A historical film on hitler

Stalin murdered the communists and socialists in his country?

so how many of the 60 million that he had killed do you think were communist?

Maybe less than half.

The point, which you fail to understand, is that Hitler targeted socialists and communists. Stalin didn't.

Stalin went after socialist if you didn't do what he wanted.
A primary issue around which these party struggles centered was the course of the Russian economy. The right wing, led by Bukharin, favored granting concessions to the peasantry and continuing Lenin's New Economic Policy (NEP). The left, represented by Kamenev and Zinoviev, wished to proceed with industrialization on a large scale at the expense of the peasants. Stalin's position wavered, depending on the political situation, and the NEP continued until 1928 with considerable success. Then Stalin reversed this policy and inaugurated collectivization of agriculture and the Five-Year Plan. Ruthless measures were taken against the kulaks, the farmers who had risen to prosperity under the NEP.

Read more: Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin: Rise to Power — Infoplease.com Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin: Rise to Power — Infoplease.com
b) you're in violation of board copyright rules. cut down the quote to comply with those rules.
OH now the rules have been violated? is that how this board stops the truth?
You are spamming, bigrebnc

c) you're cherrypicking a couple of things and not understanding.
What have I cherry picked?
Read my post above

d) i'm not going to bother explaining why you're showing a lack of understanding because you aren't worth the time and won't learn anything from it.
Maybe you are the one that needs to learn jillian, I have given you hitlers demands the only weapon you have is denial, have fun swimming in that river.
Only you, bigreb, are in denial in this thread. You have given us only Hitler's demands, which were easily pulled apart by those here far more knowledgable on this matter than you.

You are the one trying to violate the truth, and that won't be permitted.

Fuck you son of a bitch

So now you are only defense is to insult my mother? Really?
Confirmation bias example. Classic.

It's just the same thing as Pube's old theory of "There are no leftist Americans". There's no bad people on the right side. Ergo, if they're bad then they must be on the left.

Illogical as hell, but some people just can't face reality.
so how many of the 60 million that he had killed do you think were communist?

Maybe less than half.

The point, which you fail to understand, is that Hitler targeted socialists and communists. Stalin didn't.

Stalin went after socialist if you didn't do what he wanted.
A primary issue around which these party struggles centered was the course of the Russian economy. The right wing, led by Bukharin, favored granting concessions to the peasantry and continuing Lenin's New Economic Policy (NEP). The left, represented by Kamenev and Zinoviev, wished to proceed with industrialization on a large scale at the expense of the peasants. Stalin's position wavered, depending on the political situation, and the NEP continued until 1928 with considerable success. Then Stalin reversed this policy and inaugurated collectivization of agriculture and the Five-Year Plan. Ruthless measures were taken against the kulaks, the farmers who had risen to prosperity under the NEP.

Read more: Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin: Rise to Power — Infoplease.com Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin: Rise to Power — Infoplease.com

You realize none of that helps your case, right? And doesn't disprove what I said. Stalin didn't target communists or socialists simply because they were communist or Socialist. Hitler did.
b) you're in violation of board copyright rules. cut down the quote to comply with those rules.
OH now the rules have been violated? is that how this board stops the truth?
You are spamming, bigrebnc

c) you're cherrypicking a couple of things and not understanding.
What have I cherry picked?
Read my post above

d) i'm not going to bother explaining why you're showing a lack of understanding because you aren't worth the time and won't learn anything from it.
Maybe you are the one that needs to learn jillian, I have given you hitlers demands the only weapon you have is denial, have fun swimming in that river.
Only you, bigreb, are in denial in this thread. You have given us only Hitler's demands, which were easily pulled apart by those here far more knowledgable on this matter than you.

You are the one trying to violate the truth, and that won't be permitted.

Fuck you son of a bitch

So now you are only defense is to insult my mother? Really?

Why the hell not even hitlers words will not trun your socialist mind so fuck you.
That's better. You can insult me, but not my family. Make sure you understand that.

Hitler's words were only that and never put into action. His actions clearly demonstrate that he was not a socialist. He had business and the working man on his own side as the entire context around your excerpted quote demonstrated.

Your OP is massive fail. You are unable to defend it at any level.
Maybe less than half.

The point, which you fail to understand, is that Hitler targeted socialists and communists. Stalin didn't.

Stalin went after socialist if you didn't do what he wanted.
A primary issue around which these party struggles centered was the course of the Russian economy. The right wing, led by Bukharin, favored granting concessions to the peasantry and continuing Lenin's New Economic Policy (NEP). The left, represented by Kamenev and Zinoviev, wished to proceed with industrialization on a large scale at the expense of the peasants. Stalin's position wavered, depending on the political situation, and the NEP continued until 1928 with considerable success. Then Stalin reversed this policy and inaugurated collectivization of agriculture and the Five-Year Plan. Ruthless measures were taken against the kulaks, the farmers who had risen to prosperity under the NEP.

Read more: Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin: Rise to Power — Infoplease.com Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin: Rise to Power — Infoplease.com

You realize none of that helps your case, right? And doesn't disprove what I said. Stalin didn't target communists or socialists simply because they were communist or Socialist. Hitler did.

