A dark day for Trump. The darkest day for the presidency since Watergate.

"Hush" money isn't a crime.

Or a campaign finance violation.

I'm a certified election professional. It's part of my job to know these things.


^^ Person certified in stupidity.

Ahhh...how cute! Are you going to be my next puppy and follow me around thread to thread trying to get my attention?
Mueller has got Cohen by the balls. Cohen will say anything Mueller wants.

Nothing will come of it.
I think you are wrong, billy. This whole mess has me thinking of my own reactions at the news about Bill Clinton. I just hated the fact the dumb oversexed fool couldn't keep it in his knickers. It was embarrassing. I claimed at the time that if he were my kid, I'd slap the snot out of him. Yet I stayed on his team because I thought he was good for American and Americans. I waffled that it wasn't like footsie with another nation formerly aggressive toward our model of governance. And even today with Trump, the dalliances with the pretty girls is not a primary knuckle-biter for me. But the fact is I intensely dislike this man as President of my country for more reasons than I can count on my fingers and toes. So I am sort of reveling today and sort of embarrassed before the world at the same time. I do believe he knew and accepted the aid of foreign influence on people who thought he'd be a refreshing change. That's like not liking the plumber's union rates so rebelling by hiring your lawn mower to fix your pipes. Trump is a reaction, not a thoughtful choice. And yes, she would have been better, sneaky or not, because she knows the ropes better, and can think beyond herself. Canny is not a bad feature when dealing with others who would enjoy seeing your nation fail.

No one cared about the BJ. Bill lied under oath. That's a crime. What is Trump's crime?

Had Clinton been elected, I believe we would now be in the beginning stages of a second civil war.
I have to disagree about the civil war too, billy. There was no civil war when SCOTUS awarded the Presidency to GWB after Gore won the popular vote, nor during this past election when the gerrymandered EC awarded the highest office in the land to a grifter who is making money hand over fist thru the office, in spite of the 3 mil popular votes to the contrary. So if Democrats accept and abide by the laws of the land as evidenced thru this history, who is going to start banging away in dissatisfaction of the events. Law and Order Republicans? Hah! That would take action, which they are not inclined to get off their butts to do.

What if you are right? I'm not conceding that, but what if...? If Clinton used the Office of the President for personal gain, but led the country with a little class and diplomacy and not spent all her time telling you how great she is while nothing gets done, or drooling over the power of despots, what would we lose? Even then we'd be better off because Trump is grifting and the country is NOT improving. Cite all the employment (without bennies) you want. We ain't better off. And now we gotta pay some $12 bil to hard workers who lost their customers thru tariffs, and it's back to pre-ACA days when we also have to pick up the tab for the health of the uninsured thru ERs and or cheap junk policies. Deals with NK are jokes and we spend a lot of time kissing up to people who hold Trump, and us thru him, in contempt..Erdogan, Duterte, KJ Un and even Xi. We got the power, but we better never go to sleep or look the other way. It's no way to run a country if you can't ever relax.
Bill Clinton paid off Paula Jones. Tough to say if it was the right thing to do.

If Trump is guilty of campaign finance violations, he should be punished like Obama was in 2008, when he was fined for $375,000 for violating campaign finance laws.

I m happy to see a tax cheat maybe go to jail. They all should.
And trump should be impeached


You'll see.

Davis insisted that his client Michael Cohen, who pleaded guilty Tuesday to violating campaign finance laws during the 2016 presidential election at the direction of Trump himself, is committed to telling the truth.

adding that his client is prepared to speak to special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia and whether he obstructed justice.

“What he knows that he witnessed will be of interest to the special counsel,” Davis said of Cohen. “He will tell the truth to everybody who asks him about Donald Trump.”

Davis claimed that Cohen could tell Mueller about “the obvious possibility of a conspiracy to collude.”

Tuesday’s extraordinary developments were notable because they directly implicate the president. Cohen pleaded guilty to making campaign payments, at Trump’s direction, to silence two women who have said they had extramarital affairs with Trump.

Cohen reached the plea deal with federal prosecutors in New York. However, as Trump’s former fixer and confidant, he would likely be a person of interest in Mueller’s probe, having handled Trump’s business affairs for many years.

Responding to the news on Wednesday, Trump lambasted his former lawyer.
ANALYSIS: Two of the president's former associates were in court Tuesday. Both guilty of multiple felonies. What happened to draining the swamp?

by Jonathan Allen / Aug.21.2018 / 6:11 PM ET

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — There hasn't been a darker moment for a president — or for the presidency — since Richard Nixon resigned on the verge of impeachment in 1974.

On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, the president's longtime fixer and former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016. Most important, he said he did so at Trump's direction.

