A desperate Biden 'Administration' turns to terrorism


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
What happens next?
Nothing good, but i's pretty clear, America as we know is gone.

For Americans watching the shocking re-Nazification of Germany - where once again the ability to even buy food depends on a person's physiological/medical status - it may be tempting to downplay the re-emergence of a nasty German political virus and scoff that, "it can't happen here!" But it is happening here.
The Biden Administration is sinking under the weight of its feeble figurehead, who is clearly living in a world of his own creation rather than living on planet reality. As Biden's approval ratings plummet to near-historic depths, the people who run his administration - some say it's really led by demon Susan Rice - are not backing off their hyper-authoritarian approach to...well, everything.
In fact they're doubling down.
Nurse shortage? Tough - get your shot. Billions of containers waiting to be unloaded and trucked to fill empty shelves? Tough - get your shot. Murder alley Chicago facing 50 percent less cops because those who don't want the vax are being fired? Tough - get your shot. No one to fly the plane? Tough - get your shot. No teachers? Tough - get your shot!
Into this explosion of malevolent incompetence staggers US Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Department Wally Adeyemo - second-highest ranker in the entire Department. The Nigerian-born Adeyemo, who previously served as director of African American outreach for the inspiring John Kerry 2004 presidential campaign and as a senior advisor to corrupt "woke" multi-gazillionaire Larry Fink, should be given credit for at least being honest about the intentions of his bosses in the Biden Administration.
Sometimes they tell the truth by accident.
Interviewed on ABC News on Thursday, Adeyemo was asked about the thousands of container ships anchored offshore in California and elsewhere as US store shelves begin to look like Bulgaria circa 1975 - and even Santa Claus is sweating "supply chain" strangulation as Christmas quickly approaches.
It's not because Newsom's California is a Marxist hellhole,
where the religious fundamentalism of the Green New Deal fanatics has taken massive numbers of truckers off the road.


It's not Biden's vax mandate which has unleashed a massive outflux of workers from their jobs - quitting or fired - at a time of severe labor shortages.


The problem is you. You unwashed vermin who refuse to have a cocktail of experimental goop jabbed into your arm.

In the ABC interview Adeyemo admitted what we all know: inflation is beating the hell out of middle America (though Biden's multi-millionaire chief-of-staff laughed it off as "high class problems").

“We are seeing high prices for some of the things that people have to buy,” Adeyemo told ABC's Stephanie Ramos.
But it's not the Administration's fault. Shelves bare? Treasury's Number Two tells America it's all the fault of those who have not yet succumbed to his boss's demand that you take the jab:
The reality is that the only way we’re going to get to a place where we work through this transition is if everyone in America and everyone around the world gets vaccinated.
There is a word for this and it's not actually blackmail. It's terrorism. Until that part of America which has to this point decided that it does not want to take an unproven medical treatment is browbeaten - or worse - into submission to Fauci's needle, the rest of the country will continue to suffer through empty shelves and a crappy Christmas.

Too strong a word? Here's how the dictionary defines terrorism:

Threat: You will eat nothing and you will be happy.
Political objective: Get the shot!
It's terrorism plain and simple and the Biden Administration's "War on Us" is taking a dangerous turn. The millions who have taken the shot are being baited to attack those who have for whatever reason - including the medically sound acquisition of natural immunity through contracting and defeating the virus - declined to take the medical procedure. In reality both groups should unite against the past two Administrations which have lied and intimidated Americans over the virus from nearly day one. But that would threaten the elites, who rule by divide-and-conquer tactics.
It's not hyperbole to - after having closely watched the dark cloud of propaganda-induced hysteria descend on what many of us retrospectively incorrectly believed was a more-or-less a freedom-loving American spirit - start worrying about them mobilizing the boxcars and heating up the ovens

What happens next?
Nothing good, but i's pretty clear, America as we know is gone.

