A disgusting act

For a tree?

Shit I'll remove it for free. Oak burns great in a wood stove.
Let me get this straight: you would use wood that is poisoned with a powerful herbicide to cook your food?

I don't think you're that stupid. I really don't.
For a tree?

Shit I'll remove it for free. Oak burns great in a wood stove.
Let me get this straight: you would use wood that is poisoned with a powerful herbicide to cook your food?

I don't think you're that stupid. I really don't.

Let me straighten you out.

A wood stove heats my barn. And if I cooked on a wood stove any herbicide in the tree would burn off and rise up the chimney And you must be stupid to assume I cook food over an open flame in my home.
For a tree?

Shit I'll remove it for free. Oak burns great in a wood stove.
Let me get this straight: you would use wood that is poisoned with a powerful herbicide to cook your food?

I don't think you're that stupid. I really don't.

Let me straighten you out.

A wood stove heats my barn.
And if I cooked on a wood stove any herbicide in the tree would burn off and rise up the chimney And you must be stupid to assume I cook food over an open flame in my home.

And that was evident in your post?
Let me get this straight: you would use wood that is poisoned with a powerful herbicide to cook your food?

I don't think you're that stupid. I really don't.

Let me straighten you out.

A wood stove heats my barn.
And if I cooked on a wood stove any herbicide in the tree would burn off and rise up the chimney And you must be stupid to assume I cook food over an open flame in my home.

And that was evident in your post?

Try to think before your knee jerks.

On any wood stove the gases and residue of combustion rise up the chimney. So even if you put a pot on top to cook in the herbicide that killed the tree is a non issue.

Have you ever seen a wood stove?
Let me straighten you out.

A wood stove heats my barn.
And if I cooked on a wood stove any herbicide in the tree would burn off and rise up the chimney And you must be stupid to assume I cook food over an open flame in my home.

And that was evident in your post?

Try to think before your knee jerks.

On any wood stove the gases and residue of combustion rise up the chimney. So even if you put a pot on top to cook in the herbicide that killed the tree is a non issue.

Have you ever seen a wood stove?
I wouldn't be so sure, and I certainly wouldn't risk my health or my family's health or even my barn animal's health just for some free wood.
dang, what a shame
someone has to take their sports obsession too far
It really is a shame, Dive. I remember that tree very well from when I lived in Tuscaloosa and would travel down to Auburn.

I hope they throw the book at him.
What a tool...a retired state trooper and a grandfather? This is inexcusable.

I hope he does prison time.
I hope he gets off with a slap on the wrist

That way the Auburn fans get to show their appreciation to him. Hope he doesn't own a house.
He bailed out of jail yesterday. He will do prison time, significant time, I imagine.

His children have received death threats, and are under police protection now.

A group of Bama students have raised over $22,000 in just under 3 days to help in replacing the trees.

Donate here:

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Disembowelment followed by flaying of all of his skin would be too kind.

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