A King Instead Of A President?

I did so in preparation for this post.

2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law
I will consider discussing US sovereignty the day US troops will have no presence in any other part of the world outside US borders. peace out.
Oh, and Americans are as much in charge of their country as Dick Cheney is America's dictator:

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Or mybe there is no secret agenda, no hidden plot, no cabal trying to undermine everything you hold dear and just maybe he's doing what he thinks is best for the United States of America as per his electorial mandate as democratically elected leader of the country.

I know it's a crazy notion but let's at least consider it.

I admit to regularly considering that notion but I always quickly return to believing in Obama's Machiavellian nature.

He gives too many indications that there actually IS bad stuff and dirty dealings going on that he doesn't want us to know lest he face a nationwide tsunami of outrage from both sides of the political aisle.

After all, even the most uncynical, loving and benign parents conspire against the wishes of their kids, albeit to keep Jr. from knowing who Santa Claus really is and where the Christmas toys are hidden.

I think there is no doubt that Obama (whose secret activities before running for office are largely kept under lock and key to this day) is following a secret agenda which is 180 degrees counter to what we all believe he's following.

After all, what do you think he meant when he said he was out to fundamentally transform America? Do you think he would say that and simply go on maintaining the status quo?

Look at his background.

You would have to literally force yourself to believe he was unaffected by all of the familial and fraternal and educational and personal and business associations with the many Communists, radicals, Islamists, terrorists, America haters and criminals which no one disputes his being close to before his run for office in Illinois.

And that's exactly what many people have done, because he is Black.

Against all good sense and education, millions of Americans have put on blinders, and deafers and dumbers to support his sham of a presidency 'we all can believe in.'

You need to watch House of Cards to get an idea of how politicians think and how they maneuver and manipulate.

Washington isn't exactly like the way the smash hit Netflix series portrays it, but it's close enough that dozens and dozens of articles have been devoted to discussing just how close HOC reflects reality. Several MSNBC talking heads have eagerly volunteered their dubious endorsements of the show by appearing in some episodes and the resident in chief, himself tweeted (or had tweeted under his name) that he enjoys it.

Whenever I am tempted to think he really is just "a soul whose intentions are good" I quickly pray to my sweet Lord please don't let him continue getting away with his plan to screw up America by being "misunderestimated."
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Or mybe there is no secret agenda, no hidden plot, no cabal trying to undermine everything you hold dear and just maybe he's doing what he thinks is best for the United States of America as per his electorial mandate as democratically elected leader of the country.

I know it's a crazy notion but let's at least consider it.

Nooooo thats crazy. Whats more reasonable is to believe that we live in a police state ruled by King Obama who seeks to destroy America.

It's King Obama now? lol

In its rush to demonize Obama, starting years ago, the rightwing propaganda machine didn't take long to get to the top, Obama as Hitler, Obama as Stalin, Obama as the Anti-Christ.

Now that they have no place higher on the demonization scale to go, apparently they're going back down the scale to see if there were any bad names to call Obama that they might have missed, hence, we get

King Obama. "Sheriff of Nottingham Obama' shouldn't be far behind.
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Or mybe there is no secret agenda, no hidden plot, no cabal trying to undermine everything you hold dear and just maybe he's doing what he thinks is best for the United States of America as per his electorial mandate as democratically elected leader of the country.

I know it's a crazy notion but let's at least consider it.

Nooooo thats crazy. Whats more reasonable is to believe that we live in a police state ruled by King Obama who seeks to destroy America.

He doesn't want to DESTROY America as in "total destruction."

He intends to fundamentally transform America in a way that makes sense to someone who took the dreams from his Communist revolutionary Islamic fathers and who sees America as a milk cow to provide money for the third world countries.

He sees America in the same way that convicted domestic terrorist and former Barack Obama employer, Bill Ayers, sees America.