For Americans watching the shocking re-Nazification of Germany - where once again the ability to even buy food depends on a person's physiological/medical status - it may be tempting to downplay the re-emergence of a nasty German political virus and scoff that, "it can't happen here!" But it is happening here.
The Biden Administration is sinking under the weight of its feeble figurehead, who is clearly living in a world of his own creation rather than living on planet reality. As Biden's approval ratings plummet to near-historic depths, the people who run his administration - some say it's really led by demon Susan Rice - are not backing off their hyper-authoritarian approach to...well, everything.
In fact they're doubling down.
Nurse shortage? Tough - get your shot. Billions of containers waiting to be unloaded and trucked to fill empty shelves? Tough - get your shot. Murder alley Chicago facing 50 percent less cops because those who don't want the vax are being fired? Tough - get your shot. No one to fly the plane? Tough - get your shot. No teachers? Tough - get your shot!
Into this explosion of malevolent incompetence staggers US Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Department Wally Adeyemo - second-highest ranker in the entire Department. The Nigerian-born Adeyemo, who previously served as director of African American outreach for the inspiring John Kerry 2004 presidential campaign and as a senior advisor to corrupt "woke" multi-gazillionaire Larry Fink, should be given credit for at least being honest about the intentions of his bosses in the Biden Administration.
Sometimes they tell the truth by accident.
Interviewed on ABC News on Thursday, Adeyemo was asked about the thousands of container ships anchored offshore in California and elsewhere as US store shelves begin to look like Bulgaria circa 1975 - and even Santa Claus is sweating "supply chain" strangulation as Christmas quickly approaches.
It's not because Newsom's California is a Marxist hellhole,
where the religious fundamentalism of the Green New Deal fanatics has taken massive numbers of truckers off the road.


It's not Biden's vax mandate which has unleashed a massive outflux of workers from their jobs - quitting or fired - at a time of severe labor shortages.


The problem is you. You unwashed vermin who refuse to have a cocktail of experimental goop jabbed into your arm.

In the ABC interview Adeyemo admitted what we all know: inflation is beating the hell out of middle America (though Biden's multi-millionaire chief-of-staff laughed it off as "high class problems").

But it's not the Administration's fault. Shelves bare? Treasury's Number Two tells America it's all the fault of those who have not yet succumbed to his boss's demand that you take the jab:
The reality is that the only way we’re going to get to a place where we work through this transition is if everyone in America and everyone around the world gets vaccinated.
There is a word for this and it's not actually blackmail. It's terrorism. Until that part of America which has to this point decided that it does not want to take an unproven medical treatment is browbeaten - or worse - into submission to Fauci's needle, the rest of the country will continue to suffer through empty shelves and a crappy Christmas.

Too strong a word? Here's how the dictionary defines terrorism:

Threat: You will eat nothing and you will be happy.
Political objective: Get the shot!
It's terrorism plain and simple and the Biden Administration's "War on Us" is taking a dangerous turn. The millions who have taken the shot are being baited to attack those who have for whatever reason - including the medically sound acquisition of natural immunity through contracting and defeating the virus - declined to take the medical procedure. In reality both groups should unite against the past two Administrations which have lied and intimidated Americans over the virus from nearly day one. But that would threaten the elites, who rule by divide-and-conquer tactics.
It's not hyperbole to - after having closely watched the dark cloud of propaganda-induced hysteria descend on what many of us retrospectively incorrectly believed was a more-or-less a freedom-loving American spirit - start worrying about them mobilizing the boxcars and heating up the ovens

Our country, as we know it, was systematically destroyed by tump in 4 years, and It will take years to restore our democracy.
Why is everyone slamming Biden? During his campaign he promised a rising economy and he has delivered.
Rising prices.
Rising taxes.
Rising dependence on foreign energy.
Rising crime rate.
Rising Taliban dominance with the new weapons and security data he gave them.
Rising dependence on China and Russia by US allies as the US abandons them.
etc. etc. ad infinitum.
Our country, as we know it, was systematically destroyed by tump in 4 years, and It will take years to restore our democracy.
Trump was the last hope for this country you idiot....it is NOW being systematically destroyed.

1.) Massive and financially unsupported Illegal alien influx
2.) Job destroying vaccine mandate
3.) Nazified CDC
4.) Insane inflation
5.) Weakening of the military AGAIN under a Dem Potus
6.) Power Grid being taken offline without a replacement available
7.) China eating our lunch in the coal fired Electricity market ( YOU RETARD)
8.) Schools are now teaching DUMMIES not real students
9.) Gas sky-rocketing and with it everything that needs to be transported
10.) China placing Military assets all over the world
Get your shot.

