A harsh lesson in the reality of COVID-19


The actual death rate is FAR less than that.
Cuomo and the CDC have publicly stated that.

Is anyone surprised these Snowflakes refuse to listen to the CDC and Cuomo when it's something they can't use for Fear Mongering?

The number of deaths and the death rate are two very different things. The number of deaths recorded from COVID are probably underestimated, but the death rate was overestimated.

Estimates of the death rate are somewhere between 0.5% and 1.0%, which is much lower than initially thought. But it's still 5x-10x higher than the flu.
And yet at least 30,000 die every year of the flu, 630,000 from cancer, 270,000 from diabetes and 40,000 in auto accidents and guess what?

That's nearly ONE MILLION PEOPLE BUT............

Next to zero Media Coverage.

Agenda anyone?

You said that 30,000 people die from the flu each year. So far, in the 5 months that this thing has been raging, there are 144,008 deaths in the US as of today. That is significantly more than the regular flu.

No, this virus is nothing like the regular flu.
Those aren't the actual deaths from Covid 19, however. Those are the deaths that they reported. But we know that their reporting is erroneous at best.

The deaths of people from covid 19 -- JUST covid 19 -- is estimated at around 9,000.

The rise in positive cases has been shown to be due to the fact that they count every positive test. Even if the test was done on one individual three times in one day. That would be a positive reported three times.

A lady in a hospital has been tested 25 times with 25 positive results. The database shows she was listed 25 times. One person, 25 positive results.

So, sorry, but there have NOT been 144,008 COVID 19 deaths. There have been approx 135,000 deaths due to complications with COVID and cannot be contributed strictly to COVID.

Go take a look. google.com.
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His president took it seriously.
Oh, you’re just a motherfucking liar?
And, right on cue:

States tried to open up too early and look what is happening now. I'm expecting another surge in the virus when schools start back up. Here in Amarillo, they are slated to open September 1st. Gonna be a scary month in Sept.

What SJW's don't (can't) understand is that ..................


Did the death rate jump to 5%? No. THAT is what SnowJobs cannot understand or want to avoid

lol. Snowflakes learn science, for the first time
And yet at least 30,000 die every year of the flu, 630,000 from cancer, 270,000 from diabetes and 40,000 in auto accidents and guess what?

That's nearly ONE MILLION PEOPLE BUT............

Next to zero Media Coverage.

Agenda anyone?

You said that 30,000 people die from the flu each year. So far, in the 5 months that this thing has been raging, there are 144,008 deaths in the US as of today. That is significantly more than the regular flu.

No, this virus is nothing like the regular flu.
Those aren't the actual deaths from Covid 19, however. Those are the deaths that they reported. But we know that their reporting if erroneous at best.

The deaths of people from covid 19 -- JUST covid 19 -- is estimated at around 9,000.

That is false. The number of deaths are almost certainly higher than officially recorded.

If someone has a stroke that is caused by COVID, it is recorded as a COVID death because the stroke wouldn't have happened if the person had not caught COVID.
I admit I voted for Donald Trump in 2016. I admit traveling deep into the conspiracy trap over COVID-19. All the defiant behavior of Trump’s more radical and rowdy cult followers, I participated in it. I was a hard-ass that stood up for my “God-given rights.”

In great haste, I began prognosticating the alphabet soup about this “scamdemic.” I believed the virus to be a hoax. I believed the mainstream media and the Democrats were using it to create panic, crash the economy and destroy Trump’s chances at re-election.

And so, believing the pandemic to be a hoax, my partner and I hosted family members on Saturday, June 13. On Sunday, June 14, I woke up sick.

By Monday, June 15, my partner and my parents were all sick. That same Monday, my in-laws traveled to witness the birth of their first grandchild. They took with them my father-in-law’s mother and one of my partner’s sisters. That night my father-in-law became ill. Then my mother-in-law and their daughter began feeling sick. So they cut their trip short.

Two days later, my father-in-law’s mother got sick. The new mommy and daddy got sick, too. We all tested positive for COVID-19. Only the newborn was spared.

My father-in-law and I both went to the hospital on June 24. The virus had attacked my central nervous system, and the staff stopped me from having a stroke.

My father-in-law’s mother was admitted a day later. On July 1, she died of COVID-19/pneumonia. The chaplain wanted the family to break the news to my father-in-law, and he learned how his mother lay on her deathbed and then drifted off without any family by her side, even though he was in the room next to hers.

