A King Instead Of A President?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Yesterday I posted an OP about citizenship, and it's relationship to borders and sovereignty.
Included was the following:

The tenets of Liberalism are counter to this theme. Liberalism endorses open borders, and a 'citizen of the world' view....a construct that never has and never will exist.
Beware of a President intent on giving away America's sovereignty.

I did so in preparation for this post.

2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law

2. Wednesday, Obama defended a proposed mega free-trade zone between the world’s two largest economies, the United States and the European Union.

3. Obama was responding to criticism of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP, which the U.S. has been negotiated with the EU since last July

4. .... a proposed “Regulatory Cooperation Council” that would evaluate existing regulations in the U.S. and EU and recommend future rules while coordinating a response to the current regulations.

5. Writing in the left-leaning the Nation magazine, foreign policy analyst Andrew Erwin said the TTIP was less about reducing tariffs and “more about weakening the power of average citizens to defend themselves against corporate labor and environmental abuses.”

6. .... a section in the TTIP called the Investor-State Dispute Settlement, which stipulates foreign corporations can sue the government utilizing a special international tribunal instead of the country’s own domestic system that uses U.S. law.

a. “The tribunals are not accountable to any national public or democratically elected body,”

7. The New York Times, meanwhile, reported earlier this week that some American companies “are concerned that protections for investors will not be part of a deal.”

8. ... Obama is negotiating the TTIP largely in secret,... new guidelines for everything from food safety to fracking, financial markets, medical prices, copyright rules and Internet freedom.

9. The few aspects of the partnership leaked to the public indicate an expansive agenda with highly limited congressional oversight

10. “Ministers and negotiators have made significant progress in recent months on all the legal texts and annexes on access to our respective goods, services, investment, financial services, government procurement, and temporary entry markets,” the White House said." OBAMA SECRETLY NEGOTIATING AWAY U.S. SOVEREIGNTY. 2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law « Klein Online

Liberals/Progressives hate America, American sovereignty, American independence, American exceptionalism.

For the purposes of this post, and self- evident, I believe, a Liberal is anyone who voted for the windbag in the White House.
Now why would an American president want to give away our sovereignty?

And why would our resident dimocrap scum be sitting by, gleefully clapping their hands?

The Internationale

Stand up, damned of the Earth
Stand up, prisoners of starvation
Reason thunders in its volcano
This is the eruption of the end.
Of the past let us make a clean slate
Enslaved masses, stand up, stand up.
The world is about to change its foundation
We are nothing, let us be all.
|: This is the final struggle
Let us group together, and tomorrow
The Internationale
Will be the human race. :|

Or mybe there is no secret agenda, no hidden plot, no cabal trying to undermine everything you hold dear and just maybe he's doing what he thinks is best for the United States of America as per his electorial mandate as democratically elected leader of the country.

I know it's a crazy notion but let's at least consider it.
Or mybe there is no secret agenda, no hidden plot, no cabal trying to undermine everything you hold dear and just maybe he's doing what he thinks is best for the United States of America as per his electorial mandate as democratically elected leader of the country.

I know it's a crazy notion but let's at least consider it.

dewd, dimocraps don't take a shit without a 'plan'.

Their entire existence is based on sleight of hand and deception.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=wfl55GgHr5E]"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]

Seems like yours is, too. Either that, or you're just not real bright. :dunno:
Or mybe there is no secret agenda, no hidden plot, no cabal trying to undermine everything you hold dear and just maybe he's doing what he thinks is best for the United States of America as per his electorial mandate as democratically elected leader of the country.

I know it's a crazy notion but let's at least consider it.

Yeah, Obama has lied repeatedly for no other higher purpose in his mind, just a natural habit of his I guess.

If you like you doctor/health plan/insurance policy.... you can keep it. Period.

That is a pack of lies and he knew it at the time. Period.

The only difference between conspiring and networking is that conspiracies are illicit, illegal or dishonest. Obama is plainly being dishonest, and so his networking within the Democratic party to push a disguised health care nationalization is plainly a conspiracy.

He conducts his foreign policy in the same way, promising foreign leaders that he will accommodate them but only after the elections as his hands are tied till then.

He makes treaties he knows cannot pass the Senate and yet he will abide by them anyway.

He gives himself by EO powers of war-time national emergencies for peace time non-emergencies; in essence making himself legally capable of ruling this country without Congressional cooperation. And he is doing exactly that.

Meanwhile idiots like you who would prefer to let the world burn down around them than ever come out of your normalcy bias, you little safety cocoon you have spun around your mind, idiots like you lead the lemmings into the sea.

