A hypothetical project for the Great Union

Lust is a normal part of the human condition. Proper education can show them how to be safe and still explore.
This does not work. Statistics show that about 70% of those who committed suicide were abused in childhood. These idiots do not know what education is at all, there is no education, do not tell me. These are just programs for training the cogs of the system. And they would not be able to do this, even if they were good teachers, because these are too high matters.
This is a hypothetical union that can become reality.

Such a Union should be created on the basis of the historical past of the peoples(оnly a cultural sense! Not racial or genetic) of the Eurasian steppe, who were called Aryans and Huns. Many ethnic groups originated from these peoples on the territory of Russia and Eastern Europe, including Russia (historically, this is Russia from the Don steppe east to Lake Baikal), Ukraine, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Poland and other West Slavic countries, southeastern Germany, as well as part of the middle Asia and the North of India (Aryavarta), as well as the historical Celts.
I believe that the Americans should also join this union. They have a similar background, similar traditions, spirit and culture.
I think Latin America will also join

The word "union" itself is a distortion from the word of the Huns(Huns called also "Unni").

The principles of this union should be as follows:

Respect for the army
Freedom in the right sense
Free republic(confederate)
Romantic spirit and chivalry
Denial of sexual promiscuity and pseudo-liberal monetary values

All this corresponds, among other things, to the sentiments of America, at least of the conservative center, the Great Plains and Texas.

These values are likely to be supported by all of these peoples as a whole. Therefore, the creation of such a Union is a matter of political will. It is based on both a common spirit and a common history.

This is in a nutshell.
The name needs to be left just that: Great Union, it is short and solid, and reflects the essence to the fullest.

This union should also serve as protection against Eurocentrism, Cinese communism and Arab-Islamic expansion, in case of manifestation of inappropriate aggression, including ideological. As well as the attempts of the left to deprive the peoples of freedom, republic and identity

The symbol of Union must be Great Bull

You need help, Tvaritch...
Yeah, that is all I needed to know. I have no patience for men who want children to be married off like property. Given your other ideas about this "great union", I believe I will steer clear of you from now on.

Good luck.
Firstly, I did not say that this is acceptable for our society, and secondly, this does not necessarily mean that they are being disposed of as property.
There is a lot of hitleresque stuff being posted in this thread, and I'm not liking it one bit.

You are essentially calling for Lebensraum , whether you know it or not. Prussian qualities are unique to that area of Europe. The warm, jolly culture of Prussians is not the same as cold Moskau.
This does not work. Statistics show that about 70% of those who committed suicide were abused in childhood. These idiots do not know what education is at all, there is no education, do not tell me. These are just programs for training the cogs of the system. And they would not be able to do this, even if they were good teachers, because these are too high matters.

I was talking about education in the way the human body works, not having some older pervert molest them. I am talking about text books and honest discussions. I am talking about discussing birth control and safe sex.
Firstly, I did not say that this is acceptable for our society, and secondly, this does not necessarily mean that they are being disposed of as property.

It certainly does not mean they are valued members of society and treated as equals.
There is a lot of hitleresque stuff being posted in this thread, and I'm not liking it one bit.
This is demagoguery. I only know Hitler from some of the quotes. I generally do not like what he said. In particular, the rhetoric of colonization contradicts the Austrian idea of the freedom of peoples. I do not support nationalism. If you think in this way, you can say that all artists are like Hitler because Hitler painted, this is nonsense.

You are essentially calling for Lebensraum , whether you know it or not. Prussian qualities are unique to that area of Europe. The warm, jolly culture of Prussians is not the same as cold Moskau.
Historical Moscow dates back to the 18th century. I clearly see Prussianism in Moscow, both in history and in spirit.
I exclude the 19th century from here, it was under Austro-Hungary romantic influence. Bolshevism is the development of Prussianism
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I was talking about education in the way the human body works, not having some older pervert molest them. I am talking about text books and honest discussions. I am talking about discussing birth control and safe sex.
All this is already known. This is even worse. People cannot control their emotions and hormones, especially children.
It certainly does not mean they are valued members of society and treated as equals.
"equality" is demagoguery. They are not equal anyway. Men are stronger and smarter, this is objective. I reject equality in power. Women should not have power, from the family to the state. In the Patriarchal society, women are valued more than in the left, they are princesses and mothers and not rude whores who want to command.
And women themselves want to be princesses and not leftist prostitutes.
The most reverent and poetic attitude towards women was precisely from knights and all women loved knights and hussars.

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Where are the boundaries of your equality? Why don't you equalize rights with children in this case?
A woman is by nature infantile, a woman is half a child, even from the point of view of biology.
When you dance with a woman, she should follow your movements, and you shoud lead her. It is an aesthetic expression of a harmonious union. If not, you will get a bear and boar dance. The very natural harmony rejects fucking feminism, the heavenly forces themselves are against it.
Is the one who is a support for a woman and loves her humiliates her by protecting her? This is nonsense of leftist scammers. When a man truly loves, he will give his blood and his heart for her.
Without a woman, there is no man; it is the woman who makes the man a man.
The left is against heaven, against harmony, they want to destroy all the most beautiful in a person: love, loyalty, chivalry, to turn a person into a consumer pig.
A free whore does not get pleasure from her free sex, all she has is vaginal rubbing. There are no real emotions, just rough masturbation. She is ruled by gross lust, which will never be satisfied, she will sink lower and lower in her thirst for gross pleasures, and can cross the line of all morality.
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I thought it was thanks to England.
You can think whatever you want. England is the most mercenary culture, its empire gave rise to, including the slavery of southern United States
The peasants of Eastern Europe were liberated by the Austro-Hungarian Habsburgs in the 60s of the 19th century, including in Russia this was done thanks to the Austro-Hungarian influence at the same time.
And the Russian tsars themselves were knights at that time. I do not believe that it was the Moscow government of the Golstein-Gottorp Romanovs. The culture of the 19th century in Russia was strikingly different, and there was no feminism there.
The women of the aristocracy of the 19th century in Russia were slender beauties and they did not go into politics. There was a strict, austere military culture. The wife of Alexander 3 used to sew up his pants herself.
In the 18th century, power was pompous and depraved and female.

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