A Dem Induced Dynamic: Are they really trying to turn this into Minorities vs. Whites this election?

It worked for Obama didn’t it?

Historically it is WORKED for thousands of years. So sorry cyberbuddies-----no offense-----but christianity was-----by ROMANS ELITES, once described as a religion for slaves and prisoners. The idea was that the "redemption" thing was appealing to disenfranchised people. Promises promises does attract. Jim Jones knew that.
Is it just me or do they seem hell-bent on making this election a race thing?
I thought they’re always complaining about “DIVISIVENESS”, policies, rhetoric and narratives that create division?
The “HATE WHITEY” mantra seems to have reached a fever pitch...and once again Dems have somehow controlled and steered the narrative, they have all but demanded that white people be publicly denigrated every chance they get while Republicans sit on their hands scared shitless, afraid to ‘rock the boat’ and come to the rescue of wicked whitey.
With 70% of the nation still white can Dems really make this old school divide and conquer tactic work?
Son, it ain't the Democrats doing that.
It is the deep staters. It is the Progs. No relief for anything. As of now there is a healthy amount of people who do not want to live near African Americans in deep blue areas. Because of what we have seen in the last several months. Ph uk a bunch of that shit!
No, it's you tRumplings.
Is it just me or do they seem hell-bent on making this election a race thing?
I thought they’re always complaining about “DIVISIVENESS”, policies, rhetoric and narratives that create division?
The “HATE WHITEY” mantra seems to have reached a fever pitch...and once again Dems have somehow controlled and steered the narrative, they have all but demanded that white people be publicly denigrated every chance they get while Republicans sit on their hands scared shitless, afraid to ‘rock the boat’ and come to the rescue of wicked whitey.
With 70% of the nation still white can Dems really make this old school divide and conquer tactic work?
Son, it ain't the Democrats doing that.

who is it? IT IS A RACE THING----which is why we have a NEW RACE ----"PERSONS OF COLOR"----
any disgruntled person can now REDEFINE himself as A PERSON OF COLOR according to the presently pixilated donkey. Thus the donkey has founded a CULT seeking converts amongst the disenfranchised. It is an old, tried and true technique for CULT BUILDING

You want a cult?

See trump's gop.
The Democrat party needs victims. White Christians are their enemy.

We Democratic don't need victims unlike the trump gop...which seems to be in a search of the scared housewives vote.

I'm sure. Is your Presidential candidate aware of what day it is?

Sure, can yours read?

Your candidate has been a politician for 47 years and hasn't accomplished anything. He and his family have sent jobs over to China and made America weaker. Why would you vote for a demented old man ?
Is it just me or do they seem hell-bent on making this election a race thing?
I thought they’re always complaining about “DIVISIVENESS”, policies, rhetoric and narratives that create division?
The “HATE WHITEY” mantra seems to have reached a fever pitch...and once again Dems have somehow controlled and steered the narrative, they have all but demanded that white people be publicly denigrated every chance they get while Republicans sit on their hands scared shitless, afraid to ‘rock the boat’ and come to the rescue of wicked whitey.
With 70% of the nation still white can Dems really make this old school divide and conquer tactic work?
Son, it ain't the Democrats doing that.

who is it? IT IS A RACE THING----which is why we have a NEW RACE ----"PERSONS OF COLOR"----
any disgruntled person can now REDEFINE himself as A PERSON OF COLOR according to the presently pixilated donkey. Thus the donkey has founded a CULT seeking converts amongst the disenfranchised. It is an old, tried and true technique for CULT BUILDING

You want a cult?

See trump's gop.

wrong again. There is no TRUMP CULT----but there is a BLM cult. The BLM cult has even developed RITUALS. Rituals define a religion. There are no TRUMP rituals. Now go to town----assume the BLM posture "kneel on one knee"---and fart out the names of criminals who died resisting lawful arrest
Yes, iriosie, there is a Trump cult of which you are a charter member. Watch the rituals of the Trump cult displayed at his rallies.
Is it just me or do they seem hell-bent on making this election a race thing?
I thought they’re always complaining about “DIVISIVENESS”, policies, rhetoric and narratives that create division?
The “HATE WHITEY” mantra seems to have reached a fever pitch...and once again Dems have somehow controlled and steered the narrative, they have all but demanded that white people be publicly denigrated every chance they get while Republicans sit on their hands scared shitless, afraid to ‘rock the boat’ and come to the rescue of wicked whitey.
With 70% of the nation still white can Dems really make this old school divide and conquer tactic work?
Son, it ain't the Democrats doing that.

who is it? IT IS A RACE THING----which is why we have a NEW RACE ----"PERSONS OF COLOR"----
any disgruntled person can now REDEFINE himself as A PERSON OF COLOR according to the presently pixilated donkey. Thus the donkey has founded a CULT seeking converts amongst the disenfranchised. It is an old, tried and true technique for CULT BUILDING

You want a cult?

