A King Instead Of A President?

Nooooo thats crazy. Whats more reasonable is to believe that we live in a police state ruled by King Obama who seeks to destroy America.

It's King Obama now? lol

In its rush to demonize Obama, starting years ago, the rightwing propaganda machine didn't take long to get to the top, Obama as Hitler, Obama as Stalin, Obama as the Anti-Christ.

Now that they have no place higher on the demonization scale to go, apparently they're going back down the scale to see if there were any bad names to call Obama that they might have missed, hence, we get

King Obama. "Sheriff of Nottingham Obama' shouldn't be far behind.

Don't be so hard on us.

We have never seen anything like Obama before. We knew he wasn't one of us. So we explored his birth place for clues.

We knew he was trying to grab power over us so we went to the leading example of that kind of totalitarianism, Hitler.

We know he was surrounded by, taught and mentored by, felt most comfortable with and heavily influenced by Communists so we compared him to Stalin.

We know one of his fathers was an Islamist and he lived in the largest islamic nation on earth, Indonesia, and he is known to have had associations with leading Islamists like Edward Said, so we called him a Muslim.

We have been searching for the right model to compare him to and we have been close but not close enough.

And he has locked down and locked away any clues to his past, (because he knew that information would have foiled his nefarious plot) so we are left to guess.

Do you think it is unreasonable to know these things about the man who would lead, or in this case, mislead US?

Do you know what happened when the Conquistadors landed among the Aztecs?

Montezuma and his tribe didn't know exactly what to make of these strange new visitors.

So, without an accurate reference to compare them to (none existed at the time) the Aztecs just assumed the Spanyards were Gods and they worshipped Cortez and his men.

Somewhat similar to our reaction to Obama without our knowing quite what to make of him we made him a sort of messiah.

Well, what happened with the Aztecs as a result of their erroneous assumption?

Their empire was destroyed. Wiped out.

And what is happening to our nation, our government, our society because we 'worshipped' Obama?

Look around you.

How does it feel to be so wrong about so many things?
11." In February, the Open the Government organization sent a letter to Obama blasting the lack of transparency ... stating the negotiations have been “conducted in unprecedented secrecy.”
“Despite the fact the deal may significantly affect the way we live our lives by limiting our public protections, there has been no public access ....

...warned issues being secretly negotiated include “patent and copyright, land use, food and product standards, natural resources, professional licensing, government procurement, financial practices, healthcare, energy, telecommunications, and other service sector regulations.” OBAMA SECRETLY NEGOTIATING AWAY U.S. SOVEREIGNTY. 2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law « Klein Online

Truly, the ignoramuses who support Obama wish for a king, not a President.

The obvious question is why you linked to my post, and then ignored what it said.

Did you believe that the vid contradicted it?

Rebutted it?

Provided another view?

It did none of those.

Did you want to claim that the loss of American sovereignty is a good thing?

That the world is better without America?

Certainly that is the Liberal view.

The effect of your post is simply one more "is not, is not" post by a reliable Democrat voter.
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"A King Instead Of A President?"

Who would want to be King?

In today's world kings are nothing but figureheads.

Obama would much rather be the American version of Robert Mugabe, Fidel Castro or Idi Amin.
Or mybe there is no secret agenda, no hidden plot, no cabal trying to undermine everything you hold dear and just maybe he's doing what he thinks is best for the United States of America as per his electorial mandate as democratically elected leader of the country.

I know it's a crazy notion but let's at least consider it.

Really.... Yesterday was April Fool's Day and even then I don't think this would have fooled anyone.
8. ... Obama is negotiating the TTIP largely in secret,... new guidelines for everything from food safety to fracking, financial markets, medical prices, copyright rules and Internet freedom.

Yet the Senate must ratify and pass it........

You are so fucking ignorant and yet you think yourself some kind of genius.

Agreements between executive branches of governments of two nations are now no longer classified as treaties, and so do not require the Senates sign off.

Aren't you just a bucket of honey...since your so damning please provide the law that allows this to happen without Congressional approval??
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If you voted for Obama, this is what you intend......so I don't want to hear any more whining that Liberals love our nation as much as conservatives do.

Hardly can a vote determine the future actions of a human. It is illogical to assume such a position. You of course are no clairvoyant and neither are the rest of us...
If you voted for Obama, this is what you intend......so I don't want to hear any more whining that Liberals love our nation as much as conservatives do.

Hardly can a vote determine the future actions of a human. It is illogical to assume such a position. You of course are no clairvoyant and neither are the rest of us...

“It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”

― Yogi Berra
Yesterday I posted an OP about citizenship, and it's relationship to borders and sovereignty.
Included was the following:

The tenets of Liberalism are counter to this theme. Liberalism endorses open borders, and a 'citizen of the world' view....a construct that never has and never will exist.
Beware of a President intent on giving away America's sovereignty.

I did so in preparation for this post.

2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law

2. Wednesday, Obama defended a proposed mega free-trade zone between the world’s two largest economies, the United States and the European Union.

3. Obama was responding to criticism of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP, which the U.S. has been negotiated with the EU since last July

4. .... a proposed “Regulatory Cooperation Council” that would evaluate existing regulations in the U.S. and EU and recommend future rules while coordinating a response to the current regulations.

5. Writing in the left-leaning the Nation magazine, foreign policy analyst Andrew Erwin said the TTIP was less about reducing tariffs and “more about weakening the power of average citizens to defend themselves against corporate labor and environmental abuses.”

