A dog is killed with more mercy than an unborn baby

Somebody's got a bee in his bonnet tonight.
He can't face women being in control of their own bodies.....
You say that like it's a bad thing....

Personally I think I should be in control of women's bodies.

.... on second thought, I think I should be in control of HOT women's bodies, the rest of 'em can be left to their own devices.
Yes, you are right.....he can't face that he doesn't have the control of women's bodies.....HOT or not.
Why do you guys love killing babies?

You stinking babyphobe!
/----/ Libs believe an animal has more rights than a human. Libs think only man can destroy the environment while animals are part of nature. Libs are pure evil.

Congratulations on a stupendous triple play... broad generalization out at first, hyperbole picked off at second, dehumanization goes down at the plate. :eek:

"Do be careful! Don't lose any of that stuff. That's concentrated evil. One drop of that could turn you all into hermit crabs." -- The Supreme Being, Time Bandits
/----/ Refute what I said or admit it's true.
LOL..... Refute broad generalizations? naw that's far too easy (since they're refuted by finding a single contrary example) and instead allow me instead to take the more difficult path and just correct your assertions for you....

SOME "Libs" believe... yada, yada ....<insert supporting reason and evidence here>
SOME "Libs" think .... yada, yada..... <insert supporting reason and evidence here>

Although it's possible SOME "non-Libs" think and believe the same nonsense.

As far as your dehumanizing assertion "Libs are pure evil" , I'm not silly enough to bother trying to prove a negative regarding a subjectively applied adjective, so I'll just allow you to provide your supporting reason and evidence.
/----/ where is your fake outrage when Libs blast us with unsubstantiated charges?
Same place it is right now, hidden behind a wall of laughter and mockery.
Somebody's got a bee in his bonnet tonight.
He can't face women being in control of their own bodies.....
You say that like it's a bad thing....

Personally I think I should be in control of women's bodies.

.... on second thought, I think I should be in control of HOT women's bodies, the rest of 'em can be left to their own devices.
Yes, you are right.....he can't face that he doesn't have the control of women's bodies.....HOT or not.
Why do you guys love killing babies?
Who wouldn't ? All the lil' bastards do is shit, piss and bawl all the time, who in their right mind would want to put up with that?

Besides it's better to wack 'em young before they get a chance to grow up to be ignorant, misinformed partisan ass hats.
/----/ Libs believe an animal has more rights than a human. Libs think only man can destroy the environment while animals are part of nature. Libs are pure evil.

Congratulations on a stupendous triple play... broad generalization out at first, hyperbole picked off at second, dehumanization goes down at the plate. :eek:

"Do be careful! Don't lose any of that stuff. That's concentrated evil. One drop of that could turn you all into hermit crabs." -- The Supreme Being, Time Bandits
/----/ Refute what I said or admit it's true.
LOL..... Refute broad generalizations? naw that's far too easy (since they're refuted by finding a single contrary example) and instead allow me instead to take the more difficult path and just correct your assertions for you....

SOME "Libs" believe... yada, yada ....<insert supporting reason and evidence here>
SOME "Libs" think .... yada, yada..... <insert supporting reason and evidence here>

Although it's possible SOME "non-Libs" think and believe the same nonsense.

As far as your dehumanizing assertion "Libs are pure evil" , I'm not silly enough to bother trying to prove a negative regarding a subjectively applied adjective, so I'll just allow you to provide your supporting reason and evidence.
/----/ where is your fake outrage when Libs blast us with unsubstantiated charges?
Same place it is right now, hidden behind a wall of laughter and mockery.
/----/ At least you're up front and honest about your bias and prejudice.
Abortion is the issue on which I cannot be completely lock-step with the Republicans; I support 1st trimester abortions for the same reason Margaret Sanger did: black population control. The large majority of women who get abortions are black. This means if abortion didn't exist, America would have countless millions MORE black welfare thugs terrorizing society. Do any pure conservatives really want that? That's why I consider myself a somewhat right-leaning Independent as opposed to a bona fide Republican.
My dog was 14-years-old when we finally had to put her to sleep.

The veternarian was quite gentle, inserting a needle, and then giving the dog an anesthetic so that it would feel no pain, and then a killing drug that gently put it to sleep.

It was a merciful, gentle, painless death, and a far better fate than an unborn human baby gets when it is aborted.

Unborn babies do not receive an anesthetic before they are scraped out of the womb, or torn out with pliers, or sucked out, or torn in pieces by the abortionist. They die a painful, agonizing death that we would not even allow for if done on any animal.

The brutality and savagery of abortion is a gaping, bloody wound that is tearing apart America. Abortion is the reason our nation is pulling apart at the seams, abortion is what is fueling the hatred Americans have for each other nowadays.

