"A free thinker is Satan's slave"

Koshergrl is wrong in any case. Abandoning/rejecting God is not the only sin, it is merely the only unforgivable sin (in Christian doctrine), what has been called "blasphemy against the Holy Ghost." In fact, a sin that is forgivable may still send a person to Hell, unless it is actually forgiven, which requires repentance, which in Christian doctrine requires that one be a Christian. And since it is impossible not to sin, that means that Hell can be escaped only if one is a Christian (and even then, only if one sincerely repents).

Hence, in effect, God will torture people for all eternity for not being Christians, which is a trivial offense, or no offense at all.

EDIT: Of course, some Christians will claim that "not being a Christian" and "rejecting God" amount to the same thing. Which is an extraordinarily arrogant claim, and makes my overall point rather well. ;)
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good grief.

Really ppl, stop feeding into his idiocy. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

PS..I meant rejection of Christ was the only sin that would land you in hell.
And his ignorance of Christianity speaks for itself.

you aren't punished for minor offenses. When you're in hell you're being punished for forsaking God. That's it. That's the one sin that isn't forgiven.

I wish that you Christians would get together sometime and agree on what is and isn't a "sin".

Some Christians think that gambling, drinking and dancing are "sins", yet they really aren't, they're actually vices.

The only sins that there are, are the ones listed in either the 7 Noahide Commandments or those listed in the 10 Commandments.

But, now we've got the resident Christian fringer in Halal Twit telling us there is only one sin.

Like I said, I wish Christians would get together sometime and agree on what is and isn't.

There are sins against "man": the Ten Commandments (do you really think it matters to the Lord who is holding what, when?), and there are sins against the Lord: cursing Him, denying Him, forsaking Him. The Laws against man can be manipulated in our minds with "IF" and "but", etc. The sins against the Lord are written onto our hearts, and cannot be reasoned away (you can pretend, but this usually leads to mental illnesses and addictive behaviors to distract your heart from screaming at you).

If a person does not understand, or pretends not to understand "sin", the person explaining "sin" will try to make it simpler to understand. This is where the "cult" myth of Christianity originates. Those that are trying to communicate on basic, simple terms are mistaken for "uneducated" or "simple", when they are really speaking to a person they belive needs faith explained to them as you would to a child.

The problem "Christians" have (as well as any other religion that is on the path to TRUTH and LIGHT) is trying to explain a spiritual subject that is beyond their personal comprehension to people that "comprehend" a little bit less. In spiritual matters, we are very much like the tower of Babble, we cannot understand what each person is saying. We can get close, but the spirituality is way to deep for us to comprehend, fully. The Lord, is spirituality (comparitively speaking), raised to a large, extremely large exponent.
If a slave disobeys a master, there are "consequences" of that as well. "You can believe whatever you want, but if you believe anything different from this, I will torture you forever and ever," is as tyrannical a statement as has ever been uttered.

I didn't say it was a good choice! :lol:

A slave will be forced to do things they don't want to. A slave will not be allowed to do whatever they wish, they will be stopped from doing things the slave master doesn't want.

In Christianity, (again by my understanding) no one is stopped from doing anything. If you disbelieve, if you sin, god doesn't levy some punishment and then you continue.

Like I said, the idea of eternal punishment is incompatible with the idea of a loving, merciful god IMO. I'm completely on board with that argument.
Really? Incompatible you say?

Let's flip this around and see what you think.

You have two children, you love with all your heart. You want to do everything for them, but you want them to love you back and you want them to choose to love you completely of their own choice. So you tell them, they can have your help if they ask you to. Your one rule to show they respect and love you? Obey your house rules which are very basic stuff that boils down to respect their sibling and others as well as yourself. If they won't obey the rules, they must get out.

The first child says okay, and goes off to do what they want around the house. They obey the rules, and ask you for help when they need it. Generally, the keep on being a good child to you and their sibling and others.

The other child though... well, they don't care so much for treating their sibling well. They start asking you to take things from their sibling because they want it instead, and they're not nice about how they ask either, showing a lack of respect. The more you chide them, gently for being so rude and demanding such requests from you, the more angry they get at you and start disrespecting you, calling you names, and finally denying your right to be in control of your house. Their apex of insults is saying they demand you get out of their life and never speak to them again. Of course, they will continue to reside in your house and accept all the privileges that come with it, without thanks.

Now, when the time comes that they become adults and you must move on. You now have to choose whether or not you are going to allow in your new home a child that obviously hates you despite your best efforts short of directly controlling them, or not? You know full well they cannot survive without you, but their hatred for you is so strong, they wish you dead and maybe... JUST maybe, would try it too.

