A great American


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
this man should be studied in all elementary schools in America

Haym Solomon was a greater hero, in my opinion. And he loved Christians and was a good friend to first President - George Washington!

He deserves a place in American History school books before Smedley Butler, imo.
Yep. from WW1 to WW2, we provided Marines as a police force for United Fruit Company in South and Latin America. Thank the Marines that you only have to pay $.56 per pound for bananas!
The Spanish American War was even worse. We took the Philippines in order to secure our empire building in the Pacific. I am sure that the Spanish were dumbfounded about the whole thing. I suspect that if we just told them that we were taking over, they would have left voluntarily. They had no use for the Philippines anymore, anyway. Those damned Philippineo's were ungrateful for our civilizing them, and started an insurrection. That was the first time this country adopting waterboarding.
Guno sounds a lot like the Alec Baldwin character in a South Park spoof.

Evil corporations doing bad corporation thingys
I can't remember if Starkey or one of his sock accounts used Smedly as an icon
If "war is a racket" during the 20th century what does it say about the democrat party? Every major military adventure in the 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Former Princeton professor Woodie Wilson told Americans that he would never send their sons to fight in a foreign war and then he sent the Doughboys to save France from the Hun. FDR came into power at the same time as Hitler but FDR seemed clueless about foreign policy and we had to save France again while we were blindsided by the Japanese. Democrats took their sitting Vice President off the ticket while he was on vacation and ran a timid a-hole when they knew that FDR would die in his 4th term. Harry Truman was busy downsizing the US Military when Korea happened.
What is the fiction and what is the reality? Was war really a racket during the democrat party political domination of the 20th century? America lost about half a million of it's best and bravest during the democrat party's adventures in the 20th century. Did Wilson do the right thing for the right reasons when he sent about 100,000 Doughboys to die to defend France? FDR seemed clueless about the inevitability of war with Japan and Germany. Did the democrat party do the right thing for the right reasons when the FDR administration placed an oil embargo on Japan which invited an attack and Germany's declaration of war against the U.S.? Was Smedley Butler in favor of Doug MacArthur leading a charge against WW1 Vets who were camped in Washington D.C.? Lucky for Butler he died before the criminal negligence of Pearl Harbor and MacArthur's miraculous escape while his army was forced to surrender. What would Butler think of a Medal of Honor awarded to MacArthur for abandoning his Troops?
What is the fiction and what is the reality? Was war really a racket during the democrat party political domination of the 20th century? America lost about half a million of it's best and bravest during the democrat party's adventures in the 20th century. Did Wilson do the right thing for the right reasons when he sent about 100,000 Doughboys to die to defend France? FDR seemed clueless about the inevitability of war with Japan and Germany. Did the democrat party do the right thing for the right reasons when the FDR administration placed an oil embargo on Japan which invited an attack and Germany's declaration of war against the U.S.? Was Smedley Butler in favor of Doug MacArthur leading a charge against WW1 Vets who were camped in Washington D.C.? Lucky for Butler he died before the criminal negligence of Pearl Harbor and MacArthur's miraculous escape while his army was forced to surrender. What would Butler think of a Medal of Honor awarded to MacArthur for abandoning his Troops?

Solely blaming the D party for the misadventures of WWI and WWII, is misguided. Both parties share the blame, but certainly the D party must shoulder more of it, since all major wars of the 20th century were started by D presidents.

Mac was a terrible primadonna and an elitist of the highest order. Did you know he never spent a night in Korea during the Korean war? He would fly in during the day and return to his palace in Japan every night. He was terribly irresponsible for pushing to the Yalu River and ignoring China's mobilization...resulting in thousands of dead American troops. He flew over the Yalu at 10k feet for 10 minutes and then reported to the Pentagon that no Chinese troops were there...ignoring numerous first hand reports of their presence. Yet he is considered by many historians to be one of America's greatest generals.

FDR was not clueless. He purposely did all he could to get Japan to attack, thus forcing America to war. Not much different from what our current Potus is doing with Russia today.
Butler deserves credit for his effort to preserve the Marine Corps from being absorbed by the Army but it appears that his mental stability was in question when he claimed that he (alone?) was aware of a fascist plot to unseat FDR funded by Wall Street. Butler's book mainly focused on the alleged millionaires created by WW1 but it was democrat president Wilson who personally went before congress and asked for a declaration of war against Germany. Butler is lucky that he didn't live to see FDR issue an executive order to incarcerate certain Japanese American citizens and force them to sell their valuable real estate in 48 hours to his democrat party supporters in California.
What would Butler think of a Medal of Honor awarded to MacArthur for abandoning his Troops?
Let's not get too far out on a limb. Though I'm no fan of McArthur and and how he turned Korea into a much wider war, he didn't abandon his troops in the Philippines; he was ordered to leave.

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