See trump's gop.

wrong again. There is no TRUMP CULT----but there is a BLM cult. The BLM cult has even developed RITUALS. Rituals define a religion. There are no TRUMP rituals. Now go to town----assume the BLM posture "kneel on one knee"---and fart out the names of criminals who died resisting lawful arrest
BULLSHIT. tRump supporters are a cult.
Is it just me or do they seem hell-bent on making this election a race thing?
I thought they’re always complaining about “DIVISIVENESS”, policies, rhetoric and narratives that create division?
The “HATE WHITEY” mantra seems to have reached a fever pitch...and once again Dems have somehow controlled and steered the narrative, they have all but demanded that white people be publicly denigrated every chance they get while Republicans sit on their hands scared shitless, afraid to ‘rock the boat’ and come to the rescue of wicked whitey.
With 70% of the nation still white can Dems really make this old school divide and conquer tactic work?

It's just you and your white privilege...well and trump's turning the gop into a tacit alt-white party.
No actually Trump's turning MOST Americans, black, latinos, etc. into the American party. A party that doesn't depend on juvenile burning of cars, buildings, etc. A party that wants to CONSTRUCT not DESTRUCT. American party is made up of people who absolutely believe based on facts that the MSM is the mouthpiece for the anti-American party! Really when you hear/read the MSM continue to promote divisive behavior, destructive behavior and deteriorating the law enforcement, you have to come to the conclusion they are the people that believe that have NO positive values. I.e. what do they build on? Nothing. They totally believe in tearing down. Destroying. To me and many millions like me including Blacks, latinos, Asians, that is not attractive!
Is it just me or do they seem hell-bent on making this election a race thing?
I thought they’re always complaining about “DIVISIVENESS”, policies, rhetoric and narratives that create division?
The “HATE WHITEY” mantra seems to have reached a fever pitch...and once again Dems have somehow controlled and steered the narrative, they have all but demanded that white people be publicly denigrated every chance they get while Republicans sit on their hands scared shitless, afraid to ‘rock the boat’ and come to the rescue of wicked whitey.
With 70% of the nation still white can Dems really make this old school divide and conquer tactic work?
Son, it ain't the Democrats doing that.

A Dem Induced Dynamic: Are they really trying to turn this into Minorities vs. Whites this election?

They've been doing that for years.

They’ve always pretended to want to lift darkies up...but they’ve never publicly condemned whitey like they are today.

If they actually wanted to lift up Blacks then they would not have for more than 50 years have done EVERYTHING they can to KEEP Blacks down in Ghettos with bad housing and bad schools and either bad jobs or no jobs, wanting to lift Blacks up is NOT doing things to KEEP Blacks poor and on Welfare, wanting to lift Blacks up is NOT keeping them on The Plantation and ONLY USING them as a Voting Bloc and at ALL other times shitting on them.

Well, how have African-American people fared in red states like Mississippi or Alabama? They all living in the rich suburbs...ya know freedom fries.

How have they fared under Trump compared to Obama and Fingers is the better question.
The Democrat party needs victims. White Christians are their enemy.

We Democratic don't need victims unlike the trump gop...which seems to be in a search of the scared housewives vote.

I'm sure. Is your Presidential candidate aware of what day it is?

Sure, can yours read?

Your candidate has been a politician for 47 years and hasn't accomplished anything. He and his family have sent jobs over to China and made America weaker. Why would you vote for a demented old man ?

Why are you regurgitating falsehoods?
Yes, iriosie, there is a Trump cult of which you are a charter member. Watch the rituals of the Trump cult displayed at his rallies.

Watch the rituals of the dem cult for the past 50 plus days in Seattle, Portland, New York, Chicago.......
Is it just me or do they seem hell-bent on making this election a race thing?
I thought they’re always complaining about “DIVISIVENESS”, policies, rhetoric and narratives that create division?
The “HATE WHITEY” mantra seems to have reached a fever pitch...and once again Dems have somehow controlled and steered the narrative, they have all but demanded that white people be publicly denigrated every chance they get while Republicans sit on their hands scared shitless, afraid to ‘rock the boat’ and come to the rescue of wicked whitey.
With 70% of the nation still white can Dems really make this old school divide and conquer tactic work?

It's just you and your white privilege...well and trump's turning the gop into a tacit alt-white party.
No actually Trump's turning MOST Americans, black, latinos, etc. into the American party. A party that doesn't depend on juvenile burning of cars, buildings, etc. A party that wants to CONSTRUCT not DESTRUCT. American party is made up of people who absolutely believe based on facts that the MSM is the mouthpiece for the anti-American party! Really when you hear/read the MSM continue to promote divisive behavior, destructive behavior and deteriorating the law enforcement, you have to come to the conclusion they are the people that believe that have NO positive values. I.e. what do they build on? Nothing. They totally believe in tearing down. Destroying. To me and many millions like me including Blacks, latinos, Asians, that is not attractive!

A cult is hard to leave.
Is it just me or do they seem hell-bent on making this election a race thing?
I thought they’re always complaining about “DIVISIVENESS”, policies, rhetoric and narratives that create division?
The “HATE WHITEY” mantra seems to have reached a fever pitch...and once again Dems have somehow controlled and steered the narrative, they have all but demanded that white people be publicly denigrated every chance they get while Republicans sit on their hands scared shitless, afraid to ‘rock the boat’ and come to the rescue of wicked whitey.
With 70% of the nation still white can Dems really make this old school divide and conquer tactic work?
8 years of obama biden they made no attempt to bring America together

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