Your stupid lies are so transparent, it is astonishing you think people are so stupid; I guess you are merely projecting.
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Or mybe there is no secret agenda, no hidden plot, no cabal trying to undermine everything you hold dear and just maybe he's doing what he thinks is best for the United States of America as per his electorial mandate as democratically elected leader of the country.

I know it's a crazy notion but let's at least consider it.

Nooooo thats crazy. Whats more reasonable is to believe that we live in a police state ruled by King Obama who seeks to destroy America.
Or mybe there is no secret agenda, no hidden plot, no cabal trying to undermine everything you hold dear and just maybe he's doing what he thinks is best for the United States of America as per his electorial mandate as democratically elected leader of the country.

I know it's a crazy notion but let's at least consider it.

Nooooo thats crazy. Whats more reasonable is to believe that we live in a police state ruled by King Obama who seeks to destroy America.

the lying cocksucker in chief is just that, a lying cocksucker

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66bgpRRSDD4]Obama Promises To Lower Health Insurance Premiums by $2,500 Per Year - YouTube[/ame]

But he's a dimocrap. And so are you. What else can we expect from you?


Cleveland Clinic CEO: Three-Quarters Of Americans Who Signed Up For Obamacare Now Have Higher Premiums « CBS Cleveland

CLEVELAND (CBS Cleveland/AP) — The CEO of the Cleveland Clinic says that a majority of Americans who signed up for Obamacare have seen their premiums rise.

“About three-quarters of them find that their premiums are higher than they had been previously with other insurance,” Toby Cosgrove told Fox News.

Cosgrove explained that the Affordable Care Act is having a “major effect” upon health care providers.

“We know for example that we’re going to get paid less for what we do,” Cosgrove stated. “Hospitals are going to be paid less for what they do. We also know that insurers are paying less for what we do.”
Or mybe there is no secret agenda, no hidden plot, no cabal trying to undermine everything you hold dear and just maybe he's doing what he thinks is best for the United States of America as per his electorial mandate as democratically elected leader of the country.

I know it's a crazy notion but let's at least consider it.

Nooooo thats crazy. Whats more reasonable is to believe that we live in a police state ruled by King Obama who seeks to destroy America.

the lying cocksucker in chief is just that, a lying cocksucker

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66bgpRRSDD4]Obama Promises To Lower Health Insurance Premiums by $2,500 Per Year - YouTube[/ame]

But he's a dimocrap. And so are you. What else can we expect from you?


Cleveland Clinic CEO: Three-Quarters Of Americans Who Signed Up For Obamacare Now Have Higher Premiums « CBS Cleveland

CLEVELAND (CBS Cleveland/AP) — The CEO of the Cleveland Clinic says that a majority of Americans who signed up for Obamacare have seen their premiums rise.

“About three-quarters of them find that their premiums are higher than they had been previously with other insurance,” Toby Cosgrove told Fox News.

Cosgrove explained that the Affordable Care Act is having a “major effect” upon health care providers.

“We know for example that we’re going to get paid less for what we do,” Cosgrove stated. “Hospitals are going to be paid less for what they do. We also know that insurers are paying less for what we do.”

*blushes* aww you say that to all the dems :D
Nooooo thats crazy. Whats more reasonable is to believe that we live in a police state ruled by King Obama who seeks to destroy America.

the lying cocksucker in chief is just that, a lying cocksucker

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66bgpRRSDD4]Obama Promises To Lower Health Insurance Premiums by $2,500 Per Year - YouTube[/ame]

But he's a dimocrap. And so are you. What else can we expect from you?


Cleveland Clinic CEO: Three-Quarters Of Americans Who Signed Up For Obamacare Now Have Higher Premiums « CBS Cleveland

CLEVELAND (CBS Cleveland/AP) — The CEO of the Cleveland Clinic says that a majority of Americans who signed up for Obamacare have seen their premiums rise.

“About three-quarters of them find that their premiums are higher than they had been previously with other insurance,” Toby Cosgrove told Fox News.

Cosgrove explained that the Affordable Care Act is having a “major effect” upon health care providers.

“We know for example that we’re going to get paid less for what we do,” Cosgrove stated. “Hospitals are going to be paid less for what they do. We also know that insurers are paying less for what we do.”

*blushes* aww you say that to all the dems :D

In the old days....?

Yeah, but not 'all' :)



While looking for the image, it triggered a moment of deja vu and fond remembrance of the 'movement'. Back when it was decent; before it was infiltrated and taken over by communists and radical haters.