6. .... a section in the TTIP called the Investor-State Dispute Settlement, which stipulates foreign corporations can sue the government utilizing a special international tribunal instead of the country’s own domestic system that uses U.S. law.

a. “The tribunals are not accountable to any national public or democratically elected body,”

7. The New York Times, meanwhile, reported earlier this week that some American companies “are concerned that protections for investors will not be part of a deal.”

8. ... Obama is negotiating the TTIP largely in secret,... new guidelines for everything from food safety to fracking, financial markets, medical prices, copyright rules and Internet freedom.

9. The few aspects of the partnership leaked to the public indicate an expansive agenda with highly limited congressional oversight

10. “Ministers and negotiators have made significant progress in recent months on all the legal texts and annexes on access to our respective goods, services, investment, financial services, government procurement, and temporary entry markets,” the White House said." OBAMA SECRETLY NEGOTIATING AWAY U.S. SOVEREIGNTY. 2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law « Klein Online

Liberals/Progressives hate America, American sovereignty, American independence, American exceptionalism.

For the purposes of this post, and self- evident, I believe, a Liberal is anyone who voted for the windbag in the White House.

So much nonsense, so little time.
Yesterday I posted an OP about citizenship, and it's relationship to borders and sovereignty.
Included was the following:

The tenets of Liberalism are counter to this theme. Liberalism endorses open borders, and a 'citizen of the world' view....a construct that never has and never will exist.
Beware of a President intent on giving away America's sovereignty.

I did so in preparation for this post.

2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law

2. Wednesday, Obama defended a proposed mega free-trade zone between the world’s two largest economies, the United States and the European Union.

3. Obama was responding to criticism of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP, which the U.S. has been negotiated with the EU since last July

4. .... a proposed “Regulatory Cooperation Council” that would evaluate existing regulations in the U.S. and EU and recommend future rules while coordinating a response to the current regulations.

5. Writing in the left-leaning the Nation magazine, foreign policy analyst Andrew Erwin said the TTIP was less about reducing tariffs and “more about weakening the power of average citizens to defend themselves against corporate labor and environmental abuses.”

6. .... a section in the TTIP called the Investor-State Dispute Settlement, which stipulates foreign corporations can sue the government utilizing a special international tribunal instead of the country’s own domestic system that uses U.S. law.

a. “The tribunals are not accountable to any national public or democratically elected body,”

7. The New York Times, meanwhile, reported earlier this week that some American companies “are concerned that protections for investors will not be part of a deal.”

8. ... Obama is negotiating the TTIP largely in secret,... new guidelines for everything from food safety to fracking, financial markets, medical prices, copyright rules and Internet freedom.

9. The few aspects of the partnership leaked to the public indicate an expansive agenda with highly limited congressional oversight

10. “Ministers and negotiators have made significant progress in recent months on all the legal texts and annexes on access to our respective goods, services, investment, financial services, government procurement, and temporary entry markets,” the White House said." OBAMA SECRETLY NEGOTIATING AWAY U.S. SOVEREIGNTY. 2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law « Klein Online

Liberals/Progressives hate America, American sovereignty, American independence, American exceptionalism.

For the purposes of this post, and self- evident, I believe, a Liberal is anyone who voted for the windbag in the White House.

So much nonsense, so little time.

Well, let's be ecsatic that you had the time necessary to use all of your ability to compose such an.....insightful.....response.

Bet you have a headache as a result.
Nooooo thats crazy. Whats more reasonable is to believe that we live in a police state ruled by King Obama who seeks to destroy America.

Maybe if he pronounced himself a "god" like some daft bitch here did when she called herself a "godess", the OP would be happy for the first time in her miserable life.:badgrin:

Now, now....you shouldn't get so upset on your birthday.

April First only comes once a year.

You and it have something in common I see. (If you get incredibly lucky)
I have only one King. His name is Jesus Christ. And He asks only for willing disciples.
Maybe if he pronounced himself a "god" like some daft bitch here did when she called herself a "godess", the OP would be happy for the first time in her miserable life.:badgrin:

Now, now....you shouldn't get so upset on your birthday.

April First only comes once a year.

You and it have something in common I see. (If you get incredibly lucky)

It seems that what you and I have in common is that we both found your old avi so ugly that you simply had to change it!

....it was of one of those persons as ugly on the outside as the inside.

I used to look at that pic and wonder if anyone else was hurt in the accident.

So much nonsense, so little time.

So much ignorance and hate as well, not worth wasting time on.

Yet here you are, responding again, complaining that a response is "not worth wasting time on."

I knew this would happen once they stopped teaching logic.

But, then again, honesty isn't a friend to you, either, since we both know that you simply don't have either the ammunition or the ability to counter the posts that you claim are "not worth wasting time on."

Continue to gnash your teeth and be frustrated.
It's karma.
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This prescient note was written in 1954 by Chesly Manly in "The Twenty Year Revolution."

Consider how Stalin's plans of world domination by communism has come to fruition.

1. [When the American people endorsed the United Nations, they] never suspected that
the U.N. was the principal instrument of a gigantic conspiracy to control both the foreign and domestic policies of the United States, subvert the Constitution, and establish a totalitarian society.

2. [The plan was to] to control American domestic policy indirectly through the U.N.
and its specialized agencies, by means of "full employment" measures, trade concessions, and foreign aid which would necessitate excessive spending and taxing levels and gradually strangle free enterprise.

3. Finally, the conspirators hoped to strengthen their control of American internal affairs by means of U.N. treaties, which could destroy the Bill of Rights and reduce Congress to the impotence of the German Reichstag under Hitler or the Supreme Soviet in Communist Russia.


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