And in order to make America, to mold America, into the vision they both see in their mind's eye they need to gain greater control over America and Americans so that our dissenters will be unable to stop them from executing their plans.

And all of the things we have been seeing in the news and screaming about in the way of abuses of this country, our fellow citizens, the Constitution, our Government and his presidential powers are merely evidnce of his trying to gain the control he needs in order to execute his plans.

I think it's time now for us to stop looking at the individual scandals and abuses and outrages from his regime as isolated incidents and start connecting all those dots.

The more I look at Bill Ayers the clearer the picture becomes of what Obama wants to do.

Of course you Libs and Ayers acolytes either can't or won't see it, but it is approaching the point of undeniability.

Bill Ayers is a leading name in American education reform and has been busy the past twenty years working toward indoctrinating our school children.

"Education is the motor-force of revolution."

Bill Ayers

I would bet some of the radical voices on the pages of USMB are products of Ayers' propaganda.

And they are the leading supporters of Obama's policies.

Et tu?
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I always thought it was the Judiciary that took on the role of King and "divine right to rule"

All checks and complaints against the other branches of govt, against corporations and partisan conflicts of interest, come down to the legal arguments and what you can or
can't prove or defend in court.

The legal and judicial abuses always seem the hardest to check because of the monopoly
between state bars, lawyers and judicial campaign finances.

Can you really expect the state bars to check themselves?

Most of the problems we see now are due to unequal access to representation
and defense because of the unequal legal system and the influence of lawyers
in all branches of govt.

if we resovle this issue, of equal legal defense and check on abuses of collective influence and resources, the same solutions empower the people to more directly address and resolve all other areas of political, government, economic and social reform.

We could basically represent ourselves directly by groups if we set up means of due process, redressing grievances and conflict resolution on all levels of local and global policy.

Yesterday I posted an OP about citizenship, and it's relationship to borders and sovereignty.
Included was the following:

The tenets of Liberalism are counter to this theme. Liberalism endorses open borders, and a 'citizen of the world' view....a construct that never has and never will exist.
Beware of a President intent on giving away America's sovereignty.

I did so in preparation for this post.

2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law

2. Wednesday, Obama defended a proposed mega free-trade zone between the world’s two largest economies, the United States and the European Union.

3. Obama was responding to criticism of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP, which the U.S. has been negotiated with the EU since last July

4. .... a proposed “Regulatory Cooperation Council” that would evaluate existing regulations in the U.S. and EU and recommend future rules while coordinating a response to the current regulations.

5. Writing in the left-leaning the Nation magazine, foreign policy analyst Andrew Erwin said the TTIP was less about reducing tariffs and “more about weakening the power of average citizens to defend themselves against corporate labor and environmental abuses.”

6. .... a section in the TTIP called the Investor-State Dispute Settlement, which stipulates foreign corporations can sue the government utilizing a special international tribunal instead of the country’s own domestic system that uses U.S. law.

a. “The tribunals are not accountable to any national public or democratically elected body,”

7. The New York Times, meanwhile, reported earlier this week that some American companies “are concerned that protections for investors will not be part of a deal.”

8. ... Obama is negotiating the TTIP largely in secret,... new guidelines for everything from food safety to fracking, financial markets, medical prices, copyright rules and Internet freedom.

9. The few aspects of the partnership leaked to the public indicate an expansive agenda with highly limited congressional oversight

10. “Ministers and negotiators have made significant progress in recent months on all the legal texts and annexes on access to our respective goods, services, investment, financial services, government procurement, and temporary entry markets,” the White House said." OBAMA SECRETLY NEGOTIATING AWAY U.S. SOVEREIGNTY. 2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law « Klein Online

Liberals/Progressives hate America, American sovereignty, American independence, American exceptionalism.

For the purposes of this post, and self- evident, I believe, a Liberal is anyone who voted for the windbag in the White House.
Or mybe there is no secret agenda, no hidden plot, no cabal trying to undermine everything you hold dear and just maybe he's doing what he thinks is best for the United States of America as per his electorial mandate as democratically elected leader of the country.

