A Former Classmate Of Barack Obama Speaks Out

Guess what, if Obama wins and you voted for Mitt then you helped Obama get elected... You know why? Because you could have voted for someone better that stood a chance. Do you see how stupid you sound at all?

Anyways, you supported the big Government big spender Bush... What more needs to be said. Enjoy the shrinking Republican party and all the growth was due to DUN DUN DUN.... Ron Paul... I know, it stings lol.

What a minute!!!! :disbelief:

I thought Santorum was the Big-Government guy!!!:dunno:

Funny how the left likes to attach their attributes to our candidates......and say our candidates are lousy candidates because of it.

It's just too friggen funny. :lmao:

Mitt is a big government guy. And buddy I am as far from being a democrat as anyone here.

What other course do we have until the two-party system is reformed?

I would trust Romney far more than the current occupant...and favor reminding him of it should he be elected.
What a minute!!!! :disbelief:

I thought Santorum was the Big-Government guy!!!:dunno:

Funny how the left likes to attach their attributes to our candidates......and say our candidates are lousy candidates because of it.

It's just too friggen funny. :lmao:

Mitt is a big government guy. And buddy I am as far from being a democrat as anyone here.

In case you missed it.....I wasn't directing it at you.


You.....not so much.

I didnt miss it. I also didnt miss the implications, thus drawing my comment.
And that is fine, I’m not here to tell anyone who they can and can't vote for. However, if you vote for a liberal running as a Republican that makes you a liberal. end of story. You can think of all the reasons in the world why somehow your vote for a liberal does not count but in the end if you voted for and supported a liberal, you're a liberal. Done.

If you vote for anybody and by voting in that way you serve to assist the re-election of the most far left liberal (ineffectual piece of crap) Democrat in the history of our Republic, then you are a liberal.

End of story.

That is bull shit, if you lose the election it is because you failed to gain enough support.

A hard core conservative doesn't vote against his beliefs by voting in a dem lite candidate.

This cuts both ways.

Wrong. It is not "bullshit." It is a rock bottom truth.

And this election is a classic case in point.

We have on the one side, the most liberal piece of shit in the history of the Republic, the incumbent.

Going up against his effort to get re-elected, we have a guy who falls VERY far short of being the conservative we might prefer. Indeed, i don't deny that it is fair to label him as liberal or moderate to liberal. That Mitt is the likely opponent against the incumbent is regrettable. I do not deny that either.

However, the CHOICE (like it or not) still comes down to JUST those two options. We can pretend all day every day until Election Day that a 3P is a viable alternative. But it's not true.

It IS true that EITHER the liberal Democrat incumbent will retain the Presidency OR his opponent will take the White House. There is no purpose served in pretending otherwise because that dichotomy IS the actual state of affairs. It is EITHER OR.

Under THOSE circumstances, to do ANYTHING but vote for the opponent IS THE EXACT SAME THING as voting for the re-election of the disaster in chief.

Again, denying that FACT will not alter it. That's the long and the short of it. And I will NOT be guilty of taking ANY electoral action other than the most effective electoral action consistent with removing President Obama from Office. I don't have to love the GOP candidate. I don't even have to much like him. I just have to decide is he better than the incumbent. And he is.
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What a minute!!!! :disbelief:

I thought Santorum was the Big-Government guy!!!:dunno:

Funny how the left likes to attach their attributes to our candidates......and say our candidates are lousy candidates because of it.

It's just too friggen funny. :lmao:

Mitt is a big government guy. And buddy I am as far from being a democrat as anyone here.

In case you missed it.....I wasn't directing it at you.


You.....not so much.

No, you aimed it at anyone that does not take you retarded position. Santorum is a Big Government guy... Look.... at..... his...... record.....

I know it's like super duper hard guys.... Mitt is prolly just one of the BIGGEST pro Government guys out there. I mean, really, I have to defend this position against a guy that started Romeneycare and used hundreds of millions of federal dollars to keep that program afloat? The only reasons taxes didn't sky rocket under Mitt is because the rest of the country paid for it with their federal taxes... Or wait, that's not true, we printed the money... or borrowed it from China.
Mitt is a big government guy. And buddy I am as far from being a democrat as anyone here.

In case you missed it.....I wasn't directing it at you.


You.....not so much.

No, you aimed it at anyone that does not take you retarded position. Santorum is a Big Government guy... Look.... at..... his...... record.....

I know it's like super duper hard guys.... Mitt is prolly just one of the BIGGEST pro Government guys out there. I mean, really, I have to defend this position against a guy that started Romeneycare and used hundreds of millions of federal dollars to keep that program afloat? The only reasons taxes didn't sky rocket under Mitt is because the rest of the country paid for it with their federal taxes... Or wait, that's not true, we printed the money... or borrowed it from China.

