A greater detriment to American society...Guns or illegal Mexicans?

You are discussing two different subjects. Of course I am greatly bothered by killing, raping, maiming, and robbing that occurs every day, just an any person should be. As soon as you can show that undocumented people are inclined to do those things substantially more than the general population, I'll be happy to discuss it with you. Comparing the amount of any race in prison to another race is not proof of your claims. It's been repeatedly proven that whites go to prison less often for the same crimes than other races do.

When I don’t want to believe something I usually pretend that all the data I see is fabricated and ‘steered’. Do you ever do that?

In the pie chart above, we can see what California looks like, racially speaking. The pie charts below shows who commits all the crime in California:







Motor Vehicle Theft



Sex Offenses

Source: Crime in California, 2009

I am just wondering, but you do know that not all Hispanics are Mexican, right?

You are welcome to skew and view the data however you want...you have my permission.
We sane folks refer to all cockroaches from Mexico, Central and South America as wetbacks, cockroaches and or Mexicans...we don’t play semantics. They are all thirdworld, filthy, human pets...They rely on me to feed them just like my Labrador does.

Yes, that is how all you sane racist refer to people. We are used to it by now

I should state for the record that I employ many good quality Hispanic AMERICANS. They are here LEGALLY, they speak clear and fluent English, they do not drive intoxicated and uninsured, they would never wave a Mexico flag on our soil, they do not throw Bud Light cans and shitty diapers on our roadways and beaches, they do not abuse pit bulls, they are not Raider and Dodger fans...I could go on and on.

The truly sad part is that you think that makes it ok for you to use racial epithets. My grandpa made the same BS statements about his use of the N word, he was just as racist as you.

The good news is that people like you are dying off and hopefully you have not corrupted any offspring you might have
30,000Americans killed by guns last year

Illegals pick our crops
And depress wages in the trades...

And suck off the State Teat for free education for their spawn...

And pop-out Anchor Babies at the speed of light in hopes of being allowed to stay here to raise their litters...
So pay them better

Easy solution
The hiring and pay of tradesmen are the domain of their employers.

Stop hiring Illegal Aliens at a mere fraction of what it would cost to employ Americans at Living Wage levels, and prices will adjust automatically.
Criminals are always more of a detriment to society than law abiding people who own firearms
The people who illegally migrate over our southern border, need to be forced back to their homelands. When our ancestors had trouble with the oppressive government in England, they rose up and drove out that government. The illegals need to be sent back with the instructions to change their own government, not come streaming over here.
Simple answer isn’t it?
So when are we all storming the steps of D.C. to demand aggressive immigration enforcement?
You tell us when. It seems to me like you are leading the charge.

It'll be a cold day in Hades before any such big-mouth fat-ass bigots ever get off the sofa.

It’s happening all around you. Even the good people of southern Mexifornia are taking a stand against the filthy cockroaches...you been watching the news?
Make America American Again!
By the way, are there any AR-15’s sucking good, productive American taxpayers dry and destroying American communities?
Simple answer isn’t it?
So when are we all storming the steps of D.C. to demand aggressive immigration enforcement?
You tell us when. It seems to me like you are leading the charge.

It'll be a cold day in Hades before any such big-mouth fat-ass bigots ever get off the sofa.

It’s happening all around you. Even the good people of southern Mexifornia are taking a stand against the filthy cockroaches...you been watching the news?
Make America American Again!

Where are YOU posting from? The border between Mommybasementistan and Tostitonia?
Simple answer isn’t it?
So when are we all storming the steps of D.C. to demand aggressive immigration enforcement?
You tell us when. It seems to me like you are leading the charge.

It'll be a cold day in Hades before any such big-mouth fat-ass bigots ever get off the sofa.

It’s happening all around you. Even the good people of southern Mexifornia are taking a stand against the filthy cockroaches...you been watching the news?
Make America American Again!

Where are YOU posting from? The border between Mommybasementistan and Tostitonia?

Sorry bud..we’re headed toward all good people absolutely HATING illegal wetbacks....sucks for you huh?
Simple answer isn’t it?
So when are we all storming the steps of D.C. to demand aggressive immigration enforcement?
You tell us when. It seems to me like you are leading the charge.

It'll be a cold day in Hades before any such big-mouth fat-ass bigots ever get off the sofa.

It’s happening all around you. Even the good people of southern Mexifornia are taking a stand against the filthy cockroaches...you been watching the news?
Make America American Again!

Where are YOU posting from? The border between Mommybasementistan and Tostitonia?

Sorry bud..we’re headed toward all good people absolutely HATING illegal wetbacks....sucks for you huh?

Having weak, ridiculous bigots undeservedly pretending to be Americans sucks.

My original comment stands. The biggest big mouths here will NEVER do anything to back up their bluster.
Last edited:
You tell us when. It seems to me like you are leading the charge.

It'll be a cold day in Hades before any such big-mouth fat-ass bigots ever get off the sofa.

It’s happening all around you. Even the good people of southern Mexifornia are taking a stand against the filthy cockroaches...you been watching the news?
Make America American Again!

Where are YOU posting from? The border between Mommybasementistan and Tostitonia?

Sorry bud..we’re headed toward all good people absolutely HATING illegal wetbacks....sucks for you huh?

YOU wouldn’t know a good person if one picked you up and drove your head through the floor.

Having weak, ridiculous bigots undeservedly pretending to be Americans sucks.