The fetus doesn't feel a thing and even a young dog is 100 times more aware of life than a fetus.
My dog was 14-years-old when we finally had to put her to sleep.

The veternarian was quite gentle, inserting a needle, and then giving the dog an anesthetic so that it would feel no pain, and then a killing drug that gently put it to sleep.

It was a merciful, gentle, painless death, and a far better fate than an unborn human baby gets when it is aborted.

Unborn babies do not receive an anesthetic before they are scraped out of the womb, or torn out with pliers, or sucked out, or torn in pieces by the abortionist. They die a painful, agonizing death that we would not even allow for if done on any animal.

The brutality and savagery of abortion is a gaping, bloody wound that is tearing apart America. Abortion is the reason our nation is pulling apart at the seams, abortion is what is fueling the hatred Americans have for each other nowadays.

The fetus doesn't feel a thing and even a young dog is 100 times more aware of life than a fetus.
My dog was 14-years-old when we finally had to put her to sleep.

The veternarian was quite gentle, inserting a needle, and then giving the dog an anesthetic so that it would feel no pain, and then a killing drug that gently put it to sleep.

It was a merciful, gentle, painless death, and a far better fate than an unborn human baby gets when it is aborted.

Unborn babies do not receive an anesthetic before they are scraped out of the womb, or torn out with pliers, or sucked out, or torn in pieces by the abortionist. They die a painful, agonizing death that we would not even allow for if done on any animal.

The brutality and savagery of abortion is a gaping, bloody wound that is tearing apart America. Abortion is the reason our nation is pulling apart at the seams, abortion is what is fueling the hatred Americans have for each other nowadays.

The fetus doesn't feel a thing and even a young dog is 100 times more aware of life than a fetus.
/----/ That is a lie you tell so you can live with yourself.
The brutality and savagery of abortion is a gaping, bloody wound that is tearing apart America. Abortion is the reason our nation is pulling apart at the seams, abortion is what is fueling the hatred Americans have for each other nowadays.

Um, no.

Abortion is a dead issue. Nobody cares about it anymore.

Just a few religious nutters the One Pecent plays for stupid, like you.

Reality check. Republicans decided Roe v. Wade. Republican justices have upheld Roe for 43 years.

Roe isn't going anywhere.

NOw, if your side was serious about less abortions, you'd be for paid family leave, free medical care and comprehensive sex education.
The brutality and savagery of abortion is a gaping, bloody wound that is tearing apart America. Abortion is the reason our nation is pulling apart at the seams, abortion is what is fueling the hatred Americans have for each other nowadays.

Um, no.

Abortion is a dead issue. Nobody cares about it anymore.

Just a few religious nutters the One Pecent plays for stupid, like you.

Reality check. Republicans decided Roe v. Wade. Republican justices have upheld Roe for 43 years.

Roe isn't going anywhere.

NOw, if your side was serious about less abortions, you'd be for paid family leave, free medical care and comprehensive sex education.
/----/ Your cruel pun highlights your black hearted mean spirit. Kill em all as long as it's not you.
What I find interesting is that liberals want to kill unborn babies as a way to save the government money on welfare, and they don't have a clue how morally repulsive it is to have that idea.

What they are saying is that the pregnant women are completely worthless and unable or unwilling to care for the children. It is deemed society's responsibility the moment a child is born. Of course, enough women have come to believe that they are not responsible for their own actions or consequences of those actions.
/----/ Your cruel pun highlights your black hearted mean spirit. Kill em all as long as it's not you.

Uh, guy, I'm pointing out an ugly truth for you.

The people who run your movement don't want to outlaw abortions. Otherwise, they'd be paying for Mistress Spawn their whole lives.

You are being played. Why do you think that 43 years after Roe v. Wade (which even I admit wasn't a good ruling) it still stands, even after Republicans put another 9 justices on the Supreme Court compared to the 4 appointed by Democrats?

Republicans don't want to outlaw abortion, they just want to keep stupid people like you angry about it to distract you from the things you SHOULD be angry about.
What they are saying is that the pregnant women are completely worthless and unable or unwilling to care for the children. It is deemed society's responsibility the moment a child is born. Of course, enough women have come to believe that they are not responsible for their own actions or consequences of those actions.

I'm curious when this happened, because last time I checked, parents were primarily responsible for their children. The problem is, you guys have been fed so much horseshit about public assistance over the years you've started to believe it.
/----/ Your cruel pun highlights your black hearted mean spirit. Kill em all as long as it's not you.

Uh, guy, I'm pointing out an ugly truth for you.

