A Florida teen was accepted into all eight Ivy League schools -- and seven other universities

And millions of whites who get in because of AA. Millions of whites hired in jobs because of Affirmative white privilege.
It's no surprise that so many blacks turn to drug dealing, pimping and prostitution since AA works against them.

Let's get rid of it!
In a sane world, any mention of race, ethnicity, religion and gender would be removed and prohibited from college applications. It should not be mentioned in application essays. No pictures either...don't want to be rejected because you are fat or ugly.

Then, let the chips fall where they may.

Unless and until this change comes, the whole system will be suspect, as it is now. What is the first thing that pops into one's head when you hear that a Black female was accepted to an Ivy League school?

Be honest.

The first word is "affirmative." You guess the rest of it.
It isn’t surprising that her class rank, SAT score, and GPA were not reported, and there’s a reason for that - these Ivies do not want to open themselves to more Supreme Court cases by whites, and increasingly Asians, who have superior grades and scores and were rejected.

So let’s remember the flip side of this. While the young black girl gets this phenomenal opportunity, a young white or Asian boy with better academics, and perhaps from a poor, struggling family, has lost out.

I seem to be the only one of this forum who has worked in the admissions field, and I remember the debates as to whether to publish the acceptance data by race. Those “for it” wanted to be able to show African-Americans that you didn’t need as high a score or as good a GPA as they expected - and they wanted to encourage black applicants. Those “against it“ were afraid that if whites saw how much harder it was for them to get in, as opposed to blacks, there would be lawsuits.
By far the most discriminated-against group in the top schools for admission are white Gentiles. By far the most over-represented group relative to their academic qualifications are not blacks, but Jews.

Fascinating and eye-opening article I'd be interested in hearing your reaction to:

And millions of whites who get in because of AA. Millions of whites hired in jobs because of Affirmative white privilege.
"And millions of white Jews who get in because of AA. "

White Gentiles are the most discriminated against group in the country.
"And millions of white Jews who get in because of AA. "

White Gentiles are the most discriminated against group in the country.
No, Jews get in based on merit, withthe highest IQs and grades. White women and men get in based on affirmative action.
No, Jews get in based on merit, withthe highest IQs and grades. White women and men get in based on affirmative action.
Here you say whites get in via Affirmative Action, and upthread you said we need to KEEP Affirmative Action in place until the country isn’t racist to blacks. So which is it? If it helps whites, let’s get rid of it.
It's pathetic how white racists think. Everybody black can't be qualified and whites have never been selected for anything because pf their race instead of qualifications.

This young woman was accepted by all 8 Ivy league schools. She was qualified.

How long ago was this and for how many years and which university/college?

In your case, it IS a sob story and I have explained why. You can't even acknowledge the pain and trauma that others have experienced as being valid in your efforts to promote YOUR version of YOUR story of what your family members endured and overcame.

You're unable to acknowledge the differences between what happened to the Jewish people (in another country) versus what happened to black people in our own country. You've refused to acknowledge the attitudes of whites specifically towards black people in the United States both then and now and how your family not being black had advantages not afforded to black people by law.

You still refuse to acknowledge that when your people arrived on the shores of the United States even though they were foreigners, BECAUSE THEY WERE WHITE, they were not subjected to the same pains and punishments that white people could legally administer against black people without fear of retribution.

I showed you the picnic pictures taken of the burned bodies of lynching victims taken as souvenirs and converted to postcards sent to families and friends by the whites in attendance. By the way, the lynchings were often announced in advance so that the white families could prepare and be present for the festivities.

And lastly I shared with you that one of the 4 little girls killed in 16th Street church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963 which is NOT ancient history but during my lifetime, was a family members. And the only thing out of you is for me to quit bringing up ancient history.

At no time has any one of us ever denied that what Hitler & his minions did to the Jewish people was inhumane and we have always decried that event, the whole world has. But while you receive assistance, sympathy, monuments of remembrances and proclamations of "we will never forget" and "never again" even from the United States, the U.S. still hasn't fully apologized to black people for slavery in the U.S. and every discriminatory law, court ruling policy, procedure, etc. that came in it's aftermath. And don't even bring up the subject of reparations which your people received, but you've gone on the record as being against black people receiving.

Your attitude towards black people in America is rank for two specific reasons.

NO ONE who is penniless and uneducated can rise from poverty in 10 years without assistance, yet this is the lie you continue to tell when it comes to your grandparents. Your story is supposed to be taken as the gospel truth even though it has holes in it big enough to drive a 16 wheeler through, but anything regarding the accomplishments of black people are suspect, including this current story, and when I mentioned to you that my grandfather helped fight Hitler and was part of the war effort to rescue and free the Jewish people, a peep from you.

