A French bus is fire bombed by members of the religion of Peace (muslims)...

Probably not in the media because it didn't happen the way the OP claims.

Bus torched by a street gang brandishing Molotov cocktails in Paris
Bus torched by a street gang brandishing Molotov cocktails as riots against ‘police racism’ rage in troubled suburb of Paris ...The riot was linked to widespread anger in the largely immigrant community following the death of a 24-year-old man in police custody.

The police spokesman said that – contrary to some reports – there was ‘no terrorist or Islamist link to the attack whatsoever’.

He said there was ‘no evidence’ that religious slogans had been shouted out by the bus attackers.

Yes...we know...it was just work place violence......
Absolutely disgusting. My heart is really going out to those living in France. Hopefully they strong and don't let these heathens make them live in fear.

Well...screw em......they gave up their freedom to the government, they gave up the best method to protect themselves and then imported immigrants from countries with beliefs hostile to French culture and society.....all to support their welfare state..........

this is what they reap.....and what hilary wants for us...just for more democrat votes and power.
Why blame the French people? Their government did to them what our government has in store for us.

The problem we have here is the overwhelming diversity of our population and a strong Liberal influence which makes it next to impossible to gather sufficient unity for the kind of vigilante action needed to deal with internal Muslim aggression. What is happening in Germany, France and Scandinavia is a model for what will soon be happening here.

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