A dose of truth:

. I ask you: If an IDF missile intentionally killing civilians is a good thing, what can be wrong about a Hamas missile doing the same?
IDF missles don't intentionally kill civilians. The Israelis have careful (too much IMO) to avoid harming civilians. No jihadist cares about killing civilians. To them, there are no innocent civilians.
Rights group Israeli bombing of Gaza homes was policy - Al Jazeera English

Firstly Al Jazeera is not a valid source of information, secondly B'Tselem is more anti Israel than hamas and fatah combined
Al Jazeera is an EXCELLENT NEWS AGENCY on a par with the BBC......but you are just a POXY,POX NEWS LAPDOG for all to see.but POX-ON

Immature shouting again because you cant answer the arguments. Al Jazeera has been proven to be a biased news outlet and yes it is on a par with the BBC that has been slated for its anti Jewish reporting.
Iran needs that extra billions in order to help fund Hamas, Hezbollah and the Taliban.
Iran wants the Shiite's to win the control of the Caliphate rather than ISIS who are Sunni.
Iran may be many things,but are prepared to allow A/NC inspections,which the Israelis BLEAT ABOUT...Yet Israel deny any inspections of their A/NC facilities,WHY IS THAT Peach??????????steven

Because they are not the ones saying they want to wipe Gaza citizens off the map like Iran has said many, many times.
. I ask you: If an IDF missile intentionally killing civilians is a good thing, what can be wrong about a Hamas missile doing the same?
IDF missles don't intentionally kill civilians. The Israelis have careful (too much IMO) to avoid harming civilians. No jihadist cares about killing civilians. To them, there are no innocent civilians.
Rights group Israeli bombing of Gaza homes was policy - Al Jazeera English

Firstly Al Jazeera is not a valid source of information, secondly B'Tselem is more anti Israel than hamas and fatah combined
There will be nobody who is able to convince you that bombing civilians isn´t good.
. I ask you: If an IDF missile intentionally killing civilians is a good thing, what can be wrong about a Hamas missile doing the same?
IDF missles don't intentionally kill civilians. The Israelis have careful (too much IMO) to avoid harming civilians. No jihadist cares about killing civilians. To them, there are no innocent civilians.
Rights group Israeli bombing of Gaza homes was policy - Al Jazeera English

Firstly Al Jazeera is not a valid source of information, secondly B'Tselem is more anti Israel than hamas and fatah combined
Al Jazeera is an EXCELLENT NEWS AGENCY on a par with the BBC......but you are just a POXY,POX NEWS LAPDOG for all to see.but POX-ON
Al-Jazeera is an Al-Qaeda friendly shit channel that has its journalists embedded in FSA and Nusra forces. However, I am not going to google for an additional source on this, just because Al-Jazeera is crap.
As I keep saying prove
. I ask you: If an IDF missile intentionally killing civilians is a good thing, what can be wrong about a Hamas missile doing the same?
IDF missles don't intentionally kill civilians. The Israelis have careful (too much IMO) to avoid harming civilians. No jihadist cares about killing civilians. To them, there are no innocent civilians.
Rights group Israeli bombing of Gaza homes was policy - Al Jazeera English

Firstly Al Jazeera is not a valid source of information, secondly B'Tselem is more anti Israel than hamas and fatah combined
There will be nobody who is able to convince you that bombing civilians isn´t good.

As I keep saying prove they are civilians first, as so many Palestinian militia/soldiers/terrorists don't wear a uniform. So for all you know they could be engaged in military action against Israel. But I don't see you making any noise in regards to the constant bombing of Israel by the palestinians
As I keep saying prove
. I ask you: If an IDF missile intentionally killing civilians is a good thing, what can be wrong about a Hamas missile doing the same?
IDF missles don't intentionally kill civilians. The Israelis have careful (too much IMO) to avoid harming civilians. No jihadist cares about killing civilians. To them, there are no innocent civilians.
Rights group Israeli bombing of Gaza homes was policy - Al Jazeera English

Firstly Al Jazeera is not a valid source of information, secondly B'Tselem is more anti Israel than hamas and fatah combined
There will be nobody who is able to convince you that bombing civilians isn´t good.