Would you bring that grown child behind to their own doom, or threaten your existence or that of the child who loves you? Is your love such that you would allow yourself to be destroyed for someone who hates you so completely and would destroy everything you created given the chance? Or is it such that you would give them the life without you, knowing full well, while they don't, that they will perish?

Ahh the prodigal son and fatted calf thing?
good grief.

Really ppl, stop feeding into his idiocy. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

PS..I meant rejection of Christ was the only sin that would land you in hell.

Not according to all pentecostals I have met and gone to church with.
I was raised up being taught that dancing and going to movies would send you to hell. This is in the same denomination as Sarah Palins church.

Somehow those things will not send you to hell now in that same church though. so I believe nothing they say.
good grief.

Really ppl, stop feeding into his idiocy. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

PS..I meant rejection of Christ was the only sin that would land you in hell.

Not according to all pentecostals I have met and gone to church with.
I was raised up being taught that dancing and going to movies would send you to hell. This is in the same denomination as Sarah Palins church.

Somehow those things will not send you to hell now in that same church though. so I believe nothing they say.

All I can say is you didn't fully understand, or you're a liar. Because there is no pentecostal preacher in teh world who preaches that the sin of dancing will send you to hell.

They will preach that dancing and whatever will cause you to sin, to reject Christ.

Two different things. If you can find me a transcript of a sermon where a preacher says that the punishment for dancing is eternal hell, I'll reconsider.
good grief.

Really ppl, stop feeding into his idiocy. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

PS..I meant rejection of Christ was the only sin that would land you in hell.

Not according to all pentecostals I have met and gone to church with.
I was raised up being taught that dancing and going to movies would send you to hell. This is in the same denomination as Sarah Palins church.

Somehow those things will not send you to hell now in that same church though. so I believe nothing they say.

All I can say is you didn't fully understand, or you're a liar. Because there is no pentecostal preacher in teh world who preaches that the sin of dancing will send you to hell.

They will preach that dancing and whatever will cause you to sin, to reject Christ.

Two different things. If you can find me a transcript of a sermon where a preacher says that the punishment for dancing is eternal hell, I'll reconsider.

You call me a liar without ever going to that church when I was a child?
How arrogant and self assured can one woman be anyway and still call herself a Christian?
You know everything and know nothing.

Glad you have listened to every sermon of every pentecostal preacher in the world.

You migh as well not preach any more your credibility is shot to hell now.

Try to understand how you appear to others.
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I know that pentecostals do not preach that dancing is a sin punishable by hell. Which is what you just said. I said you're either ignorant, or lying.

Your diversionary tactic of attacking me tells me that you know it's not true. I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Not now. Cough up some evidence, you're outed.
good grief.

Really ppl, stop feeding into his idiocy. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

PS..I meant rejection of Christ was the only sin that would land you in hell.

I reject your Christ! OOPS! I'm still here!

Ha...ha....ha.. You must not think much of the human species to believe we could not make it without your sky fairy and his stupud suicidal "bastard son".

Oh nozers!!! The gates of hell are opening up and I'm falling in!! This otta be good. I just told the devil that My greatest fear is cocaine , champaign and native colombian Indian 18 year old pussy. And it all gets worser and more horrible if I am forced to take viagra every day too! Man this devil is one stupid somebitch!~

Oh Hell!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Wow. Thank you for showing up and providing a caricature of a shrieking demon enraged by the very name of God.

Though you're probably harmless....

Gibberers always put me in mind of...

And if you do have the knowledge and intelligence then you certainly haven't demonstrated it here

That isn't yours to judge. I'm addressing others here, actually. They can decide.

It's mine to judge if I wish to judge it. You're making comments about me, since I'm a christian, so I have a right to judge and question those comments as I see fit. Especialy since your comments are incorrect and completely biased based on some strange beliefs you hold about christianity. You're certainly welcome to your opinion, which is all you have posted here, but I'm welcome to refute them if I like. It's called being 'free' to express your thoughts.
That's Dragon's MO. When debate gets too sticky, he bails. Either by grand proclamation that his opinion can stand in lieu of fact and all discussion is moot, or by pretending to put you on ignore.
Wow, that arrogance Dragon put forth can be chalked up to maybe being a thread killer for me at least. I know he's not worth debating or listening to anymore.
What are you talking about?

BTW, I'm still waiting for the evidence that supports uscitizen's statement that pentecostals say the punishment for sins other than rejection of Christ will land you in hell.

but all I hear are crickets.

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