No one is required to have compassion for others or to care about them, but if that is your position, then let it me known, I have never had a problem with the Jewish people, I just don't like you specially, for all of the reasons above as well as the following. Your beliefs and comments as expressed here on U.S. Message Board identify you as a white racist. it's just unfortunate that you just happen to be Jewish.
Posted by a sister known to break them off something!
In a sane world, any mention of race, ethnicity, religion and gender would be removed and prohibited from college applications. It should not be mentioned in application essays. No pictures either...don't want to be rejected because you are fat or ugly.

Then, let the chips fall where they may.

Unless and until this change comes, the whole system will be suspect, as it is now. What is the first thing that pops into one's head when you hear that a Black female was accepted to an Ivy League school?

Be honest.

The first word is "affirmative." You guess the rest of it.
Your comments are evidence that you suffer from amnesia. So if hearing that a black girl got admitted into an Ivy league school has you thinking that shes there because the first word is affirmative, then unless and until this change comes, the whole system will be suspect, as it is now. The first thing that pops into our head when we hear of every achievement whites have ever had?

White racial preference.
"And millions of white Jews who get in because of AA. "

White Gentiles are the most discriminated against group in the country.
White gentiles such as yourself practice the most discrimination against other groups in this country.
No, Jews get in based on merit, withthe highest IQs and grades. White women and men get in based on affirmative action.
The evidence of the recent NMS semifinalist lists seems the most conclusive of all, given the huge statistical sample sizes involved. As discussed earlier, these students constitute roughly the highest 0.5 percent in academic ability, the top 16,000 high school seniors who should be enrolling at the Ivy League and America’s other most elite academic universities. In California, white Gentile names outnumber Jewish ones by over 8-to-1; in Texas, over 20-to-1; in Florida and Illinois, around 9-to-1. Even in New York, America’s most heavily Jewish state, there are more than two high-ability white Gentile students for every Jewish one. Based on the overall distribution of America’s population, it appears that approximately 65–70 percent of America’s highest ability students are non-Jewish whites, well over ten times the Jewish total of under 6 percent.

Needless to say, these proportions are considerably different from what we actually find among the admitted students at Harvard and its elite peers, which today serve as a direct funnel to the commanding heights of American academics, law, business, and finance. Based on reported statistics, Jews approximately match or even outnumber non-Jewish whites at Harvard and most of the other Ivy League schools, which seems wildly disproportionate. Indeed, the official statistics indicate that non-Jewish whites at Harvard are America’s most under-represented population group, enrolled at a much lower fraction of their national population than blacks or Hispanics, despite having far higher academic test scores.

When examining statistical evidence, the proper aggregation of data is critical. Consider the ratio of the recent 2007–2011 enrollment of Asian students at Harvard relative to their estimated share of America’s recent NMS semifinalists, a reasonable proxy for the high-ability college-age population, and compare this result to the corresponding figure for whites. The Asian ratio is 63 percent, slightly above the white ratio of 61 percent, with both these figures being considerably below parity due to the substantial presence of under-represented racial minorities such as blacks and Hispanics, foreign students, and students of unreported race. Thus, there appears to be no evidence for racial bias against Asians, even excluding the race-neutral impact of athletic recruitment, legacy admissions, and geographical diversity.

However, if we separate out the Jewish students, their ratio turns out to be 435 percent, while the residual ratio for non-Jewish whites drops to just 28 percent, less than half of even the Asian figure. As a consequence, Asians appear under-represented relative to Jews by a factor of seven, while non-Jewish whites are by far the most under-represented group of all, despite any benefits they might receive from athletic, legacy, or geographical distribution factors. The rest of the Ivy League tends to follow a similar pattern, with the overall Jewish ratio being 381 percent, the Asian figure at 62 percent, and the ratio for non-Jewish whites a low 35 percent, all relative to their number of high-ability college-age students.

Just as striking as these wildly disproportionate current numbers have been the longer enrollment trends. In the three decades since I graduated Harvard, the presence of white Gentiles has dropped by as much as 70 percent, despite no remotely comparable decline in the relative size or academic performance of that population; meanwhile, the percentage of Jewish students has actually increased. This period certainly saw a very rapid rise in the number of Asian, Hispanic, and foreign students, as well as some increase in blacks. But it seems rather odd that all of these other gains would have come at the expense of whites of Christian background, and none at the expense of Jews.
White gentiles such as yourself practice the most discrimination against other groups in this country.
As everyone on this board knows, your unhinged hatred of whites is so lunatic that you aren't worth engaging with. I'd say read this to see how wrong your error but I know it is useless. Even if you had the open-mindedness to read it, you lack the intellectual integrity to read it dispassionately, and even if you had the intellectual integrity to read it dispassionately, you lack the personal honor to admit you were wrong.
No, Jews get in based on merit, withthe highest IQs and grades. White women and men get in based on affirmative action.
The colored woman is the biggest benefiicary of AA. Does anybody believe Ketanji Brown is even in the top 1000 most qualified judges in the country?

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