A dozen US cities set annual murder records with three weeks left in 2021

Since the Criminal Reform Act, arrests are not allowed
Moron, arrests for major fellonies are 100% allowed.

When you commit murder, robbery, fellony assault, grand larceny, rape etc. you are arrested.

I'm starting to think that I'm dealing with a mentally handicapped person. How do you reason with this insane bullshit?
Has anyone told you that you'd make a great lawyer?

You should give that brilliant theory a shot next time you get in trouble with the law.

Just don't show up and you will not be convicted, easy peasy.
I worked on Wall Street and saw the bullshit rolled-up reports we were required to submit to the City, State and Federal, so don't bother telling me how revealing government reports are...they're not at all.
Just like Unemployment U2 through UInfinity covered up for GW Bush.
I worked on Wall Street and saw the bullshit rolled-up reports we were required to submit to the City, State and Federal
How does your shoddy reporting prove that NYPD numbers are bullshit?

It's really simple, unless you have direct evidence that they are not true, or can point to any contradicting criminal data, then you just have your clueless 2 cents no one gives any shit about.
Moron, arrests for major fellonies are 100% allowed.

When you commit murder, robbery, fellony assault, grand larceny, rape etc. you are arrested.

I'm starting to think that I'm dealing with a mentally handicapped person. How do you reason with this insane bullshit?
I was wondering why all of those people committing felony assault during the BLM riots were arrested...not.
When one is arrested for almost any felony, they are released the same day or the next day.
Again, no one knows wtf you are talking about, plenty of people got arrested.
They were tracked down and given tickets to show up in court and were fined and went home after the event.
Are you really this uninformed of what actually transpired or are you just stubborn?
They were tracked down and given tickets to show up in court and were fined and went home after the event.
Are you really this uninformed of what actually transpired or are you just stubborn?
For felony assault??

For felony assault??

Wow! You live in NY and you didn't watch the BLM riots?
You haven't read about people who commit assault and are let out the same day and commit another assault or murder?
I guess an adult as intelligent as yourself doesn't need to read the news to know what's going on.

People aren't working because of COVID so they want drugs.

Gangs provide drugs.

They are fighting over territory.

And police are taking a hands-off approach to gangs because of George Floyd.
Cops are taking a hands-off approach because no matter what they do.....they get zero support from City Hall.....so basically cops are saying "UP YOUR's".
WTF does that mean? How does that compare to any other year?
It doesn't. This is the first time that a state has decided that they needed to release criminals to protect them. They used COVID as an excuse to release thousands of criminals....and they released another 76,000 in May of 2021.
What does that mean?
It means more violent crime, Mkay?
More Smash & Grab crimes.
So what caused trump's massive 30% increase in the murder rate in 2020?
Democrats letting violent criminals out of prison by the thousands because they want us to cry over prisoners catching COVID.
They were shipping people all over the country to start riots.
Best people to do that are hardened criminals.
Democrats letting violent criminals out of prison by the thousands because they want us to cry over prisoners catching COVID.
They were shipping people all over the country to start riots.
Best people to do that are hardened criminals.
Repeat after me...BULLSHIT is either mentally ill or at least half of BULLSHIT's friends are ex-cons.
Wow! You live in NY and you didn't watch the BLM riots?
You haven't read about people who commit assault and are let out the same day and commit another assault or murder?
I'm sure you watch it all and can provide counts. I'll wait patiently while you put that data togather, since you obviously don't know how to look anything up. :rolleyes-41:
Democrats letting violent criminals out of prison by the thousands because they want us to cry over prisoners catching COVID.
They were shipping people all over the country to start riots.
Best people to do that are hardened criminals.
Yep, you are full of shit as usual, California has been cutting prison population since a decade ago:

Sharp Reduction In California’s Prison Population​

Over the past decade, California has sharply cut its prison population following a 2009 U.S. Supreme Court order for California to reduce prison overcrowding. The population reached a peak of 163,000 inmates in 2006, according to the Public Policy Institute of California.

In 2014, voters reduced penalties for property and drug crimes. Two years later, they approved allowing earlier parole for most inmates.

Before the pandemic hit, the prison population had dropped to 117,00 inmates, the Associated Press reported this week. In the last year, 21,000 more have left state prisons — with about half being held temporarily in county jails.

Last year, California sped up the release of 3,500 inmates to reduce crowding as COVID-19 spread through prisons statewide, according to the Los Angeles Times. It freed 2,345 others early last July.
Yep, you are full of shit as usual, California has been cutting prison population since a decade ago:

Sharp Reduction In California’s Prison Population​

Over the past decade, California has sharply cut its prison population following a 2009 U.S. Supreme Court order for California to reduce prison overcrowding. The population reached a peak of 163,000 inmates in 2006, according to the Public Policy Institute of California.

In 2014, voters reduced penalties for property and drug crimes. Two years later, they approved allowing earlier parole for most inmates.

Before the pandemic hit, the prison population had dropped to 117,00 inmates, the Associated Press reported this week. In the last year, 21,000 more have left state prisons — with about half being held temporarily in county jails.

Last year, California sped up the release of 3,500 inmates to reduce crowding as COVID-19 spread through prisons statewide, according to the Los Angeles Times. It freed 2,345 others early last July.
How does that prove mud wrong?

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