My original comment stands. The biggest big mouths here will NEVER do anything to back up their bluster.

Haha...so people for constitutional adherence are “bigots”...you twisted whackos...haha
Hundreds protest homeless, sanctuary law outside Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting – Orange County Register
It'll be a cold day in Hades before any such big-mouth fat-ass bigots ever get off the sofa.

It’s happening all around you. Even the good people of southern Mexifornia are taking a stand against the filthy cockroaches...you been watching the news?
Make America American Again!

Where are YOU posting from? The border between Mommybasementistan and Tostitonia?

Sorry bud..we’re headed toward all good people absolutely HATING illegal wetbacks....sucks for you huh?

YOU wouldn’t know a good person if one picked you up and drove your head through the floor.

Having weak, ridiculous bigots undeservedly pretending to be Americans sucks.

My original comment stands. The biggest big mouths here will NEVER do anything to back up their bluster.

...so people for constitutional adherence are “bigots”...

Who said that?
In terms of non-living objects, cars are the biggest killers of Americans. Cars kill far more people than guns, knives, bats, etc., etc. Only a few diehard liberals are consistent in their logic and true to their principles and demand an end to private car ownership.
That's a dumb comparison, isn't it?
Illegals kill about 9000 people per year

You should paint that on a sandwich board, and wear it on the street corner. That'll show them.

So go ahead and state your position on the matter.
Are you implying that you only want to help protect Americans a little bit?
CNN and a few children you admire have told you to get excited about this gun thing...is that all you have time for? Are you waiting for them to tell you what to get behind next?

I have been for reasonable gun control for years before the mass shootings of the last few years. I'm angry that it took kids being tired of seeing their friends being killed in front of them at school for the country to finally take the unregulated gun problem seriously.

Awesome...good for you.
BUT, you’re not equally angered by illegals killing, raping, maiming and robbing Americans daily?
Explain that logic to us...would you please?
Everytime I tune in to the news i see US born criminals raping, stealing, hit and run, mass shooting...and are committing all heinous crimes, you are not outraged ?
Illegals kill about 9000 people per year

You should paint that on a sandwich board, and wear it on the street corner. That'll show them.

So go ahead and state your position on the matter.
Are you implying that you only want to help protect Americans a little bit?
CNN and a few children you admire have told you to get excited about this gun thing...is that all you have time for? Are you waiting for them to tell you what to get behind next?

I have been for reasonable gun control for years before the mass shootings of the last few years. I'm angry that it took kids being tired of seeing their friends being killed in front of them at school for the country to finally take the unregulated gun problem seriously.

Awesome...good for you.
BUT, you’re not equally angered by illegals killing, raping, maiming and robbing Americans daily?
Explain that logic to us...would you please?
Everytime I tune in to the news i see US born criminals raping, stealing, hit and run, mass shooting...and are committing all heinous crimes, you are not outraged ?

There’s always pieces of shits in numbers...smart people think per capita. Look it up.
Illegals kill about 9000 people per year

You should paint that on a sandwich board, and wear it on the street corner. That'll show them.

So go ahead and state your position on the matter.
Are you implying that you only want to help protect Americans a little bit?
CNN and a few children you admire have told you to get excited about this gun thing...is that all you have time for? Are you waiting for them to tell you what to get behind next?

I have been for reasonable gun control for years before the mass shootings of the last few years. I'm angry that it took kids being tired of seeing their friends being killed in front of them at school for the country to finally take the unregulated gun problem seriously.

Awesome...good for you.
BUT, you’re not equally angered by illegals killing, raping, maiming and robbing Americans daily?
Explain that logic to us...would you please?
Everytime I tune in to the news i see US born criminals raping, stealing, hit and run, mass shooting...and are committing all heinous crimes, you are not outraged ?

You must not be watching L.A., Orange County based news....we call local new Wetbacks Gone Wild.
That's a dumb comparison, isn't it?
Illegals kill about 9000 people per year

do you have a link for that stat?
Hard to do when we have around 8000 total murders each year

You sure about that? Hang in there man...sooner or later you’ll be right about something...I promise.
U.S. homicide: number of murders | Statista

Don't they commit murder in Florida?
It is not on the list.
We are worried about foreigners tampering with our culture. Russian internet trolls, Russian hackers, Russian this or that. Yet, All these illegal aliens from Mexico get to violate immigration laws, and are given (without consent of the local populace), SANCTUARY from simple immigration laws...And, THAT, ladies and Gentlemen, proves collusion with MEXICANS and bald faced Mexican meddling, let alone collusion ( allowing individuals to violate federal immigration laws without permission of the American people)...But somehow, that doesn't seem to outrage anyone.
We are worried about foreigners tampering with our culture. Russian internet trolls, Russian hackers, Russian this or that. Yet, All these illegal aliens from Mexico get to violate immigration laws, and are given (without consent of the local populace), SANCTUARY from simple immigration laws...And, THAT, ladies and Gentlemen, proves MEXICAN collusion and Mexican bald faced meddling, let alone collusion to violate laws against the will of the people...But somehow, that doesn't seem to outrage anyone.

Well put...more of that backward LefTard logic...They’re rarely seible.
No nation is deeper in our democracy, no nation “meddles” within our elections more, no nation divides Americans more, no nation causes more degradation in the U.S., no nation costs good Americans more than Mexico and the tards love it.
Sane people know this.

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