A harsh lesson in the reality of COVID-19

I admit I voted for Donald Trump in 2016. I admit traveling deep into the conspiracy trap over COVID-19. All the defiant behavior of Trump’s more radical and rowdy cult followers, I participated in it. I was a hard-ass that stood up for my “God-given rights.”

In great haste, I began prognosticating the alphabet soup about this “scamdemic.” I believed the virus to be a hoax. I believed the mainstream media and the Democrats were using it to create panic, crash the economy and destroy Trump’s chances at re-election.

And so, believing the pandemic to be a hoax, my partner and I hosted family members on Saturday, June 13. On Sunday, June 14, I woke up sick.

By Monday, June 15, my partner and my parents were all sick. That same Monday, my in-laws traveled to witness the birth of their first grandchild. They took with them my father-in-law’s mother and one of my partner’s sisters. That night my father-in-law became ill. Then my mother-in-law and their daughter began feeling sick. So they cut their trip short.

Two days later, my father-in-law’s mother got sick. The new mommy and daddy got sick, too. We all tested positive for COVID-19. Only the newborn was spared.

My father-in-law and I both went to the hospital on June 24. The virus had attacked my central nervous system, and the staff stopped me from having a stroke.

My father-in-law’s mother was admitted a day later. On July 1, she died of COVID-19/pneumonia. The chaplain wanted the family to break the news to my father-in-law, and he learned how his mother lay on her deathbed and then drifted off without any family by her side, even though he was in the room next to hers.

On the day of her funeral, which was July 14, five more of our family members tested positive for the virus. That evening, my father-in-law was put on a ventilator.

So? That was them. That was reality for him and his people. Every covid case I know said it sucked, but in the end they have all said they would rather do covid then regular flu. What was this man's underlying conditions? Was he for the most part healthy? If the guy who wrote that is the one in the picture, he does look pretty fat. Was there diabites? As far as the "covid conspiracy" there isn't one for most people. This guy seems to be one of those who would lick a toilet bowl to prove covid wasn't anything. Normal folks already know if you stay clean and mind your manners they can go about their business. Screw this dude. He should take better care of himself. He is no better then the lady who murdered her husband with fish tank cleaner and blamed Trump for killing him.
And yet at least 30,000 die every year of the flu, 630,000 from cancer, 270,000 from diabetes and 40,000 in auto accidents and guess what?

That's nearly ONE MILLION PEOPLE BUT............

Next to zero Media Coverage.

Agenda anyone?

You said that 30,000 people die from the flu each year. So far, in the 5 months that this thing has been raging, there are 144,008 deaths in the US as of today. That is significantly more than the regular flu.

No, this virus is nothing like the regular flu.
And yet at least 30,000 die every year of the flu, 630,000 from cancer, 270,000 from diabetes and 40,000 in auto accidents and guess what?

That's nearly ONE MILLION PEOPLE BUT............

Next to zero Media Coverage.

Agenda anyone?

You said that 30,000 people die from the flu each year. So far, in the 5 months that this thing has been raging, there are 144,008 deaths in the US as of today. That is significantly more than the regular flu.

No, this virus is nothing like the regular flu.


The actual death rate is FAR less than that.
Cuomo and the CDC have publicly stated that.

Is anyone surprised these Snowflakes refuse to listen to the CDC and Cuomo when it's something they can't use for Fear Mongering?
You have to take this virus thing seriously, and quit calling it a hoax.

Simply burying your head in the sand and saying "hoax" is probably the worst way to handle this problem. But, I understand why so many people are saying it's a hoax, because Trump told them it was a hoax.

It's a bug that can be problematic for a specific cross section of the population.

The hoax has been the bleating of millions of deaths and lockdowns.

I'd say that 144,008 deaths in the USA over the past 5 months due to this virus is a bit more than "problematic".
And yet at least 30,000 die every year of the flu, 630,000 from cancer, 270,000 from diabetes and 40,000 in auto accidents and guess what?

That's nearly ONE MILLION PEOPLE BUT............

Next to zero Media Coverage.

