"A free thinker is Satan's slave"

Oh I surely believe He is mine, and I am His

Excuse me, I made a poor choice of words. He does not belong to you exclusively. And also, he/she/it is too big to fit under your hat, or to be encompassed by any human idea, or by any one human religion.

Divine love may be found in many ways.
She didn't say exclusively.

Thanks for schooling us on how to find divine love. The person who believes in killing babies is certainly the person we want to look to for spiritual guidance.
Actually, now that I think of it, to put chains on the mind is also to put chains on God. Freezing inquiry, damming curiosity, and shutting insight into a cage built of fear and bribery, is effectively closing the door against the divine presence and influence.

This may be the point, actually. The church fears the God-touched, the truly inspired. Mystics are either excommunicated (and burned at the stake where the power exists), or else shut into monasteries where the danger that they will upset the system is minimized.

Jesus was a religious rebel who offended the dogmatic authorities of his time. Those of today, who act in his name, do everything they can to prevent anyone from following in his footsteps.
Oh I surely believe He is mine, and I am His

Excuse me, I made a poor choice of words. He does not belong to you exclusively. And also, he/she/it is too big to fit under your hat, or to be encompassed by any human idea, or by any one human religion.

Divine love may be found in many ways.
Divine love can be found only through CHRIST! All other ways are false.
Oh I surely believe He is mine, and I am His

Excuse me, I made a poor choice of words. He does not belong to you exclusively. And also, he/she/it is too big to fit under your hat, or to be encompassed by any human idea, or by any one human religion.

Divine love may be found in many ways.
Divine love can be found only through CHRIST! All other ways are false.

Perfect! Make the guy that has been dead for 2000 years responsible!

Pass the buck much?
Excuse me, I made a poor choice of words. He does not belong to you exclusively. And also, he/she/it is too big to fit under your hat, or to be encompassed by any human idea, or by any one human religion.

Divine love may be found in many ways.
Divine love can be found only through CHRIST! All other ways are false.

Perfect! Make the guy that has been dead for 2000 years responsible!

Pass the buck much?
Well I'll say this, divine creation and a savior makes more sense than creation by 'Accidental Frankenstein Gumbo' as most atheists think life spawned from.
Divine love can be found only through CHRIST! All other ways are false.

Perfect! Make the guy that has been dead for 2000 years responsible!

Pass the buck much?

Well I'll say this, divine creation and a savior makes more sense than creation by 'Accidental Frankenstein Gumbo' as most atheists think life spawned from.

It makes more sense to the intellectually lazy. The dumber people are ..the more simple an explaination they need.

God did it. What could be easier? Then clinching the deal with Jeebus.. Jeebus will save you from all that you do not understand. AND if you REALLY don't get it you get to go to heaven.

Science is hard work. Finding the clues and the answers takes time and focus. Thankfully there are some humans that don't give up and fall for the easy answer.
Unfortunately that theory doesn't wash. Christians are not, by definition, intellectually lazy. In fact, the more education a person has, the more likely they are to attend church.

Do you think JRR Tolkein and the brothers Chudnovsky are intellectual layabouts?
Perfect! Make the guy that has been dead for 2000 years responsible!

Pass the buck much?

Well I'll say this, divine creation and a savior makes more sense than creation by 'Accidental Frankenstein Gumbo' as most atheists think life spawned from.

It makes more sense to the intellectually lazy. The dumber people are ..the more simple an explaination they need.

God did it. What could be easier? Then clinching the deal with Jeebus.. Jeebus will save you from all that you do not understand. AND if you REALLY don't get it you get to go to heaven.

Science is hard work. Finding the clues and the answers takes time and focus. Thankfully there are some humans that don't give up and fall for the easy answer.
The dumber the people are huh?

Seeing as you're no great shakes either, I'd say your existence disproves that theory. Seems to me though the more egotistical they are the less likely they are to believe in anything but their own self deluded supremacy.
Unfortunately that theory doesn't wash. Christians are not, by definition, intellectually lazy. In fact, the more education a person has, the more likely they are to attend church.

Do you think JRR Tolkein and the brothers Chudnovsky are intellectual layabouts?
pfft. St. Augustine, C. S. Lewis, Oswald Chambers, J.R.R. Tolkein... all a buncha slackers and know nothings. ;)
Well I'll say this, divine creation and a savior makes more sense than creation by 'Accidental Frankenstein Gumbo' as most atheists think life spawned from.

It makes more sense to the intellectually lazy. The dumber people are ..the more simple an explaination they need.