It is super duper difficult for YOU to accept the notion that your opposition to Mitt is tantamount to voting FOR the incumbent.

But that's the way of it.

You truly aren't all that bright.
If you vote for anybody and by voting in that way you serve to assist the re-election of the most far left liberal (ineffectual piece of crap) Democrat in the history of our Republic, then you are a liberal.

End of story.

That is bull shit, if you lose the election it is because you failed to gain enough support.

A hard core conservative doesn't vote against his beliefs by voting in a dem lite candidate.

This cuts both ways.

Wrong. It is not "bullshit." It is a rock bottom truth.

And this election is a classic case in point.

We have on the one side, the most liberal piece of shit in the history of the Republic, the incumbent.

Going up against his effort to get re-elected, we have a guy who falls VERY far short of being the conservative we might prefer. Indeed, i don't deny that it is fair to label him as liberal or moderate to liberal. That Mitt is the likely opponent against the incumbent is regrettable. I do not deny that either.

However, the CHOICE (like it or not) still comes down to JUST those two options. We can pretend all day every day until Election Day that a 3P is a viable alternative. But it's not true.

It IS true that EITHER the liberal Democrat incumbent will retain the Presidency OR his opponent will take the White House. There is no purpose served in pretending otherwise because that dichotomy IS the actual state of affairs. It is EITHER OR.

Under THOSE circumstances, to do ANYTHING but vote for the opponent IS THE EXACT SAME THING as voting for the re-election of the disaster in chief.

Again, denying that FACT will not alter it. That's the long and the short of it. And I will NOT be guilty of taking ANY electoral action other than the most effective electoral action consistent with removing President Obama from Office. I don't have to love the GOP candidate. I don't even have to much like him. I just have to decide is he better than the incumbent. And he is.

Those are not the only options.

I refuse to get pinned down into voting for dem or dem lite. So i WILL EXERCISE MY VOTING RIGHTS for a third part candidate of my choice.

I have two disclaimers that may cause me to go with mitt.

The dems just flat piss me off, or the repubs in the house grow a fucking pair.

Repubs have done shit for us, with the strong exception of lip service.

I still recall the first budget negotiation. Both parties came out and announced historic cuts that resulted in 29 billion in new spending.

A big kiss my ass comes to mind.
The fact of the matter is this; either the president is a total ideologue who is purposefully engineering the undoing of our capitalistic society- or he is a complete moron who cannot see the fall out of his policies. Either way he needs to be voted out of office.

Don't give me this John Galt bullshit. The moron is you. You can't even scrape together why you don't like Obama, so you just push the easy button and make wildly absurd arguments. You idiots need to learn there's a huge difference between sensible and sensational.

How many times do you think the "John Galt Bullshit" will work as an argument?

I have enumerated and stated my problems with Obama and his policies a number of times- You are the one throwing out the one liners as if that is an argument.
That is bull shit, if you lose the election it is because you failed to gain enough support.

A hard core conservative doesn't vote against his beliefs by voting in a dem lite candidate.

This cuts both ways.

Wrong. It is not "bullshit." It is a rock bottom truth.

And this election is a classic case in point.

We have on the one side, the most liberal piece of shit in the history of the Republic, the incumbent.

Going up against his effort to get re-elected, we have a guy who falls VERY far short of being the conservative we might prefer. Indeed, i don't deny that it is fair to label him as liberal or moderate to liberal. That Mitt is the likely opponent against the incumbent is regrettable. I do not deny that either.

However, the CHOICE (like it or not) still comes down to JUST those two options. We can pretend all day every day until Election Day that a 3P is a viable alternative. But it's not true.

It IS true that EITHER the liberal Democrat incumbent will retain the Presidency OR his opponent will take the White House. There is no purpose served in pretending otherwise because that dichotomy IS the actual state of affairs. It is EITHER OR.

Under THOSE circumstances, to do ANYTHING but vote for the opponent IS THE EXACT SAME THING as voting for the re-election of the disaster in chief.

Again, denying that FACT will not alter it. That's the long and the short of it. And I will NOT be guilty of taking ANY electoral action other than the most effective electoral action consistent with removing President Obama from Office. I don't have to love the GOP candidate. I don't even have to much like him. I just have to decide is he better than the incumbent. And he is.

Those are not the only options.

I refuse to get pinned down into voting for dem or dem lite. So i WILL EXERCISE MY VOTING RIGHTS for a third part candidate of my choice.

I have two disclaimers that may cause me to go with mitt.

The dems just flat piss me off, or the repubs in the house grow a fucking pair.

Repubs have done shit for us, with the strong exception of lip service.

I still recall the first budget negotiation. Both parties came out and announced historic cuts that resulted in 29 billion in new spending.

A big kiss my ass comes to mind.

Like it or not, at present, those ARE the only two options.