In other words, Trump cheated to win the White House, according to one of his closest former associates.
Thoughts on the following?

It wasn't just a bad day for Trump, it was a historically awful day for the presidency.​
Violating campaign laws is not a biggy. I'd bet they ALL cheat some. Of course he paid to shut them up and why not use money contributed by people who want you to WIN?
Let's keep this in perspective. Except for catching Trump in another bold faced lie, which isn't even news anymore, Cohen's plea is not all that important in the grand scheme of things.
Ironically, if "grab 'em by the pussy" didn't pull him under, I wonder why he thought Stormy Daniels would? The way things are working these days, it would probably have gotten him a million extra fans.

Having sex with women who aren't your wife isn't a crime nor is it the subject of this thread.

What is the subject of this tread, are the crimes that trump and cohen committed after he had sex with those women.

cohen plead guilty to 8 felonies yesterday. All of which show that the president committed felonies.

It doesn't matter what his brainwashed followers think or want. What does matter is our constitution, our laws and what justice system does with this.

It's crystal clear trump committed very serious felonies. If our justice system is allowed to work as it's intended, trump won't be on any election ballot in the future.
ANALYSIS: Two of the president's former associates were in court Tuesday. Both guilty of multiple felonies. What happened to draining the swamp?

by Jonathan Allen / Aug.21.2018 / 6:11 PM ET

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — There hasn't been a darker moment for a president — or for the presidency — since Richard Nixon resigned on the verge of impeachment in 1974.

On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, the president's longtime fixer and former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016. Most important, he said he did so at Trump's direction.

In other words, Trump cheated to win the White House, according to one of his closest former associates.
Thoughts on the following?

It wasn't just a bad day for Trump, it was a historically awful day for the presidency.​
And already they are attacking Michael cohens credibility.

Rudy even admitted trump committed a criminal crime and knew trump reimbursted Michael Cohen.

Now, I think Cohen has info on russia. Stay tuned.
Lol you think he has info on Russia

You think he doesn't? Why would you think that? This was Trump's fixer.
Don't forget Republicans, we all know how loyal you are even to a criminal like Trump as long as he's a Republican. But we also know that you would throw him under the bus just as fast as you threw GW Bush under the bus.

But for right now, Trump was right about you all when he said he could murder someone and not lose one of you deplorables.
ANALYSIS: Two of the president's former associates were in court Tuesday. Both guilty of multiple felonies. What happened to draining the swamp?

by Jonathan Allen / Aug.21.2018 / 6:11 PM ET

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — There hasn't been a darker moment for a president — or for the presidency — since Richard Nixon resigned on the verge of impeachment in 1974.

On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, the president's longtime fixer and former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016. Most important, he said he did so at Trump's direction.

In other words, Trump cheated to win the White House, according to one of his closest former associates.
Thoughts on the following?

It wasn't just a bad day for Trump, it was a historically awful day for the presidency.​
I don't follow, all mueller did yesterday was once again prove that he can convict anyone he comes in contact with of a crime...except of course Donald Trump.
ANALYSIS: Two of the president's former associates were in court Tuesday. Both guilty of multiple felonies. What happened to draining the swamp?

by Jonathan Allen / Aug.21.2018 / 6:11 PM ET

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — There hasn't been a darker moment for a president — or for the presidency — since Richard Nixon resigned on the verge of impeachment in 1974.

On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, the president's longtime fixer and former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016. Most important, he said he did so at Trump's direction.

In other words, Trump cheated to win the White House, according to one of his closest former associates.
Thoughts on the following?

It wasn't just a bad day for Trump, it was a historically awful day for the presidency.​
Violating campaign laws is not a biggy. I'd bet they ALL cheat some. Of course he paid to shut them up and why not use money contributed by people who want you to WIN?
Let's keep this in perspective. Except for catching Trump in another bold faced lie, which isn't even news anymore, Cohen's plea is not all that important in the grand scheme of things.
Ironically, if "grab 'em by the pussy" didn't pull him under, I wonder why he thought Stormy Daniels would? The way things are working these days, it would probably have gotten him a million extra fans.

Having sex with women who aren't your wife isn't a crime nor is it the subject of this thread.

What is the subject of this tread, are the crimes that trump and cohen committed after he had sex with those women.

cohen plead guilty to 8 felonies yesterday. All of which show that the president committed felonies.

It doesn't matter what his brainwashed followers think or want. What does matter is our constitution, our laws and what justice system does with this.

It's crystal clear trump committed very serious felonies. If our justice system is allowed to work as it's intended, trump won't be on any election ballot in the future.

Cohen plead guilty to 6 felonies that had nothing to do with Trump or the election and 2 transactions that aren't criminal.

