A high-ranking Proud Boy has flipped and is now snitching to the Feds, a game-changer for investigators going 'up the chain' after Jan. 6 organizers

The FBI did not force anyone to do what they did on Jan 6th. It was a personal choice by each and every one of them.
The unarmed crowd of protesters chose to enter the People's House, many at the invitation of Capitol Police, while the 2020 stolen election was being made official, chose to wander around taking selfies, and chose to leave when asked to do so. Bolshevik traitors say fry 'em.
The unarmed crowd of protesters chose to enter the People's House, many at the invitation of Capitol Police, while the 2020 stolen election was being made official, chose to wander around taking selfies, and chose to leave when asked to do so. Bolshevik traitors say fry 'em.
Non Magaturd Translation: Magaturd Karens, so angry that the rest of the country outright rejected them, lashed out and felt entitled enough to infiltrate the US Capitol, attack cops, and become a general nuisance in efforts to pull off the World's Shittiest Coup/Insurrection in history. One Karen even got capped for it. A real fucking tragedy.

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