Denying that fact will not change it.
Wrong. It is not "bullshit." It is a rock bottom truth.

And this election is a classic case in point.

We have on the one side, the most liberal piece of shit in the history of the Republic, the incumbent.

Going up against his effort to get re-elected, we have a guy who falls VERY far short of being the conservative we might prefer. Indeed, i don't deny that it is fair to label him as liberal or moderate to liberal. That Mitt is the likely opponent against the incumbent is regrettable. I do not deny that either.

However, the CHOICE (like it or not) still comes down to JUST those two options. We can pretend all day every day until Election Day that a 3P is a viable alternative. But it's not true.

It IS true that EITHER the liberal Democrat incumbent will retain the Presidency OR his opponent will take the White House. There is no purpose served in pretending otherwise because that dichotomy IS the actual state of affairs. It is EITHER OR.

Under THOSE circumstances, to do ANYTHING but vote for the opponent IS THE EXACT SAME THING as voting for the re-election of the disaster in chief.

Again, denying that FACT will not alter it. That's the long and the short of it. And I will NOT be guilty of taking ANY electoral action other than the most effective electoral action consistent with removing President Obama from Office. I don't have to love the GOP candidate. I don't even have to much like him. I just have to decide is he better than the incumbent. And he is.

Those are not the only options.

I refuse to get pinned down into voting for dem or dem lite. So i WILL EXERCISE MY VOTING RIGHTS for a third part candidate of my choice.

I have two disclaimers that may cause me to go with mitt.

The dems just flat piss me off, or the repubs in the house grow a fucking pair.

Repubs have done shit for us, with the strong exception of lip service.

I still recall the first budget negotiation. Both parties came out and announced historic cuts that resulted in 29 billion in new spending.

A big kiss my ass comes to mind.

Like it or not, at present, those ARE the only two options.

Denying that fact will not change it.

Here is the only fact you need to be concerned with.

Failure to gain enough support will cause an election loss.

Sucking up to big government will hand you that loss.
Those are not the only options.

I refuse to get pinned down into voting for dem or dem lite. So i WILL EXERCISE MY VOTING RIGHTS for a third part candidate of my choice.

I have two disclaimers that may cause me to go with mitt.

The dems just flat piss me off, or the repubs in the house grow a fucking pair.

Repubs have done shit for us, with the strong exception of lip service.

I still recall the first budget negotiation. Both parties came out and announced historic cuts that resulted in 29 billion in new spending.

A big kiss my ass comes to mind.

Like it or not, at present, those ARE the only two options.

Denying that fact will not change it.

Here is the only fact you need to be concerned with.

Failure to gain enough support will cause an election loss.

Sucking up to big government will hand you that loss.

Here is the ONLY fact that matters for you in this election.

President Obama could get re-elected.

If you don't want that to happen, then get off your high horse and work to prevent it.

Voting 3P will not be such a method.
Get you fingers out of your ears and pay attention... maybe even read it for yourself.
He has advisors around him making sure he stays on track.

All the evidence is before you, and you refuse to see it.

If you've got nothing better than this John Galt bullshit, don't expect any intelligent person to take you seriously. For a bunch that is so quick to complain about people being sheep, you all don't seem to offer anything but forbs to chew on.
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If you vote for anybody and by voting in that way you serve to assist the re-election of the most far left liberal (ineffectual piece of crap) Democrat in the history of our Republic, then you are a liberal.

End of story.

That is bull shit, if you lose the election it is because you failed to gain enough support.

A hard core conservative doesn't vote against his beliefs by voting in a dem lite candidate.

This cuts both ways.

Wrong. It is not "bullshit." It is a rock bottom truth.

And this election is a classic case in point.

We have on the one side, the most liberal piece of shit in the history of the Republic, the incumbent.

Going up against his effort to get re-elected, we have a guy who falls VERY far short of being the conservative we might prefer. Indeed, i don't deny that it is fair to label him as liberal or moderate to liberal. That Mitt is the likely opponent against the incumbent is regrettable. I do not deny that either.

However, the CHOICE (like it or not) still comes down to JUST those two options. We can pretend all day every day until Election Day that a 3P is a viable alternative. But it's not true.

It IS true that EITHER the liberal Democrat incumbent will retain the Presidency OR his opponent will take the White House. There is no purpose served in pretending otherwise because that dichotomy IS the actual state of affairs. It is EITHER OR.

Under THOSE circumstances, to do ANYTHING but vote for the opponent IS THE EXACT SAME THING as voting for the re-election of the disaster in chief.

Again, denying that FACT will not alter it. That's the long and the short of it. And I will NOT be guilty of taking ANY electoral action other than the most effective electoral action consistent with removing President Obama from Office. I don't have to love the GOP candidate. I don't even have to much like him. I just have to decide is he better than the incumbent. And he is.