I know it's a crazy notion but let's at least consider it.

Nooooo thats crazy. Whats more reasonable is to believe that we live in a police state ruled by King Obama who seeks to destroy America.

It's King Obama now? lol

In its rush to demonize Obama, starting years ago, the rightwing propaganda machine didn't take long to get to the top, Obama as Hitler, Obama as Stalin, Obama as the Anti-Christ.

Now that they have no place higher on the demonization scale to go, apparently they're going back down the scale to see if there were any bad names to call Obama that they might have missed, hence, we get

King Obama. "Sheriff of Nottingham Obama' shouldn't be far behind.

Don't be so hard on us.

We have never seen anything like Obama before. We knew he wasn't one of us. So we explored his birth place for clues.

We knew he was trying to grab power over us so we went to the leading example of that kind of totalitarianism, Hitler.

We know he was surrounded by, taught and mentored by, felt most comfortable with and heavily influenced by Communists so we compared him to Stalin.

We know one of his fathers was an Islamist and he lived in the largest islamic nation on earth, Indonesia, and he is known to have had associations with leading Islamists like Edward Said, so we called him a Muslim.

We have been searching for the right model to compare him to and we have been close but not close enough.

And he has locked down and locked away any clues to his past, (because he knew that information would have foiled his nefarious plot) so we are left to guess.

Do you think it is unreasonable to know these things about the man who would lead, or in this case, mislead US?

Do you know what happened when the Conquistadors landed among the Aztecs?

Montezuma and his tribe didn't know exactly what to make of these strange new visitors.

So, without an accurate reference to compare them to (none existed at the time) the Aztecs just assumed the Spanyards were Gods and they worshipped Cortez and his men.

Somewhat similar to our reaction to Obama without our knowing quite what to make of him we made him a sort of messiah.

Well, what happened with the Aztecs as a result of their erroneous assumption?

Their empire was destroyed. Wiped out.

And what is happening to our nation, our government, our society because we 'worshipped' Obama?

Look around you.
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Or mybe there is no secret agenda, no hidden plot, no cabal trying to undermine everything you hold dear and just maybe he's doing what he thinks is best for the United States of America as per his electorial mandate as democratically elected leader of the country.

I know it's a crazy notion but let's at least consider it.

Nooooo thats crazy. Whats more reasonable is to believe that we live in a police state ruled by King Obama who seeks to destroy America.

He doesn't want to DESTROY America as in "total destruction."

He intends to fundamentally transform America in a way that makes sense to someone who took the dreams from his Communist revolutionary Islamic fathers and who sees America as a milk cow to provide money for the third world countries.

He sees America in the same way that convicted domestic terrorist and former Barack Obama employer, Bill Ayers, sees America.

And in order to make America, to mold America, into the vision they both see in their mind's eye they need to gain greater control over America and Americans so that our dissenters will be unable to stop them from executing their plans.

And all of the things we have been seeing in the news and screaming about in the way of abuses of this country, our fellow citizens, the Constitution, our Government and his presidential powers are merely evidnce of his trying to gain the control he needs in order to execute his plans.

I think it's time now for us to stop looking at the individual scandals and abuses and outrages from his regime as isolated incidents and start connecting all those dots.

The more I look at Bill Ayers the clearer the picture becomes of what Obama wants to do.

Of course you Libs and Ayers acolytes either can't or won't see it, but it is approaching the point of undeniability.

Bill Ayers is a leading name in American education reform and has been busy the past twenty years working toward indoctrinating our school children.

"Education is the motor-force of revolution."

Bill Ayers

I would bet some of the radical voices on the pages of USMB are products of Ayers' propaganda.

And they are the leading supporters of Obama's policies.

Et tu?

