A Doom Coffin -- For Slavs(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Abraham Lincoln famously killed off as many White Americans as the nation was able to muster--at the outset of the Republican Party. A race-relations message was somehow being sent. The U. S. federal birthday calendar would even be populated, visible worldwide even now.

Now there is Vladimir Putin at the helm of another decimation--not nearly so dramatic as the mega-slaughter during the Third German Republic, but possibly just as viscious. There are elements missing, now, from Europe. A European Holiday did become an American destination, in the 1950's.

Israel would arise as a nation, and adopt the Shekel as its national currency, an original invention of the Sumer civilization. The grain-bushel, She-kel, was a coin, literally backed by "Meow-Mix," if not that literally. In return for grain storage, a fertility rite was payable. The Sumer civilization was no longer a hunting and gathering primitive society. Any grower with seed could loan out three bags of seed for planting, and get four back. The "barely" rates were perishable. Eventually a siliver rate of about 20% was established instead.

Not so stated, the outcome of the more difficult to find, "silver" payback created the concept of unpaid debts. In Code of Hammurabi, a three-year indentured slavery system was created. Anyone would say that labor was available, and the lender would be free to find even more silver to lend. Not that anyone could eat the silver. Likely any ladies of a Sumer temple could at least find a place to put it(?). Still, the basis of the free market economy was created.

That was a usury, reliant on a fixed percentage. That economy is described in Matthew 25:14-30. A free-market was actually not to be thought a way to world peace. The usury earnings of the lowest of the hoarding peoples--were actually worthless. The Compare and Contrast would be with Matthew 20:1-16, an inverse of usury. The earnings of an equal amount would be a successively greater usury, for each successively lower hoarding household--doing "Oink, Oink," like an abomination might be expected to do, able to participate in the "market" of any trough. There is an arithmetic counter to the demonic, and Old Testament, version.

All that flew past Adam Smith, in Wealth of Nations. Now in Putin's Russia, the concept of economics as life itself--not reliant on metals--is being shown(?). There is no faith in the ability of those peoples to be functioning members--Matthew 20:1-16--in any world markets. In America, the Republicans took the Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit away from America, and eventually ran the Mormon for President, instead. Putin created his own version of how Republicans view the world, amongst the Slavs! None of that would even occur in a diversity-based, worldwide market.

Putin's Ukraine gamble hastens exodus of Russian money and talent

So of the greater deities of the conquering Greeks and Romans, there can be shown a five quadrant rectangle. The far left vertical is an income scale. The inverse of usury creates perpendicular lines filled with not just one, and not just two, but "many" advanced dots, in lines, in modern civilizations. Those lines would reach the far right vertical, equally. What is the source of any raise of income? Clearly credit. What makes a credit market work? Good faith and transparent transactions. How is it backed in modern economies? Law! The U. S. went off the Gold Standard during the Kennedy administration. What have economies noticed about vulnerabilities? There are such things.

The fifth quadrant in the rectangle is actually outside it. Suppose the fixed percentage usury of the demonic concept of the Chauvinist approach, in Deuteronomy 23:19-20: Then the rich get richer, and the poor don't earn enough. What faith there is tries to borrow even more, and then hoard that. Any good faith in the economy freezes up. Like in the foreclosure crisis, the debts cannot be paid. In the United States, that now extends to a sixth quadrant. It is noted that incomes are not keeping up with the recovery. The recovery is thought sluggish. In Russia, the world said, "Nyet," and easily incomes are not keeping up in that economy.

Anyone might wonder if the modern USA reliance of the American Bar Association, of law in America, was better than the ancient Sumer civilization version--more kitty cat based, if not entirely literally. Anyone notes that comparisons can be made, and ask which of the professions the American Economics Association: Will be using in its own self-defense(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Clearly, teaching is not possible--at any grade level--without the doctoral degree: Unless it is believed that some kids are better than other kids, and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort. Others will simply say, the old ways still are not forgotten, the new ways not allowed to even be presented in the schools! The Ivy League made its choice, rejecting any new ways, and will likely open doors again in the arriving school year. I myself have no doctorate, as in that is what grading policy is for--an old wrong way.)
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^ Peyote. It's not just for breakfast anymore


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