The kulaks worked with lenin to take the lands from the original owners so they were communist. Stalin had the kulaks killed, jailed or forced them out. So here he was in fact going after communist.
Stalin went after socialist if you didn't do what he wanted.
A primary issue around which these party struggles centered was the course of the Russian economy. The right wing, led by Bukharin, favored granting concessions to the peasantry and continuing Lenin's New Economic Policy (NEP). The left, represented by Kamenev and Zinoviev, wished to proceed with industrialization on a large scale at the expense of the peasants. Stalin's position wavered, depending on the political situation, and the NEP continued until 1928 with considerable success. Then Stalin reversed this policy and inaugurated collectivization of agriculture and the Five-Year Plan. Ruthless measures were taken against the kulaks, the farmers who had risen to prosperity under the NEP.

Read more: Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin: Rise to Power — Infoplease.com Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin: Rise to Power — Infoplease.com

You realize none of that helps your case, right? And doesn't disprove what I said. Stalin didn't target communists or socialists simply because they were communist or Socialist. Hitler did.

The kulaks worked with lenin to take the lands from the original owners so they were communist. Stalin had the kulaks killed, jailed or forced them out. So here he was in fact going after communist.

He wasn't targeting them because they were communist, pickle-dick.
You are right, radio, and even if bigreb was correct (imagine that! the world would wobble on its axis), the comparison with Nazi German is fallacious. bigreb loses at every point.
That's better. You can insult me, but not my family. Make sure you understand that.

Hitler's words were only that and never put into action. His actions clearly demonstrate that he was not a socialist. He had business and the working man on his own side as the entire context around your excerpted quote demonstrated.

Your OP is massive fail. You are unable to defend it at any level.

The only fail asswipe is the denial on your part. A dictaor uses socialism to obtain control. Tell mr expert just how free and independent were the people in germany? Could busniess keep a profit?
You realize none of that helps your case, right? And doesn't disprove what I said. Stalin didn't target communists or socialists simply because they were communist or Socialist. Hitler did.

The kulaks worked with lenin to take the lands from the original owners so they were communist. Stalin had the kulaks killed, jailed or forced them out. So here he was in fact going after communist.

He wasn't targeting them because they were communist, pickle-dick.

Needle dick go back a few post I said stalin went after socialst if they did not do as he wanted. or are you selective reading?

Thats the same way with hitler if you did not see things his way no matter what you were you would end up dead.
That's better. You can insult me, but not my family. Make sure you understand that.

Hitler's words were only that and never put into action. His actions clearly demonstrate that he was not a socialist. He had business and the working man on his own side as the entire context around your excerpted quote demonstrated.

Your OP is massive fail. You are unable to defend it at any level.

The only fail asswipe is the denial on your part. A dictaor uses socialism to obtain control. Tell mr expert just how free and independent were the people in germany? Could busniess keep a profit?

A dictator uses capitalism as well, too. Look at the last 150 years for examples. Hitler is one of those examples: he co-opted both business and the working man. That is why he laughed at socialism, bigreb.

Now consider Ass Lick, NC, where you live. The governments owns, maintains, and pays the bill for the operation and personnel of the police department, the fire department, possibly the gas and electric companies, and other public services, perhaps the library. Those are socialistic operations, and I doubt you would give them up. A private library or utility or construction company may do business with the Ass Lick government. Those companies will have to follow government requirements, which is called 'regulation' not 'socialism.'

Go study the site Trusted Criminals: White Collar ... - Google Books for examples of big business doing quite well by Nazi Germany.

Do you understand the difference now?
Last edited:
That's better. You can insult me, but not my family. Make sure you understand that.

Hitler's words were only that and never put into action. His actions clearly demonstrate that he was not a socialist. He had business and the working man on his own side as the entire context around your excerpted quote demonstrated.

Your OP is massive fail. You are unable to defend it at any level.

The only fail asswipe is the denial on your part. A dictaor uses socialism to obtain control. Tell mr expert just how free and independent were the people in germany? Could busniess keep a profit?

A dictator uses capitalism as well, too. Look at the last 150 years for examples. Hitler is one of those examples: he co-opted both business and the working man. That is why he laughed at socialism, bigreb.

Now consider Ass Lick, NC, where you live. The governments owns, maintains, and pays the bill for the operation and personnel of the police department, the fire department, possibly the gas and electric companies, and other public services, perhaps the library. Those are socialistic operations, and I doubt you would give them up. A private library or utility or construction company may do business with the Ass Lick government. Those companies will have to follow government requirements, which is called 'regulation' not 'socialism.'

Go study the site Trusted Criminals: White Collar ... - Google Books for examples of big business doing quite well by Nazi Germany.

Do you understand the difference now?

A dictator uses capitalism as well, too. Look at the last 150 years for examples.
The only way that will happen is through socialism. One government program here another government program there a few laws to intrap the fat blotted free loaders and bam you have a dictatorship.
The kulaks worked with lenin to take the lands from the original owners so they were communist. Stalin had the kulaks killed, jailed or forced them out. So here he was in fact going after communist.

He wasn't targeting them because they were communist, pickle-dick.

Needle dick go back a few post I said stalin went after socialst if they did not do as he wanted.

I saw that...and I already answered it retard. He did not go after them simply because they were socialist or communist. Hitler did.

or are you selective reading?

I think it's clear who is selectively reading and cherrypicking here. And it ain't me.

Thats the same way with hitler if you did not see things his way no matter what you were you would end up dead.

Thats the same with every dictator you artard. It doesn't mean that they rose to power via socialism.
The only way that will happen is through socialism. One government program here another government program there a few laws to intrap the fat blotted free loaders and bam you have a dictatorship.

That is not so, bigreb. We have demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt here that Nazi Germany was not a socialist government. Thus your own example destroys your theory above.

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