I saw this movie the other day. or something like it...that too was fiction that made illogical leaps
So when is Obama going to destroy America? After he's left office? He's had 6 years so far and he's only made rich people richer, which Republicans usually call "free-market capitalism".
I always thought it was the Judiciary that took on the role of King and "divine right to rule"

All checks and complaints against the other branches of govt, against corporations and partisan conflicts of interest, come down to the legal arguments and what you can or
can't prove or defend in court.

The legal and judicial abuses always seem the hardest to check because of the monopoly
between state bars, lawyers and judicial campaign finances.

Can you really expect the state bars to check themselves?

Most of the problems we see now are due to unequal access to representation
and defense because of the unequal legal system and the influence of lawyers
in all branches of govt.

if we resovle this issue, of equal legal defense and check on abuses of collective influence and resources, the same solutions empower the people to more directly address and resolve all other areas of political, government, economic and social reform.

We could basically represent ourselves directly by groups if we set up means of due process, redressing grievances and conflict resolution on all levels of local and global policy.

Yesterday I posted an OP about citizenship, and it's relationship to borders and sovereignty.
Included was the following:

The tenets of Liberalism are counter to this theme. Liberalism endorses open borders, and a 'citizen of the world' view....a construct that never has and never will exist.
Beware of a President intent on giving away America's sovereignty.

I did so in preparation for this post.

2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law

2. Wednesday, Obama defended a proposed mega free-trade zone between the world’s two largest economies, the United States and the European Union.

3. Obama was responding to criticism of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP, which the U.S. has been negotiated with the EU since last July

4. .... a proposed “Regulatory Cooperation Council” that would evaluate existing regulations in the U.S. and EU and recommend future rules while coordinating a response to the current regulations.

5. Writing in the left-leaning the Nation magazine, foreign policy analyst Andrew Erwin said the TTIP was less about reducing tariffs and “more about weakening the power of average citizens to defend themselves against corporate labor and environmental abuses.”

6. .... a section in the TTIP called the Investor-State Dispute Settlement, which stipulates foreign corporations can sue the government utilizing a special international tribunal instead of the country’s own domestic system that uses U.S. law.

a. “The tribunals are not accountable to any national public or democratically elected body,”

7. The New York Times, meanwhile, reported earlier this week that some American companies “are concerned that protections for investors will not be part of a deal.”

8. ... Obama is negotiating the TTIP largely in secret,... new guidelines for everything from food safety to fracking, financial markets, medical prices, copyright rules and Internet freedom.

9. The few aspects of the partnership leaked to the public indicate an expansive agenda with highly limited congressional oversight

10. “Ministers and negotiators have made significant progress in recent months on all the legal texts and annexes on access to our respective goods, services, investment, financial services, government procurement, and temporary entry markets,” the White House said." OBAMA SECRETLY NEGOTIATING AWAY U.S. SOVEREIGNTY. 2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law « Klein Online

Liberals/Progressives hate America, American sovereignty, American independence, American exceptionalism.

For the purposes of this post, and self- evident, I believe, a Liberal is anyone who voted for the windbag in the White House.

".... legal and judicial abuses....."

Who makes our laws?

And who changes them...and for what purposes?

13. "The TPP is “more than just a trade deal,” ....Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch in a New York Times op-ed last June.
“Only 5 of its 29 chapters cover traditional trade matters, like tariffs or quotas. The others impose parameters on nontrade policies.

Existing and future American laws must be altered to conform with these terms, or trade sanctions can be imposed against American exports.... regulate the price of medicine. “Pharmaceutical companies, which are among those enjoying access to negotiators as ‘advisers,’ have long lobbied against government efforts to keep the cost of medicines down. Under the agreement, these companies could challenge such measures by claiming that they undermined their new rights granted by the deal.”

a. ...draft TPP provisions related to patents for pharmaceuticals “risk stifling the development and production of generic medicines, by strengthening and deepening monopoly protections.” .... the TPP would grant more incentives to relocate domestic manufacturing offshore
OBAMA SECRETLY NEGOTIATING AWAY U.S. SOVEREIGNTY. 2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law « Klein Online
Yesterday I posted an OP about citizenship, and it's relationship to borders and sovereignty.
Included was the following:

The tenets of Liberalism are counter to this theme. Liberalism endorses open borders, and a 'citizen of the world' view....a construct that never has and never will exist.
Beware of a President intent on giving away America's sovereignty.

