuckleheads about rushing to declare you got Trump. :auiqs.jpg:
Hey Dummy

A judge won’t let you go to jail for an offense that is not a crime
ANALYSIS: Two of the president's former associates were in court Tuesday. Both guilty of multiple felonies. What happened to draining the swamp?

by Jonathan Allen / Aug.21.2018 / 6:11 PM ET

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — There hasn't been a darker moment for a president — or for the presidency — since Richard Nixon resigned on the verge of impeachment in 1974.

On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, the president's longtime fixer and former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016. Most important, he said he did so at Trump's direction.

In other words, Trump cheated to win the White House, according to one of his closest former associates.
Thoughts on the following?

It wasn't just a bad day for Trump, it was a historically awful day for the presidency.​
This is looking more and more like Watergate
Who will throw Trump under the bus first...the current Republican Congress or the next Democratic one?
What you might have missed in the Cohen plea

In case you doubt the strength of the case: Did you notice all the other people implicated in Cohen’s plea? There is “Corporation-1,” presumably American Media Inc. (AMI), which owns the National Enquirer (“Magazine-1”). Members of Corporation-1 (including editor in chief, or “Editor-1”) would presumably have information and be able to corroborate Cohen’s account regarding the Karen McDougal payoff. The information document filed against Cohen also notes the existence of a text between Editor-1 and Cohen, corroboration of the arrangement to pay off a second woman, presumably Stormy Daniels. An encrypted phone call is also mentioned, as is an attorney (one more witness!) who represented both women. And let’s not forget the “executives of the Company” [Trump’s] who “grossed up” the reimbursement to Cohen; that’s two or more additional witnesses. We learn that “Executive-1” received the request or reimbursement and shared it with more executives. More witnesses. In Count 7, Cohen is accused of enabling Corporation-1 to make an illegal corporate campaign donation. That means the company and/or its executives might have liability as well. Count 8 mentions campaign executives (who might they be? how many?) who worked with Cohen to effectuate the scheme.

In sum, it’s not Cohen’s word against Trump’s, but rather a raft of witnesses whom prosecutors have or will be able to talk to (some to avoid liability of their own) and documents as well. There is, in short, a ton of evidence out there concerning the campaign finance scheme to make sure two women didn’t mess up Trump’s chances of getting elected. If Trump learned anything from the Paul Manafort trial, it should be that discrediting a single witness doesn’t eradicate piles of complementary evidence. Trump might try discrediting Cohen, but it’s Cohen who has the corroborating documents and witnesses to back him up.

Businessman Trump was able to get away with this criminal/shady stuff for years. It's hard to convict a President but a President is also under a microscope for 4-8 years so it's very difficult for them to get away with anything too.
On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, the president's longtime fixer and former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016.

Only one problem, that's not illegal. You poor poor libs another swing and a miss. :auiqs.jpg:
You should read the news. Michael Cohen pleaded guilty for doing just that at Trump's direction. Face the truth, Trump is a worm.

Yes he plead guilty to something that's not illegal. You dummies don't get it, what he pled to has not been adjudicated in court. An experienced attorney explained last night that had it been adjudicated in court, its clear as day that's not a crime under federal law. I warned you knuckleheads about rushing to declare you got Trump. :auiqs.jpg:
Hey Dummy

A judge won’t let you go to jail for an offense that is not a crime
The poor deluded misled Trumpies are in a low-information vacuum. Their propagandists are keeping them in the dark.

"Look! A rabid Mexican squirrel!"
Bill Clinton paid off Paula Jones. Tough to say if it was the right thing to do.

If Trump is guilty of campaign finance violations, he should be punished like Obama was in 2008, when he was fined for $375,000 for violating campaign finance laws.

I m happy to see a tax cheat maybe go to jail. They all should.
And trump should be impeached

Sure, bring his legal violations before Congress and vote on it.

Clinton was impeached and disbarred. Shit happens, right?

If Trump committed impeachable offenses, he should be impeached.

