A gun control proposal

How can we have a Constitutional Republic if the filthy ass government can regulate and control the rights that are guaranteed in the Constitution?
How can we have a Constitutional Republic if the filthy ass government can regulate and control the rights that are guaranteed in the Constitution?

None of our rights are limitless .
What is a gun show loophole? Be very specific.
You know. The loophole that says all gun laws are suspended in shows. Anyone can buy anything, even full auto weapons, just by showing enough cash. It's in all the papers. Surprised you missed it.

I want little timmy to answer the question.

I think it was already addressed .

Gun shows n private sales are ripe for straw purchases .

So all you got is an uninformed generalized statement. ALL FFL dealer sales require a background check, doesn't matter where it transpires, whether it be at a gun show or brick and mortar store. Private sales, say over the internet must be shipped to a FFL in the recipients where a background check is required to complete the transfer. Only hand to hand private sales do not require a background check. So your big loophole doesn't exist.

But u just said private sales don't require a check . How is that not a loophole?

You don't like it, make the background check system available to private citizens, currently it is restricted to FFL's. Of course you have to decide if you want all the data available to everyone.
I bet your one if those state issues voter ID law freaks.
I bet you want to require an ID to buy a gun.
Same thing.

U have to register to vote and show ID. Why not register your gun?

U have to register to vote and show ID.

You have to show an ID to vote?

Which state?
Well, Tennessee for one.

Hope it goes nationwide
Of course it's a loophole!
You have been educated as to why it is not.
Why do you refuse to accept the truth?
Your just playing stupid symantics . It's obviously a loophole in the law.
it is impossible to legally get around the federal requirements for background checks.
Thus, it is impossible for there to be a loophole.
In refusing to accept this, you choose to be wrong,
Why do you choose to be wrong?
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How about a real conversation about the gun issue .
Background Checks, no private sale or gun show loopholes .
1: There is no 'gun show loophole'
2: We already have background checks for sales through dealers.
3: Universal background checks are unenforceable; unenforceable laws are unnecessary.
Gun registration... Local gun licenses thru the police
There's no sound argument for the necessity of either.
Disagree? Please feel free to respond to this discussion:
Gun license / registration -- a sound argument? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
No sound argument for the necessity of these things means they will not pass constitutional muster.
In return . The law abiding can buy all the guns they want
In return for allowing their rights to be further limited... the law abiding get to exercise their rights?
You offer this as a compromise when in fact you want gun owners to give up something while offering -nothing- in return
That being the case, why should gun owners go along with these things?
Well then u tell me !
We have been for days now. People are the problem.
There are 4 loaded handguns and on loaded shotgun withinn 15 feet of where I sit. There are quite a few unloaded weapons close by as well. Not a single one of them has taken a life, at least since WW II.
None has ever made a decision to kill on its own. None of them have left the house without me or accidentally discharged. They are safer than sticking your head up your ass as you have done.

Leave my rights the fuck alone.​

No one is trying to take your guns . Truth is we have a serious gun issue in this country . And they all ain't stolen .

There was a big fbi report that found the big problem is the straw purchases . Guns are not born illegal . People aren't making them in their basements . They are getting ahold of legal guns .

Let's make it tougher for the gangbangers girlfriend to buy a Gun and hand it over to her criminal boyfriend .

Straw purchases are already illegal, most are done with a background check, how you gonna stop that? BTW how many illegal guns do you think are coming across our southern border, but I bet you're one of those open borders freaks.

No one wants open borders . And more guns go south since we have so many .

I bet your one if those state issues voter ID law freaks.

Wrong, most of the automatic weapons in the hands of gangs and drug cartels come across the border from the south or are smuggled in through our ports.

Also what do you have against integrity in our elections?
I'll check on gun crimes New York vs Texas when I get home.
Who's using that for an excuse?

The ONLY way to get the 'laws' you want passed, is to repeal the 2nd, and have house to house searches to confiscate firearms.

Never happen

Not true . Conservative fallacy that gun control = gun bans.

Like I said at the start. Treat guns like cars . Ownership /title follows the gun . When u sell it to the next guy, it's registered under him.

No gun banning, jut responsible ownership .
Gun control leads to gun bans. Always and everywhere.
Registering guns is a failure. California and some other states already do this and they have just as high crime rates as anyone else, higher maybe.

There are lots of states wh good laws and lower gun crime than gun nut states. They'd do better too if the gun nut states didnt sabatage thier efforts.
Compare and contrast the gun laws in CA and VT
Compare and contrast the gun-related violence in CA and VT
What does this tell you?

Why would u compare Cali wh Vermont ? A rural state wh like 5 people compared to the most populated state wh probably 30 cities larger than Burlington Vt . ?

You are being intellectually dishonest . How about using similar states ? Texas vs New York ? Arizona vs Mass?

U pick the statistic even. Gun deaths, gun homicides . U choose and I'll go look.
Are people who live in rural settings inherently more moral than Californians? Why would you imply that.
Of course it's a loophole! Criminal can't buy a gun from a dealer but he can from a private sale . How is that not a loophole in a law designed to keep guns from criminals .?
Selling a gun to a felon is already against the law.Why would you imagine another law would keep a criminal from breaking the law?
Of course it's a loophole! Criminal can't buy a gun from a dealer but he can from a private sale . How is that not a loophole in a law designed to keep guns from criminals .?
Selling a gun to a felon is already against the law.Why would you imagine another law would keep a criminal from breaking the law?
Selling a gun to a felon is a crime.
A felon possessing a gun is a crime
Taking a gun into a gun free zone is a crime.
Pointing hte gun at people is a crime
Shooting people is a crime
Killing people is a crime.

Now, how many more laws do we need to prevent criminals from killing people?
Of course it's a loophole! Criminal can't buy a gun from a dealer but he can from a private sale . How is that not a loophole in a law designed to keep guns from criminals .?
Selling a gun to a felon is already against the law.Why would you imagine another law would keep a criminal from breaking the law?
Selling a gun to a felon is a crime.
A felon possessing a gun is a crime
Taking a gun into a gun free zone is a crime.
Pointing hte gun at people is a crime
Shooting people is a crime
Killing people is a crime.
Now, how many more laws do we need to prevent criminals from killing people?
No rational person believes that it is possible to enact law that will prevent someone from breaking the law.
Geez , u guys would rather have guns coming out of vending machines .
Still waiting for progressives to show in these shootings that the gunman purchased their firearms at a gun show??

And specific laws that would stop these shootings??

32 pages not one feasible answer, just frivolous dumb a$$ "feel good" laws and regulations that would do nothing to solve anything, just cost time and money we don't have.

Hashtag progressive ideas suck

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