"A free thinker is Satan's slave"

Only hardcore moralist parents forbid their underage children alcohol?

Interesting take.
Good perspective, like when someone tells their college age kid "if you're going to drink, don't drive", I wouldn't take that as an endorsement to drink.

Besides when you tell a kid explicitly not to do something, that often encourages them to do it. I'll bet that's half the excitement for kids who grow up in fundamentalist households.

YOU wouldn't...but most teens do. They think "so long as I have a driver, I can drink!"

I know because that's what all my friends did when they were growing up...when the push was first being made to focus on the driving aspect of drinking, instead of the drinking aspect. The kids whose parents said "IF you're going to drink, don't drive" were the ones who had big blow out parties at their house, whose parents bought the booze. It was going home from their parties that other kids died, in car wrecks, or from alcohol poisoning.

There are loser parents who host those things yes I agree. But I'm only 26, high school wasn't that far back for me. Half the people who attended those parties were the kids of naive parents (like mine) who were so out of touch that a kid being out all night was never going to drink. Half the kids who weren't allowed to drink or do anything cuz they had the hardcore moralist type parents were the ones who partied the hardest as a release.

If an 18 year goes out and drinks 8 beers and gets drunk and falls asleep, no big deal. If an 18 year old goes out, drinks and drives, that's a big deal. IMO at least.

Short term memory loss sucks, I know.
YOU wouldn't...but most teens do. They think "so long as I have a driver, I can drink!"

I know because that's what all my friends did when they were growing up...when the push was first being made to focus on the driving aspect of drinking, instead of the drinking aspect. The kids whose parents said "IF you're going to drink, don't drive" were the ones who had big blow out parties at their house, whose parents bought the booze. It was going home from their parties that other kids died, in car wrecks, or from alcohol poisoning.

There are loser parents who host those things yes I agree. But I'm only 26, high school wasn't that far back for me. Half the people who attended those parties were the kids of naive parents (like mine) who were so out of touch that a kid being out all night was never going to drink. Half the kids who weren't allowed to drink or do anything cuz they had the hardcore moralist type parents were the ones who partied the hardest as a release.

If an 18 year goes out and drinks 8 beers and gets drunk and falls asleep, no big deal. If an 18 year old goes out, drinks and drives, that's a big deal. IMO at least.

Short term memory loss sucks, I know.


or do anything


I see you still have your lie quota you have to fill per day.

Since I just pointed out your blatant lie, it should be time to neg me and provide me with a childish insult you just heard in a 5th grade chat room.
Do you know what OR means?

or/ôr/Conjunction: Used to link alternatives: "a cup of tea or coffee"; "are you coming or not?".

Take notice of the word ALTERNATIVE in the definition.

So no, I wasn't just saying parents who forbid their children from underage drinking are hardcore moralist parents.

You knew that, lied, and hoped it wouldn't get pointed out. SOP for AllieBaba/Koshergirl and whatever other names you've had on here.
"Conjunctions are simple words that allow you to connect two sentences without having to change any of the words in the original sentences:

and, but, nor, or, so, yet, for"

So when you use OR you are combining two complete sentences.

"Half the kids weren't allowed to drink cuz they had hardcore parents"
"Half the kids weren't allowed to do anything cuz they had hardcore parents"


Half the kids weren't allowed to drink OR do anything....

Get it? Hello?

What is wrong with people that they can look right at the definition of something and still not understand it?

PS..I tutored college English...at the request of the English department head.

"Conjunctions are simple words that allow you to connect two sentences without having to change any of the words in the original sentences:

and, but, nor, or, so, yet, for"

So when you use OR you are combining two complete sentences.

"Half the kids weren't allowed to drink cuz they had hardcore parents"
"Half the kids weren't allowed to do anything cuz they had hardcore parents"


Half the kids weren't allowed to drink OR do anything....

Get it? Hello?

What is wrong with people that they can look right at the definition of something and still not understand it?

PS..I tutored college English...at the request of the English department head.

Purdue OWL Engagement

Rest assured I'm not going to believe a science denying, history revising liar when she starts blathering about her academic credentials.


To suggest that only one possibility can be realized, excluding one or the other: "You can study hard for this exam or you can fail."
To suggest the inclusive combination of alternatives: "We can broil chicken on the grill tonight, or we can just eat leftovers.
To suggest a refinement of the first clause: "Smith College is the premier all-women's college in the country, or so it seems to most Smith College alumnae."
To suggest a restatement or "correction" of the first part of the sentence: "There are no rattlesnakes in this canyon, or so our guide tells us."

There's many uses of the word or, including how I used it. Because you lied and tried to get the word to fit your predetermined assumption isn't my problem.

Now by all means, google search more word meanings and come on here and pretend to be an english tutor again if you must.
Yes? You're agreeing with me, you idiot.

Really. This is why you guys can't make an argument.
Yes? You're agreeing with me, you idiot.

Really. This is why you guys can't make an argument.

No I'm not, and I'm glad for your sake that you finally waved the white flag.

Turning into the grammar police, despite my very obvious explanation of my position, in an attempt to divert from the debate is what you did.

Your goal in every thread is to move as far away from rational discussion and as close to 6th grade name-calling and childish tantrum throwing as possible.
Not only are you stupidly arguing in the face of the evidence that you're wrong...

You're also describing yourself.
And you have a poop dingleberry attached to every one of your posts. Take a brief sojourn to the WC and take care of that, would you? It's embarassing and smells bad.
And you have a poop dingleberry attached to every one of your posts. Take a brief sojourn to the WC and take care of that, would you? It's embarassing and smells bad.

This is Exhibit A of "Your goal in every thread is to move as far away from rational discussion and as close to 6th grade name-calling and childish tantrum throwing as possible. "

But nonetheless, have a great day :). If not for your own sake for the sake of those around you.
The poop ball is distracting. Sue me. Besides, I made my point. I can't help it if you can't learn.
"Conjunctions are simple words that allow you to connect two sentences without having to change any of the words in the original sentences:

and, but, nor, or, so, yet, for"

So when you use OR you are combining two complete sentences.

"Half the kids weren't allowed to drink cuz they had hardcore parents"
"Half the kids weren't allowed to do anything cuz they had hardcore parents"


Half the kids weren't allowed to drink OR do anything....

Get it? Hello?

What is wrong with people that they can look right at the definition of something and still not understand it?

PS..I tutored college English...at the request of the English department head.

Purdue OWL Engagement

Your link seems to be about combining sentences rather than defining conjunctions or giving proper uses of the word 'or'. The fact that you CAN combine two complete sentences with the word or obviously doesn't mean that's ALL you can do with it.

As Drock also went on to try and clarify his point, your attempt to catch him in some sort of grammatical or defining error is fairly ridiculous.
And you have a poop dingleberry attached to every one of your posts. Take a brief sojourn to the WC and take care of that, would you? It's embarassing and smells bad.

My goodness, that is some excellent and intellectual rebuttal type stuff right there.

Logic would dictate that if she can smell it, she's the owner of said dingleberry. I'm guessing she has that 'not so fresh' feeling.

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