"A free thinker is Satan's slave"

I'm doing fine, reading along, thinking ok this looks alright..until I hit glaring dumbshit error #1 and dismiss the rest of the post as too stupid to waste effort reading:

"All evidense points towards the claims of the religious being wrong. All evidense of non believers such as science points away from religion."

I think, reeeaaaalllly...ALL evidence, hmm...how odd that so many choose to believe in the face of such astounding and overwhelming evidence!

Which of course isn't true because there IS no such evidence. And so while your post probably has some good stuff in it, anyone with half a brain stops right there, because you have chosen to include a blatant, and stupid, lie. In the first few sentences, no less.

OK halfwit... cite one single piece of real evidense that proves there is a god. If you cannot then all other evidense points away from an existance of a supreme being.

Er, wrong.

You made the statement that all evidence points away from God and all science points away. Prove your statement.

You can't because it's not true. I never said there was any evidence of God. The fact that I didn't, and can't, is not proof that your statement is true.

Logical fallacy. Dumbshit.
That's because the purpose of God is to leave us the choice to choose to believe, or not believe. What good is the faith and love of a person who will believe because they have no choice to believe? God already has those... they're called Angels and demons. They believe because God to them is as plain as the sun every morning. Man is special because He believes inspite of not being able to see an obvious truth like the sun.

A believer looks at reality and sees the hand of God everywhere. It's unavoidable. Scripture states that even the very rocks will cry out the existence of God.

Of course, a skeptic chooses to say those very same bits of evidence are precisely why God does not exist.

It's a choice in the end. Always has been. It's as silly as "What is the Matrix?" if you want to get all pop culturey. You choose to accept or deny, but in the end, the choice IS yours.
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You have to wonder about people who subscribe to the skewed logic that somehow their freedom is jeopardized by organized ( Christian, never Muslem) religion and at the same time they systematically trample on the freedom of Christians to practice their religion and engage in their 1st Amendment rights.

I might have to wonder about such people if they existed.

The reason that Christianity is of concern while Islam is not, is because we live in the United States, where Islam is a tiny minority and has no potential to take over the government and impose a theocracy. That's not to say some Muslims wouldn't like to. If Islam becomes bigger here (a LOT bigger), I'll be concerned about them, too.

Christians are not being denied the right to practice their faith. They are, however, being denied the privilege of imposing a theocracy. They're not required to like that, but there's no need to let them get away with a false claim of persecution just because of that.
I might have to wonder about such people if they existed.

:::Holds up a mirror::: Didn't have to look far, did you?

The reason that Christianity is of concern while Islam is not, is because we live in the United States, where Islam is a tiny minority and has no potential to take over the government and impose a theocracy.

Tell that to Great Britain and France where serious attempts are being made.

That's not to say some Muslims wouldn't like to. If Islam becomes bigger here (a LOT bigger), I'll be concerned about them, too.

Just wait. I've seen areas that have become third world nations in the hearts of major US cities thanks to Islam given near free reign.

Christians are not being denied the right to practice their faith.

Just in public or on public land by government violating the first amendment. There is no freedom FROM religion protection.

They are, however, being denied the privilege of imposing a theocracy.

I have not seen a single group in the US who want a "Theocracy" in this nation. Our nation wasn't founded on that, it never has lived down to that. Obviously you do not understand the forces that drove persecuted religious peoples like the Quakers, Shakers, Pilgrims and Jews out of England. The ability to live and let live according to their conscience.

They're not required to like that, but there's no need to let them get away with a false claim of persecution just because of that.

I'd love to see an atheist group take that to heart, and the next time the phrase "under God" or a prayer at a commencement ceremony, or football game, or opening congress, or any other public event on public property took place, and they shut their fucking holes and enjoy the freedom to express their religion, including theirs, in public.

I won't hold my breath though.

Christians have not proposed establishing a theocracy.

That statement is utterly rediculous. Human beings have thruout history( at least the last 5,000 years ) forced religious beliefs with the threat of execution upon each other.
It is only recently ..in the last 400 years that man has started to rid his governments of manditory belief.

If you are only refering to NOW..HERE in the USA that is as a result of the Constitution of our nation which prohibits it. The muslims still have manditory religion just as the Christians did not so very long ago.

It certainly is not due to the benevelence of the christian faith that we are not living in a theocracy. There is still preasure to wedge christian values and beliefs into the fabric of our society in every way they can get away with..Example: on our currency.."In God We Trust".

