A global cold snap is fraught with hunger

Afghanistan and every other conflict in the last 25 years has been overtly pointless fuckery.
We had every right to invade afghanistan and clean out the terrorists

But bush and obama got stuck in a quagmire

Oddly enough though we overstayed so long that when we did leave that was a mistake also

There was presidential stupidity on both ends of the war
We had every right to invade afghanistan and clean out the terrorists

But bush and obama got stuck in a quagmire

Oddly enough though we overstayed so long that when we did leave that was a mistake also

There was presidential stupidity on both ends of the war
You sound like a Communist when they say...

"Communism has failed because it was never implemented correctly!"

If "Ifs and buts" were candy and nuts we would all have a Merry Christmas.
Wonk wonk wonk, snowflake.

Typical Moon Bat denial of reality.

Big bucks in the big AGW scam.

Even The Worthless Negro who spouts the silly shit knows it is a scam.

Look at where he bought a house. How many feet above sea level is that? LOL!

The last two summers in Russia have been warm, which has led to record harvests of grain and fruits. This means that human food security depends on maintaining a warm, dry climate.
Where's your numbers? (who cares)
WORSE you clown, it's GLOBAL Warming we're worried about. not whether warmer helps Russia Vladimir.

USDA confirms 2021 Wheat crop the Smallest since 2002​


""The US Department of Agriculture on Sept. 30, in its Small Grains 2021 Summary, estimated the 2021 US all-wheat crop at 1,645,764,000 bus, down 51,041,000 bus from the most recent previous forecast made in the USDA’s August Crop Production report and down 182,279,000 bus, or 10%, from 1,828,043,000 bus in 2020. As estimated, the 2021 crop was the smallest since 2002, when 1,605,880,000 bus were harvested. The recent five-year (2016-20) average US wheat outturn was 1,939 million bus. The estimate for the 2021 crop fell Below the average of pre-report trade estimates at 1,680 million bus.​
The USDA, in comments accompanying its final wheat estimates of the year, said, “Area harvested for grain totaled 37.2 million acres, up 1% from the previous year. The US yield was estimated at 44.3 bus per acre, down 5.4 bus from the previous year.”"

IOW area planted was up 1%...
But Yield per acre down 10%.
You clown.

USA Spring wheat was DEVASTATED by DROUGHT 44%
Lowest since 1988

""The USDA estimated production of spring wheat other than durum at 331,140,000 bus, down 12,270,000 bus from the August outlook and down 256,365,000 bus, or 44%, from 587,505,000 bus in 2020.

The 2021 crop was the Smallest since 205,460,000 bus in 1988, another year of SEVERE DROUGHT, and compared with the recent five-year average other-spring wheat outturn at 544 million bus..."

Last edited:
Where's your numbers? (who cares)
WORSE you clown, it's GLOBAL Warming we're worried about. not whether warmer helps Russia Vladimir.

USDA confirms 2021 Wheat crop the Smallest since 2002​


""The US Department of Agriculture on Sept. 30, in its Small Grains 2021 Summary, estimated the 2021 US all-wheat crop at 1,645,764,000 bus, down 51,041,000 bus from the most recent previous forecast made in the USDA’s August Crop Production report and down 182,279,000 bus, or 10%, from 1,828,043,000 bus in 2020. As estimated, the 2021 crop was the smallest since 2002, when 1,605,880,000 bus were harvested. The recent five-year (2016-20) average US wheat outturn was 1,939 million bus. The estimate for the 2021 crop fell Below the average of pre-report trade estimates at 1,680 million bus.​
The USDA, in comments accompanying its final wheat estimates of the year, said, “Area harvested for grain totaled 37.2 million acres, up 1% from the previous year. The US yield was estimated at 44.3 bus per acre, down 5.4 bus from the previous year.”"

IOW area planted was up 1%...
But Yield per acre down 10%.
You clown.

USA Spring wheat was DEVASTATED by DROUGHT 44%
Lowest since 1988

""The USDA estimated production of spring wheat other than durum at 331,140,000 bus, down 12,270,000 bus from the August outlook and down 256,365,000 bus, or 44%, from 587,505,000 bus in 2020.

The 2021 crop was the Smallest since 205,460,000 bus in 1988, another year of SEVERE DROUGHT, and compared with the recent five-year average other-spring wheat outturn at 544 million bus..."

So what:

From U.S. Grain Council (page 4):

"The 2021 U.S. corn crop is projected to be the second largest U.S. corn crop (382.60 million
metric tons or 15,062 million bushels) and has the highest average yield (11.11 mt/ha or
177.0 bu/acre) on record. The generally favorable growing season conditions contributing
to this large crop also helped produce a crop with high grain quality."


Drought? ...
The last two summers in Russia have been warm, which has led to record harvests of grain and fruits. This means that human food security depends on maintaining a warm, dry climate.

You could try invading Afghanistan again. How did that work out for you the last time?
I cannot take the Global Warming/Climate Change proponents seriously because they never acknowledge that "climate change" is beneficial to much of the world, through longer growing seasons and milder winters. The "climate" is much nicer now in Pittsburgh - where I live - than it was when I was growing up.

When I learned how to drive, it was normal for there to be snow permanently on the ground from about December 1 through March 31 every year. Now we have a couple of snow storms each year, and the pavement is clear within a week, because the snow has melted.

AND I won't take them seriously because the alarmists statistically lie their asses off about tornadoes, storms, floods, and whatnot, which are actually no worse than they were a hundred years ago (but appear worse because of stupid environmental and land management by humans).
Yes, much more production agriculturally and all we here is that there is nothing but doom and gloom.

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