Lots of -- Just 'love, peace and happiness'

A little dope every now and then, too :dunno:

I just don't understand why the left lets communists and radical haters take over everything they do that's worthwhile.

Just like this latest lunacy.... The Occupy (bowel) Movement.

Good idea, good concept.

But what happens? You let the commies and the radicals take it over and turn it into taking a shit in public, rape, arson, terrorism and assault...

Look at the difference in what we are compared to what you have morphed into....


And there were FAR more people at the Tea Party rally than they were at your Occupy rallies.

Sad. Very sad what the 'left' has become.

And nasty
Oh I get it...You're like 50 something and now in your old age you romantisize the past and conviced that everything is going to hell.

Thats what happens when you get old. Curmudgeon behavior isnt contagious
The TP has picnics whose major goal is showing how clean they are. Occupy lived on the street for months and all Fox etc can report on is any bs dirt they can find...

ANY LIE Obama told turns out to be a promise that Pubs and their thieving cronies can block, or a Pub lie in reality. Give O-Care a chance, and, surprise, everything happens as promised...
11." In February, the Open the Government organization sent a letter to Obama blasting the lack of transparency ... stating the negotiations have been &#8220;conducted in unprecedented secrecy.&#8221;
&#8220;Despite the fact the deal may significantly affect the way we live our lives by limiting our public protections, there has been no public access ....

...warned issues being secretly negotiated include &#8220;patent and copyright, land use, food and product standards, natural resources, professional licensing, government procurement, financial practices, healthcare, energy, telecommunications, and other service sector regulations.&#8221; OBAMA SECRETLY NEGOTIATING AWAY U.S. SOVEREIGNTY. 2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law « Klein Online

Truly, the ignoramuses who support Obama wish for a king, not a President.
8. ... Obama is negotiating the TTIP largely in secret,... new guidelines for everything from food safety to fracking, financial markets, medical prices, copyright rules and Internet freedom.

Yet the Senate must ratify and pass it........
8. ... Obama is negotiating the TTIP largely in secret,... new guidelines for everything from food safety to fracking, financial markets, medical prices, copyright rules and Internet freedom.

Yet the Senate must ratify and pass it........

I look forward to what you say.....or your silence....when you read #12.
Or mybe there is no secret agenda, no hidden plot, no cabal trying to undermine everything you hold dear and just maybe he's doing what he thinks is best for the United States of America as per his electorial mandate as democratically elected leader of the country.

I know it's a crazy notion but let's at least consider it.

Nooooo thats crazy. Whats more reasonable is to believe that we live in a police state ruled by King Obama who seeks to destroy America.

Maybe if he pronounced himself a "god" like some daft bitch here did when she called herself a "godess", the OP would be happy for the first time in her miserable life.:badgrin:
8. ... Obama is negotiating the TTIP largely in secret,... new guidelines for everything from food safety to fracking, financial markets, medical prices, copyright rules and Internet freedom.

Yet the Senate must ratify and pass it........

I look forward to what you say.....or your silence....when you read #12.

You two are like two peas inna pod....at each end of the branch...
8. ... Obama is negotiating the TTIP largely in secret,... new guidelines for everything from food safety to fracking, financial markets, medical prices, copyright rules and Internet freedom.

Yet the Senate must ratify and pass it........

12. Normally free-trade agreements must be authorized by a majority of the House and Senate, usually in lengthy proceedings. However, the White House is seeking what is known as “trade promotion authority” which would fast track approval of the TPP by requiring Congress to vote on the likely lengthy trade agreement within 90 days and without any amendments.

a. The authority also allows Obama to sign the agreement before Congress even has a chance to vote on it, with lawmakers getting only a quick post-facto vote.

b. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., recently proposed legislation requiring the White House to disclose all TPP documents to members of Congress. “The majority of Congress is being kept in the dark...."

Obama has so far refused to give Congress a copy of the draft agreement.
OBAMA SECRETLY NEGOTIATING AWAY U.S. SOVEREIGNTY. 2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law « Klein Online
Or mybe there is no secret agenda, no hidden plot, no cabal trying to undermine everything you hold dear and just maybe he's doing what he thinks is best for the United States of America as per his electorial mandate as democratically elected leader of the country.

I know it's a crazy notion but let's at least consider it.

Nooooo thats crazy. Whats more reasonable is to believe that we live in a police state ruled by King Obama who seeks to destroy America.

Maybe if he pronounced himself a "god" like some daft bitch here did when she called herself a "godess", the OP would be happy for the first time in her miserable life.:badgrin:

Now, now....you shouldn't get so upset on your birthday.

April First only comes once a year.

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