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A GREAT DAY, The Prez Got What He Wanted

Awwwwww...Poor Nancy...

Hey, maybe she can stow away on Hugo's plane...
She might like living in Venezuela, or she could check out Iran?
And maybe, and that's a BIG maybe, her life won't be in such distress ALL THE TIME...

Or maybe she just need's to get laid????????????????????:dance:

Heyyyy...Was Karl Rove Talking About Us?

Like many progressives, I took KKKarl "The ArKKKitect" RWRove’s tirade against spineless cowards who would sell out their country for two cents and Mars Bar personally. How dare he judge us? Since 9/11, it has been the Democrats, not the republicans who have fought to bring Bush to justice. It has been the Democrats, not the republicans who seized the opportunity to turn the horrible tragedy into something positive by funelling taxpayer money into the labor unions – and thus, into the democrat party where it can do some good. It has been the Democrats, not the reichpublicans who have worked diligently to keep our nation, peeResident, and murderous troops humble, so that they won’t be prone to the arrogant displays of national pride that so irritate the International Community. While the democrats have sought to bring us closer together in a united war against Bush, the Republicans have used fear tactics and church bake sales to divide us all. Sadly, as we’ve seen with Rove’s outrageously divisive remarks and the right-wing’s persecution of Dick “Richard” Durbin, America is more divided than ever - and I'm afraid that the nuturing love of a President Hillary might not be enough to fix it.

It wasn’t always this way. In the wake of the so-called "terrorist attacks", America was united in their grief for the thousands who died without dignity. But for some, the grief didn’t make the natural transition into guilt and shame for what American imperialism has done to stoke the fires of hatred in the Middle East. Rather, a fascist furvor of unbridled jingoism swept the land. Soldiers were lionized. Liberals were demonized. France was mocked and ridiculed. “Bush = Hitler” saturday morning cartoons were banned from the airwaves. As progressives watched in horror, the red staters took to flying their flags, singing “God Bless America”, and fawning over the military. It was a slap in the face of all those who despise God, America, and the military - yet kept their yaps shut about it until well into 9/12 for the sake of national unity.

Even more tragic than the attacks themselves was Bush's insistance on playing "War PeeResident". The sheer brutality of the attacks should have awakened Bush to the necessity for socialized medicine, same-sex marriage, stem cell research, and the repeal of his tax cuts for the wealthiest one percent of Americans. Instead, he used the events of 9/11 to embark on a Holy Crusade to kill Muslims, peek at their library records and, in some cases, mishandle their Qurans. Almost overnight, military spending was out of countrol and vital social programs withered on the vine. Suddenly, we were stuck in a quagmire, and the whole world hated us. Bush doesn't have the balls to set a timetable to tuc tail and run, but Rove has the temerity to call liberals hand-wringing cowards!

Democrats are NOT afraid to fight, Mr. Rove, and I am sick and tired of neocons constantly claiming otherwise. While Max Cleland was giving five limbs for his country on the battlefields of Vietnam, Rush Limbaugh was hiding behind his anal cysts. So we progressives know a thing or two about the horrors of war. That’s why we’re reluctant to send our toddlers into harm’s way, fighting an illegal war without body armor, sensitivity training, or the legitimacy of a baby blue helmet. As the death count rises, our glee that Bush is losing this silly war becomes increasingly difficult to conceal with phony grief for every boy that comes home in a box just so Bush can line the pockets of his rich oil buddies. So I’ll be damned if I’ll let some chickenhawk call me an anti-American, freedom-fighter-appeasing, troop-hating collaborator, do you hear me, Rove?
I'm not so polite. Fuck you too, eightball.


I know you mean well, with your posts, but life's more than trying to convince everyone your right, and they're wrong.
Try to find some balanced articles that come from some fairly neutral sources, and then present your case. Otherwise, you lose credibility when trying to convince folks in here or anywhere that you have a valid argument or point.
No one in here believes that torture is an "American" thing, that must be ended. Most folks in here abhor torture as much as you do, but there is one difference. They also see the signs of the times as crucial to the survival of the U.S. as a nation. Our culture, religious values, and national respect is under attack from within, while we are being systematically attacked both on the diplomacy-side, and actual physical threats of attack too.
I don't desire for enemy combatant prisoners to be tortured to relieve them of information that may save American G.I. lives, but what is the alternative?

Are we, as a nation supposed to, or required to give Miranda Rights to aliens of our culture, and governmet, as though these folks hold our U.S. Constitution in awe?

First of all Psycho, the folks that want both the U.S., Israel, and most Western cultures incinerated, don't care about human rights, don't understand human rights, don't even extend human rights to their own fellow citizens, or personal familial members in most cases.

Are we supposed to sacrifice our citizens, and our defenders(G.I.'s) to the point of extinction so that we have made a point that we are a, "touchy", "feely", sensitive nation.

Your moniker, "Psychoblues", has some important significants, as psychologists, and counselors dedicate they're lives to helping bring folks back to balanced, mental, emotional, physical lives.

Most of your posts indicate a great, sensitive passion for human suffering, and that is admirable. There is one, "but", to your passion. You must balance emotional sensitivity/passion with objectivity. So far your subjectivity is very well developed, and in my opinion, over developed or used when you post. You are definitely a touchy, feely, person that can't stand to see what you perceive as human wrong against fellow humans. That's good, but it also can be a pitfall for you if you don't "season" your strong subjectivity with objectivity.

I will focus in on Merriam Webster's definition of objectivity as I am using it in this post:

Objectivity Definition: 3 a : expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations <objective art> <an objective history of the war> <an objective judgment> b of a test : limited to choices of fixed alternatives and reducing subjective factors to a minimum

Your passion-loaded posts, lack the above substance, "objectivity", in my opinion. In other words, you aren't thinking-out or weighing what you say with supportive facts as a means of giving credence to your posts.

I don't agree with your political/philosophical beliefs, but I do desire to read views that oppose my own beliefs, as I don't want to go through life blinded, and in denial of what is the truth.
Again Psychoblues, your passion for humanity is not a negative, but without balance in the area of objective reasoning added to it, I have a very hard time accepting or considering your posts. They do come off as "hit" pieces rather than literate statements.

You want respect in this forum? Then try not to post like a, "political reactionary", reminiscent of the Red Guard, who carried their little Maoist, red books from home to home in Communist China, reeking havoc, and supporting that havoc with propaganda.
Main Entry: pro·pa·gan·da
Pronunciation: "prä-p&-'gan-d&, "prO-
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Congregatio de propaganda fide Congregation for propagating the faith, organization established by Pope Gregory XV died 1623
1 capitalized : a congregation of the Roman curia having jurisdiction over missionary territories and related institutions
2 : the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
3 : ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect
I'm not so polite. Fuck you too, eightball.


It's sad that you have resorted to just plain being angry at me. I thought maybe my comments would stimulate some discourse between you and me. I know that my message was critical of your approach to posting, but in no way, did I convey to you, what you just said to me in reply.
I think your troubled, and angry, but I think your aiming at the wrong person or thing........Eightball isn't your enemy.:)

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