^^ Person certified in stupidity.

Ahhh...how cute! Are you going to be my next puppy and follow me around thread to thread trying to get my attention?
Mueller has got Cohen by the balls. Cohen will say anything Mueller wants.

Nothing will come of it.
I think you are wrong, billy. This whole mess has me thinking of my own reactions at the news about Bill Clinton. I just hated the fact the dumb oversexed fool couldn't keep it in his knickers. It was embarrassing. I claimed at the time that if he were my kid, I'd slap the snot out of him. Yet I stayed on his team because I thought he was good for American and Americans. I waffled that it wasn't like footsie with another nation formerly aggressive toward our model of governance. And even today with Trump, the dalliances with the pretty girls is not a primary knuckle-biter for me. But the fact is I intensely dislike this man as President of my country for more reasons than I can count on my fingers and toes. So I am sort of reveling today and sort of embarrassed before the world at the same time. I do believe he knew and accepted the aid of foreign influence on people who thought he'd be a refreshing change. That's like not liking the plumber's union rates so rebelling by hiring your lawn mower to fix your pipes. Trump is a reaction, not a thoughtful choice. And yes, she would have been better, sneaky or not, because she knows the ropes better, and can think beyond herself. Canny is not a bad feature when dealing with others who would enjoy seeing your nation fail.

No one cared about the BJ. Bill lied under oath. That's a crime. What is Trump's crime?

Had Clinton been elected, I believe we would now be in the beginning stages of a second civil war.
I have to disagree about the civil war too, billy. There was no civil war when SCOTUS awarded the Presidency to GWB after Gore won the popular vote, nor during this past election when the gerrymandered EC awarded the highest office in the land to a grifter who is making money hand over fist thru the office, in spite of the 3 mil popular votes to the contrary.

So. Now you know that the presidency is not won by popular vote. Progress.

The Democratic Party is no longer an America-centric party. Americans will take issue with any attempted move toward negating the constitution/installing totalitarianism, whether by popular vote or not. I believe such a move would at the very least conjure an insurgency of millions.

It's the things you can't see that count.
Don't forget Republicans, we all know how loyal you are even to a criminal like Trump as long as he's a Republican. But we also know that you would throw him under the bus just as fast as you threw GW Bush under the bus.

But for right now, Trump was right about you all when he said he could murder someone and not lose one of you deplorables.

So, what's Trump's crime? Be specific.
ANALYSIS: Two of the president's former associates were in court Tuesday. Both guilty of multiple felonies. What happened to draining the swamp?

by Jonathan Allen / Aug.21.2018 / 6:11 PM ET

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — There hasn't been a darker moment for a president — or for the presidency — since Richard Nixon resigned on the verge of impeachment in 1974.

On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, the president's longtime fixer and former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016. Most important, he said he did so at Trump's direction.

In other words, Trump cheated to win the White House, according to one of his closest former associates.
Thoughts on the following?

It wasn't just a bad day for Trump, it was a historically awful day for the presidency.​
yaaaaawn lol you got nuttin
ANALYSIS: Two of the president's former associates were in court Tuesday. Both guilty of multiple felonies. What happened to draining the swamp?

by Jonathan Allen / Aug.21.2018 / 6:11 PM ET

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — There hasn't been a darker moment for a president — or for the presidency — since Richard Nixon resigned on the verge of impeachment in 1974.

On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, the president's longtime fixer and former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016. Most important, he said he did so at Trump's direction.

In other words, Trump cheated to win the White House, according to one of his closest former associates.
Thoughts on the following?

It wasn't just a bad day for Trump, it was a historically awful day for the presidency.​

They were convicted of crimes that had nothing to do with Trump.....that happened years ago on their own time. This has nothing to do with Trump. Even the allegation that cohen paid off those women isn't an illegal act for Trump.

The worst political scandal of our time is the obama administration colluding with hilary and the DNC to use Russian operatives to create a fake dossier to get FISA warrants to spy on Trump....that is the actual scandal...all of this other crap is covering that up...
Manafort was at trump tower when don jr talked to the russians

So? The Russian lawyer has ties to hilary and the DNC through Fusion GPS...... that links hilary to the Russians far more than it does Trump.
If trump wasn’t potus he’d already be indicted
NO, if Trump hadn't beat Hillary, NO ONE would have been indicted. Swamp things are just whiny assed sore losers who's "insurance" policy isn't paying out as they though it would.
Manafort was at trump tower when don jr talked to the russians

So. The Russian lawyer has ties to hilary and the DNC through Fusion GPS...... that links hilary to the Russians far more than it does Trump.

Yup and HItlery and the DNC paid Steele for the dossier.

Sure don't see any of the lefty loons on this board talking about that now do we??

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