As I keep saying prove they are civilians first, as so many Palestinian militia/soldiers/terrorists don't wear a uniform. So for all you know they could be engaged in military action against Israel. But I don't see you making any noise in regards to the constant bombing of Israel by the palestinians
With 33 Israeli civilian victims since 2001, the IDF has caused more civilian victims in a single strike.
Iran needs that extra billions in order to help fund Hamas, Hezbollah and the Taliban.
Iran wants the Shiite's to win the control of the Caliphate rather than ISIS who are Sunni.
Iran may be many things,but are prepared to allow A/NC inspections,which the Israelis BLEAT ABOUT...Yet Israel deny any inspections of their A/NC facilities,WHY IS THAT Peach??????????steven

Because they are not the ones saying they want to wipe Gaza citizens off the map like Iran has said many, many times.

When has Iran ever said they want to "wipe Israel off the map"? A regime disappearing in the sands of time, which is what was said by Khoumeni, does not imply that Iran said that they would wipe Israel off the map. Just the usual Zionist propaganda.
. I ask you: If an IDF missile intentionally killing civilians is a good thing, what can be wrong about a Hamas missile doing the same?
IDF missles don't intentionally kill civilians. The Israelis have careful (too much IMO) to avoid harming civilians. No jihadist cares about killing civilians. To them, there are no innocent civilians.
Rights group Israeli bombing of Gaza homes was policy - Al Jazeera English

Firstly Al Jazeera is not a valid source of information, secondly B'Tselem is more anti Israel than hamas and fatah combined
Al Jazeera is an EXCELLENT NEWS AGENCY on a par with the BBC......but you are just a POXY,POX NEWS LAPDOG for all to see.but POX-ON
Al-Jazeera is an Al-Qaeda friendly shit channel that has its journalists embedded in FSA and Nusra forces. However, I am not going to google for an additional source on this, just because Al-Jazeera is crap.

How about the Jerusalem Post?

"B'Tselem report to be pubished early Wednesday blasts the country’s civilian leadership, and specifically Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his cabinet, as culpable for hundreds of Palestinian civilians being killed in their residences during last summer’s Gaza war."

B Tselem PM culpable for Gaza war Palestinian civilian deaths NGO Monitor demurs - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post
Then change International law to how you believe it should work. But remember when you do it has to work across all nations and creeds and not single out just one small group of people that you are fixated on and see all their actions as illegal.
Israel´s interpretation of the international law cannot be applied on a whole, dense populated city.

Does the civilians of Israel paying the price for the Palestinians terrorism and violence not mean anything to you at all ?
That cannot be discussed in that framework and needs to be addressed in an explicit topic. The Israeli civilian victims are very few compared to Palestinian civilian victims and are victims of a terrorist group´s attacks. Proper counter measures must be applied. Israel´s measures are provoking more Hamas attacks and Israeli victims. As reasonable government it has to treat Hamas like a crying child, not to betake to its level.
Armed settlers are not civilians but illegally domiciled combatants.

Said the guy who gives Assad a pass for slaughtering, mass murdering, and barrel bombing his own civilian population.
Iran needs that extra billions in order to help fund Hamas, Hezbollah and the Taliban.
Iran wants the Shiite's to win the control of the Caliphate rather than ISIS who are Sunni.
Iran may be many things,but are prepared to allow A/NC inspections,which the Israelis BLEAT ABOUT...Yet Israel deny any inspections of their A/NC facilities,WHY IS THAT Peach??????????steven

Because they are not the ones saying they want to wipe Gaza citizens off the map like Iran has said many, many times.

When has Iran ever said they want to "wipe Israel off the map"? A regime disappearing in the sands of time, which is what was said by Khoumeni, does not imply that Iran said that they would wipe Israel off the map. Just the usual Zionist propaganda.

Iran claims it will wipe Israel off the map on a daily basis. Another known fact that the bullshit artist known as MonkeyNazi is now challenging.
. I ask you: If an IDF missile intentionally killing civilians is a good thing, what can be wrong about a Hamas missile doing the same?
IDF missles don't intentionally kill civilians. The Israelis have careful (too much IMO) to avoid harming civilians. No jihadist cares about killing civilians. To them, there are no innocent civilians.