God did it. What could be easier? Then clinching the deal with Jeebus.. Jeebus will save you from all that you do not understand. AND if you REALLY don't get it you get to go to heaven.

Science is hard work. Finding the clues and the answers takes time and focus. Thankfully there are some humans that don't give up and fall for the easy answer.
The dumber the people are huh?

Seeing as you're no great shakes either, I'd say your existence disproves that theory. Seems to me though the more egotistical they are the less likely they are to believe in anything but their own self deluded supremacy.

Well...Well.. Since you are a well documented liar... I guess what you meant to say is that HUGGY is real smart! :lol:
Unfortunately that theory doesn't wash. Christians are not, by definition, intellectually lazy. In fact, the more education a person has, the more likely they are to attend church.

Do you think JRR Tolkein and the brothers Chudnovsky are intellectual layabouts?
pfft. St. Augustine, C. S. Lewis, Oswald Chambers, J.R.R. Tolkein... all a buncha slackers and know nothings. ;)

"Ignorant" and uneducated, also probably inbred...cuz we all know smart, sophisticated, people don't believe in sky pixies.
Mother Teresa...what an ignoramus.

Benjamin Carson (John Hopkins professor and Neurosurgeon who operated on the Binder twins, twins conjoined at the head), successfully)...what a backward hick!

Robert P George...obviously, he has no grasp of history or he'd reject Christianity...George is Professor of Jurisprudence and Director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University, a devout Roman Catholic.

Alvin Plantinga...what an idiot. He is a philosophy prof at Notre Dame and an expert in epistemology, metaphysics, and the philosophy of religion...

I mean really. Smart people just don't believe in God.

The 20 Most Influential Christian Scholars
Hubble's heir, Allan Rax Sandage, who discovered quasars...anybody with a scientific mind rejects God out of hand, don't you know.
You're right.........lots of people who are educated also believe in a higher being, whether you call it the Divine Watchmaker like Einstein did, or God, or even some other higher power.

However................those intelligent people who do believe in a higher being are also smart enough to not get mired down in the dogmatic beliefs of most churches.
One of the signs of the dogma-slave is the confusion of human authority with divine authority, and inability to distinguish between them.

For example, consider a traditional Christian's view of the Bible. The Bible, we are told, consists of instructions provided by God. But has God Himself told the believer that this is so? No. Other human beings have told him. Thus, in accepting the Bible as reflecting the authority of God, the believer is implicitly accepting the authority of those other human beings who have told him this, to determine what is or is not the word of God. The authority of the Bible is therefore only as good as the authority of those human beings, and unless those human beings were also divinely inspired, the believer really has no good way to know this about the Bible.

In fact, there's a whole chain of human links between God and the believer by way of Scripture, with logical dependence as follows:

Statement X found in the Bible is believed because

the Bible is God's word, which is believed because

the authors of the Bible were divinely inspired, and
the Jewish and Christian authorities who selected the books knew which ones were divinely inspired, and
the books were not edited or altered by these authorities, and
the translations available correctly provide the original meanings

and all of this is believed because

certain human beings (living and dead) have said so.

It's the final sentence that's the important one, the one on which all of the others logically depend. If those who SAY that the Bible is divinely inspired, etc., are THEMSELVES divine authorities, then that should be believed. And yet, few Christians, if any, will make that claim, and this makes the claim of divine inspiration of the Bible dependent on the say-so of fallible human beings.

Yet this is forgotten or glossed over. When I dispute some point or other of Christian doctrine (or Muslim, or whatever -- I don't mean to single out Christianity as unique in this way), I am sometimes accused of questioning the word of God, when in reality what I am doing is questioning the word of those fallible human beings who have claimed that the Bible is the word of God. I do not believe that those human beings were incapable of making a mistake, and indeed, I believe that they did just that.

The irrationality of the belief that the Bible is the word of God, given the very shaky foundation of evidence on which this belief rests (ultimately, the unsupported say-so of people who have no ability to make that discernment) is quite obvious, and so the only plausible conclusion is that people make this mistake and think this way for non-rational, emotional reasons. What I think is behind it, from the believer's perspective, is a desire to be told what to do, a natural submissiveness and fear of freedom, a desire for a (benevolent) master. This is wholly separate from the desire for the love of God, for God is no one's master. (Whoever has an ear, let him hear.)
I didn't say anything about well known scientists. Try again. Re-read your assertion. Then re-read my statement. Do it until you understand what is being said.

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