Agenda anyone?

You said that 30,000 people die from the flu each year. So far, in the 5 months that this thing has been raging, there are 144,008 deaths in the US as of today. That is significantly more than the regular flu.

No, this virus is nothing like the regular flu.


The actual death rate is FAR less than that.
Cuomo and the CDC have publicly stated that.

Is anyone surprised these Snowflakes refuse to listen to the CDC and Cuomo when it's something they can't use for Fear Mongering?

You have any credible links to back up what you've just stated about the death rate?
You have to take this virus thing seriously, and quit calling it a hoax.

Simply burying your head in the sand and saying "hoax" is probably the worst way to handle this problem. But, I understand why so many people are saying it's a hoax, because Trump told them it was a hoax.

It's a bug that can be problematic for a specific cross section of the population.

The hoax has been the bleating of millions of deaths and lockdowns.

I'd say that 144,008 deaths in the USA over the past 5 months due to this virus is a bit more than "problematic".


Well.....again, you love that number so you run with it.

Even if your heroes said it was WAY off.

Ignorance really IS a choice sometimes
And yet at least 30,000 die every year of the flu, 630,000 from cancer, 270,000 from diabetes and 40,000 in auto accidents and guess what?

That's nearly ONE MILLION PEOPLE BUT............

Next to zero Media Coverage.

Agenda anyone?

You said that 30,000 people die from the flu each year. So far, in the 5 months that this thing has been raging, there are 144,008 deaths in the US as of today. That is significantly more than the regular flu.

No, this virus is nothing like the regular flu.


The actual death rate is FAR less than that.
Cuomo and the CDC have publicly stated that.

Is anyone surprised these Snowflakes refuse to listen to the CDC and Cuomo when it's something they can't use for Fear Mongering?

You have any credible links to back up what you've just stated about the death rate?

You have my permission to stop being lazy and ignorant and find it like I did.
it's readily available.

All it takes is a desire to stop being a lemming
I'll wait here and hold my breath on you successfully and willfully educating yourself
And yet at least 30,000 die every year of the flu, 630,000 from cancer, 270,000 from diabetes and 40,000 in auto accidents and guess what?

That's nearly ONE MILLION PEOPLE BUT............

Next to zero Media Coverage.

Agenda anyone?

You said that 30,000 people die from the flu each year. So far, in the 5 months that this thing has been raging, there are 144,008 deaths in the US as of today. That is significantly more than the regular flu.

No, this virus is nothing like the regular flu.


The actual death rate is FAR less than that.
Cuomo and the CDC have publicly stated that.

Is anyone surprised these Snowflakes refuse to listen to the CDC and Cuomo when it's something they can't use for Fear Mongering?

You have any credible links to back up what you've just stated about the death rate?

You have my permission to stop being lazy and ignorant and find it like I did.
it's readily available.

All it takes is a desire to stop being a lemming
I'll wait here and hold my breath on you successfully and willfully educating yourself

Hey, I'm not the one that said the death toll was inflated, you are. Prove your claim with a credible link.
From a Trump conservative. This is definitely worth a read, virus-deniers and hoax enthusiasts:

A harsh lesson in the reality of COVID-19

For Tony Green, the coronavirus pandemic was just a ‘scamdemic’ — until truth hit home hard
Imagine the sound and vibration of an old-fashioned electric heater going through your whole body. Imagine gasping for air with every step you take. Imagine rubbing Icy Hot all over your head to soothe a painful headache. Imagine your eyes in a bowl of water while you’re still seeing through them. Imagine collapsing and waking up in the ER only to find out COVID-19 attacked your central nervous system, and the doctor had just saved you from a stroke.

If that were the worst of it, it would be bad enough. But that’s not the worst of it. This is the story of one family’s harrowing fight with COVID-19.

The Wuhan Virus could have been nothing at all or the most deadly virus in history, regardless, it has been and will continue to be politicized. I watch and listen to the "experts" and the media talking heads. There is no question, they are leveraging this to hurt Trumps chances in 2020.