Do you really believe that when the IDF bombs a residential apartment building or school they are not targeting civilians?

No Safe Place Full Report In English Gaza Health Attack Physicians for Human Rights - Israel The Findings of an Independent Medical Fact-Finding Misson Report

Yes. Hamas animals shoot and stores rockets from schools, hospitals, hotels, mosques and residential buildings. They WANT civilians to die so Nazi assholes like you can point their fingers at Israel.

Rare Footage Appears To Capture Gaza Rocket Site

Rare Footage Appears To Capture Gaza Rocket Site
The Huffington Post | By Nick Robins-Early

An Indian TV crew says it was able to film Palestinian militants setting up a rocket launcher outside a Gaza hotel on Monday.

The video released by India's NDTV appears to show a three-man Hamas rocket team setting up shop in a heavily populated Gaza neighborhood. NDTV reporter Sreenivasan Jain calmly explains from the window of his hotelroom how the emergence of a blue tent became the site of suspicious activity, with men running wires within.

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Then change International law to how you believe it should work. But remember when you do it has to work across all nations and creeds and not single out just one small group of people that you are fixated on and see all their actions as illegal.
Israel´s interpretation of the international law cannot be applied on a whole, dense populated city.

Does the civilians of Israel paying the price for the Palestinians terrorism and violence not mean anything to you at all ?
That cannot be discussed in that framework and needs to be addressed in an explicit topic. The Israeli civilian victims are very few compared to Palestinian civilian victims and are victims of a terrorist group´s attacks. Proper counter measures must be applied. Israel´s measures are provoking more Hamas attacks and Israeli victims. As reasonable government it has to treat Hamas like a crying child, not to betake to its level.
Armed settlers are not civilians but illegally domiciled combatants.

Said the guy who gives Assad a pass for slaughtering, mass murdering, and barrel bombing his own civilian population.
Astonishing, that Anti-Syrian Al-Qaeda propaganda and pro-Zionist Anti-Palestine propaganda have the same bullhorns.
Then change International law to how you believe it should work. But remember when you do it has to work across all nations and creeds and not single out just one small group of people that you are fixated on and see all their actions as illegal.
Israel´s interpretation of the international law cannot be applied on a whole, dense populated city.

Does the civilians of Israel paying the price for the Palestinians terrorism and violence not mean anything to you at all ?
That cannot be discussed in that framework and needs to be addressed in an explicit topic. The Israeli civilian victims are very few compared to Palestinian civilian victims and are victims of a terrorist group´s attacks. Proper counter measures must be applied. Israel´s measures are provoking more Hamas attacks and Israeli victims. As reasonable government it has to treat Hamas like a crying child, not to betake to its level.
Armed settlers are not civilians but illegally domiciled combatants.

Said the guy who gives Assad a pass for slaughtering, mass murdering, and barrel bombing his own civilian population.
Astonishing, that Anti-Syrian Al-Qaeda propaganda and pro-Zionist Anti-Palestine propaganda have the same bullhorns.

Over 250,000 dead Syrians. Thats astonishing. Muslims have no respect for life, including even their own fellow countrymen and co religionists.
Then change International law to how you believe it should work. But remember when you do it has to work across all nations and creeds and not single out just one small group of people that you are fixated on and see all their actions as illegal.
Israel´s interpretation of the international law cannot be applied on a whole, dense populated city.

Does the civilians of Israel paying the price for the Palestinians terrorism and violence not mean anything to you at all ?
That cannot be discussed in that framework and needs to be addressed in an explicit topic. The Israeli civilian victims are very few compared to Palestinian civilian victims and are victims of a terrorist group´s attacks. Proper counter measures must be applied. Israel´s measures are provoking more Hamas attacks and Israeli victims. As reasonable government it has to treat Hamas like a crying child, not to betake to its level.
Armed settlers are not civilians but illegally domiciled combatants.

Said the guy who gives Assad a pass for slaughtering, mass murdering, and barrel bombing his own civilian population.
Astonishing, that Anti-Syrian Al-Qaeda propaganda and pro-Zionist Anti-Palestine propaganda have the same bullhorns.