On the day of her funeral, which was July 14, five more of our family members tested positive for the virus. That evening, my father-in-law was put on a ventilator.
Didn't you say "shit happens"? Well it does, and since you posted this tale of Covid horror there is a good chance none of this is true. But it would be great if it was.
And yet at least 30,000 die every year of the flu, 630,000 from cancer, 270,000 from diabetes and 40,000 in auto accidents and guess what?

That's nearly ONE MILLION PEOPLE BUT............

Next to zero Media Coverage.

Agenda anyone?

You said that 30,000 people die from the flu each year. So far, in the 5 months that this thing has been raging, there are 144,008 deaths in the US as of today. That is significantly more than the regular flu.

No, this virus is nothing like the regular flu.
Those aren't the actual deaths from Covid 19, however. Those are the deaths that they reported. But we know that their reporting if erroneous at best.

The deaths of people from covid 19 -- JUST covid 19 -- is estimated at around 9,000.

That is false. The number of deaths are almost certainly higher than officially recorded.

If someone has a stroke that is caused by COVID, it is recorded as a COVID death because the stroke wouldn't have happened if the person had not caught COVID.
The problem is, they cannot say that. Many of them are saying that they cannot rule a stroke would not have happened, even if the COVID was not present.

Sorry, but you're peddling misinformation. All the doctors and reporting agencies have flat out said that regardless of the underlying condition, if the patient died WITH Covid, they are listed as dying FROM covid.

That is not only misleading but deliberately dishonest. The sad thing is, they are doing it out of pure greed and no little amount of politics.
What is the point of this thread? As it stands this virus has a 99% survival rate.

I heard the kids at St Jude are rolling their eyes at the way the grown ups are acting.
To trash Trump. What else? He stopped flights from countries with COVID. THE LEFT BITCHED. THEY CALLED HIM A RACIST. THEY CALLED HIM A XENOPHOBE. Now the lie and call it a hoax and they want to pay high drug prices!
All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing

Like not wearing a mask because you think it's a hoax, for instance.

um....actually ....no
Not like that at all

Well, not putting on a mask because you believe there's a giant coronavirus conspiracy for the government to take everything over ain't either.

But Toro,
If for me there is only a less than 1% chance I will contract it or suffer from it why fear it?
Ebola IS present and is like 80% fatal.......but I do not go around fearing it.
I think some people suffered and died from covid19, but I also think the Media has used it for political purpose and far exaggerated the virus.

And because of it, millions unnecessarily lost their businesses or jobs and millions more aren't getting the urgent life saving routine care they need.
So the deaths and damage from the the exaggeration are FAR more deadly than the disease itself !

I demand all the media outlets be sued for billions in losses and damages !
That is if they have anything left after paying Sandmann for that exaggeration and defamation.
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Republicans here are in denial.
Just think how many would be infected and be dead if we were NOT taking precautions?
You know, the "herd immunity" approach... Probably 3 to 4x as many if not more!
So had we followed Trump's advice, which was nothing to worthless, we would be so much worse off.
The problem is, they cannot say that. Many of them are saying that they cannot rule a stroke would not have happened, even if the COVID was not present.

Sorry, but you're peddling misinformation. All the doctors and reporting agencies have flat out said that regardless of the underlying condition, if the patient died WITH Covid, they are listed as dying FROM covid.

That is not only misleading but deliberately dishonest. The sad thing is, they are doing it out of pure greed and no little amount of politics.

I'm sorry, but you are the one peddling misinformation.

The death rate in this country is spiking, and it is spiking because of COVID. If the rate of death by heart disease spikes above trend during a pandemic, then it's almost certainly doing so because of the pandemic.
What is the point of this thread? As it stands this virus has a 99% survival rate.

I heard the kids at St Jude are rolling their eyes at the way the grown ups are acting.
To trash Trump. What else? He stopped flights from countries with COVID. THE LEFT BITCHED. THEY CALLED HIM A RACIST. THEY CALLED HIM A XENOPHOBE. Now the lie and call it a hoax and they want to pay high drug prices!

Wrong. He stopped people from China and a few other countries from coming here when it started, but let people from Europe keep coming here for a month or so after he banned China. And where was the hardest hit area in the US? That's right, NYC which is a major ingress point into the US from Europe. When he closed travelers from China, he should have also banned Europe, or at the very least, had everyone coming into the country from another place get checked.

That is correct. And if there is no vaccine, then the only way this thing will end is when there's herd immunity.

But if there is a vaccine available next year, then social distancing and mask wearing will result in fewer deaths than there would otherwise be.