EVERYTHING is political. This means profiting off of fear and harm to others. The same people who want the economy to collapse and people to die alone in their homes. Anything to return power in full force.

Let us all not forget, the Russian B.S, the Impeachment, the constant fake stories that aren't recanted, the 24/7 Hate Trump media have created this environment of distrust. The MSM are clearly weighing in on their pick for government, and it will never be the GOP at any level. Therefore, people have been conditioned to question and distrust all their narratives. They've been caught lying so often and doing everything to destroy people, be it Kavanaugh or Trump supporters.
I admit I voted for Donald Trump in 2016. I admit traveling deep into the conspiracy trap over COVID-19. All the defiant behavior of Trump’s more radical and rowdy cult followers, I participated in it. I was a hard-ass that stood up for my “God-given rights.”

In great haste, I began prognosticating the alphabet soup about this “scamdemic.” I believed the virus to be a hoax. I believed the mainstream media and the Democrats were using it to create panic, crash the economy and destroy Trump’s chances at re-election.

And so, believing the pandemic to be a hoax, my partner and I hosted family members on Saturday, June 13. On Sunday, June 14, I woke up sick.

By Monday, June 15, my partner and my parents were all sick. That same Monday, my in-laws traveled to witness the birth of their first grandchild. They took with them my father-in-law’s mother and one of my partner’s sisters. That night my father-in-law became ill. Then my mother-in-law and their daughter began feeling sick. So they cut their trip short.

Two days later, my father-in-law’s mother got sick. The new mommy and daddy got sick, too. We all tested positive for COVID-19. Only the newborn was spared.

My father-in-law and I both went to the hospital on June 24. The virus had attacked my central nervous system, and the staff stopped me from having a stroke.

My father-in-law’s mother was admitted a day later. On July 1, she died of COVID-19/pneumonia. The chaplain wanted the family to break the news to my father-in-law, and he learned how his mother lay on her deathbed and then drifted off without any family by her side, even though he was in the room next to hers.

On the day of her funeral, which was July 14, five more of our family members tested positive for the virus. That evening, my father-in-law was put on a ventilator.
Trump should have listened to Fauci and Biden is what you are saying right?

You dumb millennialturds weren't wearing masks at all and look what you did. Been best for the country if this killed millennialturds by the millions.
I admit I voted for Donald Trump in 2016. I admit traveling deep into the conspiracy trap over COVID-19. All the defiant behavior of Trump’s more radical and rowdy cult followers, I participated in it. I was a hard-ass that stood up for my “God-given rights.”

In great haste, I began prognosticating the alphabet soup about this “scamdemic.” I believed the virus to be a hoax. I believed the mainstream media and the Democrats were using it to create panic, crash the economy and destroy Trump’s chances at re-election.

And so, believing the pandemic to be a hoax, my partner and I hosted family members on Saturday, June 13. On Sunday, June 14, I woke up sick.

By Monday, June 15, my partner and my parents were all sick. That same Monday, my in-laws traveled to witness the birth of their first grandchild. They took with them my father-in-law’s mother and one of my partner’s sisters. That night my father-in-law became ill. Then my mother-in-law and their daughter began feeling sick. So they cut their trip short.

Two days later, my father-in-law’s mother got sick. The new mommy and daddy got sick, too. We all tested positive for COVID-19. Only the newborn was spared.

My father-in-law and I both went to the hospital on June 24. The virus had attacked my central nervous system, and the staff stopped me from having a stroke.

My father-in-law’s mother was admitted a day later. On July 1, she died of COVID-19/pneumonia. The chaplain wanted the family to break the news to my father-in-law, and he learned how his mother lay on her deathbed and then drifted off without any family by her side, even though he was in the room next to hers.

On the day of her funeral, which was July 14, five more of our family members tested positive for the virus. That evening, my father-in-law was put on a ventilator.
Trump should have listened to Fauci and Biden is what you are saying right?

You dumb millennialturds weren't wearing masks at all and look what you did. Been best for the country if this killed millennialturds by the millions.

Unfortunately, the Chinese bioweapon labs did not program the virus that way.

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