A high-ranking Proud Boy has flipped and is now snitching to the Feds, a game-changer for investigators going 'up the chain' after Jan. 6 organizers

An FBI informant posing as a high-ranking Proud Boy is telling porkies.

He's one of these guys:

The entire "Proud Boys" organization was made up by the feds, dipshit. It only existed in the lefty media and at the FBI HQ.
Talking about made-up... how's the pillow guy and the crack lady's court filings about the elections coming along?
BOOM! A high-ranking Proud Boy member has flipped and is currently snitching to the Feds. thrilled to hear that

UP the FBI chain.......his handlers
For you information RINO Liz Chaney said they were NOT going to refer charges to the DOJ.

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