What’s your case for impeachment, specifically?
Watch the news.

And Michael Cohen has more dirt. Stay tuned.

Never before has a presidents lawyer implicated him in a federal crime

What federal crime would that be?
With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

Stop asking me stupid softball questions. Look this shit up yourself.

Trump is now, formally, implicated in a criminal conspiracy to mislead the American public in order to influence an election. Were he not President, Donald Trump himself would almost certainly be facing charges. This news came in what must be considered the most damaging single hour of a deeply troubled Presidency.

Cohen, the President’s longtime adviser, fixer, and, until recently, personal attorney, told a judge that Trump explicitly instructed him to break campaign-finance laws by paying two women not to publicly disclose the affairs they had with Trump.

Funny you guys understood exactly what Bill Clinton did wrong but now you are playing stupid.

The question can no longer be whether the President and those closest to him broke the law. That is settled. Three of the people closest to Trump as he ran for and won the Presidency have now pleaded guilty or have been convicted of significant federal crimes: Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn. The question now becomes far narrower and, for Trump, more troubling: What is the political impact of a President’s criminal liability being established in a federal court? How will Congress respond? And if Congress does not act, how will voters respond in the midterm elections?

With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

Trump broke the law as much as Cohen did

Chalk this up as the first of a long list of charges against Trump and his gpfamily
You should read the news. Michael Cohen pleaded guilty for doing just that Trump's direction. Face the truth, Trump is a worm.

You should read it. He plead guilty to not reporting the payments as a contribution to Trump
Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s former lawyer, made the extraordinary admission in court on Tuesday that Mr. Trump had directed him to arrange payments to two women during the 2016 campaign to keep them from speaking publicly about affairs they said they had with Mr. Trump.

Mr. Cohen acknowledged the illegal payments while pleading guilty to breaking campaign finance laws and other charges, a litany of crimes that revealed both his shadowy involvement in Mr. Trump’s circle and his own corrupt business dealings.

He told a judge in United States District Court in Manhattan that the payments to the women were made “in coordination with and at the direction of a candidate for federal office,” implicating the president in a federal crime.

Michael Cohen Says He Arranged Payments to Women at Trump’s Direction
Do you have any idea why the candidate was not mentioned by name?
Trump was not named because he is not (yet anyway) a defendant. Generally, one will be named in an indictment only if the person is a named defendant.
On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, the president's longtime fixer and former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016.

Only one problem, that's not illegal. You poor poor libs another swing and a miss. :auiqs.jpg:
You should read the news. Michael Cohen pleaded guilty for doing just that at Trump's direction. Face the truth, Trump is a worm.

Yes he plead guilty to something that's not illegal. You dummies don't get it, what he pled to has not been adjudicated in court. An experienced attorney explained last night that had it been adjudicated in court, its clear as day that's not a crime under federal law. I warned you knuckleheads about rushing to declare you got Trump. :auiqs.jpg:
Hey Dummy

A judge won’t let you go to jail for an offense that is not a crime

First off idiot, Cohen pled to a number of actual crimes. Only the phony bimbo pay off wasn't a crime, its allowed by federal election laws and confirmed allowed by the former head of the FEC. God you libs are slow and dimwitted.
You should read the news. Michael Cohen pleaded guilty for doing just that Trump's direction. Face the truth, Trump is a worm.

You should read it. He plead guilty to not reporting the payments as a contribution to Trump
Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s former lawyer, made the extraordinary admission in court on Tuesday that Mr. Trump had directed him to arrange payments to two women during the 2016 campaign to keep them from speaking publicly about affairs they said they had with Mr. Trump.

Mr. Cohen acknowledged the illegal payments while pleading guilty to breaking campaign finance laws and other charges, a litany of crimes that revealed both his shadowy involvement in Mr. Trump’s circle and his own corrupt business dealings.

He told a judge in United States District Court in Manhattan that the payments to the women were made “in coordination with and at the direction of a candidate for federal office,” implicating the president in a federal crime.