Liberals/Progressives hate America, American sovereignty, American independence, American exceptionalism.

For the purposes of this post, and self- evident, I believe, a Liberal is anyone who voted for the windbag in the White House.

Open boarders are a Libertarian platform as well.

The current Libertarian Party (US) Platform states that Libertarians are prepared to welcome refugees, and the LP works against discriminatory policies. In addition it states that a free market requires the free movement of both capital and labor across borders. The platform does allow for control over the entry of people who pose a credible threat to security, health, or property. [1]
Older Libertarian Party (US) Platform stances were more pro-open borders. The 2004 Platform called for "the elimination of all restrictions on immigration, the abolition of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the Border Patrol, and a declaration of full amnesty for all people who have entered the country illegally". [2] Due to fears from the 2001 Terrorist attack, this was changed to permit some immigration controls.

Libertarian perspectives on immigration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyone who voted for Obama is a liberal? You mean, anyone who YOU think is a liberal is a liberal....

EDIT: As a rebuttal to your claim that liberals hate America - I would also submit, that conservatives LOVE America so much that they often wish to secede.
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Nooooo thats crazy. Whats more reasonable is to believe that we live in a police state ruled by King Obama who seeks to destroy America.

It's King Obama now? lol

In its rush to demonize Obama, starting years ago, the rightwing propaganda machine didn't take long to get to the top, Obama as Hitler, Obama as Stalin, Obama as the Anti-Christ.

Now that they have no place higher on the demonization scale to go, apparently they're going back down the scale to see if there were any bad names to call Obama that they might have missed, hence, we get

King Obama. "Sheriff of Nottingham Obama' shouldn't be far behind.

Don't be so hard on us.

We have never seen anything like Obama before. We knew he wasn't one of us. So we explored his birth place for clues.

We knew he was trying to grab power over us so we went to the leading example of that kind of totalitarianism, Hitler.

We know he was surrounded by, taught and mentored by, felt most comfortable with and heavily influenced by Communists so we compared him to Stalin.

We know one of his fathers was an Islamist and he lived in the largest islamic nation on earth, Indonesia, and he is known to have had associations with leading Islamists like Edward Said, so we called him a Muslim.

We have been searching for the right model to compare him to and we have been close but not close enough.

And he has locked down and locked away any clues to his past, (because he knew that information would have foiled his nefarious plot) so we are left to guess.

Do you think it is unreasonable to know these things about the man who would lead, or in this case, mislead US?

Do you know what happened when the Conquistadors landed among the Aztecs?

Montezuma and his tribe didn't know exactly what to make of these strange new visitors.

So, without an accurate reference to compare them to (none existed at the time) the Aztecs just assumed the Spanyards were Gods and they worshipped Cortez and his men.

Somewhat similar to our reaction to Obama without our knowing quite what to make of him we made him a sort of messiah.

Well, what happened with the Aztecs as a result of their erroneous assumption?

Their empire was destroyed. Wiped out.

And what is happening to our nation, our government, our society because we 'worshipped' Obama?

Look around you.

All I see when I look around are the rightwing nuts like you sounding more hysterical and demented than ever.

You're starting to make my ex-wife look sane.
So when is Obama going to destroy America? After he's left office? He's had 6 years so far and he's only made rich people richer, which Republicans usually call "free-market capitalism".

Conservatives are beside themselves at the unwinnable battle they're in;

their ultimate dream is to turn back the clock, but they can't even get the clock to stop moving forward.
8. ... Obama is negotiating the TTIP largely in secret,... new guidelines for everything from food safety to fracking, financial markets, medical prices, copyright rules and Internet freedom.