The truth is it is me as a conservative against you as a liberal. You argue that I must vote liberal or else it's my fault that we live in a deteriorating progressive society that can't pay it's bills.

YOU supported Bush, the big spending Government growing liberal, not I. YOU support Mitt, the big spending Government growing liberal... not I.

I will not make you feel better by voting along side of you. We all get to vote, you can't force me to vote liberal just as I can’t force you to vote conservative, nor do I want to. If you want to believe that voting for the lesser of two liberals is your only choice than that is how you choice to cast your vote. I believe there is a choice, and that the more votes a third party or write in gets the more the two party system has to adapt to me, not me to them as you have.

Call me a fraud all you like, it honestly makes me chuckle. The Republican party is shrinking, the main source of growth was from what Ron Paul pulled in and if he is not the nomine most his votes disappear. If Paul runs third party it would cripple the Republican party. That is true power as if the Republican party wants to regain a position on a Presidential level in years to come they will need to appeal to true conservatives.

I always realize that in a GE Paul would only pull 5-15% at best… But that would kill the Republican part as it would show trending. 2016 it would be 10-20%... 5 years ago this was a non issue, today it’s a reality, it happens slowly but quickly.
-- Universal health care. The health care bill had very little to do with health care. It had everything to do with unionizing millions of hospital and health care workers, as well as adding 15,000 to 20,000 new IRS agents (who will join government employee unions). Obama doesn't care that giving free health care to 30 million Americans will add trillions to the national debt. What he does care about is that it cements the dependence of those 30 million voters to Democrats and big government. Who but a socialist revolutionary would pass this reckless spending bill in the middle of a depression?

^^ Let us pray the above goes down courtesy of the SCOTUS.

Considering the number of Justices on the SCOTUS who also cling to the same political tenets that O. does, I'm still nervous about how that's going to "go down".
Like it or not, at present, those ARE the only two options.

Denying that fact will not change it.

Here is the only fact you need to be concerned with.

Failure to gain enough support will cause an election loss.

Sucking up to big government will hand you that loss.

Here is the ONLY fact that matters for you in this election.

President Obama could get re-elected.

If you don't want that to happen, then get off your high horse and work to prevent it.

Voting 3P will not be such a method.

He could...

Tell me why should I support a candidate that supports NDAA like the current potus?

Why should I support a candidate that only supports the second when convenient?

Two very fair questions.
Rahm Emanuel cynically said, "You never want a crisis to go to waste." It is now becoming clear that the crisis he was referring to is Barack Obama's presidency.

And if a crisis doesn't exist? Invent one then ride to the rescue.

Rahm Emanuel cynically said, "You never want a crisis to go to waste." It is now becoming clear that the crisis he was referring to is Barack Obama's presidency.

You notice Rahm bailed already?

All your efforts at "argument" boil down to your fundamental dishonesty.

Thus, you are revealed not just as the fraud you are, but as unworthy of additional discussion.

Now that the Secret Service is dabbling in prostitution, perhaps they can get you a back-room pass to blow the President.

Your code name will be "Monica."
The fact of the matter is this; either the president is a total ideologue who is purposefully engineering the undoing of our capitalistic society- or he is a complete moron who cannot see the fall out of his policies. Either way he needs to be voted out of office.

Seeing the damage he's done? it isn't hard to see what he subscribes to, and plans to use in his re-election bid as he's already obsconded with a law that commanders 1/6th of the US Economy on a 'trumped up' crisis called healthcare.

Oh T, I see what you're saying...

You argue is that because Bush on a scale of 1-10 was maybe an 6, but that Obama is an 8, us electing Mitt into office who is a 7, is the country moving in the right direction.

I see Mitt as better than Obama, sure. But I look at the big picture, we are moving the Republican party more left, Progressive liberal even... So what does it matter when in 2016 when you have 2 very progressive liberals trying to run for office, much like we have today? Was it me that helped get us to this point, or you?

If Obama wins we can thank all those able to vote who either voted for him in actuality or in absence- That's a fact.

I disagree with your estimation of Romney and his abilities/goals- but regardless, your position helps an Obama win-

There is no way in hell Romney is an Obama type ideologue and there is no proof that he is- NONE. Is he the conservative you hoped for? Obviously you do not think so- So you are stuck with the fact that a non vote for Romney is a vote for Obama- That is a FACT. Primaries allow a vote of conscience in a two party system- Picking up your toys and going home because your guy didn't win is definitely an option- but imo a piss poor one.
How many times do you think the "John Galt Bullshit" will work as an argument?

You tell me. You're the one presenting the John Galt bullshit.

I have enumerated and stated my problems with Obama and his policies a number of times- You are the one throwing out the one liners as if that is an argument.

Really? So you mean that John Galt bullshit about "systematic destruction of the country" isn't a one liner? Well fuck me in the ass with a cactus!

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