A dozen US cities set annual murder records with three weeks left in 2021

Why do you keep doing this?

You come on here, spread easily disproven falsehoods and make a compelte fool of yourself.

Why don't you just smart up some and learn how to do basic research and stop waisting everyone's time?
You post rolled-up stats and act like thousands of murders and violent assaults mean nothing.
You are a piece of garbage.
You post rolled-up stats and act like thousands of murders and violent assaults mean nothing.
You are a piece of garbage.
No sir, as I've proven a number of times it is in fact you who is a shameless falsehood spreading pos.

I don't "act" like anything, I present an honest argument I support with facts and data.

You just make up whatever bullshit your bleeding little politico heart desires.

NYPD provides all the statistics.

No sir, as I've proven a number of times it is in fact you who is a shameless falsehood spreading pos.

I don't "act" like anything, I present a fact and data based support to everything I say. You just make up whatever your little politico heart desires.

NYPD provides all the statistics.

You idiot, violent crime skyrocketed under DeBlasio from pre-DeBlasio and I don't give 2 shits about your 1994 report.
Just what in the fuck do you think will happen when you release thousands of violent criminals into our cities with no support and no jobs, you dumb fucking idiot?
Retard there was no sudden and coordinated "release thousands of violent criminals " across America in early 2020.

You've got some vague bullshit about Democrats releasing criminals on your mind with absolutely no grounding to reality of increased murders since Covid-19 hit.


Hmmm, can you idiots think of ANYTHING that happened in early 2020?
Forget about the trend, dipshit.
The massive increase this year isn't even on your graphs.
Retard there was no sudden and coordinated "release thousands of violent criminals " across America in early 2020.

You've got some vague bullshit about Democrats releasing criminals on your mind with absolutely no grounding to reality of increased murders since Covid-19 hit.
You are correct.
Only in NYS.
Many eventually left NYS for other states.
Retard there was no sudden and coordinated "release thousands of violent criminals " across America in early 2020.

You've got some vague bullshit about Democrats releasing criminals on your mind with absolutely no grounding to reality of increased murders since Covid-19 hit.
California released 20,000 last year.
They released another 76,000 in May of 2021.
63,000 were convicted of violent crimes.

You are correct.
Only in NYS.
Many eventually left NYS for other states.

Wow, so the murders all across America are explained by New York criminal policy.

Folks, you've heard this one here first, from our very own village idiot.
Wow, so the murders all across America are explained by New York criminal policy.

Folks, you've heard this one here first, from our very own village idiot.
You think criminals stay in one place?
I would say most stayed in Blue NYS.
You think criminals stay in one place?
I would say most stayed in Blue NYS.
I think you are a total moron, laying out baseless bullshit directly out of your malfunctioning, daydreaming mind that cannot understand that you imagining something does not mean it's true.
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I think you are a total moron, laying out baseless bullshit directly out of your malfunctioning, daydreaming mind.

You seriously just like the sound of something and post it. There is no research or support to ANYTHING you say.
I think you don't give a shit about crime under a Democrat mayor.
Thousands of people left NYC after the BLM riots and you probably think DeBlasio did a great job.
It just occurred to me...
Are these convictions?
Are these accusations?
Do these stats include making deals that don't show up in the stats?

And that's why I'm suspect of these numbers.

What should have occured to you is that no one will take your musings seriously untill you find some actual data to support them. You'll just be made to look like a fool who likes to say baseless bs.

Just because you have in your politico head something about criminal statistics, does not mean it's true. You actually have to put in a bit of work, research the topic and find SOMETHING to support what you think is true.
What should have occured to you is that no one will take your musings seriously untill you find some actual data to support them.

Just because you have it in your politico head something about criminal statistics, does not mean it's true. You actually have to put in a bit of work, research the topic and find SOMETHING to support what you think is true.
It is a fact that government reports are 99% rolled-up bullshit.
The fact is that you must find and post the underlying assay and population of what your posted so we will know how many crimes were modified as non-crimes to keep the prison population from exploding.
I think you don't give a shit about crime under a Democrat mayor.
Thousands of people left NYC after the BLM riots and you probably think DeBlasio did a great job.

"thousands" out of 8.5 million. NYC will never be the same.

But doesn't matter what you think of DeBlasio, you don't get to simply make up facts just because you don't like someone.
It is a fact that government reports are 99% rolled-up bullshit.

Why should anyone belive you? Are you some sort fo expert on this data? You've put in actual research into these matters?

You sound like a total crackpot.
"thousands" out of 8.5 million. NYC will never be the same.

Doesn't matter what you think of DeBlasio, you don't get to simply make up facts just because you don't like someone.
You haven't addressed post 90 or Deblasio's crime spree encouraged by Mrs. DeBlasio.
The "facts" you have posted contain zero underlying definitions so please try and find them.

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