The people who run your movement don't want to outlaw abortions. Otherwise, they'd be paying for Mistress Spawn their whole lives.

You are being played. Why do you think that 43 years after Roe v. Wade (which even I admit wasn't a good ruling) it still stands, even after Republicans put another 9 justices on the Supreme Court compared to the 4 appointed by Democrats?

Republicans don't want to outlaw abortion, they just want to keep stupid people like you angry about it to distract you from the things you SHOULD be angry about.
/----/ Abortion is murder no matter how you try to pretty it up. Now go club some baby seals.
/----/ Abortion is murder no matter how you try to pretty it up. Now go club some baby seals.

I'm not trying to pretty it up. I'm hitting you with cold hard truths.

you're being played, buddy.

Or do you think it's a coincidence you Christians never get abortion bans, but the rich always get their tax cuts?

Now, the reality of how you feel about it, the fact is, if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.

In the Philippines, they have exactly the kind of laws you guys want, and Filipina women get 500,000 abortions a year.
Somebody's got a bee in his bonnet tonight.
Yes, I do, actually.

Check this out:

America, STOP Murdering Our Unborn Children!

American have high rates of abortion because they have no job protections for pregnant women, no mandated maternity leave, no mandated sex education, and no universal health care. There's not even a child care tax deduction for working women.

80% of women having abortions are either below the poverty line or just above it. A very high percentage already have one or more children. If they get pregnant, the can be fired. When they give birth, they have no right to maternity leave, and no guarantee their job will be there after the child is born.

The US is the only first world country which doesn't have mandated maternity leave and job protections for pregnant women. The Republican Party, which bills itself as the party of "family values", has fought tooth and nail against any form of maternity leave or job protections for pregnant women.

If you want to end abortion, look at who is getting all these abortions and the why women are making this choice.

In Canada abortion is free. There is no copay or cost to the woman. It's covered by our government funded health care. There are no laws against abortions either. There are no waiting periods, no mandated counselling and no forced ultra sounds. You go to the clinic and you get an abortion - no muss, no fuss, no pack drill. And our abortion rate is half that of the US.

We have government funded health care which covers all prenatal and post natal care for mother and child. We have a mandated 12 month maternity leave so that parents can be with their young infants for the first year of their lives, funded by employment insurance. Companies, by law, have to hold you job open for you to return, and last but not least, you cannot fire a pregnant woman.

We also have tax deductions for child care, and a $2500 per year per child benefit for young children to help pay child care costs.

If you honestly want to reduce the number of American abortions, you need similar programs.

Put your money where your mouth is.
Na, when it comes to abortion, drug use and violent crime it Is due to the breakdown of the traditional American family.
No type of nanny state will ever fix that.
Na, when it comes to abortion, drug use and violent crime it Is due to the breakdown of the traditional American family.
No type of nanny state will ever fix that.

But why is the traditional family breaking down? I grew up in a traditional family, but involved a father who had a good paying Union job and a mom who could stay home or only work part time.

Who got rid of those good union jobs and put the moms in the workforce?
Na, when it comes to abortion, drug use and violent crime it Is due to the breakdown of the traditional American family.
No type of nanny state will ever fix that.

But why is the traditional family breaking down? I grew up in a traditional family, but involved a father who had a good paying Union job and a mom who could stay home or only work part time.

Who got rid of those good union jobs and put the moms in the workforce?
Families got along fine before "union jobs", The so-called union was a "bubble" in the history of America sure the collapse because The work did not justify the pay.
Americans who treat dogs the way the GOP wants to treat the born are charged with cruelty. Many end up in jail.

Huckabee Covered Up His Son's Torturing and Murdering of Dog


More to the point, people who treat dogs like the Left ACTUALLY treats unborn are arrested and put in jail.

Rightfully so.
My dog was 14-years-old when we finally had to put her to sleep.

The veternarian was quite gentle, inserting a needle, and then giving the dog an anesthetic so that it would feel no pain, and then a killing drug that gently put it to sleep.

It was a merciful, gentle, painless death, and a far better fate than an unborn human baby gets when it is aborted.

Unborn babies do not receive an anesthetic before they are scraped out of the womb, or torn out with pliers, or sucked out, or torn in pieces by the abortionist. They die a painful, agonizing death that we would not even allow for if done on any animal.

The brutality and savagery of abortion is a gaping, bloody wound that is tearing apart America. Abortion is the reason our nation is pulling apart at the seams, abortion is what is fueling the hatred Americans have for each other nowadays.
Whoa you killed your own dog? Fucking monster.

Making fun of someone having to put down their family dog shows you to be a complete fucking asshole.

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