A good argument for a living wage.

RWNJ take over, governors telling cities, counties, schools, school boards, cruise liners, shops restaurants, bars what they can't do.

Oh my Allah! Are those Republicans telling you democrats that you can't keep black people from eating at the lunch counter?
see how many nurses, doctors, military are with me? hahahahahhahaahahahaha
I don't know.
Could be as little as 25 or close to 100.
Depends on the size of the mental facility you reside at.
Both parties dictate to cities, counties, schools, restaurants and stores what they can and can't do. The whole idea that one party is less intrusive than the other is just plain stupid. Both are intrusive.

Right the go-to response for republicans when they whine and complain about 'big gubmint', 'running their lives', both parties do it.
'Let businesses run themselves' without 'big gubmint' interfering, unless they require people to be vaccinated, wear mask or distancing themselves from one another.

But they don't mind one iota about allowing guns in every business known to man, and pass laws to that effect.
'People have a right to protect themselves'?
Unless that protection is a piece of cloth.
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All those things on your list are a result of Haitian *Joe giving out more free money dumbass. As usual leftism is the exact opposite of reality.

That's simply not true and there's no evidence he has increased anything.
You never complained when republicans were ripping off the system under trump.
You didn't mention the tax cuts he gave his mates at wall street. How about those little government subsidies every one gets, including republicans , like child allowances etc.

You hypocrit.
Oh my Allah! Are those Republicans telling you democrats that you can't keep black people from eating at the lunch counter?
As republicans demand, you seat them, without mask.

We’ve said it a million times: the vaccine passports are racist.

Now, in New York City, they’re proving it.

A black family was recently kicked out of a restaurant for refusing to show their “Vaccine Passports.”

This kind of dismissiveness is just getting started. Especially when other (white) patrons in these dining areas are cheering on the managers who enforce these totalitarian mandates that treat the unvaccinated as “unclean.”

Disappointing and unamerican.

Of course the only time republicans defend black people.........................when it fits their agenda.
Fucking retard.

That has nothing to do with the subject.
It was a reply to your moronic comment up comment, fuck stick.
Post 50, moron.
'Remember, the goal of Communism is a 1% elite ruling impoverished slaves with an iron fist'.
Can't even keep up with your own comments, let alone the subject matter.
Right the go-to response for republicans when they whine and complain about 'big gubmint', 'running their lives', both parties do it.
'Let businesses run themselves' without 'big gubmint' interfering, unless they require people to be vaccinated, wear mask or distancing themselves from one another.

But they don't mind one iota about allowing guns in every business known to man, and pass laws to that effect.
'People have a right to protect themselves'?
Unless that protection is a piece of cloth.
Hmmm, sounds like you don't understand the purpose of a mask. Here's a hint, it's not to protect you because it won't stop the virus from getting inside and attacking you.
No. I'm saying they could keep employees if they laid a living wage.


It's not rocket surgery, dude.
So you think people would never try to get a better job if they just got paid a little more?

Personally i want to hire people who have the ambition to move up in life and aren't satisfied with stuffing burgers into bags for 40 years
So you think people would never try to get a better job if they just got paid a little more?
This is what's known as an appeal to extremes, where you immediately take my comment and run with it to a ridiculous and erroneous conclusion.

It's a well known and over used tactic that contributes nothing.
This is what's known as an appeal to extremes, where you immediately take my comment and run with it to a ridiculous and erroneous conclusion.

It's a well known and over used tactic that contributes nothing.
And it's the premise of your thread.

And why did you ignore this part of what i said

Personally i want to hire people who have the ambition to move up in life and aren't satisfied with stuffing burgers into bags for 40 years
Hmmm, sounds like you don't understand the purpose of a mask. Here's a hint, it's not to protect you because it won't stop the virus from getting inside and attacking you.
Sounds like you don't understand the purpose of a mask.
You aren't supposed to try and kiss someone with a mask on.
Mask just disperse the air particles, instead of going 10ft. they go 2-5 ft. reducing the risk for everyone.

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