A hypothetical project for the Great Union

Austria is anti-Germany. You are not American in spirit but by your passport only

You have a lot of gall telling someone that they are not an American because of where their family came from. Especially since you are not an American and do not live in America.
to a certain someone from Austria
BTW This is not surprising at all. It was Austria Hungary that was the center of Freedom and the Eastern spirit in Europe in the 19th century. It was thanks to them that there was a technical and scientific revolution and romance revival in Europe, it was they who liberated the peasants.

I believe that the United States is now the closest country to 19th century Austria Hungary. The American Right.
You have a lot of gall telling someone that they are not an American because of where their family came from. Especially since you are not an American and do not live in America.
There is no anger, this is a fact. America is a country in which there is no Prussianism, and this is the country that rejects it more than anyone else in the world.
BTW This is not surprising at all. It was Austria Hungary that was the center of Freedom and the Eastern spirit in Europe in the 19th century. It was thanks to them that there was a technical and scientific revolution and romance revival in Europe, it was they who liberated the peasants.

I believe that the United States is now the closest country to 19th century Austria Hungary. The American Right.

America is like no other nation to have ever existed. Maybe close, but not very close.
There is such a thing as the spirit of the people and national character. And America has a fundamentally different spirit and character.
There is such a thing as the spirit of the people and national character. And America has a fundamentally different spirit and character.

Very much so. So why a union with Europe (which we've worked so hard to distance ourselves from) and Russia would be a good idea, let alone an idea, is beyond my imagination to comprehend who would think ANY of it is a good idea.
In the United States, the freest republic, with the most independent states, the most decentralized, with the enormous rights of the states. It was this policy that Austro-Hungary promoted: decentralization, freedom of territories and nationalities.
Very much so. So why a union with Europe (which we've worked so hard to distance ourselves from) and Russia would be a good idea, let alone an idea, is beyond my imagination to comprehend who would think ANY of it is a good idea.
I'm not talking about regimes now, but about a hypothetical unification based on common values and culture. Russia and Europe are also heterogeneous, and at the moment the whole world is moving towards totalitarianism. This is not something that can be simply glued, it requires a complex and flexible policy in the spirit of Reagan.
I'm not talking about regimes now, but about a hypothetical unification based on common values and culture. Russia and Europe are also heterogeneous, and at the moment the whole world is moving towards totalitarianism. This is not something that can be simply glued, it requires a complex and flexible policy in the spirit of Reagan.

It is impossible. Americans have lost the majority of their culture they had when they were Europeans. Russia has always been different from Europe and the U.S. Irreconcilably different.
f two gay men or two lesbians appear on the street or in the media, exactly what part of your culture is in danger? The culture of beating up queers? Yeah, that won't happen.
They are seen by people, including children, and can be seduced and confused. It will spread like a plague. I see a way out in not limiting their rights, but at the same time not showing anything publicly.
It is impossible. Americans have lost the majority of their culture they had when they were Europeans. Russia has always been different from Europe and the U.S. Irreconcilably different.
The southeast of Russia was no different. Moscow is influenced by the Prussians.
in russia there was a separate steppe culture.
It is impossible. Americans have lost the majority of their culture they had when they were Europeans. Russia has always been different from Europe and the U.S. Irreconcilably different.
Your statement is just fundamentally wrong. Strictly speaking, there is no single European culture at all. It was Celtic, and it was close just to the steppe of Russia and the United States, and was North German-Prussian. And this is the same difference that between Moscow and Khazaria/Horde in Russia

It would be more correct then to divide into the South and North of Eurasia, but this is very rude.
Here the principal role is played by the opposition of Old Europe and the Aryan / Hun influence of the steppe. This split Europe into 2 parts as well. The first Celtic cultures were oriental, on their basis the first (royal) Roman culture was formed.
This predetermined all further history.
And all this is observed to this day. The left movement is an attempt to revive the old Europe, the right is trying to revive the union that I am talking about in the topic with its patriarchal knightly culture. But the real right remained only in the United States.
Personally, I don't give a damn what Bismark meant.

Either people are free to be who they choose or they are not. I see a man enjoying his freedom and a woman enjoying hers. I think the issue is with your perception.
No, this is objective. Bismarck needed executive unified pawns in which it is easy to check the lice in the head and who know how to line up and clearly follow orders without thinking about their meaning.

Discipline, punctuality, accuracy, diligence, subordination - this is prussian way.

The difference between a free Austrian and a strict Prussian organization is literally the following: a free person performs tasks (free in implementation, only the result is important), the Bismark's person follows step-by-step instructions and is not asked about result

This is principial difference
Unfortunately, the concept of freedom has been discredited by the left. Freedom does not lie in the right to fuck in the ass, it was not forbidden for slaves.
They are seen by people, including children, and can be seduced and confused. It will spread like a plague. I see a way out in not limiting their rights, but at the same time not showing anything publicly.

Anyone seducing a child is a child molester and should be prosecuted. But just walking down the street with your same sex partner does not "turn" kids gay.

And yes, you ARE limiting their rights when you demand they remain out of sight.

Also, if kids see two people in love, regardless of gender, they will see the best of what humanity has to offer.

If you hide it, I can guarantee kids will be intrigued.

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