Christians have not proposed establishing a theocracy.

That statement is utterly rediculous. Human beings have thruout history( at least the last 5,000 years ) forced religious beliefs with the threat of execution upon each other.
It is only recently ..in the last 400 years that man has started to rid his governments of manditory belief.

If you are only refering to NOW..HERE in the USA that is as a result of the Constitution of our nation which prohibits it. The muslims still have manditory religion just as the Christians did not so very long ago.

It certainly is not due to the benevelence of the christian faith that we are not living in a theocracy. There is still preasure to wedge christian values and beliefs into the fabric of our society in every way they can get away with..Example: on our currency.."In God We Trust".
When was the last time someone put a gun to your head and said "go to church or die"?

I know that happens in muslim nations. Atheist nations flip it to "Recant your faith or die".

So when'd you have it happen to you? Have you ever SEEN it happen in this nation?
What CREEPY RICKY is proposing smacks of governance by theology, that's for DAMNED SURE.
Rick will never get through 99% of any social conservatism he may think he wants.

We're being governed by Obama's theology right now and you don't have any problems with it, do you? there's not a human alive that isn't governed by their theology in their daily lives either.

Christians have not proposed establishing a theocracy.

That statement is utterly rediculous. Human beings have thruout history( at least the last 5,000 years ) forced religious beliefs with the threat of execution upon each other.
It is only recently ..in the last 400 years that man has started to rid his governments of manditory belief.

If you are only refering to NOW..HERE in the USA that is as a result of the Constitution of our nation which prohibits it. The muslims still have manditory religion just as the Christians did not so very long ago.

It certainly is not due to the benevelence of the christian faith that we are not living in a theocracy. There is still preasure to wedge christian values and beliefs into the fabric of our society in every way they can get away with..Example: on our currency.."In God We Trust".
When was the last time someone put a gun to your head and said "go to church or die"?

I know that happens in muslim nations. Atheist nations flip it to "Recant your faith or die".

So when'd you have it happen to you? Have you ever SEEN it happen in this nation?

Me?..personally? Never. Only verbally because no one has ever been allowed any advantage to MAKE me do anything. I can't say when it began..I've just always been a fighter rather than a flighter. I probably got it from my mom. But she was never physically violent.. She would just throw a fortune at someone with legal action..for almost any reason.. and beat them that way. Me..I have been setting examples of my enemies, anyone that would threaten me with physical harm, since I was a little kid.

My brothers were a different story. They were both beat up by preachers and high school teachers for resisting religion up on Orcas Island. This happened after I left the Island for city living in Seattle when I was almost fifteen.

Jack Cadden was a big shot in the church on Orcas..he was a bully and the top guy of the Orcas Power Company. He came by our place when I was eleven ..he was drunk and had designs on my mom. He threatened her and me on that afternoon so I went up to my bedroom and came back down with my British 303 Enfield rife and stuck the loaded and cocked barrel up his nose and walked his dumb ass backwards out of our home. I was fully prepared to ventilate his scull. Like I said..I made examples early on and just didn't get unreasonable demands placed on me. Bullies only pick on the weak. I have made it a point not to project weakness.
I dunno why, but I don't believe you other than the statement:

Me?..personally? Never.

Believe what you want. You do not know me...I do not know you. This is the internet.. it's all true..it's all bullshit. Most people are scared little dweebs with cartoon avatars.. Me?.. I don't care ... I come as me and have no interest in made up people.. philosophies.. religions..

You and KosherGirl and Avatar and Listening..and a host of others are just a counterpoint to the message I bring. I don't expect YOU to believe me. I offer my replies to anyone reading with an open mind.
Well dragon you tried to prove a point but you lost me at the end. Freedom can and does coincide with rules. Freedom to break rules/sin is there however the same freedom that allowed you to break the rules/sin is the same freedom which serves as the conduit through which the consequences of said decision are arrived at.
Dragooooon is lost himself. Christians are free thinkers. That sign happens to be correct.
I dunno why, but I don't believe you other than the statement:

Me?..personally? Never.

Believe what you want. You do not know me...I do not know you. This is the internet.. it's all true..it's all bullshit. Most people are scared little dweebs with cartoon avatars.. Me?.. I don't care ... I come as me and have no interest in made up people.. philosophies.. religions..