Over 250,000 dead Syrians. Thats astonishing. Muslims have no respect for life, including even their own fellow countrymen and co religionists.
The dead of the war in Syria are the result of the foreign policy of your country and its allies.
Over 250,000 "dead at war" in Syria and counting. And he complains about Israel protecting itself from Hamas Islamist animals. Hmmmmmm.
. I ask you: If an IDF missile intentionally killing civilians is a good thing, what can be wrong about a Hamas missile doing the same?
IDF missles don't intentionally kill civilians. The Israelis have careful (too much IMO) to avoid harming civilians. No jihadist cares about killing civilians. To them, there are no innocent civilians.

Do you really believe that when the IDF bombs a residential apartment building or school they are not targeting civilians?

No Safe Place Full Report In English Gaza Health Attack Physicians for Human Rights - Israel The Findings of an Independent Medical Fact-Finding Misson Report

Yes. Hamas animals shoot and stores rockets from schools, hospitals, hotels, mosques and residential buildings. They WANT civilians to die so Nazi assholes like you can point their fingers at Israel.

Rare Footage Appears To Capture Gaza Rocket Site

Rare Footage Appears To Capture Gaza Rocket Site
The Huffington Post | By Nick Robins-Early

An Indian TV crew says it was able to film Palestinian militants setting up a rocket launcher outside a Gaza hotel on Monday.

The video released by India's NDTV appears to show a three-man Hamas rocket team setting up shop in a heavily populated Gaza neighborhood. NDTV reporter Sreenivasan Jain calmly explains from the window of his hotelroom how the emergence of a blue tent became the site of suspicious activity, with men running wires within.

That´s surely a reason to kill more thousands of civilians, right? Why do you accuse only Hamas, when Israel´s own behavior isn´t any better?
. I ask you: If an IDF missile intentionally killing civilians is a good thing, what can be wrong about a Hamas missile doing the same?
IDF missles don't intentionally kill civilians. The Israelis have careful (too much IMO) to avoid harming civilians. No jihadist cares about killing civilians. To them, there are no innocent civilians.

Do you really believe that when the IDF bombs a residential apartment building or school they are not targeting civilians?

No Safe Place Full Report In English Gaza Health Attack Physicians for Human Rights - Israel The Findings of an Independent Medical Fact-Finding Misson Report

Yes. Hamas animals shoot and stores rockets from schools, hospitals, hotels, mosques and residential buildings. They WANT civilians to die so Nazi assholes like you can point their fingers at Israel.

Rare Footage Appears To Capture Gaza Rocket Site

Rare Footage Appears To Capture Gaza Rocket Site
The Huffington Post | By Nick Robins-Early

An Indian TV crew says it was able to film Palestinian militants setting up a rocket launcher outside a Gaza hotel on Monday.

The video released by India's NDTV appears to show a three-man Hamas rocket team setting up shop in a heavily populated Gaza neighborhood. NDTV reporter Sreenivasan Jain calmly explains from the window of his hotelroom how the emergence of a blue tent became the site of suspicious activity, with men running wires within.

That´s surely a reason to kill more thousands of civilians, right? Why do you accuse only Hamas, when Israel´s own behavior isn´t any better?

Syrians aren't hiding behind civilians, Hamas is. Israel goes out of its way to minimize civilian deaths, while Hamas goes out of its way to cause civilian deaths. Don't be a dumbass.
Then change International law to how you believe it should work. But remember when you do it has to work across all nations and creeds and not single out just one small group of people that you are fixated on and see all their actions as illegal.
Israel´s interpretation of the international law cannot be applied on a whole, dense populated city.

Does the civilians of Israel paying the price for the Palestinians terrorism and violence not mean anything to you at all ?
That cannot be discussed in that framework and needs to be addressed in an explicit topic. The Israeli civilian victims are very few compared to Palestinian civilian victims and are victims of a terrorist group´s attacks. Proper counter measures must be applied. Israel´s measures are provoking more Hamas attacks and Israeli victims. As reasonable government it has to treat Hamas like a crying child, not to betake to its level.
Armed settlers are not civilians but illegally domiciled combatants.