Yet the Senate must ratify and pass it........

You are so fucking ignorant and yet you think yourself some kind of genius.

Agreements between executive branches of governments of two nations are now no longer classified as treaties, and so do not require the Senates sign off.
So when is Obama going to destroy America? After he's left office? He's had 6 years so far and he's only made rich people richer, which Republicans usually call "free-market capitalism".

Conservatives are beside themselves at the unwinnable battle they're in;

their ultimate dream is to turn back the clock, but they can't even get the clock to stop moving forward.

That clock you libtards keep yammering about for the past few decades IS BROKEN, dumbass.

Any decent clock can be wound back.
So when is Obama going to destroy America? After he's left office? He's had 6 years so far and he's only made rich people richer, which Republicans usually call "free-market capitalism".

Conservatives are beside themselves at the unwinnable battle they're in;

their ultimate dream is to turn back the clock, but they can't even get the clock to stop moving forward.

That clock you libtards keep yammering about for the past few decades IS BROKEN, dumbass.

Any decent clock can be wound back.

Well, we'll see. We'll if the ACA gets repealed, or if gays get kicked out of the military, or if the minimum wage is abolished, or if same sex marriage disappears, or if the 1964 Civil Rights Act gets repealed,

for starters. We'll see.
Yesterday I posted an OP about citizenship, and it's relationship to borders and sovereignty.
Included was the following:

The tenets of Liberalism are counter to this theme. Liberalism endorses open borders, and a 'citizen of the world' view....a construct that never has and never will exist.
Beware of a President intent on giving away America's sovereignty.

It was ignorant, moronic idiocy in that thread and it’s ignorant, moronic idiocy in this thread as well.
Yesterday I posted an OP about citizenship, and it's relationship to borders and sovereignty.
Included was the following:

The tenets of Liberalism are counter to this theme. Liberalism endorses open borders, and a 'citizen of the world' view....a construct that never has and never will exist.
Beware of a President intent on giving away America's sovereignty.

It was ignorant, moronic idiocy in that thread and it’s ignorant, moronic idiocy in this thread as well.

I can certainly see why you would claim to be an expert on "ignorant, moronic idiocy."

Practice makes perfect.
  • Thanks
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14. "....Internet freedom advocacy groups have been protesting the TPP, taking specific issue with leaked proposals that would enact strict intellectual property restraints that would effectively change U.S. copyright law.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation argued the TPP would “restrict the ability of Congress to engage in domestic law reform to meet the evolving IP needs of American citizens and the innovative technology sector.”

In a petition signed by more than 30 Internet freedom organizations, the group warned the TPP would “rewrite global rules on intellectual property enforcement.” OBAMA SECRETLY NEGOTIATING AWAY U.S. SOVEREIGNTY. 2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law « Klein Online


"....would “restrict the ability of Congress to engage in domestic law reform to meet the evolving IP needs of American citizens...."

Critical thinking required: without sovereignty, there would be no 'American citizens'......the meaning of 'citizenship' would be moot.

If you voted for Obama, this is what you intend......so I don't want to hear any more whining that Liberals love our nation as much as conservatives do.

They don't.
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11." In February, the Open the Government organization sent a letter to Obama blasting the lack of transparency ... stating the negotiations have been “conducted in unprecedented secrecy.”
“Despite the fact the deal may significantly affect the way we live our lives by limiting our public protections, there has been no public access ....

...warned issues being secretly negotiated include “patent and copyright, land use, food and product standards, natural resources, professional licensing, government procurement, financial practices, healthcare, energy, telecommunications, and other service sector regulations.” OBAMA SECRETLY NEGOTIATING AWAY U.S. SOVEREIGNTY. 2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law « Klein Online

Truly, the ignoramuses who support Obama wish for a king, not a President.

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