You and KosherGirl and Avatar and Listening..and a host of others are just a counterpoint to the message I bring. I don't expect YOU to believe me. I offer my replies to anyone reading with an open mind.

I have an open mind.

Yours, sadly, is not.
I dunno why, but I don't believe you other than the statement:

Believe what you want. You do not know me...I do not know you. This is the internet.. it's all true..it's all bullshit. Most people are scared little dweebs with cartoon avatars.. Me?.. I don't care ... I come as me and have no interest in made up people.. philosophies.. religions..

You and KosherGirl and Avatar and Listening..and a host of others are just a counterpoint to the message I bring. I don't expect YOU to believe me. I offer my replies to anyone reading with an open mind.

I have an open mind.

Yours, sadly, is not.

Having a hole in your head and throughout your beliefs is not the same as "open".

"Faith" is synonmous with clinging desperately against all information and fact.
I dunno why, but I don't believe you other than the statement:

Me?..personally? Never.

Believe what you want. You do not know me...I do not know you. This is the internet.. it's all true..it's all bullshit. Most people are scared little dweebs with cartoon avatars.. Me?.. I don't care ... I come as me and have no interest in made up people.. philosophies.. religions..

You and KosherGirl and Avatar and Listening..and a host of others are just a counterpoint to the message I bring. I don't expect YOU to believe me. I offer my replies to anyone reading with an open mind.
Oh I just love the irony of it all. Only those who agree with me are open-minded. I don't have to respect other people's right to believe, but they must respect mine to not.

yep yep.

tasty tasty irony.
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I dunno why, but I don't believe you other than the statement:

Believe what you want. You do not know me...I do not know you. This is the internet.. it's all true..it's all bullshit. Most people are scared little dweebs with cartoon avatars.. Me?.. I don't care ... I come as me and have no interest in made up people.. philosophies.. religions..

You and KosherGirl and Avatar and Listening..and a host of others are just a counterpoint to the message I bring. I don't expect YOU to believe me. I offer my replies to anyone reading with an open mind.

Oh I just love the irony of it all. Only those who agree with me are open-minded. I don't have to respect other people's right to believe, but they must respect mine to not.

yep yep.

tasty tasty irony.

Your words...not mine.

If it was just "believing" ..but it is not is it? What the religious fanatics believe for themselves is none of my business. What they try to push off on society is.

Why would you care about what I call "open mindedness"? Your "Faith" prohibits it.
All right, Marie, yes, I guess you would fit the description. Nothing more to say except, as I noted above, God doesn't belong to you, and one does not have to subscribe to all that mind-shackling stuff in order to experience divine love.

Oh I surely believe He is mine, and I am His according to His Word : ) (Thank Him so much!!) He IS our God, the One True God! One verse in the Bible even says He is our LIFE!

Psalm 95:7 For He is our God; and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of his hand. To day if ye will hear his voice,

Colossians 3:4
When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

So, going back to His Word again. How do we know Who Jesus Christ our Lord is? Is it revelation by "ourselves"? Or is it from Him directly?

1 Peter 1:23
Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

And if it's from Him directly, how does He communicate with us? Again, one of His Name's IS the Word of God.

Revelation 19:13
And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.

God's Word is not "dogma". It is the truth. And the truth still doesn't take away from our freedoms.

God's Word has everything to do with how He reveals Himself to us. The whole reason the Gospel is preached and will continue to be preached (as He told us is would) to all the nations until His perfect timing.

Thanks for talking about it.
Believe what you want. You do not know me...I do not know you. This is the internet.. it's all true..it's all bullshit. Most people are scared little dweebs with cartoon avatars.. Me?.. I don't care ... I come as me and have no interest in made up people.. philosophies.. religions..

You and KosherGirl and Avatar and Listening..and a host of others are just a counterpoint to the message I bring. I don't expect YOU to believe me. I offer my replies to anyone reading with an open mind.

Oh I just love the irony of it all. Only those who agree with me are open-minded. I don't have to respect other people's right to believe, but they must respect mine to not.

yep yep.

tasty tasty irony.

Your words...not mine.

If it was just "believing" ..but it is not is it? What the religious fanatics believe for themselves is none of my business. What they try to push off on society is.

Why would you care about what I call "open mindedness"? Your "Faith" prohibits it.
Oh the irony gets funnier!


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