A hypothetical project for the Great Union

That is why the Bolshevik and modern leftist propaganda of the Kremlin tries to pretend that there was no 19th century before Nicholas II.
And nicholas 2 was a British field marshal, an impostor
In the 19th century, the Gussars appeared in Russia. Where did they come from if there was no change of power? We know where they come from.

You can think whatever you want. England is the most mercenary culture, its empire gave rise to, including the slavery of southern United States
England was a homeland of the industrial revolution, the serfdom was abolished there several centuries before that happened in Astria-Hungary, the church reformation virtually began there before Luther. Dude, your fantasy is hilarious.
England was a homeland of the industrial revolution, the serfdom was abolished there several centuries before that happened in Astria-Hungary, the church reformation virtually began there before Luther. Dude, your fantasy is hilarious.
We are talking about the 19th century in Eastern Europe. What the traders did in their homeland does not interest me, they enslaved the whole world
Slavery in the United States was the legal institution of human chattel slavery, comprising the enslavement primarily of Africans and African Americans, that existed in the United States of America from its founding in 1776 until the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865. Slavery was established throughout European colonization in the Americas. It was practiced in Britain's colonies, including the Thirteen Colonies which formed the United States. Under the law, an enslaved person was treated as property and could be bought, sold, or given away.

And this is the Left probritish states

This is demagoguery. I only know Hitler from some of the quotes. I generally do not like what he said. In particular, the rhetoric of colonization contradicts the Austrian idea of the freedom of peoples. I do not support nationalism. If you think in this way, you can say that all artists are like Hitler because Hitler painted, this is nonsense.

Historical Moscow dates back to the 18th century. I clearly see Prussianism in Moscow, both in history and in spirit.
I exclude the 19th century from here, it was under Austro-Hungary romantic influence. Bolshevism is the development of Prussianism

But this isn't even close to the 19th century, or even the 20th. People have changed over time.

And yes, what you are calling for is the preservation of a racial and cultural heritage among nations, even not among your own, to the point of exclusion of others and discrimination towards people not of your culture or nation.
Confederate Soldier You just lie and post provocations. I'm not going to discuss your libel, I didn't say anything about racial issues. You better watch your compatriots, who included Prussian racists and national socialists in Christian-democratic unions, and this is the German ruling party.
Confederate Soldier You just lie and suffer provocations. I'm not going to discuss your libel, I didn't say anything about racial issues. You better watch your compatriots, who included Prussian racists and national socialists in Christian-democratic unions, and this is the German ruling party.

I am not a nationalist, you are! I'm not a racist, you are!

I am as anti-hitler as they come, and I am against everything he stood for. YOU are the one emulating him blindly, not me.
Confederate Soldier
I told you dirty bastard that I am categorically against Hitler, his colonial rhetoric, any manifestations of chauvinism, socialism, including against the nationalism of Bismarck and Hitler, just shut up your stinking mouth
Bastard Hitler Stifled Austrian liberalism. He persecuted Austrian politicians and economists, he took over Austria and silenced the free press.
Hitler said that supposedly the German people should occupy leading positions in the colonies of Germany, that the German peasant supposedly needed space for his plow in the east. He is a left-handed bastard, this is the usual left-wing imperial totalitarian rhetoric that the right has always opposed. Leftist policy can be reduced to agricultural colonization, which is what he promoted

He was leftist
And Hitler was never a romantic and a fan of Austrian-spirit art. His paintings gravitate towards classicism, he loved Prussianism and not Austro-Hungarian romanticism. If he loved Austria, he would paint knights and greatness of nature, but he painted dull buildings and faded landscapes.
And Hitler was never a romantic and a fan of Austrian-spirit art. His paintings gravitate towards classicism, he loved Prussianism and not Austro-Hungarian romanticism. If he loved Austria, he would paint knights and greatness of nature, but he painted dull buildings and faded landscapes.

So what the hell are you for? Prussianism, or Austrianism? You differ in opinion daily.
You have been mentioning Prussianism throught the thread in relations to Moscow and the U.S.
I do not understand what you are talking about, but I consider Prussianism to be a system identical to slavery and I am against Prussianism. Historical Moscow of the 18th century had a Prussian culture, and I don't think that's good
the right is trying to revive the union that I am talking about in the topic with its patriarchal knightly culture.
"Daddy, Daddy, I'm Afraid to Go to Vietnam. Please, Please Get Me in the National Guard. Our People Fixed It So They'd Never Have to Fight."

The Right is full of Chickenhawks and vet sheep who have no problem with Chickenhawks as long as they talk tough and praise the military. That is another instance of how the rulers' Left Wing props up its Right Wing. That is why Leftists insult the troops and cries fake tears about the retaliation done to those who kill our fighting men.

A real American would have grabbed the sheltered selfish sissyboy Bush by the ear at prep school graduation (no college "deferment" ever again) and marched him down to the active-duty induction center and told the Sergeant there, "Here, take this spoiled little puke. He owes the country far more than I do, so he goes to the front lines first."
A free whore does not get pleasure from her free sex, all she has is vaginal rubbing. There are no real emotions, just rough masturbation. She is ruled by gross lust, which will never be satisfied, she will sink lower and lower in her thirst for gross pleasures, and can cross the line of all morality.
Nicole Simpson If OJ Had Stayed in Poverty

You've perfectly described White girls who become whores for Afram pimps.
In the 19th century, the Gussars appeared in Russia. Where did they come from if there was no change of power? We know where they come from.

Bin Laden Did a Rematch

That was the Battle of Vienna. September 12, 1683. Which means the peak of the Islamic jihad had been on September 11. All was downhill from there, but the ignorant Europeans squabbled among themselves instead of finishing off Islam like they had earlier finished off paganism. So here we go again.

The only reason the Turks had stalled at Vienna was the greed of their commanding officer. If Vienna surrendered, he'd get all the booty. If it had to be taken by storm, he'd have to share the booty with his troops. If someone with a fanatical religious dedication instead of that greedy Turk had been in charge, Vienna would have been taken months before and the Polish Crusaders wouldn't have caught up to them until they had occupied Paris.

You worship the Austrian hereditary trash. Their gutless ignoble Emperor deserted Vienna and almost allowed the Muslims to take over the world. HeirHead guillotine-fodder today follow in his Chickenhawk footsteps. After the latest 9/11, all the Bushlovers said,"I love this war leader. But no, no, no, we can't have a draft! Let those who didn't study for college fight it for us. We took away all their blue-collar jobs, so they'll be glad to volunteer."

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