A Different Type of Secession is Already Happening in USA


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

By Jeff Crouere
The secession of 1860 will not happen again, but a different kind is already taking place
Lately there has been so much frustration with the last election and the direction of our country that some Trump supporters have been talking about “secession.” Many conservatives and libertarians are asking if it makes sense for certain states to leave the union the way South Carolina left in 1860, after the election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States.
Whether it makes “sense” or not, we can be assured that it will not happen. Although the South Carolina state legislature voted in November of 1860 to initiate the process of secession, no state legislature would do that today. This is because most modern state legislatures, even conservative ones, do not have many members who are angry enough at the federal government to support seceding from it.
Americans who live in rural and some suburban areas are executing a secession of their own
Who can forget what happened to Mark and Patricia McCloskey in St. Louis?
Urban areas have been failing Financialally for years

In large cities, politicians spend vast sums of money on enormous municipal government systems which include inefficient departments featuring payrolls that are too large and are too expensive. Other characteristics include broken infrastructure, rampant homelessness, and an overly generous municipal pension system.
How much longer will productive taxpayers living in rural and suburban communities agree to subsidize large cities? Sooner or later, these citizens will say “Enough is enough, we want out!” They will want the urban centers to form their own “United Cities of America,” with their own laws and lifestyles. Simultaneously, Americans living in non-urban areas will want to forge closer bonds of their own as similarities are recognized even more.
The secession of 1860 will not happen again, but a different kind is already taking place.

We have seen this happening daily in the Blue Plantation Sanctuary cities and their surronding areas like New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Minneapolis, St, Louis, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and Portland, while the people in rural and suburban areas pay the taxes to the state and get little in the way of safety and support from the City and State.
The sanctuary states and cities have already seceded by their actions. So, we will have 2nd Amendment sanctuary states, counties, and cities.

The sanctuary state and cities protecting criminal illegals want no federal interference with illegals. However, they do want those illegals counted for purposes of apportionment and federal tax dollars. And the courts just blithely go along. How much longer until Americans explode?

No wonder the government is so hated. And that is continuing to grow, and will after Traitor Joe©™ opens the border and tries to destroy the middle-class neighborhoods when his corrupt Justice Department attacks the zoning rules. If he succeeds with a complicit SCOTUS then January 6th will look like a walk in the park.

January 6th 2021 was Lexington. January 27th, 2021 was Concord.
The populated blue states already subsidize the unpopulated red states.

States like Mississippi and Alabama will become even more worthless if states like California and New York no longer support them and keep them afloat.

Lie. That has been debunked. As an example, they count Social Security benefits in Florida as subsidization. BS. Plus military bases, which of course are of national import.

BTW NY has been losing population for at least 6 decades and CA is now suffering the same fate. But I love how you crap all over the citizens of MS and Al, typical douche lefty that you are.
The populated blue states already subsidize the unpopulated red states.

States like Mississippi and Alabama will become even more worthless if states like California and New York no longer support them and keep them afloat.

Lie. That has been debunked. As an example, they count Social Security benefits in Florida as subsidization. BS. Plus military bases, which of course are of national import.

BTW NY has been losing population for at least 6 decades and CA is now suffering the same fate. But I love how you crap all over the citizens of MS and Al, typical douche lefty that you are.

It hasn't been "debunked" at all. Red states receive the vast majority of federal subsidies and benefits, because no one wants to live in those states.
It hasn't been "debunked" at all. Red states receive the vast majority of federal subsidies and benefits, because no one wants to live in those states.

Oh look, A Nazi spewing a lie that was debunked 30 years ago.

No Herr Himmler, military bases in Alabama are in fact NOT "welfare" to "red" states.

Yellowstone park is not welfare either.

You know what IS welfare? SALT - when President Trump cut off the Welfare to greedy fucks in New York and California, y'all Nazis melted the fuck down.

"What do you mean state taxes can't be deducted? How will Idaho pay for gender reassignment in California? NO FAIR!!!"
The populated blue states already subsidize the unpopulated red states.

States like Mississippi and Alabama will become even more worthless if states like California and New York no longer support them and keep them afloat.


Red areas don't have to worry about starving like blue areas do once they burn their cities to the ground.


Please don't post thread titles in ALL CAPS. You've been here forever and should know better by now.

Sorry, Didn't realize it.... when I posted....

Meanwhile, Plantation Sanctuary Blue States suck those within dry with higher taxes, lower services, decaying infrastructure, less safety and higher crime rates.
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The populated blue states already subsidize the unpopulated red states.

States like Mississippi and Alabama will become even more worthless if states like California and New York no longer support them and keep them afloat.

Lie. That has been debunked. As an example, they count Social Security benefits in Florida as subsidization. BS. Plus military bases, which of course are of national import.

BTW NY has been losing population for at least 6 decades and CA is now suffering the same fate. But I love how you crap all over the citizens of MS and Al, typical douche lefty that you are.

It has not been debunked. It is very true. Military bases bring economic activity to the area that they are located in. NY and California also have much higher per capita incomes which means they pay more in federal taxes. Trump and Republicans just raised taxes on these states with the last tax bill.
It hasn't been "debunked" at all. Red states receive the vast majority of federal subsidies and benefits, because no one wants to live in those states.

Oh look, A Nazi spewing a lie that was debunked 30 years ago.

No Herr Himmler, military bases in Alabama are in fact NOT "welfare" to "red" states.

Yellowstone park is not welfare either.

You know what IS welfare? SALT - when President Trump cut off the Welfare to greedy fucks in New York and California, y'all Nazis melted the fuck down.

"What do you mean state taxes can't be deducted? How will Idaho pay for gender reassignment in California? NO FAIR!!!"

SALT is not welfare. It wasw a way to raise taxes on red states so more money could be shipped to blue states. Idaho soes not pay for anything in California. Even Mark Levin has debunked that argument.
We can form several nations !!
Even give blacks their own nation
Maybe a second Jewish nation in parts of NY
It’s endless
The populated blue states already subsidize the unpopulated red states.

States like Mississippi and Alabama will become even more worthless if states like California and New York no longer support them and keep them afloat.

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