Would be almost funny if another covid version comes out that kills anyone without the vaccine so that all they are left with is people who are willing to be told what to do, like get a vaccine.
Got any examples? Or does spewing bullshit get you excited?
There is no way that maga morons would understand the thinking of intelligent, moral, and logical people, be they Republican or Democrats. Trump was the most divisive president in our history, is lacking in moral compass, supported the Jan 6 insurrection, overcooked the wealth of the wealthy to put more money in his pocket, had a "locked and loaded" attitude toward other countries which alienated our allies, helped to make China an economic powerhouse with his pugnacious rhetoric, and generally made the world more unstable than it was.
If this is "bullshit", then you believe in the fairy god-mother, yes?
Trump was the last hope for this country you idiot....it is NOW being systematically destroyed.

1.) Massive and financially unsupported Illegal alien influx
2.) Job destroying vaccine mandate
3.) Nazified CDC
4.) Insane inflation
5.) Weakening of the military AGAIN under a Dem Potus
6.) Power Grid being taken offline without a replacement available
7.) China eating our lunch in the coal fired Electricity market ( YOU RETARD)
8.) Schools are now teaching DUMMIES not real students
9.) Gas sky-rocketing and with it everything that needs to be transported
10.) China placing Military assets all over the world
All the result of tump's term in office. These things don't occur over night, hotshot.
There is no way that maga morons would understand the thinking of intelligent, moral, and logical people, be they Republican or Democrats. Trump was the most divisive president in our history, is lacking in moral compass, supported the Jan 6 insurrection, overcooked the wealth of the wealthy to put more money in his pocket, had a "locked and loaded" attitude toward other countries which alienated our allies, helped to make China an economic powerhouse with his pugnacious rhetoric, and generally made the world more unstable than it was.
If this is "bullshit", then you believe in the fairy god-mother, yes?

Exactly what I expected, you didn't disappoint. lol
About as much as you know the truth about Biden.
I know enough "truth" about Biden to know that he is a decent human being, doesn't grab women
by the pussy, isn't being accused by 21 women of inappropriate sexual advances or rape, hasn't had 7 bankruptcies, doesn't use the power of his office for personal vendettas, etc, etc. Tump is a grifter.
I know enough "truth" about Biden to know that he is a decent human being, doesn't grab women
by the pussy, isn't being accused by 21 women of inappropriate sexual advances or rape, hasn't had 7 bankruptcies, doesn't use the power of his office for personal vendettas, etc, etc. Tump is a grifter.

Another leftist out of touch with reality. lol
Why is everyone slamming Biden? During his campaign he promised a rising economy and he has delivered.
Rising prices.
Rising taxes.
Rising dependence on foreign energy.
Rising crime rate.
Rising Taliban dominance with the new weapons and security data he gave them.
Rising dependence on China and Russia by US allies as the US abandons them.
etc. etc. ad infinitum.
All of this is a result of tump's 4 years in office. It doesn't happen overnight. Rising dependence on China because of tump's "locked and loaded" attitude and losing trade wars, which ended with our allies making new trade agreements with other countries.
You can't handle the truth, nor would you recognize it if it bit you in your sorry ass.
What is your alternate truth? Typical maga moron. The truth bit America in the ass every day during tump years.
Get your shot.

Would be almost funny if another covid version comes out that kills anyone without the vaccine so that all they are left with is people who are willing to be told what to do, like get a vaccine.
Yeah it would be a huge improvement over the current version that's killing people with the vaccine.

All of this is a result of tump's 4 years in office. It doesn't happen overnight. Rising dependence on China because of tump's "locked and loaded" attitude and losing trade wars, which ended with our allies making new trade agreements with other countries.
Wow. Your TDS is so strong you have lost all touch with reality. Trump was a jerk and not at all likable, but the country was infinitely better off with him than the slug we have in the White House now. It is typical though for you uber-lefties to blame someone else for your failings and claim credit for the successes of others, so your idiotic diatribe is understandable.

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