"A free thinker is Satan's slave"

What are you talking about?

BTW, I'm still waiting for the evidence that supports uscitizen's statement that pentecostals say the punishment for sins other than rejection of Christ will land you in hell.

but all I hear are crickets.


You guyz kill me. There are at least a hundred items in your church dogma that on face value look like somebody just pulled em straight outta their ass.

AND your big question is: uscitizen's statement that pentecostals say the punishment for sins other than rejection of Christ will land you in hell.

ALL that other bullshit that couldn't be any crazier if somebody took notes in the day room of a hospital for the criminally insane doesn't bother you at all.

There are SOOOOOOO many things about christianity that scream for an explaination or if you are a morman...they scream in four part harmony till they are bleeding from their eyes... and you are stuck on uscitizen's statement that pentecostals say the punishment for sins other than rejection of Christ will land you in hell.


For someone that spends a lot of bytes claiming how smart you are YOU sure avoid some pretty important questions yourself Toots!

Virgin Mary??????



Don't sweat the small stuff suger tits... You still got main event stuff to figure out.
Person A claims to speak for God, and demands obedience from Person B.

Person B dismisses person A's claim and refuses to obey.

Which one is arrogant?
Person A claims to speak for God, and demands obedience from Person B.

Person B dismisses person A's claim and refuses to obey.

Which one is arrogant?

Logical fallacy, as Person A has never demanded obedience from Person B, dumbass. Christians just say "if you don't accept God you will go to Hell". We don't say we'll send you there, or expect you to obey US.
What are you talking about?

BTW, I'm still waiting for the evidence that supports uscitizen's statement that pentecostals say the punishment for sins other than rejection of Christ will land you in hell.

but all I hear are crickets.


You guyz kill me. There are at least a hundred items in your church dogma that on face value look like somebody just pulled em straight outta their ass.

AND your big question is: uscitizen's statement that pentecostals say the punishment for sins other than rejection of Christ will land you in hell.

ALL that other bullshit that couldn't be any crazier if somebody took notes in the day room of a hospital for the criminally insane doesn't bother you at all.

There are SOOOOOOO many things about christianity that scream for an explaination or if you are a morman...they scream in four part harmony till they are bleeding from their eyes... and you are stuck on uscitizen's statement that pentecostals say the punishment for sins other than rejection of Christ will land you in hell.


For someone that spends a lot of bytes claiming how smart you are YOU sure avoid some pretty important questions yourself Toots!

Virgin Mary??????



Don't sweat the small stuff suger tits... You still got main event stuff to figure out.

I had an auntie Toots.

Other than that, I can't make much sense out of your post.
Person A claims to speak for God, and demands obedience from Person B.

Person B dismisses person A's claim and refuses to obey.

Which one is arrogant?

Logical fallacy, as Person A has never demanded obedience from Person B, dumbass. Christians just say "if you don't accept God you will go to Hell". We don't say we'll send you there, or expect you to obey US.

No you just CLAIM to speak for God.
THAT is arrogance extreme.
I don't claim to speak for God, never have. So that makes you a liar.

The Bible is God's voice. I don't need to say a word.
Person A claims to speak for God, and demands obedience from Person B.

Person B dismisses person A's claim and refuses to obey.

Which one is arrogant?

Logical fallacy, as Person A has never demanded obedience from Person B, dumbass. Christians just say "if you don't accept God you will go to Hell". We don't say we'll send you there, or expect you to obey US.

No you just CLAIM to speak for God.
THAT is arrogance extreme.

Precisely. I've never once heard God saying anything of the kind. I've often heard Christians say that God says such things, though.

That amounts to Christians saying them on their own authority. If they claim it's the authority of God, that amounts to pretending that their authority IS the authority of God, which is, as uscitizen says, is arrogance extreme.
Logical fallacy, as Person A has never demanded obedience from Person B, dumbass. Christians just say "if you don't accept God you will go to Hell". We don't say we'll send you there, or expect you to obey US.

No you just CLAIM to speak for God.
THAT is arrogance extreme.

Precisely. I've never once heard God saying anything of the kind. I've often heard Christians say that God says such things, though.

That amounts to Christians saying them on their own authority. If they claim it's the authority of God, that amounts to pretending that their authority IS the authority of God, which is, as uscitizen says, is arrogance extreme.

Yes it is, if it had ever happened.

It hasn't. Unless you have a quote?

Of course you don't. I expect this to turn out exactly the way it turns out every single time I ask either you or uscitz to verify the latest lie you've attached yourself to.
You know.........an open mind allows you to look for truth no matter where it is, or who said it.

Closed minds (like many in the Christian communities) are what allows you to be bigoted and allows you to think that you're somehow "better" than others.

Open minds (i.e. free thinkers) educate and teach, closed ones run away from anything contrary to their current beliefs.
Again. For the peanut gallery.

"Freethinker" =/= "open mind".

Quite the opposite. Freethinkers are those who reject, out of hand, all dogma and doctrine of religion.

Open mind means something entirely different.

And the church has always been at the forefront of scholarship.

Educate yourself.

Still waiting for someone to provide a quote of me speaking for God, meanwhile. And as usual, when I ask Dragon or uscitz to back up one of their ridiculous lies, CRICKETS.

But here comes ABS to move the conversation away from that..what a coincidence.
You know.........an open mind allows you to look for truth no matter where it is, or who said it.

Closed minds (like many in the Christian communities) are what allows you to be bigoted and allows you to think that you're somehow "better" than others.

Open minds (i.e. free thinkers) educate and teach, closed ones run away from anything contrary to their current beliefs.

I thought an "open mind" allowed a logical or reasonable explanation to present a point of view, an idea, a theory or even a fact. It seems many on this board want to condemn "Christians" because they are unwilling to take some "intellectuals" ramblings, seriously, when there is evidence that those ideas end in catastrophic results.

Who is more "open-minded": the person that continues to put failed methods in place (without even changing a thing), or those that use history to make society work?
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The free thinking man that discovered fire and learnt to cook food, the free thinking hunter that used his magnificent brain the create tools, the free thinker that decided to settle down and farm crops and keep live stock, thus creating civilisation, ALL SATAN'S SLAVES,

Man has been doing such things from the beginning of man. What did God say to noah right after the flood ? What did God order for noah to put on the ark ?
You know.........an open mind allows you to look for truth no matter where it is, or who said it.

Closed minds (like many in the Christian communities) are what allows you to be bigoted and allows you to think that you're somehow "better" than others.

Open minds (i.e. free thinkers) educate and teach, closed ones run away from anything contrary to their current beliefs.

I thought an "open mind" allowed a logical or reasonable explanation to present a point of view, an idea, a theory or even a fact. It seems many on this board want to condemn "Christians" because they are unwilling to take some "intellectuals" ramblings, seriously, when there is evidence that those ideas end in catastrophic results.

Who is more "open-minded": the person that continues to put failed methods in place (without even changing a thing), or those that use history to make society work?

Well, Christians keep telling us that we have to believe as they do, because somehow they're more "moral", but when I look at things like the Inquisition and Crusades from history, I don't really think they're more "moral" than anyone else.

And........if you used history to make society work, then you'd probably want to follow the model set up by God's Chosen People, i.e. the Jews. Christians like to use Leviticus to prove that being gay is a sin, but they also choose to ignore many of the rules (which make sense) because they aren't Jewish.
What Christian has said you *have* to believe as they do?

And who told you we're more *moral*?

Quotes and links please.

I know you're lying, so go ahead and avoid/prevaricate now...

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