A high-ranking Proud Boy has flipped and is now snitching to the Feds, a game-changer for investigators going 'up the chain' after Jan. 6 organizers

My point stands. Your dumbfuck magaturd feelings are of no consequence. You know nothing about the bureau. You're simply lying.
The FBI airs its dirty laundry in public

EVERYONE knows about those corrupt assholes by now.

First of all they're incompetent, they couldn't find a piece of wood on the broad side of a barn.

Secondly they're corrupt, their fucktard agents take bribes from terrorists.

And thirdly they're politically weaponized which is something that should NEVER happen, it makes a mockery of the entire system of justice.

Fuck the FBI. Fuck em. We should defund the fuckers.
Where is the threat of Fascism coming from in America today?
Why ask you deny what your told anyway when it doesn’t fit that fuzzy place.
That was not a field trip, and you know it. The expressed purpose of that event was to stop the certification of the election.

How exactly were they going to do that?

Be specific.
you'd have to ask those "hang mike pence" people.

So, fringe people who weren't even there, or were, in fact, FBI, were going to upend the transfer.

BOOM! A high-ranking Proud Boy member has flipped and is currently snitching to the Feds. thrilled to hear that


^^ totally not a glowie.

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