Said the guy who gives Assad a pass for slaughtering, mass murdering, and barrel bombing his own civilian population.
Astonishing, that Anti-Syrian Al-Qaeda propaganda and pro-Zionist Anti-Palestine propaganda have the same bullhorns.

Over 250,000 dead Syrians. Thats astonishing. Muslims have no respect for life, including even their own fellow countrymen and co religionists.
The dead of the war in Syria are the result of the foreign policy of your country and its allies.
That's really nonsensical but it is stereotypical for a certain component of whiners and complainers.
. I ask you: If an IDF missile intentionally killing civilians is a good thing, what can be wrong about a Hamas missile doing the same?
IDF missles don't intentionally kill civilians. The Israelis have careful (too much IMO) to avoid harming civilians. No jihadist cares about killing civilians. To them, there are no innocent civilians.

Do you really believe that when the IDF bombs a residential apartment building or school they are not targeting civilians?

No Safe Place Full Report In English Gaza Health Attack Physicians for Human Rights - Israel The Findings of an Independent Medical Fact-Finding Misson Report

Yes. Hamas animals shoot and stores rockets from schools, hospitals, hotels, mosques and residential buildings. They WANT civilians to die so Nazi assholes like you can point their fingers at Israel.

Rare Footage Appears To Capture Gaza Rocket Site

Rare Footage Appears To Capture Gaza Rocket Site
The Huffington Post | By Nick Robins-Early

An Indian TV crew says it was able to film Palestinian militants setting up a rocket launcher outside a Gaza hotel on Monday.

The video released by India's NDTV appears to show a three-man Hamas rocket team setting up shop in a heavily populated Gaza neighborhood. NDTV reporter Sreenivasan Jain calmly explains from the window of his hotelroom how the emergence of a blue tent became the site of suspicious activity, with men running wires within.

That´s surely a reason to kill more thousands of civilians, right? Why do you accuse only Hamas, when Israel´s own behavior isn´t any better?

Syrians aren't hiding behind civilians, Hamas is. Israel goes out of its way to minimize civilian deaths, while Hamas goes out of its way to cause civilian deaths. Don't be a dumbass.

Read here:

"After learning that “rebels” entered Adra, we hurried to the main road but the Palestinian Liberation Front ordered us back cause they were fighting them.
We returned to a relatives’ house in island 8, half an hour later the “rebels” arrived.
The rest of the building residents called us to go to the basement and there we gathered.
Suddenly the Jihadists entered, all of them were foreigners, their leader was a man called Abu Qutayba. They took my sister’s son & they beat him up after checking his id. They said he was Ismaeli cause his family’s name is Ismael. They tied his hands & took him, we heard nothing of him later.
Three days later we were moved to another basement. After we ran out of food, Um Alaa who is originally from Hawran went out to bring food, endangering her own life so the kids won’t starve. The cold weather and fear almost killed us, at each Jihadists’ visit we feared the worst.
Our neighbor left the basement to bring water, he was injured by the shelling. First the Jihadists took care of him, even took him to a hospital. But when they learned what his sect is, the leader slaughtered him.
One of the Jihadists gave a child, a young girl, a piece of chocolate and asked her if she liked AlNusra Front. The girl returned the chocolate, saying that no she doesn’t like them, they’re killing us.
In the first few days, whenever the Syrian Arab Army tried to enter, the Jihadists would throw women and children from the top floors in front of the army.
Jihadists dug a big grave for their victims. Executions were performed there, at the edge, later the bodies were thrown with the rest.
Jihadists made Mrs. Um Ali stand in front of the building stairs, they beheaded her two sons, Ali and Suleiman, while she watched. Then the “rebels” gave her the heads. They dragged her son’s wife to what used to be the police station, later they’ve let her go.
In the street there was a body of a man, the head was missing. His body was eaten by dogs, only his bones, little meat & shoes were left.
Twenty days later we left the basement, we wanted our freedom or death and the comfort that comes with it. The “Jihadists” literally told us “Go to Bashar and his army will kill you.”
We were exhausted, cold and hungry. Seeing the Syrian Arab Army and the help they offered us restored our spirits.
Now we’re homeless, poor and afraid of the future."

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