Michael Cohen Says He Arranged Payments to Women at Trump’s Direction
Do you have any idea why the candidate was not mentioned by name?
Trump was not named because he is not (yet anyway) a defendant. Generally, one will be named in an indictment only if the person is a named defendant.
No one has ever determined if a sitting President can be indicted. Such a question would undoubtedly have to go all the way to the Supreme Court.

That's why the term "unindicted co-conspirator" was created during the Nixon Administration.
Congress can decide there is enough evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors to impeach the President. That's why no criminal prosecutor has ever indicted a sitting President. It is left to Congress to decide the matter when all is said and done.

Trump is now in peril. He stands accused of breaking the law to get elected, which would make him an illegitimate President.

The ball is in Congress's court.

The November election is now more profound in its consequences than ever.
And trump should be impeached

Sure, bring his legal violations before Congress and vote on it.

Clinton was impeached and disbarred. Shit happens, right?

If Trump committed impeachable offenses, he should be impeached.

What’s your case for impeachment, specifically?
Watch the news.

And Michael Cohen has more dirt. Stay tuned.

Never before has a presidents lawyer implicated him in a federal crime

What federal crime would that be?
With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

Stop asking me stupid softball questions. Look this shit up yourself.

Trump is now, formally, implicated in a criminal conspiracy to mislead the American public in order to influence an election. Were he not President, Donald Trump himself would almost certainly be facing charges. This news came in what must be considered the most damaging single hour of a deeply troubled Presidency.

Cohen, the President’s longtime adviser, fixer, and, until recently, personal attorney, told a judge that Trump explicitly instructed him to break campaign-finance laws by paying two women not to publicly disclose the affairs they had with Trump.

Funny you guys understood exactly what Bill Clinton did wrong but now you are playing stupid.

The question can no longer be whether the President and those closest to him broke the law. That is settled. Three of the people closest to Trump as he ran for and won the Presidency have now pleaded guilty or have been convicted of significant federal crimes: Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn. The question now becomes far narrower and, for Trump, more troubling: What is the political impact of a President’s criminal liability being established in a federal court? How will Congress respond? And if Congress does not act, how will voters respond in the midterm elections?

With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

Trump broke the law as much as Cohen did

Chalk this up as the first of a long list of charges against Trump and his gpfamily
I hope so.
When the Watergate tapes were released, Nixon could be heard directing Halderman to order the FBI to halt their investigation. This was textbook obstruction of justice by the President, and all Republican resistance to impeachment up to that point collapsed.

Realizing he was going to be impeached, Nixon resigned rather than go through that humiliation.

While behaving just like Nixon, Trump will probably choose to follow his friend Bill Clinton's lead and try to gut his way even through an impeachment, should that become an eventuality.
I cannot imagine Melania is watching all this drama about Trump's women and her husband's illegitimate presidency without getting more and more upset each day.

How long can Trump's mobsters keep her away from microphones and on script?
Don't forget Republicans, we all know how loyal you are even to a criminal like Trump as long as he's a Republican. But we also know that you would throw him under the bus just as fast as you threw GW Bush under the bus.

But for right now, Trump was right about you all when he said he could murder someone and not lose one of you deplorables.

So, what's Trump's crime? Be specific.
All bill did was lie about a bj. Trump has done much more.

When all your associates are being found guilty....

Republicans have been protecting trump. Imagine if this was obama

Washington DC has been a den of corruption for several decades now. At least 90% of the lowlifes living on the government food wagon are guilty of multiple crimes. If the special prosecutor picked any of them, at random, he could find tax evasion, election fraud, and a multitude of other crimes. That includes Democrats, Republicans and Independents.

The only time they prosecute each other is when politics makes it profitable to do so.
Obama’s treasury secretary was also a tax cheat.

I guess Obama should have been impeached.
No but if the guy rolled over on Obama and had him on tape admitting to Fast & Furious or Benghazi then sure. Did Obama cover anything up? Did he obstruct justice? Did he pardon the guy? Then STFU.
Anyone who tried would end up dead.

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