Are you guaranteeing Americans that no other virus outbreaks are in the future?
If this becomes the new normal.....do we just give up and end civilization?
What is the point of this thread? As it stands this virus has a 99% survival rate.

I heard the kids at St Jude are rolling their eyes at the way the grown ups are acting.
To trash Trump. What else? He stopped flights from countries with COVID. THE LEFT BITCHED. THEY CALLED HIM A RACIST. THEY CALLED HIM A XENOPHOBE. Now the lie and call it a hoax and they want to pay high drug prices!

Wrong. He stopped people from China and a few other countries from coming here when it started, but let people from Europe keep coming here for a month or so after he banned China. And where was the hardest hit area in the US? That's right, NYC which is a major ingress point into the US from Europe. When he closed travelers from China, he should have also banned Europe, or at the very least, had everyone coming into the country from another place get checked.
Not wrong. Stop lying.
What is the point of this thread? As it stands this virus has a 99% survival rate.

I heard the kids at St Jude are rolling their eyes at the way the grown ups are acting.
To trash Trump. What else? He stopped flights from countries with COVID. THE LEFT BITCHED. THEY CALLED HIM A RACIST. THEY CALLED HIM A XENOPHOBE. Now the lie and call it a hoax and they want to pay high drug prices!

Wrong. He stopped people from China and a few other countries from coming here when it started, but let people from Europe keep coming here for a month or so after he banned China. And where was the hardest hit area in the US? That's right, NYC which is a major ingress point into the US from Europe. When he closed travelers from China, he should have also banned Europe, or at the very least, had everyone coming into the country from another place get checked.

I think you present a biased POV.
Trump was on par or better than other Western nations response.

It's awful how you people feel the need to go to any length to get Trump

Your side seems to have the attitude that if you can't get everything your way, you'd rather the ship go down and kill everyone.
But Toro,
If for me there is only a less than 1% chance I will contract it or suffer from it why fear it?
I think some people suffered and died from it, but I also think the Media has used it for political purpose and far exaggerated the virus.

And because of it, millions unnecessarily lost their businesses or jobs and millions more aren't getting the urgent life saving routine care they need.
So the deaths and damage from the the exaggeration are FAR more deadly than the disease itself !

Well, that's a bit of a different argument. And it's one I have sympathy for. I would say that if there was no vaccine imminent, then we really would have no choice but to let it run its course. Because the treatment can be as bad as the cure.

The media exaggerates crises and shock. For example, I once posted here a study that looked at media reporting and deaths. The study concluded that half the deaths reported by the media were either murders or terrorism. But the number of people who died from murders and terrorism was something like 4%. So it's not a surprise the media would obsess over a pandemic.

It's also important to note that you may have a 1% chance of dying, but that death rate is not evenly distributed across the population. The rate of death from COVID for someone under 20 is something like 0.01%, and someone over 80 something like 20%.
But Toro,
If for me there is only a less than 1% chance I will contract it or suffer from it why fear it?
I think some people suffered and died from it, but I also think the Media has used it for political purpose and far exaggerated the virus.

And because of it, millions unnecessarily lost their businesses or jobs and millions more aren't getting the urgent life saving routine care they need.
So the deaths and damage from the the exaggeration are FAR more deadly than the disease itself !

Well, that's a bit of a different argument. And it's one I have sympathy for. I would say that if there was no vaccine imminent, then we really would have no choice but to let it run its course. Because the treatment can be as bad as the cure.

The media exaggerates crises and shock. For example, I once posted here a study that looked at media reporting and deaths. The study concluded that half the deaths reported by the media were either murders or terrorism. But the number of people who died from murders and terrorism was something like 4%. So it's not a surprise the media would obsess over a pandemic.

It's also important to note that you may have a 1% chance of dying, but that death rate is not evenly distributed across the population. The rate of death from COVID for someone under 20 is something like 0.01%, and someone over 80 something like 20%.

You are not unreasonable.
You know, I appreciate someone who debates without hostility. even if they disagree with me.

I get twisted a bit with some, but it's usually only after they attack first or go absurdly off the deep end.
Who he hell is Tony Green? If he was interested in politics and the impact of covid-19 maybe he should interview some NY nursing homes that were threatened with the loss of their licenses by governor Cuomo unless they admitted infected patients. It's alleged that Cuomo's executive order caused the deaths of over 3,000 of the most vulnerable segments of society. Why did he do it? Who knows but no other governor in the U.S. ever issued such an order.

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